diff options
authorBurt P <>2019-08-23 12:28:20 -0500
committerLeandro A. F. Pereira <>2019-08-28 13:15:48 +0200
commita08f2a909f7a67f7ca81354a88b7c2e47dc6f19f (patch)
parent695e8ef2bc0298356918a430e41458e510e7b6c5 (diff)
monitors: displayid fixes
Signed-off-by: Burt P <>
3 files changed, 560 insertions, 179 deletions
diff --git a/deps/sysobj_early/include/util_edid.h b/deps/sysobj_early/include/util_edid.h
index 6f1360b5..319900e2 100644
--- a/deps/sysobj_early/include/util_edid.h
+++ b/deps/sysobj_early/include/util_edid.h
@@ -21,25 +21,42 @@
#ifndef __UTIL_EDID_H__
#define __UTIL_EDID_H__
+#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <stdint.h> /* for *int*_t types */
+#include <glib.h>
+typedef struct _edid edid;
+typedef struct {
+ edid *e;
+ uint32_t offset;
+} edid_addy;
+typedef struct {
+ char *str;
+ uint16_t len;
+ uint8_t is_product_name;
+ uint8_t is_serial;
+} DisplayIDString;
typedef struct {
uint8_t version;
uint8_t extension_length;
uint8_t primary_use_case;
uint8_t extension_count;
- int blocks;
- int checksum_ok;
+ uint16_t blocks;
+ uint8_t checksum_ok;
} DisplayIDMeta;
typedef struct {
- uint8_t *ptr;
+ edid_addy addy;
union {
uint8_t tag;
uint8_t type;
uint8_t revision;
uint8_t len;
+ uint8_t bounds_ok;
} DisplayIDBlock;
/* order by rising priority */
@@ -50,6 +67,7 @@ enum {
@@ -61,9 +79,9 @@ typedef struct {
int horiz_blanking, vert_blanking;
int horiz_pixels, vert_lines, vert_pixels;
float vert_freq_hz;
- int is_interlaced;
+ uint8_t is_interlaced;
+ uint8_t is_preferred;
int stereo_mode;
- int is_preferred;
uint64_t pixel_clock_khz;
int src; /* enum OUTSRC_* */
uint64_t pixels; /* h*v: easier to compare */
@@ -76,34 +94,57 @@ struct edid_std {
struct edid_dtd {
- uint8_t *ptr;
- int cea_ext;
+ edid_addy addy;
+ uint8_t cea_ext; /* in a CEA block vs one of the regular EDID descriptors */
edid_output out;
+ uint8_t bounds_ok;
struct edid_svd {
uint8_t v;
- int is_native;
+ uint8_t is_native;
edid_output out;
struct edid_sad {
uint8_t v[3];
- int format, channels, freq_bits;
+ uint8_t format, channels, freq_bits;
int depth_bits; /* format 1 */
int max_kbps; /* formats 2-8 */
-struct edid_cea_header {
- uint8_t *ptr;
+struct edid_cea_block {
+ edid_addy addy;
int type, len;
+ uint8_t bounds_ok;
-struct edid_cea_block {
- struct edid_cea_header header;
- int reserved[8];
+struct edid_descriptor {
+ edid_addy addy;
+ uint8_t type;
+ char text[14];
+struct edid_manf_date {
+ uint8_t week;
+ uint8_t is_model_year; /* ignore week */
+ uint16_t year;
+ int std; /* enum STD_* */
+enum {
+typedef struct {
+ //TODO: union?
+ char pnp[4];
+ uint32_t oui;
+ uint8_t type; /* enum VEN_TYPE_* */
+} edid_ven;
enum {
@@ -112,21 +153,20 @@ enum {
-typedef struct {
+typedef struct _edid {
union {
void* data;
uint8_t* u8;
uint16_t* u16;
- uint32_t* u32;
unsigned int len;
/* enum STD_* */
int std;
- int ver_major, ver_minor;
- int checksum_ok; /* first 128-byte block only */
- int ext_blocks, ext_blocks_ok, ext_blocks_fail;
+ uint8_t ver_major, ver_minor;
+ uint8_t checksum_ok; /* first 128-byte block only */
+ uint8_t ext_blocks, ext_blocks_ok, ext_blocks_fail;
uint8_t *ext_ok;
int etb_count;
@@ -147,34 +187,39 @@ typedef struct {
int sad_count;
struct edid_sad *sads;
- char ven[4];
- int d_type[4];
- char d_text[4][14];
- /* point into d_text */
+ edid_ven ven;
+ struct edid_descriptor d[4];
+ /* point into d[].text */
char *name;
char *serial;
char *ut1;
char *ut2;
- int a_or_d; /* 0 = analog, 1 = digital */
- int interface; /* digital interface */
- int bpc; /* digital bpc */
+ uint8_t a_or_d; /* 0 = analog, 1 = digital */
+ uint8_t interface; /* digital interface */
+ uint8_t bpc; /* digital bpc */
uint16_t product;
uint32_t n_serial;
- int week, year;
+ struct edid_manf_date dom;
edid_output img;
+ edid_output img_svd;
edid_output img_max;
- int speaker_alloc_bits;
+ uint32_t speaker_alloc_bits;
DisplayIDMeta did;
int did_block_count;
DisplayIDBlock *did_blocks;
+ int did_string_count;
+ DisplayIDString *did_strings;
int didt_count;
edid_output *didts;
+ GString *msg_log;
} edid;
edid *edid_new(const char *data, unsigned int len);
edid *edid_new_from_hex(const char *hex_string);
+edid *edid_new_from_file(const char *path);
void edid_free(edid *e);
char *edid_dump_hex(edid *e, int tabs, int breaks);
@@ -187,6 +232,7 @@ const char *edid_cea_block_type(int type);
const char *edid_cea_audio_type(int type);
char *edid_output_describe(edid_output *out);
+char *edid_base_descriptor_describe(struct edid_descriptor *d);
char *edid_dtd_describe(struct edid_dtd *dtd, int dump_bytes);
