/* * sysobj - https://github.com/bp0/verbose-spork * Copyright (C) 2018 Burt P. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gettext.h" #include "util_edid.h" #include "util_sysobj.h" /* block must be 128 bytes */ static int block_check(const void *edid_block_bytes) { if (!edid_block_bytes) return 0; uint8_t sum = 0; uint8_t *data = (uint8_t*)edid_block_bytes; int i; for(i=0; i<128; i++) sum += data[i]; return sum == 0 ? 1 : 0; } char *hex_bytes(uint8_t *bytes, int count) { char *buffer = malloc(count*3+1), *p = buffer; memset(buffer, 0, count*3+1); int i; for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { sprintf(p, "%02x ", (unsigned int)bytes[i]); p += 3; } return buffer; } static void cea_block_decode(struct edid_cea_block *blk) { struct edid_cea_audio *blk_audio = (void*)blk; struct edid_cea_video *blk_video = (void*)blk; struct edid_cea_speaker *blk_speaker = (void*)blk; struct edid_cea_vendor_spec *blk_vendor_spec = (void*)blk; if (blk) { switch(blk->header.type) { case 0x1: blk_audio->format = (blk->header.ptr[1] & 0x78) >> 3; blk_audio->channels = 1 + blk->header.ptr[1] & 0x7; blk_audio->freq_bits = blk->header.ptr[2]; if (blk_audio->format == 1) { blk_audio->depth_bits = blk->header.ptr[3]; } else if (blk_audio->format >= 2 && blk_audio->format <= 8) { blk_audio->max_kbps = blk->header.ptr[3] * 8; } break; case 0x4: blk_speaker->alloc_bits = blk->header.ptr[1]; break; case 0x3: case 0x2: default: break; } } } static void edid_output_fill(edid_output *out) { out->diag_cm = sqrt( (out->horiz_cm * out->horiz_cm) + (out->vert_cm * out->vert_cm) ); out->diag_in = out->diag_cm / 2.54; if (out->is_interlaced) out->vert_pixels = out->vert_lines * 2; else out->vert_pixels = out->vert_lines; static const char *inlbl = "\""; /* TODO: unicode */ sprintf(out->class_inch, "%0.1f%s", out->diag_in, inlbl); util_strchomp_float(out->class_inch); } edid *edid_new(const char *data, unsigned int len) { if (len < 128) return NULL; int i; edid *e = malloc(sizeof(edid)); memset(e, 0, sizeof(edid)); e->data = malloc(len); memcpy(e->data, data, len); e->len = len; e->ver_major = e->u8[18]; e->ver_minor = e->u8[19]; e->dtds = malloc(sizeof(struct edid_dtd) * 1000); e->cea_blocks = malloc(sizeof(struct edid_cea_block) * 1000); memset(e->dtds, 0, sizeof(struct edid_dtd) * 1000); memset(e->cea_blocks, 0, sizeof(struct edid_cea_block) * 1000); uint16_t vid = be16toh(e->u16[4]); /* bytes 8-9 */ e->ven[2] = 64 + (vid & 0x1f); e->ven[1] = 64 + ((vid >> 5) & 0x1f); e->ven[0] = 64 + ((vid >> 10) & 0x1f); e->product = le16toh(e->u16[5]); /* bytes 10-11 */ e->n_serial = le32toh(e->u32[3]);/* bytes 12-15 */ e->week = e->u8[16]; /* byte 16 */ e->year = e->u8[17] + 1990; /* byte 17 */ if (e->week >= 52) e->week = 0; e->a_or_d = (e->u8[20] & 0x80) ? 