/* * sysobj - https://github.com/bp0/verbose-spork * Copyright (C) 2018 Burt P. <pburt0@gmail.com> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> /* for realpath() */ #include <unistd.h> /* for getuid() */ #include <ctype.h> /* for isxdigit(), etc. */ #include "util_sysobj.h" gchar *util_build_fn(const gchar *base, const gchar *name) { gchar *ret = NULL; gboolean slash = TRUE; if (!base) return NULL; if (base[strlen(base)-1] == '/') slash = FALSE; if (name) { if (*name == '/') slash = FALSE; ret = g_strdup_printf("%s%s%s", base, slash ? "/" : "", name); } else ret = g_strdup(base); util_null_trailing_slash(ret); return ret; } gboolean util_have_root() { return (getuid() == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; } void util_compress_space(gchar *str) { gchar *p = str, *t = str; if (str && *str) { int n = 0; while(*p) { if (isspace(*p) ) { if (!n) *t++ = ' '; n++; } else { n = 0; if (t != p) *t = *p; t++; } p++; } } if (t != p) *t = 0; } void util_null_trailing_slash(gchar *str) { if (str && *str) { if (str[strlen(str)-1] == '/' ) str[strlen(str)-1] = 0; } } gsize util_count_lines(const gchar *str) { gchar **lines = NULL; gsize count = 0; if (str) { lines = g_strsplit(str, "\n", 0); count = g_strv_length(lines); if (count && *lines[count-1] == 0) { /* if the last line is empty, don't count it */ count--; } g_strfreev(lines); } return count; } int util_get_did(gchar *str, const gchar *lbl) { int id = -2; gchar tmpfmt[128] = ""; gchar tmpchk[128] = ""; sprintf(tmpfmt, "%s%s", lbl, "%d"); if ( sscanf(str, tmpfmt, &id)==1 ) { sprintf(tmpchk, tmpfmt, id); if ( SEQ(str, tmpchk) ) return id; } return -1; } gchar *util_escape_markup(gchar *v, gboolean replacing) { gchar *clean, *tmp; gchar **vl; if (v == NULL) return NULL; vl = g_strsplit(v, "&", -1); if (g_strv_length(vl) > 1) clean = g_strjoinv("&", vl); else clean = g_strdup(v); g_strfreev(vl); vl = g_strsplit(clean, "<", -1); if (g_strv_length(vl) > 1) { tmp = g_strjoinv("<", vl); g_free(clean); clean = tmp; } g_strfreev(vl); vl = g_strsplit(clean, ">", -1); if (g_strv_length(vl) > 1) { tmp = g_strjoinv(">", vl); g_free(clean); clean = tmp; } g_strfreev(vl); if (replacing) g_free((gpointer)v); return clean; } void util_strstrip_double_quotes_dumb(gchar *str) { if (!str) return; g_strstrip(str); gchar *front = str, *back = str + strlen(str) - 1; if (back <= front) return; while(*front == '"') { *front = 'X'; front++; } while(*back == '"') { *back = 0; back--; } int nl = strlen(front); memmove(str, front, nl); str[nl] = 0; } /* "194.110 MHz" -> "194.11 MHz" * "5,0 golden rings" -> "5 golden rings" */ gchar *util_strchomp_float(gchar* str_float) { if (!str_float) return NULL; char *dot = strchr(str_float, '.'); char *comma = strchr(str_float, ','); char *p = NULL, *dec = NULL, *src = NULL, *target = NULL; if (!dot && !comma) return str_float; if (dot > comma) dec = dot; else dec = comma; p = dec + 1; while(isdigit(*p)) p++; target = src = p; p--; while(*p == '0') { target = p; p--; }; if (target == dec + 1) target = dec; if (target != src) memmove(target, src, strlen(src)+1); return str_float; } #if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 58, 0) #else gchar * g2_canonicalize_filename (const gchar *filename, const gchar *relative_to) { gchar *canon, *input, *output, *after_root, *output_start; g_return_val_if_fail (relative_to == NULL || g_path_is_absolute (relative_to), NULL); if (!g_path_is_absolute (filename)) { gchar *cwd_allocated = NULL; const gchar *cwd; if (relative_to != NULL) cwd = relative_to; else cwd = cwd_allocated = g_get_current_dir (); canon = g_build_filename (cwd, filename, NULL); g_free (cwd_allocated); } else { canon = g_strdup (filename); } after_root = (char *)g_path_skip_root (canon); if (after_root == NULL) { /* This shouldn't really happen, as g_get_current_dir() should return an absolute pathname, but bug 573843 shows this is not always happening */ g_free (canon); return g_build_filename (G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, filename, NULL); } /* Find the first dir separator and use the canonical dir separator. */ for (output = after_root - 1; (output >= canon) && G_IS_DIR_SEPARATOR (*output); output--) *output = G_DIR_SEPARATOR; /* 1 to re-increment after the final decrement above (so that output >= canon), * and 1 to skip the first `/`. There might not be a first `/` if * the @canon is a Windows `//server/share` style path with no * trailing