char *edid_cea_block_describe(struct edid_cea_block *blk);
char *edid_cea_audio_describe(struct edid_sad *sad);
diff --git a/deps/sysobj_early/src/util_edid.c b/deps/sysobj_early/src/util_edid.c
index 6d90f6ac..9c48a397 100644
--- a/deps/sysobj_early/src/util_edid.c
+++ b/deps/sysobj_early/src/util_edid.c
@@ -31,21 +31,154 @@
#include "util_edid_svd_table.c"
-static int block_check_n(const void *edid_block_bytes, int len) {
- if (!edid_block_bytes) return 0;
+#define NOMASK (~0U)
+#define BFMASK(LSB, MASK) (MASK << LSB)
+#define DPTR(ADDY) (uint8_t*)(&((ADDY).e->u8[(ADDY).offset]))
+#define OFMT "@%03d" /* for addy.offset */
+#define EDID_MSG_STDERR 0
+#define edid_msg(e, msg, ...) {\
+ if (EDID_MSG_STDERR) fprintf (stderr, ">[%s;L%d] " msg "\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
+ g_string_append_printf(e->msg_log, "[%s;L%d] " msg "\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__); }
+static inline
+uint32_t bf_value(uint32_t value, uint32_t mask) {
+ uint32_t result = value & mask;
+ if (result)
+ while(!(mask & 1)) {
+ result >>= 1;
+ mask >>= 1;
+ }
+ return result;
+static inline
+uint8_t bounds_check(edid *e, uint32_t offset) {
+ if (!e) return 0;
+ if (offset > e->len) return 0;
+ return 1;
+static inline
+char *rstr(edid *e, uint32_t offset, uint32_t len) {
+ if (!bounds_check(e, offset+len)) return NULL;
+ char *raw = malloc(len+1), *ret = NULL;
+ strncpy(raw, &e->u8[offset], len);
+ raw[len] = 0;
+ ret = g_utf8_make_valid(raw, len);
+ g_free(raw);
+ return ret;
+static inline
+char *rstr_strip(edid *e, uint32_t offset, uint32_t len) {
+ if (!bounds_check(e, offset+len)) return NULL;
+ char *raw = malloc(len+1), *ret = NULL;
+ strncpy(raw, &e->u8[offset], len);
+ raw[len] = 0;
+ ret = g_strstrip(g_utf8_make_valid(raw, len));
+ g_free(raw);
+ return ret;
+static inline
+uint32_t r8(edid *e, uint32_t offset, uint32_t mask) {
+ if (!bounds_check(e, offset)) return 0;
+ return bf_value(e->u8[offset], mask);
+static inline
+uint32_t r16le(edid *e, uint32_t offset, uint32_t mask) {
+ if (!bounds_check(e, offset+1)) return 0;
+ uint32_t v = (e->u8[offset+1] << 8) + e->u8[offset];
+ return bf_value(v, mask);
+static inline
+uint32_t r16be(edid *e, uint32_t offset, uint32_t mask) {
+ if (!bounds_check(e, offset+1)) return 0;
+ uint32_t v = (e->u8[offset] << 8) + e->u8[offset+1];
+ return bf_value(v, mask);
+static inline
+uint32_t r24le(edid *e, uint32_t offset, uint32_t mask) {
+ if (!bounds_check(e, offset+2)) return 0;
+ uint32_t v = (e->u8[offset+2] << 16) + (e->u8[offset+1] << 8) + e->u8[offset];
+ return bf_value(v, mask);
+static inline
+uint32_t r24be(edid *e, uint32_t offset, uint32_t mask) {
+ if (!bounds_check(e, offset+2)) return 0;
+ uint32_t v = (e->u8[offset] << 16) + (e->u8[offset+1] << 8) + e->u8[offset+2];
+ return bf_value(v, mask);
+static inline
+uint32_t r32le(edid *e, uint32_t offset, uint32_t mask) {
+ if (!bounds_check(e, offset+3)) return 0;
+ uint32_t v = (e->u8[offset+3] << 24) + (e->u8[offset+2] << 16)
+ + (e->u8[offset+1] << 8) + e->u8[offset];
+ return bf_value(v, mask);
+static inline
+uint32_t r32be(edid *e, uint32_t offset, uint32_t mask) {
+ if (!bounds_check(e, offset+3)) return 0;
+ uint32_t v = (e->u8[offset] << 24) + (e->u8[offset+1] << 16)
+ + (e->u8[offset+2] << 8) + e->u8[offset+3];
+ return bf_value(v, mask);
+static inline
+int rpnpcpy(edid_ven *dest, edid *e, uint32_t offset) {
+ uint32_t pnp = r16be(e, offset, NOMASK);
+ edid_ven ret = {.type = VEN_TYPE_INVALID};
+ if (pnp) {
+ ret.type = VEN_TYPE_PNP;
+ ret.pnp[2] = 64 + (pnp & 0x1f);
+ ret.pnp[1] = 64 + ((pnp >> 5) & 0x1f);
+ ret.pnp[0] = 64 + ((pnp >> 10) & 0x1f);
+ *dest = ret;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static inline
+int rouicpy(edid_ven *dest, edid *e, uint32_t offset) {
+ edid_ven ret = {.type = VEN_TYPE_OUI};
+ ret.oui = r24be(e, offset, NOMASK);
+ if (ret.oui) {
+ *dest = ret;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int _block_check_n(const void *bytes, int len) {
+ if (!bytes) return 0;
uint8_t sum = 0;
- uint8_t *data = (uint8_t*)edid_block_bytes;
+ uint8_t *data = (uint8_t*)bytes;
int i;
for(i=0; i<len; i++)
sum += data[i];
return sum == 0 ? 1 : 0;
-static int block_check(const void *edid_block_bytes) {
- /* block must be 128 bytes */
- return block_check_n(edid_block_bytes, 128);
+static int block_check_n(edid *e, uint32_t offset, int len) {
+ if (!bounds_check(e, offset+len)) return 0;
+ return _block_check_n(e->u8, len);
-char *hex_bytes(uint8_t *bytes, int count) {
