/* * sysobj - https://github.com/bp0/verbose-spork * Copyright (C) 2018 Burt P. <pburt0@gmail.com> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "util_ids.h" #include <glib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #define ids_msg(msg, ...) fprintf (stderr, "[%s] " msg "\n", __FUNCTION__, ##__VA_ARGS__) /**/ static int ids_tracing = 0; void ids_trace_start() { ids_tracing = 1; } void ids_trace_stop() { ids_tracing = 0; } ids_query *ids_query_new(const gchar *qpath) { ids_query *s = g_new0(ids_query, 1); s->qpath = qpath ? g_strdup(qpath) : NULL; return s; } void ids_query_free(ids_query *s) { if (s) g_free(s->qpath); g_free(s); } void ids_query_result_cpy(ids_query_result *dest, ids_query_result *src) { if (!dest || !src) return; memcpy(dest, src, sizeof(ids_query_result)); for(int i = 0; dest->results[i]; i++) dest->results[i] = dest->_strs + (src->results[i] - src->_strs); } /* c001 < C 01 */ //TODO: compare more than the first char static int ids_cmp(const char *s1, const char *s2) { int cmp = (s2 ? 1 : 0) - (s1 ? 1 : 0); if (cmp == 0 && isalpha(*s1) && isalpha(*s2)) cmp = (islower(*s2) ? 1 : 0) - (islower(*s1) ? 1 : 0); if (cmp == 0) return g_strcmp0(s1, s2); else return cmp; } static void ids_query_result_set_str(ids_query_result *ret, int tabs, gchar *p) { if (!p) { ret->results[tabs] = p; } else { if (tabs == 0) { ret->results[tabs] = ret->_strs; strncpy(ret->results[tabs], p, IDS_LOOKUP_BUFF_SIZE-1); } else { ret->results[tabs] = ret->results[tabs-1] + strlen(ret->results[tabs-1]) + 1; strncpy(ret->results[tabs], p, IDS_LOOKUP_BUFF_SIZE-1); } } /* all following strings become invalid */ while(tabs < IDS_LOOKUP_MAX_DEPTH) ret->results[++tabs] = NULL; } /* Given a qpath "/X/Y/Z", find names as: * X <name> ->result[0] * \tY <name> ->result[1] * \t\tZ <name> ->result[2] * * Works with: * - pci.ids "<vendor>/<device>/<subvendor> <subdevice>" or "C <class>/<subclass>/<prog-if>" * - arm.ids "<implementer>/<part>" * - sdio.ids "<vendor>/<device>", "C <class>" * - usb.ids "<vendor>/<device>", "C <class>" etc * - edid.ids "<3letter_vendor>" */ long scan_ids_file(const gchar *file, const gchar *qpath, ids_query_result *result, long start_offset) { gchar **qparts = NULL; gchar buff[IDS_LOOKUP_BUFF_SIZE] = ""; ids_query_result ret = {}; gchar *p = NULL; FILE *fd; int tabs; int qdepth; int qpartlen[IDS_LOOKUP_MAX_DEPTH]; long last_root_fpos = -1, fpos, line = -1; if (!qpath) return -1; fd = fopen(file, "r"); if (!fd) { ids_msg("file could not be read: %s", file); return -1; } qparts = g_strsplit(qpath, "/", -1); qdepth = g_strv_length(qparts); if (qdepth > IDS_LOOKUP_MAX_DEPTH) { ids_msg("qdepth (%d) > ids_max_depth (%d) for %s", qdepth, IDS_LOOKUP_MAX_DEPTH, qpath); qdepth = IDS_LOOKUP_MAX_DEPTH; } for(int i = 0; i < qdepth; i++) qpartlen[i] = strlen(qparts[i]); if (start_offset > 0) fseek(fd, start_offset, SEEK_SET); for (fpos = ftell(fd); fgets(buff, IDS_LOOKUP_BUFF_SIZE, fd); fpos = ftell(fd)) { p = strchr(buff, '\n'); if (!p) ids_msg("line longer than IDS_LOOKUP_BUFF_SIZE (%d), file: %s, offset: %ld", IDS_LOOKUP_BUFF_SIZE, file, fpos); line++; /* line ends at comment */ p = strchr(buff, '#'); if (p) *p = 0; /* trim trailing white space */ if (!p) p = buff + strlen(buff); p--; while(p > buff && isspace((unsigned char)*p)) p--; *(p+1) = 0; p = buff; if (buff[0] == 0) continue; /* empty line */ if (buff[0] == '\n') continue; /* empty line */ /* scan for fields */ tabs = 0; while(*p == '\t') { tabs++; p++; } if (tabs >= qdepth) continue; /* too deep */ if (tabs != 0 && !ret.results[tabs-1]) continue; /* not looking at this depth, yet */ if (ret.results[tabs]) goto ids_lookup_done; /* answered at this level */ if (ids_tracing) ids_msg("[%s] looking at (%d) %s...", file, tabs, p); if (g_str_has_prefix(p, qparts[tabs]) && isspace(*(p + qpartlen[tabs])) ) { /* found */ p += qpartlen[tabs]; while(isspace((unsigned char)*p)) p++; /* ffwd */ if (tabs == 0) last_root_fpos = fpos; ids_query_result_set_str(&ret, tabs, p); if (ids_tracing) { int i = 0; for(; i < IDS_LOOKUP_MAX_DEPTH; i++) { if (!qparts[i]) break; ids_msg(" ...