1 : 0; if (e->a_or_d == 1) { /* digital */ switch((e->u8[20] >> 4) & 0x7) { case 0x1: e->bpc = 6; break; case 0x2: e->bpc = 8; break; case 0x3: e->bpc = 10; break; case 0x4: e->bpc = 12; break; case 0x5: e->bpc = 14; break; case 0x6: e->bpc = 16; break; } e->interface = e->u8[20] & 0xf; } if (e->u8[21] && e->u8[22]) { e->img.horiz_cm = e->u8[21]; e->img.vert_cm = e->u8[22]; edid_output_fill(&e->img); e->img_max = e->img; } uint16_t dh, dl; #define CHECK_DESCRIPTOR(index, offset) \ if (e->u8[offset] == 0) { \ dh = be16toh(e->u16[offset/2]); \ dl = be16toh(e->u16[offset/2+1]); \ e->d_type[index] = (dh << 16) + dl; \ switch(e->d_type[index]) { \ case 0xfc: case 0xff: case 0xfe: \ strncpy(e->d_text[index], (char*)e->u8+offset+5, 13); \ } \ } else e->dtds[e->dtd_count++].ptr = &e->u8[offset]; CHECK_DESCRIPTOR(0, 54); CHECK_DESCRIPTOR(1, 72); CHECK_DESCRIPTOR(2, 90); CHECK_DESCRIPTOR(3, 108); e->checksum_ok = block_check(e->data); /* first 128-byte block only */ if (len > 128) { /* check extension blocks */ int blocks = len / 128; blocks--; e->ext_blocks = blocks; e->ext_ok = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * blocks); for(; blocks; blocks--) { uint8_t *u8 = e->u8 + (blocks * 128); int r = block_check(u8); e->ext_ok[blocks-1] = r; if (r) e->ext_blocks_ok++; else e->ext_blocks_fail++; if (u8[0] == 0x70) { e->std = MAX(e->std, 2); /* DisplayID */ // TODO: ... } if (u8[0] == 0x02) { e->std = MAX(e->std, 1); /* CEA extension */ int db_end = u8[2]; //printf("db_end: %d\n", db_end); if (db_end) { int b = 4; while(b < db_end) { int db_type = (u8[b] & 0xe0) >> 5; int db_size = u8[b] & 0x1f; //printf("CEA BLK: %s\n", hex_bytes(&u8[b], db_size+1)); e->cea_blocks[e->cea_block_count].header.ptr = &u8[b]; e->cea_blocks[e->cea_block_count].header.type = db_type; e->cea_blocks[e->cea_block_count].header.len = db_size; cea_block_decode(&e->cea_blocks[e->cea_block_count]); e->cea_block_count++; b += db_size + 1; } if (b > db_end) b = db_end; //printf("dtd start: %d\n", b); /* DTDs */ while(b < 127) { if (u8[b]) { //printf("DTD: %s\n", hex_bytes(&u8[b], 18)); e->dtds[e->dtd_count].ptr = &u8[b]; e->dtds[e->dtd_count].cea_ext = 1; e->dtd_count++; } b += 18; } } } } } /* strings */ for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) { g_strstrip(e->d_text[i]); switch(e->d_type[i]) { case 0xfc: e->name = e->d_text[i]; break; case 0xff: e->serial = e->d_text[i]; break; case 0xfe: if (e->ut1) e->ut2 = e->d_text[i]; else e->ut1 = e->d_text[i]; break; } } /* quirks */ if (!e->name) { if (SEQ(e->ut1, "LG Display") && e->ut2) /* LG may use "uspecified text" for name and model */ e->name = e->ut2; else if (SEQ(e->ut1, "AUO") && e->ut2) /* Same with AUO */ e->name = e->ut2; else { if (e->ut1) e->name = e->ut1; if (e->ut2 && !e->serial) e->serial = e->ut2; } } /* dtds */ for(i = 0; i < e->dtd_count; i++) { uint8_t *u8 = e->dtds[i].ptr; edid_output *out = &e->dtds[i].out; if (e->dtds[i].cea_ext) out->src = 2; else out->src = 1; out->pixel_clock_khz = u8[0] * 10; out->horiz_pixels = ((u8[4] & 0xf0) << 4) + u8[2]; out->vert_lines = ((u8[7] & 0xf0) << 4) + u8[5]; out->horiz_cm = ((u8[14] & 0xf0) << 4) + u8[12]; out->horiz_cm /= 10; out->vert_cm = ((u8[14] & 0x0f) << 8) + u8[13]; out->vert_cm /= 10; out->is_interlaced = (u8[17] & 0x80) >> 7; out->stereo_mode = (u8[17] & 0x60) >> 4; out->stereo_mode += u8[17] & 0x01; edid_output_fill(out); } if (e->dtd_count) { /* first DTD replaces the basic EDID size */ e->img_max = e->dtds[0].out; } /* squeeze lists */ if (!e->dtd_count) { free(e->dtds); e->dtds = NULL; } else { e->dtds = realloc(e->dtds, sizeof(struct edid_dtd) * e->dtd_count); } if (!e->cea_block_count) { if (e->cea_blocks) free(e->cea_blocks); e->cea_blocks = NULL; } else { e->cea_blocks = realloc(e->cea_blocks, sizeof(struct edid_cea_block) * e->cea_block_count); } return e; } void edid_free(edid *e) { if (e) { g_free(e->ext_ok); g_free(e->cea_blocks); g_free(e->dtds); g_free(e->data); g_free(e); } } edid *edid_new_from_hex(const char *hex_string) { int blen = strlen(hex_string) / 2; uint8_t *buffer = malloc(blen), *n = buffer; memset(buffer, 0, blen); int len = 0; const char *p = hex_string; char byte[3] = ".."; while(p && *p) { if (isxdigit(p[0]) && isxdigit(p[1])) { byte[0] = p[0]; byte[1] = p[1]; *n = strtol(byte, NULL, 16); n++; len++; p += 2; } else p++; } edid *e = edid_new((char*)buffer, len); free(buffer); return e; } char *edid_dump_hex(edid *e, int tabs, int breaks) { if (!e) return NULL; int lines = e->len / 16; int blen = lines * 35 + 1; unsigned int pc = 0; char *ret = malloc(blen); memset(ret, 0, blen); uint8_t *u8 = e->u8; char *p = ret; for(; lines; lines--) { int i; for(i = 0; i < tabs; i++) sprintf(p++, "\t"); for(i = 0; i < 16; i++) { sprintf(p, "%02x", (unsigned int)*u8); p+=2; u8++; pc++; if (pc == e->len) { if (breaks) sprintf(p++, "\n"); goto edid_dump_hex_done; } } if (breaks) sprintf(p++, "\n"); } edid_dump_hex_done: return ret; } const char *edid_standard(int std) { switch(std) { case 0: return N_("VESA EDID"); case 1: return N_("EIA/CEA-861"); case 2: return N_("VESA DisplayID"); }; return N_("unknown"); } const char *edid_output_src(int src) { switch(src) { case 0: return N_("VESA EDID"); case 1: return N_("VESA EDID DTD"); case 2: return N_("EIA/CEA-861 DTD"); }; return N_("unknown"); } const char *edid_interface(int type) { switch(type) { case 0: return N_("undefined"); case 0x2: return N_("HDMIa"); case 0x3: return N_("HDMIb"); case 0x4: return N_("MDDI"); case 0x5: return N_("DisplayPort"); }; return N_("unknown"); } const char *edid_cea_audio_type(int type) { switch(type) { case 0: case 15: return N_("reserved"); case 1: return N_("LPCM"); case 2: return N_("AC-3"); case 3: return N_("MPEG1 (layers 1 and 2)"); case 4: return N_("MPEG1 layer 3"); case 5: return N_("MPEG2"); case 6: return N_("AAC"); case 7: return N_("DTS"); case 8: return N_("ATRAC"); case 9: return N_("DSD"); case 10: return N_("DD+"); case 11: return N_("DTS-HD"); case 12: return N_("MLP/Dolby TrueHD"); case 13: return N_("DST Audio"); case 14: return N_("WMA Pro"); } return N_("unknown type"); } const char *edid_cea_block_type(int type) { switch(type) { case 0x01: return N_("audio"); case 0x02: return N_("video"); case 0x03: return N_("vendor specific"); case 0x04: return N_("speaker allocation"); } return N_("unknown type"); } const char *edid_ext_block_type(int type) { switch(type) { case 0x00: return N_("timing extension"); case 0x02: return N_("EIA/CEA-861 extension block"); case 0x10: return N_("video timing block"); case 0x20: return N_("EDID 2.0 extension"); case 0x40: return N_("DVI feature data/display information"); case 0x50: return N_("localized strings"); case 0x60: return N_("microdisplay interface"); case 0x70: return N_("DisplayID"); case 0xa7: case 0xaf: case 0xbf: return N_("display transfer characteristics data block"); case 0xf0: return N_("extension block map"); case 0xff: return N_("manufacturer-defined extension/display device data block"); } return N_("unknown block type"); } const char *edid_descriptor_type(int type) { switch(type) { case 0xff: return N_("display serial number"); case 0xfe: return N_("unspecified text"); case 0xfd: return N_("display range limits"); case 0xfc: return N_("display name"); case 0xfb: return N_("additional white point"); case 0xfa: return N_("additional standard timing identifiers"); case 0xf9: return N_("Display Color Management"); case 0xf8: return N_("CVT 3-byte timing codes"); case 0xf7: return N_("additional standard timing"); case 0x10: return N_("dummy"); } if (type && type < 0x0f) return N_("manufacturer reserved descriptor"); return N_("detailed timing descriptor"); } char *edid_cea_block_describe(struct edid_cea_block *blk) { gchar *ret = NULL; gchar *tmp[3] = {}; struct edid_cea_audio *blk_audio = (void*)blk; struct edid_cea_video *blk_video = (void*)blk; struct edid_cea_speaker *blk_speaker = (void*)blk; struct edid_cea_vendor_spec *blk_vendor_spec = (void*)blk; if (blk) { char *hb = hex_bytes(blk->header.ptr, blk->header.len+1); switch(blk->header.type) { case 0x1: #define appfreq(b, f) if (blk_audio->freq_bits & (1 << b)) tmp[0] = appf(tmp[0], ", ", "%d", f); #define appdepth(b, d) if (blk_audio->depth_bits & (1 << b)) tmp[1] = appf(tmp[1], ", ", "%d%s", d, _("-bit")); appfreq(0, 32); appfreq(1, 44); appfreq(2, 48); appfreq(3, 88); appfreq(4, 96); appfreq(5, 176); appfreq(6, 192); if (blk_audio->format == 1) { appdepth(0, 16); appdepth(1, 20); appdepth(2, 24); tmp[2] = g_strdup_printf("depths: %s", tmp[1]); } else if (blk_audio->format >= 2 && blk_audio->format <= 8 ) { tmp[2] = g_strdup_printf("max_bitrate: %d %s", blk_audio->max_kbps, _("kbps")); } else tmp[2] = g_strdup(""); ret = g_strdup_printf("([%x] %s) len:%d format:([%x] %s) channels:%d rates:%s %s %s -- %s", blk->header.type, _(edid_cea_block_type(blk->header.type)), blk->header.len, blk_audio->format, _(edid_cea_audio_type(blk_audio->format)), blk_audio->channels, tmp[0], _("kHz"), tmp[2], hb); g_free(tmp[0]); g_free(tmp[1]); g_free(tmp[2]); break; case 0x4: #define appspk(b, s) if (blk_speaker->alloc_bits & (1 << b)) tmp[0] = appf(tmp[0], ", ", "%s", s); appspk(0, _("LF+LR: Front left and right")); appspk(1, _("LFE: Low-frequency effects")); appspk(2, _("FC: Front center")); appspk(3, _("LR+LR: Rear left and right")); appspk(4, _("RC: Rear center")); appspk(5, _("???")); appspk(6, _("???")); ret = g_strdup_printf("([%x] %s) len:%d %s -- %s", blk->header.type, _(edid_cea_block_type(blk->header.type)), blk->header.len, tmp[0], hb); g_free(tmp[0]); break; case 0x3: case 0x2: default: ret = g_strdup_printf("([%x] %s) len:%d -- %s", blk->header.type, _(edid_cea_block_type(blk->header.type)), blk->header.len, hb); break; } free(hb); } return ret; } char *edid_output_describe(edid_output *out) { gchar *ret = NULL; if (out) { ret = g_strdup_printf("%dx%d, %0.2fx%0.2f%s (%0.1f\") %s %s", out->horiz_pixels, out->vert_pixels, out->horiz_cm, out->vert_cm, _("cm"), out->diag_in, out->is_interlaced ? "interlaced" : "non-interlaced", out->stereo_mode ? "stereo" : "normal"); } return ret; } char *edid_dtd_describe(struct edid_dtd *dtd, int dump_bytes) { gchar *ret = NULL; if (dtd) { edid_output *out = &dtd->out; char *hb = hex_bytes(dtd->ptr, 18); ret = g_strdup_printf("%dx%d, %0.2fx%0.2f%s (%0.1f\") %s %s (%s)%s%s", out->horiz_pixels, out->vert_lines, out->horiz_cm, out->vert_cm, _("cm"), out->diag_in, out->is_interlaced ? "interlaced" : "non-interlaced", out->stereo_mode ? "stereo" : "normal", _(edid_output_src(out->src)), dump_bytes ? " -- " : "", dump_bytes ? hb : ""); free(hb); } return ret; } char *edid_dump2(edid *e) { char *ret = NULL; int i; if (!e) return NULL; ret = appfnl(ret, "edid version: %d.%d (%d bytes)", e->ver_major, e->ver_minor, e->len); ret = appfnl(ret, "extended to: %s", _(edid_standard(e->std)) ); ret = appfnl(ret, "mfg: %s, model: %u, n_serial: %u", e->ven, e->product, e->n_serial); if (e->week && e->year) ret = appf(ret, "", ", dom: week %d of %d", e->week, e->year); else if (e->year) ret = appf(ret, "", ", dom: %d", e->year); ret = appfnl(ret, "type: %s", e->a_or_d ? "digital" : "analog"); if (e->bpc) ret = appfnl(ret, "bits per color channel: %d", e->bpc); if (e->interface) ret = appfnl(ret, "interface: %s", _(edid_interface(e->interface))); char *desc = edid_output_describe(&e->img); char *desc_max = edid_output_describe(&e->img_max); ret = appfnl(ret, "base(%s): %s", _(edid_output_src(e->img.src)), desc); ret = appfnl(ret, "ext(%s): %s", _(edid_output_src(e->img_max.src)), desc_max); g_free(desc); g_free(desc_max); ret = appfnl(ret, "checksum %s", e->checksum_ok ? "ok" : "failed!"); if (e->ext_blocks_ok || e->ext_blocks_fail) ret = appf(ret, "", ", extension blocks: %d of %d ok", e->ext_blocks_ok, e->ext_blocks_ok + e->ext_blocks_fail); for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) ret = appfnl(ret, "descriptor[%d] ([%02x] %s): %s", i, e->d_type[i], _(edid_descriptor_type(e->d_type[i])), *e->d_text[i] ? e->d_text[i] : "{...}"); for(i = 0; i < e->ext_blocks; i++) { int type = e->u8[(i+1)*128]; int version = e->u8[(i+1)*128 + 1]; ret = appfnl(ret, "ext[%d] ([%02x:v%02x] %s) %s", i, type, version, _(edid_ext_block_type(type)), e->ext_ok[i] ? "ok" : "fail" ); } for(i = 0; i < e->dtd_count; i++) { char *desc = edid_dtd_describe(&e->dtds[i], 0); ret = appfnl(ret, "dtd[%d] %s", i, desc); free(desc); } for(i = 0; i < e->cea_block_count; i++) { char *desc = edid_cea_block_describe(&e->cea_blocks[i]); ret = appfnl(ret, "cea_block[%d] %s", i, desc); } return ret; }