/* * sysobj - https://github.com/bp0/verbose-spork * Copyright (C) 2018 Burt P. <pburt0@gmail.com> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "auto_free.h" #if (AF_USE_SYSOBJ) #include "sysobj.h" #else #include <stdio.h> #define sysobj_elapsed() af_elapsed() #define sysobj_stats af_stats static struct { double auto_free_next; unsigned long long auto_freed, auto_free_len; } af_stats; #endif static GMutex free_lock; static GSList *free_list = NULL; static gboolean free_final = FALSE; static GTimer *auto_free_timer = NULL; static guint free_event_source = 0; #define af_elapsed() (auto_free_timer ? g_timer_elapsed(auto_free_timer, NULL) : 0) #define auto_free_msg(msg, ...) fprintf (stderr, "[%s] " msg "\n", __FUNCTION__, ##__VA_ARGS__) /**/ typedef struct { gpointer ptr; GThread *thread; GDestroyNotify f_free; double stamp; const char *file; int line; const char *func; } auto_free_item; gboolean free_auto_free_sf(gpointer trash) { (void)trash; if (free_final) { free_event_source = 0; return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; } free_auto_free(); sysobj_stats.auto_free_next = sysobj_elapsed() + AF_SECONDS; return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; } gpointer auto_free_ex_(gpointer p, GDestroyNotify f, const char *file, int line, const char *func) { if (!p) return p; /* an auto_free() after free_auto_free_final()? * Changed mind, I guess, just go with it. */ if (free_final) free_final = FALSE; if (!auto_free_timer) { auto_free_timer = g_timer_new(); g_timer_start(auto_free_timer); } if (!free_event_source) { /* if there is a main loop, then this will call * free_auto_free() in idle time every AF_SECONDS seconds. * If there is no main loop, then free_auto_free() * will be called at sysobj_cleanup() and when exiting * threads, as in sysobj_foreach(). */ free_event_source = g_timeout_add_seconds(AF_SECONDS, (GSourceFunc)free_auto_free_sf, NULL); sysobj_stats.auto_free_next = sysobj_elapsed() + AF_SECONDS; } auto_free_item *z = g_new0(auto_free_item, 1); z->ptr = p; z->f_free = f; z->thread = g_thread_self(); z->file = file; z->line = line; z->func = func; z->stamp = af_elapsed(); g_mutex_lock(&free_lock); free_list = g_slist_prepend(free_list, z); sysobj_stats.auto_free_len++; g_mutex_unlock(&free_lock); return p; } gpointer auto_free_on_exit_ex_(gpointer p, GDestroyNotify f, const char *file, int line, const char *func) { if (!p) return p; auto_free_item *z = g_new0(auto_free_item, 1); z->ptr = p; z->f_free = f; z->thread = g_thread_self(); z->file = file; z->line = line; z->func = func; z->stamp = -1.0; g_mutex_lock(&free_lock); free_list = g_slist_prepend(free_list, z); sysobj_stats.auto_free_len++; g_mutex_unlock(&free_lock); return p; } static struct { GDestroyNotify fptr; char *name; } free_function_tab[] = { { (GDestroyNotify) g_free, "g_free" }, #if (AF_USE_SYSOBJ) { (GDestroyNotify) sysobj_free, "sysobj_free" }, { (GDestroyNotify) class_free, "class_free" }, { (GDestroyNotify) sysobj_filter_free, "sysobj_filter_free" }, { (GDestroyNotify) sysobj_virt_free, "sysobj_virt_free" }, #endif { NULL, "(null)" }, }; static void free_auto_free_ex(gboolean thread_final) { GThread *this_thread = g_thread_self(); GSList *l = NULL, *n = NULL; long long unsigned fc = 0; double now = af_elapsed(); if (!free_list) return; g_mutex_lock(&free_lock); if (DEBUG_AUTO_FREE) auto_free_msg("%llu total items in queue, but will free from thread %p only... ", sysobj_stats.auto_free_len, this_thread); for(l = free_list; l; l = n) { auto_free_item *z = (auto_free_item*)l->data; n = l->next; if (!free_final && z->stamp < 0) continue; double age = now - z->stamp; if (free_final || (z->thread == this_thread && (thread_final || age > AF_DELAY_SECONDS) ) ) { if (DEBUG_AUTO_FREE == 2) { char fptr[128] = "", *fname; for(int i = 0; i < (int)G_N_ELEMENTS(free_function_tab); i++) if (z->f_free == free_function_tab[i].fptr) fname = free_function_tab[i].name; if (!fname) { snprintf(fname, 127, "%p", z->f_free); fname = fptr; } if (z->file || z->func) auto_free_msg("free: %s(%p) age:%lfs from %s:%d %s()", fname, z->ptr, age, z->file, z->line, z->func); else auto_free_msg("free: %s(%p) age:%lfs", fname, z->ptr, age); } z->f_free(z->ptr); g_free(z); free_list = g_slist_delete_link(free_list, l); fc++; } } if (DEBUG_AUTO_FREE) auto_free_msg("... freed %llu (from thread %p)", fc, this_thread); sysobj_stats.auto_freed += fc; sysobj_stats.auto_free_len -= fc; g_mutex_unlock(&free_lock); } void free_auto_free_thread_final() { free_auto_free_ex(TRUE); } void free_auto_free_final() { free_final = TRUE; free_auto_free_ex(TRUE); g_timer_destroy(auto_free_timer); auto_free_timer = NULL; } void free_auto_free() { free_auto_free_ex(FALSE); }