path: root/modules/devices/monitors.c
diff options
authorLucas de Castro Borges <>2024-04-22 00:35:56 -0300
committerLucas de Castro Borges <>2024-04-22 00:35:56 -0300
commit754b5d1114f096778e483f8a6f3a5dc333225e26 (patch)
tree30911ec9da4cfd2f5572c27f7288fcbfa4cd212d /modules/devices/monitors.c
parent35c2857da302ab8b3c308052f2cd1674fb4141a6 (diff)
parent5f01c706267c595de92406a32e7f31ef5056c2d0 (diff)
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/2.0.3pre'
Update to upstream version '2.0.3pre' with Debian dir 6683980bf6b5c02f6847fd56765833301f75f4f3
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/devices/monitors.c')
1 files changed, 515 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/devices/monitors.c b/modules/devices/monitors.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..02fb1d67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/devices/monitors.c
@@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
+ * HardInfo - Displays System Information
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2019 L. A. F. Pereira <>
+ * Copyright (C) 2019 Burt P. <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, version 2 or later.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+#include "devices.h"
+#include "util_sysobj.h"
+#include "util_edid.h"
+#include "util_ids.h"
+static const char monitor_icon[] = "monitor.png";
+#define UNKIFNULL2(f) ((f) ? f : _("(Unknown)"))
+#define UNKIFEMPTY2(f) ((*f) ? f : _("(Unknown)"))
+#define UNSPECIFNULL2(f) ((f) ? f : _("(Unspecified)"))
+gboolean no_monitors = FALSE;
+gchar *edid_ids_file = NULL;
+gchar *ieee_oui_ids_file = NULL;
+void find_edid_ids_file() {
+ if (edid_ids_file) return;
+ char *file_search_order[] = {
+ g_build_filename(g_get_user_config_dir(), "hardinfo2", "edid.ids", NULL),
+ g_build_filename(params.path_data, "edid.ids", NULL),
+ };
+ int n;
+ for(n = 0; file_search_order[n]; n++) {
+ if (!edid_ids_file && !access(file_search_order[n], R_OK))
+ edid_ids_file = file_search_order[n];
+ else
+ g_free(file_search_order[n]);
+ }
+ auto_free(edid_ids_file);
+void find_ieee_oui_ids_file() {
+ if (ieee_oui_ids_file) return;
+ char *file_search_order[] = {
+ g_build_filename(g_get_user_config_dir(), "hardinfo2", "ieee_oui.ids", NULL),
+ g_build_filename(params.path_data, "ieee_oui.ids", NULL),
+ };
+ int n;
+ for(n = 0; file_search_order[n]; n++) {
+ if (!ieee_oui_ids_file && !access(file_search_order[n], R_OK))
+ ieee_oui_ids_file = file_search_order[n];
+ else
+ g_free(file_search_order[n]);
+ }
+ auto_free(ieee_oui_ids_file);
+typedef struct {
+ gchar *drm_path;
+ gchar *drm_connection;
+ gchar *drm_status;
+ gchar *drm_enabled;
+ edid *e;
+ gchar *_vstr; /* use monitor_vendor_str() */
+} monitor;
+#define monitor_new() g_new0(monitor, 1)
+monitor *monitor_new_from_sysfs(const gchar *sysfs_edid_file) {
+ gchar *edid_bin = NULL;
+ gsize edid_len = 0;
+ if (!sysfs_edid_file || !*sysfs_edid_file) return NULL;
+ monitor *m = monitor_new();
+ m->drm_path = g_path_get_dirname(sysfs_edid_file);
+ m->drm_connection = g_path_get_basename(m->drm_path);