+static int block_check(edid *e, uint32_t offset) {
+ if (!bounds_check(e, offset+128)) return 0;
+ return _block_check_n(e->u8, 128);
+static char *hex_bytes(uint8_t *bytes, int count) {
char *buffer = malloc(count*3+1), *p = buffer;
memset(buffer, 0, count*3+1);
int i;
@@ -95,67 +228,115 @@ static void edid_output_fill(edid_output *out) {
out->pixels *= out->vert_pixels;
if (out->diag_in) {
- static const char *inlbl = "\""; /* TODO: unicode */
+ static const char *inlbl = "\u2033"; /* double prime */
sprintf(out->class_inch, "%0.1f%s", out->diag_in, inlbl);
-static void cea_block_decode(struct edid_cea_block *blk, edid *e) {
+static void cea_block_decode(struct edid_cea_block *blk) {
+ if (!blk) return;
+ if (!blk->bounds_ok)
+ blk->bounds_ok =
+ bounds_check(blk->addy.e, blk->addy.offset + 1 + blk->len);
+ if (!blk->bounds_ok) return;
+ edid *e = blk->addy.e;
+ uint8_t *ptr = DPTR(blk->addy);
int i;
- if (blk) {
- switch(blk->header.type) {
- case 0x1: /* SADS */
- for(i = 1; i <= blk->header.len; i+=3) {
- struct edid_sad *sad = &e->sads[e->sad_count];
- sad->v[0] = blk->header.ptr[i];
- sad->v[1] = blk->header.ptr[i+1];
- sad->v[2] = blk->header.ptr[i+2];
- sad->format = (sad->v[0] & 0x78) >> 3;
- sad->channels = 1 + sad->v[0] & 0x7;
- sad->freq_bits = sad->v[1];
- if (sad->format == 1) {
- sad->depth_bits = sad->v[2];
- } else if (sad->format >= 2
- && sad->format <= 8) {
- sad->max_kbps = 8 * sad->v[2];
- }
- e->sad_count++;
+ switch(blk->type) {
+ case 0x1: /* SADS */
+ for(i = 1; i <= blk->len; i+=3) {
+ struct edid_sad *sad = &e->sads[e->sad_count];
+ sad->v[0] = ptr[i];
+ sad->v[1] = ptr[i+1];
+ sad->v[2] = ptr[i+2];
+ sad->format = bf_value(sad->v[0], 0x78);
+ sad->channels = 1 + bf_value(sad->v[0], 0x07);
+ sad->freq_bits = sad->v[1];
+ if (sad->format == 1) {
+ sad->depth_bits = sad->v[2];
+ } else if (sad->format >= 2
+ && sad->format <= 8) {
+ sad->max_kbps = 8 * sad->v[2];
- break;
- case 0x4: /* Speaker allocation */
- e->speaker_alloc_bits = blk->header.ptr[1];
- break;
- case 0x2: /* SVDs */
- for(i = 1; i <= blk->header.len; i++)
- e->svds[e->svd_count++].v = blk->header.ptr[i];
- break;
- case 0x3: /* Vendor-specific */
- // TODO:
- default:
- break;
- }
+ e->sad_count++;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x4: /* Speaker allocation */
+ e->speaker_alloc_bits = ptr[1];
+ break;
+ case 0x2: /* SVDs */
+ for(i = 1; i <= blk->len; i++)
+ e->svds[e->svd_count++].v = ptr[i];
+ break;
+ case 0x3: /* Vendor-specific */
+ // TODO:
+ default:
+ break;
-static void did_block_decode(DisplayIDBlock *blk, edid *e) {
+static void did_block_decode(DisplayIDBlock *blk) {
+ if (!blk) return;
+ //printf("did_block_decode: %s\n", hex_bytes(DPTR(blk->addy), blk->len+3));
+ if (!blk->bounds_ok)
+ blk->bounds_ok =
+ bounds_check(blk->addy.e, blk->addy.offset + 3 + blk->len);
+ if (!blk->bounds_ok) return;
+ edid *e = blk->addy.e;
+ uint32_t a = blk->addy.offset + 3;
+ uint8_t *u8 = DPTR(blk->addy);
int b = 3;
- uint8_t *u8 = blk->ptr;
+ edid_ven ven = {};
edid_output out = {};
if (blk) {
switch(blk->type) {
+ case 0: /* Product ID (1.x) */
+ /* UNTESTED */
+ if (rpnpcpy(&ven, e, a) )
+ e->ven = ven;
+ e->did_strings[e->did_string_count].is_product_name = 1;
+ e->did_strings[e->did_string_count].len = blk->len;
+ e->did_strings[e->did_string_count].str = rstr_strip(e, a+12, u8[b+11]);
+ e->name = e->did_strings[e->did_string_count].str;
+ e->did_string_count++;
+ break;
+ case 0x20: /* Product ID */
+ /* UNTESTED */
+ if (rouicpy(&ven, e, a) )
+ e->ven = ven;
+ e->did_strings[e->did_string_count].is_product_name = 1;
+ e->did_strings[e->did_string_count].len = blk->len;
+ e->did_strings[e->did_string_count].str = rstr_strip(e, a+12, u8[b+11]);
+ e->name = e->did_strings[e->did_string_count].str;
+ e->did_string_count++;
+ break;
+ case 0x0a: /* Serial Number (ASCII String) */
+ e->did_strings[e->did_string_count].is_serial = 1;
+ e->did_strings[e->did_string_count].len = blk->len;
+ e->did_strings[e->did_string_count].str = rstr_strip(e, a, blk->len);
+ e->serial = e->did_strings[e->did_string_count].str;
+ e->did_string_count++;
+ break;
+ case 0x0b: /* General Purpose ASCII String */
+ e->did_strings[e->did_string_count].len = blk->len;
+ e->did_strings[e->did_string_count].str = rstr(e, a, blk->len);
+ e->did_string_count++;
+ break;
case 0x03: /* Type I Detailed timings */
- out.pixel_clock_khz = u8[b+2] << 16;
- out.pixel_clock_khz += u8[b+1] << 8;
- out.pixel_clock_khz += u8[b];
- out.pixel_clock_khz *= 10;
- out.horiz_pixels = (u8[b+5] << 8) + u8[b+4];
