/* uber-line-graph.c * * Copyright (C) 2010 Christian Hergert <chris@dronelabs.com> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include <math.h> #include <string.h> #include "uber-line-graph.h" #include "uber-range.h" #include "uber-scale.h" #include "g-ring.h" #define RECT_BOTTOM(r) ((r).y + (r).height) #define RECT_RIGHT(r) ((r).x + (r).width) #define SCALE_FACTOR (0.2) /** * SECTION:uber-line-graph.h * @title: UberLineGraph * @short_description: * * Section overview. */ G_DEFINE_TYPE(UberLineGraph, uber_line_graph, UBER_TYPE_GRAPH) typedef struct { GRing *raw_data; GdkRGBA color; gdouble width; gdouble *dashes; gint num_dashes; gdouble dash_offset; UberLabel *label; guint label_id; } LineInfo; struct _UberLineGraphPrivate { GArray *lines; cairo_antialias_t antialias; guint stride; gboolean autoscale; UberRange range; UberScale scale; gpointer scale_data; GDestroyNotify scale_notify; UberLineGraphFunc func; gpointer func_data; GDestroyNotify func_notify; }; enum { PROP_0, PROP_AUTOSCALE, PROP_RANGE, }; /** * uber_line_graph_init_ring: * @ring: A #GRing. * * Initialize the #GRing to default values (UBER_LINE_GRAPH_NO_VALUE). * * Returns: None. * Side effects: None. */ static inline void uber_line_graph_init_ring (GRing *ring) /* IN */ { gdouble val = UBER_LINE_GRAPH_NO_VALUE; gint i; g_return_if_fail(ring != NULL); for (i = 0; i < ring->len; i++) { g_ring_append_val(ring, val); } } /** * uber_line_graph_new: * * Creates a new instance of #UberLineGraph. * * Returns: the newly created instance of #UberLineGraph. * Side effects: None. */ GtkWidget* uber_line_graph_new (void) { UberLineGraph *graph; graph = g_object_new(UBER_TYPE_LINE_GRAPH, NULL); return GTK_WIDGET(graph); } /** * uber_line_graph_color: * @graph: A #UberLineGraph. * * XXX * * Returns: None. * Side effects: None. */ static void uber_line_graph_color_changed (UberLabel *label, /* IN */ GdkRGBA *color, /* IN */ UberLineGraph *graph) /* IN */ { UberLineGraphPrivate *priv; LineInfo *info; gint i; g_return_if_fail(UBER_IS_LINE_GRAPH(graph)); g_return_if_fail(color != NULL); priv = graph->priv; for (i = 0; i < priv->lines->len; i++) { info = &g_array_index(priv->lines, LineInfo, i); if (info->label == label) { info->color = *color; } } uber_graph_redraw(UBER_GRAPH(graph)); } void uber_line_graph_bind_label (UberLineGraph *graph, /* IN */ guint line, /* IN */ UberLabel *label) /* IN */ { UberLineGraphPrivate *priv; LineInfo *info; g_return_if_fail(UBER_IS_LINE_GRAPH(graph)); g_return_if_fail(UBER_IS_LABEL(label)); g_return_if_fail(line > 0); g_return_if_fail(line <= graph->priv->lines->len); priv = graph->priv; info = &g_array_index(priv->lines, LineInfo, line - 1); if (info->label_id) { g_signal_handler_disconnect(info->label, info->label_id); } info->label = label; info->label_id = g_signal_connect(label, "color-changed", G_CALLBACK(uber_line_graph_color_changed), graph); } /** * uber_line_graph_set_autoscale: * @graph: A #UberLineGraph. * @autoscale: Should we autoscale. * * Sets if we should autoscale the range of the graph when a new input * value is outside the visible range. * * Returns: None. * Side effects: None. */ void uber_line_graph_set_autoscale (UberLineGraph *graph, /* IN */ gboolean autoscale) /* IN */ { UberLineGraphPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail(UBER_IS_LINE_GRAPH(graph)); priv = graph->priv; priv->autoscale = autoscale; } /** * uber_line_graph_get_autoscale: * @graph: A #UberLineGraph. * * XXX * * Returns: None. * Side effects: None. */ gboolean uber_line_graph_get_autoscale (UberLineGraph *graph) /* IN */ { g_return_val_if_fail(UBER_IS_LINE_GRAPH(graph), FALSE); return graph->priv->autoscale; } /** * uber_line_graph_add_line: * @graph: A #UberLineGraph. * @color: A #GdkRGBA for the line or %NULL. * * Adds a new line to the graph. If color is %NULL, the next value * in the default color list will be used. * * See uber_line_graph_remove_line(). * * Returns: The line identifier. * Side effects: None. */ gint uber_line_graph_add_line (UberLineGraph *graph, /* IN */ const GdkRGBA *color, /* IN */ UberLabel *label) /* IN */ { UberLineGraphPrivate *priv; LineInfo info = { 0 }; g_return_val_if_fail(UBER_IS_LINE_GRAPH(graph), 0); priv = graph->priv; info.width = 1.0; /* * Retrieve the lines color. */ if (color) { info.color = *color; } else { gdk_rgba_parse(&info.color, "#729fcf"); } /* * Allocate buffers for data points. */ info.raw_data = g_ring_sized_new(sizeof(gdouble), priv->stride, NULL); uber_line_graph_init_ring(info.raw_data); /* * Store the newly crated line. */ g_array_append_val(priv->lines, info); /* * Mark the graph for full redraw. */ uber_graph_redraw(UBER_GRAPH(graph)); /* * Attach label. */ if (label) { uber_line_graph_bind_label(graph, priv->lines->len, label); uber_graph_add_label(UBER_GRAPH(graph), label); uber_label_set_color(label, &info.color); } /* * Line