path: root/modules/benchmark.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/benchmark.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 720 deletions
diff --git a/modules/benchmark.c b/modules/benchmark.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 26de9557..00000000
--- a/modules/benchmark.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,720 +0,0 @@
- * HardInfo - Displays System Information
- * Copyright (C) 2003-2009 Leandro A. F. Pereira <>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- */
-#include <hardinfo.h>
-#include <iconcache.h>
-#include <shell.h>
-#include <config.h>
-#include <syncmanager.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <sys/resource.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include "benchmark.h"
-#include "benchmark/bench_results.c"
-bench_value bench_results[BENCHMARK_N_ENTRIES];
-static void do_benchmark(void (*benchmark_function)(void), int entry);
-static gchar *benchmark_include_results_reverse(bench_value result, const gchar * benchmark);
-static gchar *benchmark_include_results(bench_value result, const gchar * benchmark);
-/* ModuleEntry entries, scan_*(), callback_*(), etc. */
-#include "benchmark/benches.c"
-static gboolean sending_benchmark_results = FALSE;
-char *bench_value_to_str(bench_value r) {
- return g_strdup_printf("%lf; %lf; %d", r.result, r.elapsed_time, r.threads_used);
-bench_value bench_value_from_str(const char* str) {
- bench_value ret = EMPTY_BENCH_VALUE;
- double r, e;
- int t, c;
- if (str) {
- c = sscanf(str, "%lf; %lf; %d", &r, &e, &t);
- if (c >= 3) {
- ret.result = r;
- ret.elapsed_time = e;
- ret.threads_used = t;
- }
- }
- return ret;
-typedef struct _ParallelBenchTask ParallelBenchTask;
-struct _ParallelBenchTask {
- gint thread_number;
- guint start, end;
- gpointer data, callback;
- int *stop;
-static gpointer benchmark_crunch_for_dispatcher(gpointer data)
- ParallelBenchTask *pbt = (ParallelBenchTask *)data;
- gpointer (*callback)(void *data, gint thread_number);
- gpointer return_value = g_malloc(sizeof(int));
- int count = 0;
- if ((callback = pbt->callback)) {
- while(!*pbt->stop) {
- callback(pbt->data, pbt->thread_number);
- /* don't count if didn't finish in time */
- if (!*pbt->stop)
- count++;
- }
- } else {
- DEBUG("this is thread %p; callback is NULL and it should't be!", g_thread_self());
- }
- g_free(pbt);
- *(double*)return_value = (double)count;
- return return_value;
-bench_value benchmark_crunch_for(float seconds, gint n_threads,
- gpointer callback, gpointer callback_data) {
- int cpu_procs, cpu_cores, cpu_threads, thread_number, stop = 0;
- GSList *threads = NULL, *t;
- GTimer *timer;
- bench_value ret = EMPTY_BENCH_VALUE;
- timer = g_timer_new();
- cpu_procs_cores_threads(&cpu_procs, &cpu_cores, &cpu_threads);
- if (n_threads > 0)
- ret.threads_used = n_threads;
- else if (n_threads < 0)
- ret.threads_used = cpu_cores;
- else
- ret.threads_used = cpu_threads;
- g_timer_start(timer);
- for (thread_number = 0; thread_number < ret.threads_used; thread_number++) {
- ParallelBenchTask *pbt = g_new0(ParallelBenchTask, 1);
- GThread *thread;
- DEBUG("launching thread %d", thread_number);
- pbt->thread_number = thread_number;
- pbt->data = callback_data;
- pbt->callback = callback;
- pbt->stop = &stop;
- thread = g_thread_new("dispatcher",
- (GThreadFunc)benchmark_crunch_for_dispatcher, pbt);
- threads = g_slist_prepend(threads, thread);
- DEBUG("thread %d launched as context %p", thread_number, thread);
- }
- /* wait for time */
- //while ( g_timer_elapsed(timer, NULL) < seconds ) { }
- g_usleep(seconds * 1000000);
- /* signal all threads to stop */
