a starter contributors file permits more coders to send pulls and can aprove more quickly avoid waste time in reviews
sync and update translation adn already commited CONTRIBUTION FILE without formating
* added minimal instruction for translation
* added basic intruction for contribution code
* added basic rules to coordinate work
* use markdown format and added .md extension to automatic formating
typo fixeds for right spell
as reviewed, redue the files, organize:
* mixture of TAB and SPACES, but with priority to use SPACES!
* remove the extra info for coding
* corrected the very basic english
* reduced too much unnecessary exposition. only cited the git minimal
* removed API documentation to use a HACK file in future or in docs elsewhere
i put some api info due we do not have the hlp/doc info complete, due my think was made a future pull with improvements only to docs directory.. to mantain organization in work
and i now reduce the rules/settings to only related to how to code minimal, and let the API citation only until we have
priority 4 espaces but not hard rule as discuted in 102#issuecomment-316764510 (#102)
rules about pull request, due hard to review thems
rules about pull request, due amount of mixed and unrelated changes hard to review