+ gchar *drm_enabled_file = g_strdup_printf("%s/%s", m->drm_path, "enabled");
+ gchar *drm_status_file = g_strdup_printf("%s/%s", m->drm_path, "status");
+ g_file_get_contents(drm_enabled_file, &m->drm_enabled, NULL, NULL);
+ if (m->drm_enabled) g_strstrip(m->drm_enabled);
+ g_file_get_contents(drm_status_file, &m->drm_status, NULL, NULL);
+ if (m->drm_status) g_strstrip(m->drm_status);
+ g_file_get_contents(sysfs_edid_file, &edid_bin, &edid_len, NULL);
+ if (edid_len)
+ m->e = edid_new(edid_bin, edid_len);
+ g_free(drm_enabled_file);
+ g_free(drm_status_file);
+ return m;
+void monitor_free(monitor *m) {
+ if (m) {
+ g_free(m->_vstr);
+ g_free(m->drm_connection);
+ edid_free(m->e);
+ g_free(m);
+ }
+gchar *monitor_vendor_str(monitor *m, gboolean include_value, gboolean link_name) {
+ if (!m || !m->e) return NULL;
+ edid_ven ven = m->e->ven;
+ gchar v[20] = "", t[4] = "";
+ ids_query_result result;// = {};
+ memset(&result,0,sizeof(ids_query_result));
+ if (ven.type == VEN_TYPE_PNP) {
+ strcpy(v, ven.pnp);
+ strcpy(t, "PNP");
+ } else if (ven.type == VEN_TYPE_OUI) {
+ strcpy(v, ven.oui_str);
+ strcpy(t, "OUI");
+ }
+ if (!m->_vstr) {
+ if (ven.type == VEN_TYPE_PNP) {
+ if (!edid_ids_file)
+ find_edid_ids_file();
+ scan_ids_file(edid_ids_file, v, &result, -1);
+ if (result.results[0])
+ m->_vstr = g_strdup(result.results[0]);
+ } else if (ven.type == VEN_TYPE_OUI) {
+ if (!ieee_oui_ids_file)
+ find_ieee_oui_ids_file();
+ scan_ids_file(ieee_oui_ids_file, v, &result, -1);
+ if (result.results[0])
+ m->_vstr = g_strdup(result.results[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ gchar *ret = NULL;
+ if (include_value)
+ ret = g_strdup_printf("[%s:%s]", t, v);
+ if (m->_vstr) {
+ if (link_name) {
+ gchar *lv = vendor_get_link(m->_vstr);
+ ret = appfsp(ret, "%s", lv);
+ g_free(lv);
+ } else
+ ret = appfsp(ret, "%s", m->_vstr);
+ } else if (!include_value && ven.type == VEN_TYPE_PNP) {
+ ret = appfsp(ret, "%s", ven.pnp);
+ } else
+ ret = appfsp(ret, "%s", _("(Unknown)"));
+ return ret;
+gchar *monitor_name(monitor *m, gboolean include_vendor) {
+ if (!m) return NULL;
+ gchar *desc = NULL;
+ edid *e = m->e;
+ if (!e)
+ return g_strdup(_("(Unknown)"));
+ if (include_vendor) {
+ if (e->ven.type != VEN_TYPE_INVALID) {
+ gchar *vstr = monitor_vendor_str(m, FALSE, FALSE);
+ gchar *vtag = vendor_match_tag(vstr, params.fmt_opts);
+ desc = appfsp(desc, "%s", vtag ? vtag : vstr);
+ g_free(vstr);
+ g_free(vtag);
+ } else
+ desc = appfsp(desc, "%s", "Unknown");
+ }
+ if (e->img_max.diag_in)
+ desc = appfsp(desc, "%s", e->img_max.class_inch);
+ if (e->name)
+ desc = appfsp(desc, "%s", e->name);
+ else
+ desc = appfsp(desc, "%s %s", e->a_or_d ? "Digital" : "Analog", "Display");
+ return desc;
+gchar **get_output_lines(const char *cmd_line) {
+ gboolean spawned;
+ gchar *out, *err;
+ gchar **ret = NULL;
+ spawned = g_spawn_command_line_sync(cmd_line,
+ &out, &err, NULL, NULL);
+ if (spawned) {
+ ret = g_strsplit(out, "\n", -1);
+ g_free(out);
+ g_free(err);
+ }
+ return ret;