- stop = 1;
- g_timer_stop(timer);
- ret.result = 0;
- DEBUG("waiting for all threads to finish");
- for (t = threads; t; t = t->next) {
- DEBUG("waiting for thread with context %p", t->data);
- gpointer *rv = g_thread_join((GThread *)t->data);
- ret.result += *(double*)rv;
- g_free(rv);
- }
- ret.elapsed_time = g_timer_elapsed(timer, NULL);
- g_slist_free(threads);
- g_timer_destroy(timer);
- return ret;
-static gpointer benchmark_parallel_for_dispatcher(gpointer data)
- ParallelBenchTask *pbt = (ParallelBenchTask *)data;
- gpointer (*callback)(unsigned int start, unsigned int end, void *data, gint thread_number);
- gpointer return_value = NULL;
- if ((callback = pbt->callback)) {
- DEBUG("this is thread %p; items %d -> %d, data %p", g_thread_self(),
- pbt->start, pbt->end, pbt->data);
- return_value = callback(pbt->start, pbt->end, pbt->data, pbt->thread_number);
- DEBUG("this is thread %p; return value is %p", g_thread_self(), return_value);
- } else {
- DEBUG("this is thread %p; callback is NULL and it should't be!", g_thread_self());
- }
- g_free(pbt);
- return return_value;
-/* one call for each thread to be used */
-bench_value benchmark_parallel(gint n_threads, gpointer callback, gpointer callback_data) {
- int cpu_procs, cpu_cores, cpu_threads;
- cpu_procs_cores_threads(&cpu_procs, &cpu_cores, &cpu_threads);
- if (n_threads == 0) n_threads = cpu_threads;
- else if (n_threads == -1) n_threads = cpu_cores;
- return benchmark_parallel_for(n_threads, 0, n_threads, callback, callback_data);
-/* Note:
- * benchmark_parallel_for(): element [start] included, but [end] is excluded.
- * callback(): expected to processes elements [start] through [end] inclusive.
- */
-bench_value benchmark_parallel_for(gint n_threads, guint start, guint end,
- gpointer callback, gpointer callback_data) {
- gchar *temp;
- int cpu_procs, cpu_cores, cpu_threads;
- guint iter_per_thread, iter, thread_number = 0;
- GSList *threads = NULL, *t;
- GTimer *timer;
- bench_value ret = EMPTY_BENCH_VALUE;
- timer = g_timer_new();
- cpu_procs_cores_threads(&cpu_procs, &cpu_cores, &cpu_threads);
- if (n_threads > 0)
- ret.threads_used = n_threads;
- else if (n_threads < 0)
- ret.threads_used = cpu_cores;
- else
- ret.threads_used = cpu_threads;
- while (ret.threads_used > 0) {
- iter_per_thread = (end - start) / ret.threads_used;
- if (iter_per_thread == 0) {
- DEBUG("not enough items per thread; disabling one thread");
- ret.threads_used--;
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- DEBUG("Using %d threads across %d logical processors; processing %d elements (%d per thread)",
- ret.threads_used, cpu_threads, (end - start), iter_per_thread);
- g_timer_start(timer);
- for (iter = start; iter < end; ) {
- ParallelBenchTask *pbt = g_new0(ParallelBenchTask, 1);
- GThread *thread;
- guint ts = iter, te = iter + iter_per_thread;
- /* add the remainder of items/iter_per_thread to the last thread */
- if (end - te < iter_per_thread)
- te = end;
- iter = te;
- DEBUG("launching thread %d", 1 + thread_number);
- pbt->thread_number = thread_number++;
- pbt->start = ts;
- pbt->end = te - 1;
- pbt->data = callback_data;
- pbt->callback = callback;
- thread = g_thread_new("dispatcher",
- (GThreadFunc)benchmark_parallel_for_dispatcher, pbt);
- threads = g_slist_prepend(threads, thread);
- DEBUG("thread %d launched as context %p", thread_number, thread);
- }
- DEBUG("waiting for all threads to finish");
- for (t = threads; t; t = t->next) {
- DEBUG("waiting for thread with context %p", t->data);
- gpointer *rv = g_thread_join((GThread *)t->data);
- if (rv) {
- if (ret.result == -1.0) ret.result = 0;