directories. @after_root will be '\0' in that case. */ output++; if (*output == G_DIR_SEPARATOR) output++; /* POSIX allows double slashes at the start to mean something special * (as does windows too). So, "//" != "/", but more than two slashes * is treated as "/". */ if (after_root - output == 1) output++; input = after_root; output_start = output; while (*input) { /* input points to the next non-separator to be processed. */ /* output points to the next location to write to. */ g_assert (input > canon && G_IS_DIR_SEPARATOR (input[-1])); g_assert (output > canon && G_IS_DIR_SEPARATOR (output[-1])); g_assert (input >= output); /* Ignore repeated dir separators. */ while (G_IS_DIR_SEPARATOR (input[0])) input++; /* Ignore single dot directory components. */ if (input[0] == '.' && (input[1] == 0 || G_IS_DIR_SEPARATOR (input[1]))) { if (input[1] == 0) break; input += 2; } /* Remove double-dot directory components along with the preceding * path component. */ else if (input[0] == '.' && input[1] == '.' && (input[2] == 0 || G_IS_DIR_SEPARATOR (input[2]))) { if (output > output_start) { do { output--; } while (!G_IS_DIR_SEPARATOR (output[-1]) && output > output_start); } if (input[2] == 0) break; input += 3; } /* Copy the input to the output until the next separator, * while converting it to canonical separator */ else { while (*input && !G_IS_DIR_SEPARATOR (*input)) *output++ = *input++; if (input[0] == 0) break; input++; *output++ = G_DIR_SEPARATOR; } } /* Remove a potentially trailing dir separator */ if (output > output_start && G_IS_DIR_SEPARATOR (output[-1])) output--; *output = '\0'; return canon; } #endif /* resolve . and .., but not symlinks */ gchar *util_normalize_path(const gchar *path, const gchar *relto) { gchar *resolved = NULL; #if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 58, 0) resolved = g_canonicalize_filename(path, relto); #else resolved = g2_canonicalize_filename(path, relto); #endif #if NOT_DEFINED /* burt's hack version */ gchar *frt = relto ? g_strdup(relto) : NULL; util_null_trailing_slash(frt); gchar *fpath = frt ? g_strdup_printf("%s%s%s", frt, (*path == '/') ? "" : "/", path) : g_strdup(path); g_free(frt); /* note: **parts will own all the part strings throughout */ gchar **parts = g_strsplit(fpath, "/", -1); gsize i, pn = g_strv_length(parts); GList *lparts = NULL, *l = NULL, *n = NULL, *p = NULL; for (i = 0; i < pn; i++) lparts = g_list_append(lparts, parts[i]); i = 0; gchar *part = NULL; l = lparts; while(l) { n = l->next; p = l->prev; part = l->data; if (SEQ(part, ".") ) lparts = g_list_delete_link(lparts, l); if (SEQ(part, "..") ) { if (p) lparts = g_list_delete_link(lparts, p); lparts = g_list_delete_link(lparts, l); } l = n; } resolved = g_strdup(""); l = lparts; while(l) { resolved = g_strdup_printf("%s%s/", resolved, (gchar*)l->data ); l = l->next; } g_list_free(lparts); util_null_trailing_slash(resolved); g_free(fpath); g_strfreev(parts); #endif return resolved; } /* resolve . and .. and symlinks */ gchar *util_canonicalize_path(const gchar *path) { char *resolved = realpath(path, NULL); gchar *ret = g_strdup(resolved); /* free with g_free() instead of free() */ free(resolved); return ret; } int util_maybe_num(gchar *str) { int r = 10, i = 0, l = (str) ? strlen(str) : 0; if (!l || l > 32) return 0; gchar *chk = g_strdup(str); g_strstrip(chk); l = strlen(chk); if (l > 2 && !strncmp(chk, "0x", 2)) { i = 2; r = 16; } for (; i < l; i++) { if (isxdigit(chk[i])) { if (!isdigit(chk[i])) r = 16; } else { r = 0; break; } } g_free(chk); return r; } gchar *util_safe_name(const gchar *name, gboolean lower_case) { if (!name) return NULL; const gchar *p = name; gchar *buff = g_new0(gchar, strlen(name) + 1); gchar *t = buff; while(*p) { gboolean ok = g_ascii_isalnum(*p); if (*p == '.' || *p == '-') ok = TRUE; if (*p == '/') ok = FALSE; *t = ok ? *p : '_'; t++; p = g_utf8_next_char(p); } gchar *ret = lower_case ? g_ascii_strdown(buff, -1) : g_strdup(buff); g_free(buff); return ret; } gchar *util_find_line_value(gchar *data, gchar *key, gchar delim) { gchar *ret = NULL; gchar **lines = g_strsplit(data, "\n", -1); gsize line_count = g_strv_length(lines); gsize i = 0; for (i = 0; i < line_count; i++) { gchar *line = lines[i]; gchar *value = g_utf8_strchr(line, -1, delim); if (!value) continue; *value = 0; value = g_strstrip(value+1); gchar *lkey = g_strstrip(line); if (SEQ(lkey, key) ) { ret = g_strdup(value); } } g_strfreev(lines); return ret; }