+static gchar *tag_make_safe_inplace(gchar *tag) {
+ if (!tag)
+ return tag;
+ if (!g_utf8_validate(tag, -1, NULL))
+ return tag; //TODO: reconsider
+ gchar *p = tag, *pd = tag;
+ while(*p) {
+ gchar *np = g_utf8_next_char(p);
+ gunichar c = g_utf8_get_char_validated(p, -1);
+ int l = g_unichar_to_utf8(c, NULL);
+ if (l == 1 && g_unichar_isalnum(c)) {
+ g_unichar_to_utf8(c, pd);
+ } else {
+ *pd = '_';
+ }
+ p = np;
+ pd++;
+ }
+ return tag;
+static gchar *make_edid_section(monitor *m) {
+ int i;
+ edid *e = m->e;
+ if (e->len) {
+ gchar *vstr = monitor_vendor_str(m, TRUE, FALSE);
+ gchar *dom = NULL;
+ if (!e->dom.is_model_year && e->dom.week && e->dom.year)
+ dom = g_strdup_printf(_("Week %d of %d"), e->dom.week, e->dom.year);
+ else if (e->dom.year)
+ dom = g_strdup_printf("%d", e->dom.year);
+ gchar *bpcc = NULL;
+ if (e->bpc)
+ bpcc = g_strdup_printf("%d", e->bpc);
+ int aok = e->checksum_ok;
+ if (e->ext_blocks_fail) aok = 0;
+ gchar *csum = aok ? _("Ok") : _("Fail");
+ gchar *iface;
+ if (e->interface && e->di.exists) {
+ gchar *tmp = g_strdup_printf("[%x] %s\n[DI-EXT:%x] %s",
+ e->interface, _(edid_interface(e->interface)),
+ e->di.interface, _(edid_di_interface(e->di.interface)) );
+ iface = gg_key_file_parse_string_as_value(tmp, '|');
+ g_free(tmp);
+ } else if (e->di.exists) {
+ iface = g_strdup_printf("[DI-EXT:%x] %s",
+ e->di.interface, _(edid_di_interface(e->di.interface)) );
+ } else {
+ iface = g_strdup_printf("[%x] %s",
+ e->interface,
+ e->interface ? _(edid_interface(e->interface)) : _("(Unspecified)") );
+ }
+ gchar *d_list, *ext_list, *dtd_list, *cea_list,
+ *etb_list, *std_list, *svd_list, *sad_list,
+ *didt_list, *did_string_list;
+ etb_list = NULL;
+ for(i = 0; i < e->etb_count; i++) {
+ char *desc = edid_output_describe(&e->etbs[i]);
+ etb_list = appfnl(etb_list, "etb%d=%s", i, desc);
+ g_free(desc);
+ }
+ if (!etb_list) etb_list = g_strdup_printf("%s=\n", _("(Empty List)"));
+ std_list = NULL;
+ for(i = 0; i < e->std_count; i++) {
+ char *desc = edid_output_describe(&e->stds[i].out);
+ std_list = appfnl(std_list, "std%d=%s", i, desc);
+ g_free(desc);
+ }
+ if (!std_list) std_list = g_strdup_printf("%s=\n", _("(Empty List)"));
+ d_list = NULL;
+ for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ char *desc = edid_base_descriptor_describe(&e->d[i]);
+ d_list = appfnl(d_list, "descriptor%d=%s", i, desc);
+ g_free(desc);
+ }
+ if (!d_list) d_list = g_strdup_printf("%s=\n", _("(Empty List)"));
+ ext_list = NULL;
+ for(i = 0; i < e->ext_blocks; i++) {
+ int type = e->u8[(i+1)*128];
+ int version = e->u8[(i+1)*128 + 1];
+ ext_list = appfnl(ext_list, "ext%d = ([%02x:v%02x] %s) %s", i,
+ type, version, _(edid_ext_block_type(type)),
+ e->ext_ok[i] ? "ok" : "fail"
+ );
+ }
+ if (!ext_list) ext_list = g_strdup_printf("%s=\n", _("(Empty List)"));
+ dtd_list = NULL;
+ for(i = 0; i < e->dtd_count; i++) {
+ char *desc = edid_dtd_describe(&e->dtds[i], 0);
+ dtd_list = appfnl(dtd_list, "dtd%d = %s", i, desc);
+ free(desc);
+ }
+ if (!dtd_list) dtd_list = g_strdup_printf("%s=\n", _("(Empty List)"));
+ cea_list = NULL;