- ret.result += *(double*)rv;
- }
- g_free(rv);
- }
- g_timer_stop(timer);
- ret.elapsed_time = g_timer_elapsed(timer, NULL);
- g_slist_free(threads);
- g_timer_destroy(timer);
- DEBUG("finishing; all threads took %f seconds to finish", ret.elapsed_time);
- return ret;
-static gchar *clean_cpuname(gchar *cpuname)
- gchar *ret = NULL, *tmp;
- gchar *remove[] = {
- "(R)", "(r)", "(TM)", "(tm)", "Processor",
- "Technology", "processor", "CPU",
- "cpu", "Genuine", "Authentic", NULL
- };
- gint i;
- ret = g_strdup(cpuname);
- for (i = 0; remove[i]; i++) {
- tmp = strreplace(ret, remove[i], "");
- g_free(ret);
- ret = tmp;
- }
- ret = strend(ret, '@');
- ret = g_strstrip(ret);
- tmp = g_strdup(ret);
- g_free(ret);
- return tmp;
-gchar *hi_more_info(gchar * entry)
- gchar *info = moreinfo_lookup_with_prefix("BENCH", entry);
- if (info)
- return g_strdup(info);
- return g_strdup("?");
-gchar *hi_get_field(gchar * field)
- gchar *info = moreinfo_lookup_with_prefix("BENCH", field);
- if (info)
- return g_strdup(info);
- return g_strdup(field);
-static void br_mi_add(char **results_list, bench_result *b, gboolean select) {
- gchar *ckey, *rkey;
- ckey = hardinfo_clean_label(b->machine->cpu_name, 0);
- rkey = strdup(b->machine->mid);
- *results_list = h_strdup_cprintf("$%s%s$%s=%.2f|%s\n", *results_list,
- select ? "*" : "", rkey, ckey,
- b->bvalue.result, b->machine->cpu_config);
- moreinfo_add_with_prefix("BENCH", rkey, bench_result_more_info(b) );
- g_free(ckey);
- g_free(rkey);
-static gchar *__benchmark_include_results(bench_value r,
- const gchar * benchmark,
- ShellOrderType order_type)
- bench_result *b = NULL;
- GKeyFile *conf;
- gchar **machines, *temp = NULL;;
- gchar *path, *results = g_strdup(""), *return_value, *processor_frequency, *processor_name;
- int i, n_threads;
- moreinfo_del_with_prefix("BENCH");
- if (r.result > 0.0) {
- b = bench_result_this_machine(benchmark, r);
- br_mi_add(&results, b, 1);
- temp = bench_result_benchmarkconf_line(b);
- printf("[%s]\n%s", benchmark, temp);
- g_free(temp); temp = NULL;
- }
- conf = g_key_file_new();
- path = g_build_filename(g_get_home_dir(), ".hardinfo", "benchmark.conf", NULL);
- if (!g_file_test(path, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) {
- DEBUG("local benchmark.conf not found, trying system-wide");
- g_free(path);
- path = g_build_filename(params.path_data, "benchmark.conf", NULL);
- }
- g_key_file_load_from_file(conf, path, 0, NULL);
- g_key_file_set_list_separator(conf, '|');
- machines = g_key_file_get_keys(conf, benchmark, NULL, NULL);
- for (i = 0; machines && machines[i]; i++) {
- gchar **values;
- bench_result *sbr;
- values = g_key_file_get_string_list(conf, benchmark, machines[i], NULL, NULL);
- sbr = bench_result_benchmarkconf(benchmark, machines[i], values);
- br_mi_add(&results, sbr, 0);
- bench_result_free(sbr);
- g_strfreev(values);
- }
- g_strfreev(machines);
- g_free(path);
- g_key_file_free(conf);
- return_value = g_strdup_printf("[$ShellParam$]\n"
- "Zebra=1\n"
- "OrderType=%d\n"
- "ViewType=4\n"
- "ColumnTitle$Extra1=%s\n" /* CPU Clock */
- "ColumnTitle$Progress=%s\n" /* Results */
- "ColumnTitle$TextValue=%s\n" /* CPU */
- "ShowColumnHeaders=true\n"
- "[%s]\n%s",
- order_type,
- _("CPU Config"), _("Results"), _("CPU"),
- benchmark, results);
- bench_result_free(b);
- return return_value;
-static gchar *benchmark_include_results_reverse(bench_value result, const gchar * benchmark)
- return __benchmark_include_results(result, benchmark, SHELL_ORDER_DESCENDING);
-static gchar *benchmark_include_results(bench_value result, const gchar * benchmark)
- return __benchmark_include_results(result, benchmark, SHELL_ORDER_ASCENDING);