[%d]: %s\t--> %s", i, qparts[i], ret.results[i]); } } continue; } if (ids_cmp(p, qparts[tabs]) == 1) { if (ids_tracing) ids_msg("will not be found qparts[tabs] = %s, p = %s", qparts[tabs], p); goto ids_lookup_done; /* will not be found */ } } /* for each line */ ids_lookup_done: if (ids_tracing) ids_msg("bailed at line %ld...", line); fclose(fd); if (result) { ids_query_result_cpy(result, &ret); return last_root_fpos; } return last_root_fpos; } static gint _ids_query_list_cmp(const ids_query *ql1, const ids_query *ql2) { return g_strcmp0(ql1->qpath, ql2->qpath); } long scan_ids_file_list(const gchar *file, ids_query_list query_list, long start_offset) { GSList *tmp = g_slist_copy(query_list); tmp = g_slist_sort(tmp, (GCompareFunc)_ids_query_list_cmp); long offset = start_offset; for (GSList *l = query_list; l; l = l->next) { ids_query *q = l->data; offset = scan_ids_file(file, q->qpath, &(q->result), offset); if (offset == -1) break; } g_slist_free(tmp); return offset; } int query_list_count_found(ids_query_list query_list) { long count = 0; for (GSList *l = query_list; l; l = l->next) { ids_query *q = l->data; if (q->result.results[0]) count++; } return count; } static gchar *split_loc_default(const char *line) { return g_utf8_strchr(line, -1, ' '); } GSList *ids_file_all_get_all(const gchar *file, split_loc_function split_loc_func) { GSList *ret = NULL; gchar buff[IDS_LOOKUP_BUFF_SIZE] = ""; gchar *p = NULL, *name = NULL; FILE *fd; int tabs = 0, tabs_last = 0; long fpos, line = -1; fd = fopen(file, "r"); if (!fd) { ids_msg("file could not be read: %s", file); return ret; } ids_query_result *working = g_new0(ids_query_result, 1); gchar **qparts = g_new0(gchar*, IDS_LOOKUP_MAX_DEPTH + 1); for(tabs = IDS_LOOKUP_MAX_DEPTH-1; tabs>=0; tabs--) qparts[tabs] = g_malloc0(IDS_LOOKUP_BUFF_SIZE); tabs = 0; if (!split_loc_func) split_loc_func = split_loc_default; for (fpos = ftell(fd); fgets(buff, IDS_LOOKUP_BUFF_SIZE, fd); fpos = ftell(fd)) { p = strchr(buff, '\n'); if (!p) ids_msg("line longer than IDS_LOOKUP_BUFF_SIZE (%d), file: %s, offset: %ld", IDS_LOOKUP_BUFF_SIZE, file, fpos); line++; /* line ends at comment */ p = strchr(buff, '#'); if (p) *p = 0; /* trim trailing white space */ if (!p) p = buff + strlen(buff); p--; while(p > buff && isspace((unsigned char)*p)) p--; *(p+1) = 0; p = buff; if (buff[0] == 0) continue; /* empty line */ if (buff[0] == '\n') continue; /* empty line */ /* scan for fields */ tabs = 0; while(*p == '\t') { tabs++; p++; } if (tabs >= IDS_LOOKUP_MAX_DEPTH) continue; /* too deep */ if (tabs > tabs_last + 1) { /* jump too big, there's a qpath part that is "" */ ids_msg("jump too big from depth %d to %d, file: %s, offset: %ld", tabs_last, tabs, file, fpos); continue; } name = split_loc_func(p); if (!name) { ids_msg("expected name/value split not found, file: %s, offset: %ld", file, fpos); continue; } *name = 0; name++; /* split ptr is the first char of split string */ g_strstrip(p); g_strstrip(name); // now p = id, name = name // ids_msg("p: %s -- name: %s", p, name); strncpy(qparts[tabs], p, IDS_LOOKUP_BUFF_SIZE-1); ids_query_result_set_str(working, tabs, name); if (tabs < tabs_last) for(;tabs_last > tabs; tabs_last--) { qparts[tabs_last][0] = 0; working->results[tabs_last] = NULL; } ids_query *found = ids_query_new(NULL); ids_query_result_cpy(&found->result, working); found->qpath = g_strjoinv("/", qparts); p = found->qpath + strlen(found->qpath) - 1; while(*p == '/') { *p = 0; p--; } ret = g_slist_append(ret, found); tabs_last = tabs; } /* for each line */ fclose(fd); g_strfreev(qparts); ids_query_result_free(working); return ret; }