- out.horiz_blanking = (u8[b+7] << 8) + u8[b+6];
- out.vert_lines = (u8[b+13] << 8) + u8[b+12];
- out.vert_blanking = (u8[b+15] << 8) + u8[b+14];
- out.is_interlaced = (u8[b+3] >> 4) & 0x1;
- out.stereo_mode = (u8[b+3] >> 5) & 0x2;
- out.is_preferred = (u8[b+3] >> 7) & 0x1;
+ out.pixel_clock_khz = 10 * r24le(e, a, NOMASK);
+ out.horiz_pixels = 1 + (u8[b+5] << 8) + u8[b+4];
+ out.horiz_blanking = (u8[b+7] << 8) + u8[b+6];
+ out.vert_lines = 1 + (u8[b+13] << 8) + u8[b+12];
+ out.vert_blanking = (u8[b+15] << 8) + u8[b+14];
+ out.is_interlaced = bf_value(u8[b+3], BFMASK(4, 0x1));
+ out.stereo_mode = bf_value(u8[b+3], BFMASK(5, 0x3));
+ out.is_preferred = bf_value(u8[b+3], BFMASK(7, 0x1));
out.src = OUTSRC_DID_TYPE_I;
e->didts[e->didt_count++] = out;
@@ -193,11 +374,12 @@ static void did_block_decode(DisplayIDBlock *blk, edid *e) {
case 0x81: /* CTA DisplayID, ... Embedded CEA Blocks */
while(b < blk->len) {
int db_type = (u8[b] & 0xe0) >> 5;
- int db_size = u8[b] & 0x1f;
- e->cea_blocks[e->cea_block_count].header.ptr = &u8[b];
- e->cea_blocks[e->cea_block_count].header.type = db_type;
- e->cea_blocks[e->cea_block_count].header.len = db_size;
- cea_block_decode(&e->cea_blocks[e->cea_block_count], e);
+ int db_size = u8[b] & 0x1f;
+ e->cea_blocks[e->cea_block_count].addy.e = blk->addy.e;
+ e->cea_blocks[e->cea_block_count].addy.offset = blk->addy.offset + b;
+ e->cea_blocks[e->cea_block_count].type = db_type;
+ e->cea_blocks[e->cea_block_count].len = db_size;
+ cea_block_decode(&e->cea_blocks[e->cea_block_count]);
b += db_size + 1;
@@ -240,6 +422,8 @@ edid *edid_new(const char *data, unsigned int len) {
e->ver_major = e->u8[18];
e->ver_minor = e->u8[19];
+ e->msg_log = g_string_new(NULL);
#define RESERVE_COUNT 300
e->dtds = malloc(sizeof(struct edid_dtd) * RESERVE_COUNT);
e->cea_blocks = malloc(sizeof(struct edid_cea_block) * RESERVE_COUNT);
@@ -247,24 +431,23 @@ edid *edid_new(const char *data, unsigned int len) {
e->sads = malloc(sizeof(struct edid_sad) * RESERVE_COUNT);
e->did_blocks = malloc(sizeof(DisplayIDBlock) * RESERVE_COUNT);
e->didts = malloc(sizeof(edid_output) * RESERVE_COUNT);
+ e->did_strings = malloc(sizeof(edid_output) * RESERVE_COUNT);
memset(e->dtds, 0, sizeof(struct edid_dtd) * RESERVE_COUNT);
memset(e->cea_blocks, 0, sizeof(struct edid_cea_block) * RESERVE_COUNT);
memset(e->svds, 0, sizeof(struct edid_svd) * RESERVE_COUNT);
memset(e->sads, 0, sizeof(struct edid_sad) * RESERVE_COUNT);
memset(e->did_blocks, 0, sizeof(DisplayIDBlock) * RESERVE_COUNT);
memset(e->didts, 0, sizeof(edid_output) * RESERVE_COUNT);
+ memset(e->did_strings, 0, sizeof(edid_output) * RESERVE_COUNT);
- uint16_t vid = be16toh(e->u16[4]); /* bytes 8-9 */
- e->ven[2] = 64 + (vid & 0x1f);
- e->ven[1] = 64 + ((vid >> 5) & 0x1f);
- e->ven[0] = 64 + ((vid >> 10) & 0x1f);
- e->product = le16toh(e->u16[5]); /* bytes 10-11 */
- e->n_serial = le32toh(e->u32[3]);/* bytes 12-15 */
- e->week = e->u8[16]; /* byte 16 */
- e->year = e->u8[17] + 1990; /* byte 17 */
- if (e->week >= 52)
- e->week = 0;
+ /* base product information */
+ rpnpcpy(&e->ven, e, 8); /* bytes 8-9 */
+ e->product = r16le(e, 10, NOMASK); /* bytes 10-11 */
+ e->n_serial = r32le(e, 12, NOMASK); /* bytes 12-15 */
+ e->dom.week = e->u8[16]; /* byte 16 */
+ e->dom.year = e->u8[17] + 1990; /* byte 17 */
+ e->dom.is_model_year = (e->dom.week > 52);
+ e->dom.std = STD_EDID;
e->a_or_d = (e->u8[20] & 0x80) ? 1 : 0;
if (e->a_or_d == 1) {
@@ -353,23 +536,25 @@ edid *edid_new(const char *data, unsigned int len) {
uint16_t dh, dl;
-#define CHECK_DESCRIPTOR(index, offset) \
- if (e->u8[offset] == 0) { \
- dh = be16toh(e->u16[offset/2]); \
- dl = be16toh(e->u16[offset/2+1]); \
- e->d_type[index] = (dh << 16) + dl; \
- switch(e->d_type[index]) { \
+ e->d[INDEX].addy.e = e; \
+ e->d[INDEX].addy.offset = OFFSET; \
+ if (e->u8[OFFSET] == 0) { \
+ dh = be16toh(e->u16[OFFSET/2]); \
+ dl = be16toh(e->u16[OFFSET/2+1]); \
+ e->d[INDEX].type = (dh << 16) + dl; \
+ switch(e->d[INDEX].type) { \
case 0xfc: case 0xff: case 0xfe: \
- strncpy(e->d_text[index], (char*)e->u8+offset+5, 13); \
- } \
- } else e->dtds[e->dtd_count++].ptr = &e->u8[offset];
+ strncpy(e->d[INDEX].text, (char*)e->u8+OFFSET+5, 13); \
+ } \
+ } else e->dtds[e->dtd_count++].addy = e->d[INDEX].addy;
- e->checksum_ok = block_check(e->data); /* first 128-byte block only */
+ e->checksum_ok = block_check(e, 0); /* first 128-byte block only */
if (len > 128) {
/* check extension blocks */
int blocks = len / 128;
@@ -377,8 +562,9 @@ edid *edid_new(const char *data, unsigned int len) {
e->ext_blocks = blocks;