-typedef struct _BenchmarkDialog BenchmarkDialog;
-struct _BenchmarkDialog {
- GtkWidget *dialog;
- bench_value r;
-static gboolean do_benchmark_handler(GIOChannel *source,
- GIOCondition condition,
- gpointer data)
- BenchmarkDialog *bench_dialog = (BenchmarkDialog*)data;
- GIOStatus status;
- gchar *result;
- bench_value r = EMPTY_BENCH_VALUE;
- status = g_io_channel_read_line(source, &result, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- if (status != G_IO_STATUS_NORMAL) {
- DEBUG("error while reading benchmark result");
- r.result = -1.0f;
- bench_dialog->r = r;
- gtk_widget_destroy(bench_dialog->dialog);
- return FALSE;
- }
- r = bench_value_from_str(result);
- bench_dialog->r = r;
- gtk_widget_destroy(bench_dialog->dialog);
- g_free(result);
- return FALSE;
-static void do_benchmark(void (*benchmark_function)(void), int entry)
- int old_priority = 0;
- if (params.gui_running && !sending_benchmark_results) {
- gchar *argv[] = { params.argv0, "-b", entries[entry].name,
- "-m", "", "-a", NULL };
- GPid bench_pid;
- gint bench_stdout;
- GtkWidget *bench_dialog;
- GtkWidget *bench_image;
- BenchmarkDialog *benchmark_dialog;
- GSpawnFlags spawn_flags = G_SPAWN_STDERR_TO_DEV_NULL;
- gchar *bench_status;
- bench_value r = EMPTY_BENCH_VALUE;
- bench_results[entry] = r;
- bench_status = g_strdup_printf(_("Benchmarking: <b>%s</b>."), entries[entry].name);
- shell_view_set_enabled(FALSE);
- shell_status_update(bench_status);
- g_free(bench_status);
- bench_image = icon_cache_get_image("benchmark.png");
- gtk_widget_show(bench_image);
-#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(3, 0, 0)
- GtkWidget *button;
- GtkWidget *content_area;
- GtkWidget *hbox;
- GtkWidget *label;
- bench_dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons("",
- _("Cancel"),
- NULL);
- content_area = gtk_dialog_get_content_area(GTK_DIALOG(bench_dialog));
- label = gtk_label_new(_("Benchmarking. Please do not move your mouse " \
- "or press any keys."));
- hbox = gtk_box_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 5);
- gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), bench_image, TRUE, TRUE, 5);
- gtk_box_pack_end(GTK_BOX(hbox), label, TRUE, TRUE, 5);
- gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER (content_area), hbox);
- gtk_widget_show_all(bench_dialog);
- bench_dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new(GTK_WINDOW(shell_get_main_shell()->window),
- _("Benchmarking. Please do not move your mouse " \
- "or press any keys."));
- gtk_dialog_add_buttons(GTK_DIALOG(bench_dialog),
- gtk_message_dialog_set_image(GTK_MESSAGE_DIALOG(bench_dialog), bench_image);
- while (gtk_events_pending()) {
- gtk_main_iteration();
- }
- benchmark_dialog = g_new0(BenchmarkDialog, 1);
- benchmark_dialog->dialog = bench_dialog;
- benchmark_dialog->r = r;
- if (!g_path_is_absolute(params.argv0)) {
- spawn_flags |= G_SPAWN_SEARCH_PATH;
- }
- if (g_spawn_async_with_pipes(NULL,
- argv, NULL,
- spawn_flags,
- &bench_pid,
- NULL, &bench_stdout, NULL,
- NULL)) {
- GIOChannel *channel;
- guint watch_id;
- DEBUG("spawning benchmark; pid=%d", bench_pid);
- channel = g_io_channel_unix_new(bench_stdout);
- watch_id = g_io_add_watch(channel, G_IO_IN, do_benchmark_handler,
- benchmark_dialog);
- switch (gtk_dialog_run(GTK_DIALOG(bench_dialog))) {
- DEBUG("benchmark finished");
- break;
- DEBUG("cancelling benchmark");
- gtk_widget_destroy(bench_dialog);
- g_source_remove(watch_id);
- kill(bench_pid, SIGINT);
- }
- bench_results[entry] = benchmark_dialog->r;
- g_io_channel_unref(channel);
- shell_view_set_enabled(TRUE);
- shell_status_set_enabled(TRUE);