+ for(i = 0; i < e->cea_block_count; i++) {
+ char *desc = edid_cea_block_describe(&e->cea_blocks[i]);
+ cea_list = appfnl(cea_list, "cea_block%d = %s", i, desc);
+ }
+ if (!cea_list) cea_list = g_strdup_printf("%s=\n", _("(Empty List)"));
+ svd_list = NULL;
+ for(i = 0; i < e->svd_count; i++) {
+ char *desc = edid_output_describe(&e->svds[i].out);
+ svd_list = appfnl(svd_list, "svd%d=%s", i, desc);
+ g_free(desc);
+ }
+ if (!svd_list) svd_list = g_strdup_printf("%s=\n", _("(Empty List)"));
+ sad_list = NULL;
+ for(i = 0; i < e->sad_count; i++) {
+ char *desc = edid_cea_audio_describe(&e->sads[i]);
+ sad_list = appfnl(sad_list, "sad%d=%s", i, desc);
+ g_free(desc);
+ }
+ if (!sad_list) sad_list = g_strdup_printf("%s=\n", _("(Empty List)"));
+ didt_list = NULL;
+ for(i = 0; i < e->didt_count; i++) {
+ char *desc = edid_output_describe(&e->didts[i]);
+ didt_list = appfnl(didt_list, "didt%d=%s", i, desc);
+ g_free(desc);
+ }
+ if (!didt_list) didt_list = g_strdup_printf("%s=\n", _("(Empty List)"));
+ did_string_list = NULL;
+ for(i = 0; i < e->did_string_count; i++) {
+ did_string_list = appfnl(did_string_list, "did_string%d=%s", i, e->did_strings[i].str);
+ }
+ if (!did_string_list) did_string_list = g_strdup_printf("%s=\n", _("(Empty List)"));
+ gchar *speakers = NULL;
+ if (e->speaker_alloc_bits) {
+ gchar *spk_tmp = edid_cea_speaker_allocation_describe(e->speaker_alloc_bits, 0);
+ speakers = gg_key_file_parse_string_as_value(spk_tmp, '|');
+ g_free(spk_tmp);
+ } else
+ speakers = g_strdup(_("(Unspecified)"));
+ gchar *hex = edid_dump_hex(e, 0, 1);
+ gchar *hex_esc = gg_key_file_parse_string_as_value(hex, '|');
+ g_free(hex);
+ if (params.markup_ok)
+ hex = g_strdup_printf("<tt>%s</tt>", hex_esc);
+ else
+ hex = g_strdup(hex_esc);
+ g_free(hex_esc);
+ gchar *ret = g_strdup_printf(
+ /* extending "Connection" section */
+ "%s=%s\n" /* sig type */
+ "%s=%s\n" /* interface */
+ "%s=%s\n" /* bpcc */
+ "%s=%s\n" /* speakers */
+ "[%s]\n"
+ "%s=%s\n" /* base out */
+ "%s=%s\n" /* ext out */
+ "[%s]\n"
+ "$^$%s=%s\n" /* vendor */
+ "%s=%s\n" /* name */
+ "%s=[%04x-%08x] %u-%u\n" /* model, n_serial */
+ "%s=%s\n" /* serial */
+ "%s=%s\n" /* dom */
+ "[%s]\n"
+ "%s=%d %s\n" /* size */
+ "%s=%d.%d\n" /* version */
+ "%s=%d\n" /* ext block */
+ "%s=%s\n" /* ext to */
+ "%s=%s %s\n" /* checksum */
+ "[%s]\n%s\n"
+ "[%s]\n%s\n"
+ "[%s]\n%s\n"
+ "[%s]\n%s\n"
+ "[%s]\n%s\n"
+ "[%s]\n%s\n"
+ "[%s]\n%s\n"
+ "[%s]\n%s\n"
+ "[%s]\n%s\n"
+ "[%s]\n%s\n"
+ "[%s]\n%s=%s\n"
+ ,
+ _("Signal Type"), e->a_or_d ? _("Digital") : _("Analog"),
+ _("Interface"), iface,
+ _("Bits per Color Channel"), UNSPECIFNULL2(bpcc),
+ _("Speaker Allocation"), speakers,
+ _("Output (Max)"),
+ edid_output_src(e->img.src), edid_output_describe(&e->img),
+ edid_output_src(e->img_max.src), edid_output_describe(&e->img_max),
+ _("EDID Device"),
+ _("Vendor"), vstr,
+ _("Name"), e->name,
+ _("Model"), e->product, e->n_serial, e->product, e->n_serial,
+ _("Serial"), UNKIFNULL2(e->serial),
+ _("Manufacture Date"), UNKIFNULL2(dom),
+ _("EDID Meta"),