e->ext_ok = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * blocks);
for(; blocks; blocks--) {
- uint8_t *u8 = e->u8 + (blocks * 128);
- int r = block_check(u8);
+ uint32_t offset = blocks * 128;
+ uint8_t *u8 = e->u8 + offset;
+ int r = block_check(e, offset);
e->ext_ok[blocks-1] = r;
if (r) e->ext_blocks_ok++;
else e->ext_blocks_fail++;
@@ -391,26 +577,27 @@ edid *edid_new(const char *data, unsigned int len) {
else e->std = MAX(e->std, STD_DISPLAYID);
e->did.extension_length = u8[2];
e->did.primary_use_case = u8[3];
- e->did.extension_count = u8[4];
+ e->did.extension_count = u8[4];
+ e->did.checksum_ok = block_check_n(e, offset, e->did.extension_length + 5);
int db_end = u8[2] + 5;
int b = 5;
while(b < db_end) {
+ if (r24le(e, offset + b, NOMASK) == 0) break;
int db_type = u8[b];
int db_revision = u8[b+1] & 0x7;
int db_size = u8[b+2];
- e->did_blocks[e->did_block_count].ptr = &u8[b];
+ e->did_blocks[e->did_block_count].addy.e = e;
+ e->did_blocks[e->did_block_count].addy.offset = offset + b;
e->did_blocks[e->did_block_count].type = db_type;
e->did_blocks[e->did_block_count].revision = db_revision;
e->did_blocks[e->did_block_count].len = db_size;
- did_block_decode(&e->did_blocks[e->did_block_count], e);
+ did_block_decode(&e->did_blocks[e->did_block_count]);
b += db_size + 3;
- if (b != db_end) {
- // over or under-run ...
- }
- e->did.checksum_ok = block_check_n(u8, u8[2] + 5);
+ if (b > db_end)
+ edid_msg(e, "DID block overrun [in ext " OFMT "], expect to end at +%d, but last ends at +%d" , offset, db_end-1, b-1);
//printf("DID: v:%02x el:%d uc:%d ec:%d, blocks:%d ok:%d\n",
// e->did.version, e->did.extension_length,
// e->did.primary_use_case, e->did.extension_count,
@@ -425,19 +612,24 @@ edid *edid_new(const char *data, unsigned int len) {
int b = 4;
while(b < db_end) {
int db_type = (u8[b] & 0xe0) >> 5;
- int db_size = u8[b] & 0x1f;
- e->cea_blocks[e->cea_block_count].header.ptr = &u8[b];
- e->cea_blocks[e->cea_block_count].header.type = db_type;
- e->cea_blocks[e->cea_block_count].header.len = db_size;
- cea_block_decode(&e->cea_blocks[e->cea_block_count], e);
+ int db_size = u8[b] & 0x1f;
+ e->cea_blocks[e->cea_block_count].addy.e = e;
+ e->cea_blocks[e->cea_block_count].addy.offset = offset + b;
+ e->cea_blocks[e->cea_block_count].type = db_type;
+ e->cea_blocks[e->cea_block_count].len = db_size;
+ cea_block_decode(&e->cea_blocks[e->cea_block_count]);
b += db_size + 1;
- if (b > db_end) b = db_end;
+ if (b > db_end) {
+ b = db_end;
+ edid_msg(e, "CEA block overrun [in ext " OFMT "], expect to end at +%d, but last ends at +%d" , offset, db_end-1, b-1);
+ }
/* DTDs */
while(b < 127) {
if (u8[b]) {
- e->dtds[e->dtd_count].ptr = &u8[b];
+ e->dtds[e->dtd_count].addy.e = e;
+ e->dtds[e->dtd_count].addy.offset = offset + b;
e->dtds[e->dtd_count].cea_ext = 1;
@@ -453,19 +645,22 @@ edid *edid_new(const char *data, unsigned int len) {
/* strings */
for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- g_strstrip(e->d_text[i]);
- switch(e->d_type[i]) {
+ if (!g_utf8_validate(e->d[i].text, -1, NULL)) {
+ strcpy(e->d[i].text, "(INVALID)");
+ }
+ g_strstrip(e->d[i].text);
+ switch(e->d[i].type) {
case 0xfc:
- e->name = e->d_text[i];
+ e->name = e->d[i].text;
case 0xff:
- e->serial = e->d_text[i];
+ e->serial = e->d[i].text;
case 0xfe:
if (e->ut1)
- e->ut2 = e->d_text[i];
+ e->ut2 = e->d[i].text;
- e->ut1 = e->d_text[i];
+ e->ut1 = e->d[i].text;
@@ -502,12 +697,18 @@ edid *edid_new(const char *data, unsigned int len) {
/* dtds */
for(i = 0; i < e->dtd_count; i++) {
- uint8_t *u8 = e->dtds[i].ptr;
- uint16_t *u16 = (uint16_t*)e->dtds[i].ptr;
+ edid_addy a = e->dtds[i].addy;
+ if (!e->dtds[i].bounds_ok)
+ e->dtds[i].bounds_ok = bounds_check(a.e, a.offset + 18);
+ if (!e->dtds[i].bounds_ok) {
+ printf("bounds fail\n");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ uint8_t *u8 = DPTR(a);
edid_output *out = &e->dtds[i].out;
if (e->dtds[i].cea_ext) out->src = OUTSRC_CEA_DTD;
else out->src = OUTSRC_DTD;
- out->pixel_clock_khz = le16toh(u16[0]) * 10;
+ out->pixel_clock_khz = 10 * r16le(a.e, a.offset, NOMASK);
out->horiz_pixels =
((u8[4] & 0xf0) << 4) + u8[2];
out->vert_lines =
@@ -548,6 +749,13 @@ edid *edid_new(const char *data, unsigned int len) {
e->img_max.is_preferred = 1;
OUTPUT_CPY_SIZE(e->img_max, tmp);
+ if (e->svds[i].out.pixels > e->img_svd.pixels
+ || e->svds[i].is_native) {
+ e->img_svd = e->svds[i].out;
+ if (e->svds[i].is_native)
+ e->img_svd.is_preferred = 1;
+ OUTPUT_CPY_SIZE(e->img_svd, e->img_max);
+ }
/* didts */
@@ -556,9 +764,9 @@ edid *edid_new(const char *data, unsigned int len) {