- g_free(benchmark_dialog);
- shell_status_update(_("Done."));
- return;
- }
- gtk_widget_destroy(bench_dialog);
- g_free(benchmark_dialog);
- shell_status_set_enabled(TRUE);
- shell_status_update(_("Done."));
- }
- setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, -20);
- benchmark_function();
- setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, old_priority);
-gchar *hi_module_get_name(void)
- return g_strdup(_("Benchmarks"));
-guchar hi_module_get_weight(void)
- return 240;
-ModuleEntry *hi_module_get_entries(void)
- return entries;
-ModuleAbout *hi_module_get_about(void)
- static ModuleAbout ma[] = {
- {
- .author = "Leandro A. F. Pereira",
- .description = N_("Perform tasks and compare with other systems"),
- .version = VERSION,
- .license = "GNU GPL version 2"}
- };
- return ma;
-static gchar *get_benchmark_results()
- gint i;
- void (*scan_callback) (gboolean rescan);
- sending_benchmark_results = TRUE;
- gchar *machine = module_call_method("devices::getProcessorName");
- gchar *machineclock = module_call_method("devices::getProcessorFrequency");
- gchar *machineram = module_call_method("devices::getMemoryTotal");
- gchar *result = g_strdup_printf("[param]\n"
- "machine=%s\n"
- "machineclock=%s\n"
- "machineram=%s\n"
- "nbenchmarks=%zu\n",
- machine,
- machineclock,
- machineram,
- G_N_ELEMENTS(entries) - 1);
- for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS(entries); i++) {
- scan_callback = entries[i].scan_callback;
- if (!scan_callback)
- continue;
- if (bench_results[i].result < 0.0) {
- /* benchmark was cancelled */
- scan_callback(TRUE);
- } else {
- scan_callback(FALSE);
- }
- result = h_strdup_cprintf("[bench%d]\n"
- "name=%s\n"
- "value=%f\n",
- result,
- i, entries[i].name, bench_results[i]);
- }
- g_free(machine);
- g_free(machineclock);
- g_free(machineram);
- sending_benchmark_results = FALSE;
- return result;
-static gchar *run_benchmark(gchar *name)
- int i;
- DEBUG("name = %s", name);
- for (i = 0; entries[i].name; i++) {
- if (g_str_equal(entries[i].name, name)) {
- void (*scan_callback)(gboolean rescan);
- if ((scan_callback = entries[i].scan_callback)) {
- scan_callback(FALSE);
-#define CHK_RESULT_FORMAT(F) (params.result_format && strcmp(params.result_format, F) == 0)
- if (params.run_benchmark) {
- if (CHK_RESULT_FORMAT("conf") ) {
- bench_result *b = bench_result_this_machine(name, bench_results[i]);
- char *temp = bench_result_benchmarkconf_line(b);
- bench_result_free(b);
- return temp;
- } else if (CHK_RESULT_FORMAT("shell") ) {
- bench_result *b = bench_result_this_machine(name, bench_results[i]);
- char *temp = bench_result_more_info_complete(b);
- bench_result_free(b);
- return temp;
- }
- /* defaults to "short" which is below*/
- }
- return bench_value_to_str(bench_results[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- return NULL;
-ShellModuleMethod *hi_exported_methods(void)
- static ShellModuleMethod m[] = {
- {"runBenchmark", run_benchmark},
- {NULL}
- };
- return m;
-void hi_module_init(void)
- static SyncEntry se[] = {
- {
- .fancy_name = N_("Send benchmark results"),
- .name = "SendBenchmarkResults",
- .save_to = NULL,
- .get_data = get_benchmark_results},
- {
- .fancy_name = N_("Receive benchmark results"),
- .name = "RecvBenchmarkResults",
- .save_to = "benchmark.conf",
- .get_data = NULL}
- };
- sync_manager_add_entry(&se[0]);
- sync_manager_add_entry(&se[1]);
- bench_value er = EMPTY_BENCH_VALUE;
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS(entries) - 1; i++) {
- bench_results[i] = er;
- }
-gchar **hi_module_get_dependencies(void)
- static gchar *deps[] = { "", NULL };
- return deps;