+ _("Data Size"), e->len, _("bytes"),
+ _("Version"), (int)e->ver_major, (int)e->ver_minor,
+ _("Extension Blocks"), e->ext_blocks,
+ _("Extended to"), e->std ? _(edid_standard(e->std)) : _("(None)"),
+ _("Checksum"), csum, aok ? "" : problem_marker(),
+ _("EDID Descriptors"), d_list,
+ _("Detailed Timing Descriptors (DTD)"), dtd_list,
+ _("Established Timings Bitmap (ETB)"), etb_list,
+ _("Standard Timings (STD)"), std_list,
+ _("E-EDID Extension Blocks"), ext_list,
+ _("EIA/CEA-861 Data Blocks"), cea_list,
+ _("EIA/CEA-861 Short Audio Descriptors"), sad_list,
+ _("EIA/CEA-861 Short Video Descriptors"), svd_list,
+ _("DisplayID Timings"), didt_list,
+ _("DisplayID Strings"), did_string_list,
+ _("Hex Dump"), _("Data"), hex
+ );
+ g_free(bpcc);
+ g_free(dom);
+ g_free(d_list);
+ g_free(ext_list);
+ g_free(etb_list);
+ g_free(std_list);
+ g_free(dtd_list);
+ g_free(cea_list);
+ g_free(sad_list);
+ g_free(svd_list);
+ g_free(didt_list);
+ g_free(did_string_list);
+ g_free(iface);
+ g_free(vstr);
+ g_free(hex);
+ //printf("ret: %s\n", ret);
+ return ret;
+ } else
+ return g_strdup("");
+gchar *monitors_get_info() {
+ gchar *icons = g_strdup("");
+ gchar *ret = g_strdup_printf("[%s]\n", _("Monitors"));
+ gchar tag_prefix[] = "DEV";
+ gchar **edid_files = get_output_lines("find /sys/devices -name edid");
+ //gchar **edid_files = get_output_lines("find /home/pburt/github/verbose-spork/junk/testing/.testing/edid2/ -name edid.*");
+ int i, found = 0;
+ for(i = 0; edid_files[i]; i++) {
+ monitor *m = monitor_new_from_sysfs(edid_files[i]);
+ //if (m && m->e->std < STD_DISPLAYID) continue;
+ //if (m && !m->e->interface) continue;
+ //if (m && m->e->interface != 1) continue;
+ if (m && !SEQ(m->drm_status, "disconnected")) {
+ gchar *tag = g_strdup_printf("%d-%s", found, m->drm_connection);
+ tag_make_safe_inplace(tag);
+ gchar *desc = monitor_name(m, TRUE);
+ gchar *edid_section = NULL;
+ edid *e = m->e;
+ if (e && e->checksum_ok)
+ edid_section = make_edid_section(m);
+ gchar *details = g_strdup_printf("[%s]\n"
+ "%s=%s\n"
+ "%s=%s %s\n"
+ "%s\n",
+ _("Connection"),
+ _("DRM"), m->drm_connection,
+ _("Status"), m->drm_status, m->drm_enabled,
+ edid_section ? edid_section : ""
+ );
+ moreinfo_add_with_prefix(tag_prefix, tag, details); /* moreinfo now owns *details */
+ ret = h_strdup_cprintf("$!%s$%s=%s\n",
+ ret, tag, m->drm_connection, desc);
+ icons = h_strdup_cprintf("Icon$%s$=%s\n", icons, tag, monitor_icon);
+ g_free(desc);
+ g_free(edid_section);
+ found++;
+ }
+ monitor_free(m);
+ }
+ g_strfreev(edid_files);
+ no_monitors = FALSE;
+ if(!found) {
+ no_monitors = TRUE;
+ g_free(ret);
+ ret = g_strdup_printf("[%s]\n%s=%s\n" "[$ShellParam$]\nViewType=0\n",
+ _("Monitors"), _("Result"), _("(Empty)") );
+ } else {
+ ret = h_strdup_cprintf(
+ "[$ShellParam$]\nViewType=1\n"
+ "ColumnTitle$TextValue=%s\n" /* DRM connection */
+ "ColumnTitle$Value=%s\n" /* Name */
+ "ShowColumnHeaders=true\n"
+ "%s",
+ ret,
+ _("Connection"),
+ _("Name"),
+ icons
+ );
+ }
+ return ret;
+gboolean monitors_hinote(const char **msg) {
+ return FALSE;