int max_pref = e->img_max.is_preferred;
int bigger = (e->didts[i].pixels > e->img_max.pixels);
int better = (e->didts[i].src > e->img_max.src);
- if (bigger && !max_pref
- || pref && !max_pref
- || pref && better) {
+ if ((bigger && !max_pref)
+ || (pref && !max_pref)
+ || (better)) {
edid_output tmp = e->img_max;
e->img_max = e->didts[i];
OUTPUT_CPY_SIZE(e->img_max, tmp);
@@ -582,15 +790,25 @@ edid *edid_new(const char *data, unsigned int len) {
SQUEEZE(sad_count, sads);
SQUEEZE(did_block_count, did_blocks);
SQUEEZE(didt_count, didts);
+ SQUEEZE(did_string_count, did_strings);
return e;
void edid_free(edid *e) {
+ int i;
if (e) {
+ g_free(e->svds);
+ g_free(e->sads);
+ g_free(e->did_blocks);
+ g_free(e->didts);
+ for(i = 0; i < e->did_string_count; i++)
+ g_free(e->did_strings[i].str);
+ g_free(e->did_strings);
+ g_string_free(e->msg_log, TRUE);
@@ -621,6 +839,17 @@ edid *edid_new_from_hex(const char *hex_string) {
return e;
+edid *edid_new_from_file(const char *path) {
+ char *bin = NULL;
+ gsize len = 0;
+ if (g_file_get_contents(path, &bin, &len, NULL) ) {
+ edid *ret = edid_new(bin, len);
+ g_free(bin);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ return NULL;
char *edid_dump_hex(edid *e, int tabs, int breaks) {
if (!e) return NULL;
int lines = 1 + (e->len / 16);
@@ -744,6 +973,7 @@ const char *edid_did_block_type(int type) {
case 0x0F: return N_("Display Interface Data (1.x)");
case 0x10: return N_("Stereo Display Interface (1.x)");
case 0x11: return N_("Type V Timing - Short (1.x)");
+ case 0x12: return N_("Tiled Display Topology (1.x)");
case 0x13: return N_("Type VI Timing - Detailed (1.x)");
case 0x7F: return N_("Vendor specific (1.x)");
/* 2.x */
@@ -880,24 +1110,28 @@ char *edid_cea_speaker_allocation_describe(int bitfield, int short_version) {
char *edid_cea_block_describe(struct edid_cea_block *blk) {
gchar *ret = NULL;
if (blk) {
- char *hb = hex_bytes(blk->header.ptr, blk->header.len+1);
- switch(blk->header.type) {
+ char *hb = hex_bytes(DPTR(blk->addy), blk->len+1);
+ switch(blk->type) {
case 0x1: /* SAD list */
ret = g_strdup_printf("([%x] %s) sads:%d",
- blk->header.type, _(edid_cea_block_type(blk->header.type)),
- blk->header.len/3);
+ blk->type, _(edid_cea_block_type(blk->type)),
+ blk->len/3);
case 0x2: /* SVD list */
ret = g_strdup_printf("([%x] %s) svds:%d",
- blk->header.type, _(edid_cea_block_type(blk->header.type)),
- blk->header.len);
+ blk->type, _(edid_cea_block_type(blk->type)),
+ blk->len);
+ break;
+ case 0x4: /* speaker allocation */
+ ret = g_strdup_printf("([%x] %s) len:%d",
+ blk->type, _(edid_cea_block_type(blk->type)),
+ blk->len);
case 0x3: //TODO
- case 0x4:
ret = g_strdup_printf("([%x] %s) len:%d -- %s",
- blk->header.type, _(edid_cea_block_type(blk->header.type)),
- blk->header.len,
+ blk->type, _(edid_cea_block_type(blk->type)),
+ blk->len,
@@ -906,23 +1140,67 @@ char *edid_cea_block_describe(struct edid_cea_block *blk) {
return ret;
-char *edid_did_block_describe(DisplayIDBlock *blk) {
+char *edid_base_descriptor_describe(struct edid_descriptor *d) {
gchar *ret = NULL;
- if (blk) {
- char *hb = hex_bytes(blk->ptr, blk->len+3);
- switch(blk->type) {
+ if (d) {
+ char *hb = hex_bytes(DPTR(d->addy), 18);
+ char *txt = NULL;
+ switch(d->type) {
+ case 0: /* DTD */
+ txt = "{...}"; /* displayed elsewhere */
+ break;
+ case 0x10: /* dummy */
+ txt = "";
+ break;
- ret = g_strdup_printf("([%02x:r%02x] %s) len:%d -- %s",
- blk->type, blk->revision, _(edid_did_block_type(blk->type)),
- blk->len,
- hb);
+ txt = (*d->text) ? d->text : hb;
- }
+ };
+ ret = g_strdup_printf("([%02x] %s) %s",
+ d->type, _(edid_descriptor_type(d->type)),
+ txt);
return ret;
+char *edid_did_block_describe(DisplayIDBlock *blk) {
+ if (!blk) return NULL;
+ gchar *ret = NULL;
+ edid *e = blk->addy.e;
+ uint32_t a = blk->addy.offset + 3;
+ char *str = NULL;
+ //printf("edid_did_block_describe: ((%d)) t:%02x a{%p, %d}...\n", blk->addy.e->did.extension_count, blk->type, blk->addy.e, blk->addy.offset);
+ char *hb = hex_bytes(DPTR(blk->addy), blk->len+3);
+ switch(blk->type) {
+ case 0x0a: /* Product Serial ASCII string */
+ str = rstr_strip(e, a, blk->len);
+ ret = g_strdup_printf("([%02x:r%02x] %s) len:%d \"%s\"",
+ blk->type, blk->revision, _(edid_did_block_type(blk->type)),
+ blk->len,
+ str);
+ break;
+ case 0x0b: /* ASCII string */
+ str = rstr(e, a, blk->len);
+ ret = g_strdup_printf("([%02x:r%02x] %s) len:%d \"%s\"",
+ blk->type, blk->revision, _(edid_did_block_type(blk->type)),
+ blk->len,
+ str);
+ break;
+ default:
+ ret = g_strdup_printf("([%02x:r%02x] %s) len:%d -- %s",
+ blk->type, blk->revision, _(edid_did_block_type(blk->type)),
+ blk->len,
+ hb);
+ break;
+ }
+ free(hb);
+ return ret;
char *edid_output_describe(edid_output *out) {
gchar *ret = NULL;
if (out) {
@@ -941,7 +1219,7 @@ char *edid_dtd_describe(struct edid_dtd *dtd, int dump_bytes) {
gchar *ret = NULL;
if (dtd) {
edid_output *out = &dtd->out;
- char *hb = hex_bytes(dtd->ptr, 18);
+ char *hb = hex_bytes(DPTR(dtd->addy), 18);
ret = g_strdup_printf("%dx%d@%.0f%s, %0.1fx%0.1f%s (%0.1f\") %s %s (%s)%s%s",
out->horiz_pixels, out->vert_lines, out->vert_freq_hz, _("Hz"),
out->horiz_cm, out->vert_cm, _("cm"), out->diag_in,
@@ -955,19 +1233,33 @@ char *edid_dtd_describe(struct edid_dtd *dtd, int dump_bytes) {
return ret;
+char *edid_manf_date_describe(struct edid_manf_date dom) {
+ if (!dom.year) return g_strdup("unspecified");
+ if (dom.is_model_year)
+ return g_strdup_printf(_("model year %d"), dom.year);
+ if (dom.week <= 52)
+ return g_strdup_printf(_("week %d of %d"), dom.week, dom.year);
+ return g_strdup_printf("%d", dom.year);
char *edid_dump2(edid *e) {
char *ret = NULL;
int i;
if (!e) return NULL;
ret = appfnl(ret, "edid version: %d.%d (%d bytes)", e->ver_major, e->ver_minor, e->len);
- ret = appfnl(ret, "extended to: %s", _(edid_standard(e->std)) );
+ if (e->std)
+ ret = appfnl(ret, "extended to: %s", _(edid_standard(e->std)) );
+ ret = appfnl(ret, "mfg: %s, model: [%04x-%08x] %u-%u", e->ven.pnp, e->product, e->n_serial, e->product, e->n_serial);
+ char *dom_desc = edid_manf_date_describe(e->dom);
+ ret = appfnl(ret, "date: %s", dom_desc);
+ g_free(dom_desc);
- ret = appfnl(ret, "mfg: %s, model: [%04x-%08x] %u-%u", e->ven, e->product, e->n_serial, e->product, e->n_serial);
- if (e->week && e->year)
- ret = appf(ret, "", ", dom: week %d of %d", e->week, e->year);
- else if (e->year)
- ret = appf(ret, "", ", dom: %d", e->year);
+ if (e->name)
+ ret = appfnl(ret, "product: %s", e->name);
+ if (e->serial)
+ ret = appfnl(ret, "serial: %s", e->serial);
ret = appfnl(ret, "type: %s", e->a_or_d ? "digital" : "analog");
if (e->bpc)
@@ -976,10 +1268,14 @@ char *edid_dump2(edid *e) {
ret = appfnl(ret, "interface: %s", _(edid_interface(e->interface)));
char *desc = edid_output_describe(&e->img);
+ char *desc_svd = edid_output_describe(&e->img_svd);
char *desc_max = edid_output_describe(&e->img_max);
ret = appfnl(ret, "base(%s): %s", _(edid_output_src(e->img.src)), desc);
- ret = appfnl(ret, "ext(%s): %s", _(edid_output_src(e->img_max.src)), desc_max);
+ if (e->svd_count)
+ ret = appfnl(ret, "svd(%s): %s", _(edid_output_src(e->img_svd.src)), desc_svd);
+ ret = appfnl(ret, "max(%s): %s", _(edid_output_src(e->img_max.src)), desc_max);
+ g_free(desc_svd);
if (e->speaker_alloc_bits) {
@@ -1004,8 +1300,11 @@ char *edid_dump2(edid *e) {
if (e->ext_blocks_ok || e->ext_blocks_fail)
ret = appf(ret, "", ", extension blocks: %d of %d ok", e->ext_blocks_ok, e->ext_blocks_ok + e->ext_blocks_fail);
- for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- ret = appfnl(ret, "descriptor[%d] ([%02x] %s): %s", i, e->d_type[i], _(edid_descriptor_type(e->d_type[i])), *e->d_text[i] ? e->d_text[i] : "{...}");
+ for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ char *desc = edid_base_descriptor_describe(&e->d[i]);
+ ret = appfnl(ret, "descriptor[%d] %s", i, desc);
+ g_free(desc);
+ }
for(i = 0; i < e->ext_blocks; i++) {
int type = e->u8[(i+1)*128];
@@ -1054,6 +1353,12 @@ char *edid_dump2(edid *e) {
+ for(i = 0; i < e->did_string_count; i++) {
+ ret = appfnl(ret, "did_string[%d]: %s", i, e->did_strings[i].str);
+ }
+ ret = appfnl(ret, "parse messages:\n%s---", e->msg_log->str);
return ret;
diff --git a/modules/devices/monitors.c b/modules/devices/monitors.c
index c761d59d..12231193 100644
--- a/modules/devices/monitors.c
+++ b/modules/devices/monitors.c
@@ -92,18 +92,24 @@ void monitor_free(monitor *m) {
const gchar *monitor_vendor_str(monitor *m) {
if (m->_vstr)
return m->_vstr;
+ edid_ven ven = m->e->ven;
- ids_query_result result = {};
+ if (ven.type == VEN_TYPE_PNP) {
+ ids_query_result result = {};
- if (!edid_ids_file)
- find_edid_ids_file();
+ if (!edid_ids_file)
+ find_edid_ids_file();
- scan_ids_file(edid_ids_file, m->e->ven, &result, -1);
- if (result.results[0]) {
- m->_vstr = g_strdup(result.results[0]);
- return m->_vstr;
+ scan_ids_file(edid_ids_file, ven.pnp, &result, -1);
+ if (result.results[0]) {
+ m->_vstr = g_strdup(result.results[0]);
+ return m->_vstr;
+ }
+ return g_strdup(ven.pnp);
+ } else if (ven.type == VEN_TYPE_OUI) {
+ //TODO...
- return g_strdup(m->e->ven);
+ return "...";
gchar *monitor_name(monitor *m, gboolean include_vendor) {
@@ -114,7 +120,7 @@ gchar *monitor_name(monitor *m, gboolean include_vendor) {
return g_strdup(_("(Unknown)"));
if (include_vendor) {
- if (*e->ven)
+ if (e->ven.type != VEN_TYPE_INVALID)
desc = appfsp(desc, "%s", vendor_get_shortest_name(monitor_vendor_str(m)));
desc = appfsp(desc, "%s", "Unknown");
@@ -174,10 +180,10 @@ static gchar *make_edid_section(monitor *m) {
const gchar *vstr = monitor_vendor_str(m);
gchar *dom = NULL;
- if (e->week && e->year)
- dom = g_strdup_printf(_("Week %d of %d"), e->week, e->year);
- else if (e->year)
- dom = g_strdup_printf("%d", e->year);
+ if (!e->dom.is_model_year && e->dom.week && e->dom.year)
+ dom = g_strdup_printf(_("Week %d of %d"), e->dom.week, e->dom.year);
+ else if (e->dom.year)
+ dom = g_strdup_printf("%d", e->dom.year);
gchar *bpcc = NULL;
if (e->bpc)
@@ -190,7 +196,8 @@ static gchar *make_edid_section(monitor *m) {
const gchar *iface = e->interface ? _(edid_interface(e->interface)) : _("(Unspecified)");
gchar *d_list, *ext_list, *dtd_list, *cea_list,
- *etb_list, *std_list, *svd_list, *sad_list;
+ *etb_list, *std_list, *svd_list, *sad_list,
+ *didt_list, *did_string_list;
etb_list = NULL;
for(i = 0; i < e->etb_count; i++) {
@@ -209,8 +216,11 @@ static gchar *make_edid_section(monitor *m) {
if (!std_list) std_list = g_strdup_printf("%s=\n", _("(Empty List)"));
d_list = NULL;
- for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- d_list = appfnl(d_list, "descriptor%d = ([%02x] %s): %s", i, e->d_type[i], _(edid_descriptor_type(e->d_type[i])), *e->d_text[i] ? e->d_text[i] : "{...}");
+ for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ char *desc = edid_base_descriptor_describe(&e->d[i]);
+ d_list = appfnl(d_list, "descriptor%d=%s", i, desc);
+ g_free(desc);
+ }
if (!d_list) d_list = g_strdup_printf("%s=\n", _("(Empty List)"));
ext_list = NULL;
@@ -255,6 +265,20 @@ static gchar *make_edid_section(monitor *m) {
if (!sad_list) sad_list = g_strdup_printf("%s=\n", _("(Empty List)"));
+ didt_list = NULL;
+ for(i = 0; i < e->didt_count; i++) {
+ char *desc = edid_output_describe(&e->didts[i]);
+ didt_list = appfnl(didt_list, "didt%d=%s", i, desc);
+ g_free(desc);
+ }
+ if (!didt_list) didt_list = g_strdup_printf("%s=\n", _("(Empty List)"));
+ did_string_list = NULL;
+ for(i = 0; i < e->did_string_count; i++) {
+ did_string_list = appfnl(did_string_list, "did_string%d=%s", i, e->did_strings[i].str);
+ }
+ if (!did_string_list) did_string_list = g_strdup_printf("%s=\n", _("(Empty List)"));
gchar *speakers = NULL;
if (e->speaker_alloc_bits) {
gchar *spk_tmp = edid_cea_speaker_allocation_describe(e->speaker_alloc_bits, 0);
@@ -301,6 +325,8 @@ static gchar *make_edid_section(monitor *m) {
+ "[%s]\n%s\n"
+ "[%s]\n%s\n"
_("Signal Type"), e->a_or_d ? _("Digital") : _("Analog"),
@@ -330,6 +356,8 @@ static gchar *make_edid_section(monitor *m) {
_("EIA/CEA-861 Data Blocks"), cea_list,
_("EIA/CEA-861 Short Audio Descriptors"), sad_list,
_("EIA/CEA-861 Short Video Descriptors"), svd_list,
+ _("DisplayID Timings"), didt_list,
+ _("DisplayID Strings"), did_string_list,
_("Hex Dump"), _("Data"), hex
@@ -343,6 +371,8 @@ static gchar *make_edid_section(monitor *m) {
+ g_free(didt_list);
+ g_free(did_string_list);
//printf("ret: %s\n", ret);
return ret;