indexes start from 1. */ return priv->lines->len; } /** * uber_line_graph_set_antialias: * @graph: A #UberLineGraph. * * XXX * * Returns: None. * Side effects: None. */ void uber_line_graph_set_antialias (UberLineGraph *graph, /* IN */ cairo_antialias_t antialias) /* IN */ { UberLineGraphPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail(UBER_IS_LINE_GRAPH(graph)); priv = graph->priv; priv->antialias = antialias; uber_graph_redraw(UBER_GRAPH(graph)); } /** * uber_line_graph_get_antialias: * @graph: A #UberLineGraph. * * Retrieves the antialias mode for the graph. * * Returns: A cairo_antialias_t. * Side effects: None. */ cairo_antialias_t uber_line_graph_get_antialias (UberLineGraph *graph) /* IN */ { g_return_val_if_fail(UBER_IS_LINE_GRAPH(graph), 0); return graph->priv->antialias; } /** * uber_line_graph_get_next_data: * @graph: A #UberGraph. * * XXX * * Returns: None. * Side effects: None. */ static gboolean uber_line_graph_get_next_data (UberGraph *graph) /* IN */ { UberLineGraphPrivate *priv; gboolean scale_changed = FALSE; gboolean ret = FALSE; LineInfo *line; gdouble val; gint i; g_return_val_if_fail(UBER_IS_LINE_GRAPH(graph), FALSE); priv = UBER_LINE_GRAPH(graph)->priv; /* * Retrieve the next data point. */ if (priv->func) { for (i = 0; i < priv->lines->len; i++) { line = &g_array_index(priv->lines, LineInfo, i); val = priv->func(UBER_LINE_GRAPH(graph), i + 1, priv->func_data); g_ring_append_val(line->raw_data, val); if (priv->autoscale) { if (val < priv->range.begin) { priv->range.begin = val - (val * SCALE_FACTOR); priv->range.range = priv->range.end - priv->range.begin; scale_changed = TRUE; } else if (val > priv->range.end) { priv->range.end = val + (val * SCALE_FACTOR); priv->range.range = priv->range.end - priv->range.begin; scale_changed = TRUE; } } } } if (scale_changed) { uber_graph_scale_changed(graph); } return ret; } /** * uber_line_graph_set_data_func: * @graph: A #UberLineGraph. * * XXX * * Returns: None. * Side effects: None. */ void uber_line_graph_set_data_func (UberLineGraph *graph, /* IN */ UberLineGraphFunc func, /* IN */ gpointer user_data, /* IN */ GDestroyNotify notify) /* IN */ { UberLineGraphPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail(UBER_IS_LINE_GRAPH(graph)); priv = graph->priv; /* * Free existing data func if neccessary. */ if (priv->func_notify) { priv->func_notify(priv->func_data); } /* * Store data func. */ priv->func = func; priv->func_data = user_data; priv->func_notify = notify; } /** * uber_line_graph_stylize_line: * @graph: A #UberLineGraph. * * XXX * * Returns: None. * Side effects: None. */ static void uber_line_graph_stylize_line (UberLineGraph *graph, /* IN */ LineInfo *info, /* IN */ cairo_t *cr) /* IN */ { UberLineGraphPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail(UBER_IS_LINE_GRAPH(graph)); g_return_if_fail(info != NULL); priv = graph->priv; if (info->dashes) { cairo_set_dash(cr, info->dashes, info->num_dashes, info->dash_offset); } else { cairo_set_dash(cr, NULL, 0, 0); } cairo_set_line_cap(cr, CAIRO_LINE_CAP_ROUND); cairo_set_line_join(cr, CAIRO_LINE_JOIN_ROUND); cairo_set_line_width(cr, info->width); cairo_set_antialias(cr, priv->antialias); cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, info->color.red, info->color.green, info->color.blue, info->color.alpha); } /** * uber_line_graph_render: * @graph: A #UberGraph. * @cr: A #cairo_t context. * @area: Full area to render contents within. * @line: The line to render. * * Render a particular line to the graph. * * Returns: None. * Side effects: None. */ static void uber_line_graph_render_line (UberLineGraph *graph, /* IN */ cairo_t *cr, /* IN */ GdkRectangle *area, /* IN */ LineInfo *line, /* IN */ guint epoch, /* IN */ gfloat each) /* IN */ { UberLineGraphPrivate *priv; UberRange pixel_range; GdkRectangle vis; guint x; guint last_x; gdouble y; gdouble last_y; gdouble val; gint i; g_return_if_fail(UBER_IS_LINE_GRAPH(graph)); priv = graph->priv; uber_graph_get_content_area(UBER_GRAPH(graph), &vis); pixel_range.begin = area->y + 1; pixel_range.end = area->y + area->height; pixel_range.range = pixel_range.end - pixel_range.begin; /* * Prepare cairo settings. */ uber_line_graph_stylize_line(graph, line, cr); /* * Force a new path. */ cairo_new_path(cr); /* * Draw the line contents as bezier curves. */ for (i = 0; i < line->raw_data->len; i++) { /* * Retrieve data point. */ val = g_ring_get_index(line->raw_data, gdouble, i); /* * Once we get to UBER_LINE_GRAPH_NO_VALUE, we must be at the end of the data * sequence. This may not always be true in the future. */ if (val == UBER_LINE_GRAPH_NO_VALUE) { break; } /* * Translate value to coordinate system. */ if (!priv->scale(&priv->range, &pixel_range, &val, priv->scale_data)) { break; } /* * Calculate X/Y coordinate. */ y = (gint)(RECT_BOTTOM(*area) - val) - .5; x = epoch - (each * i); if (i == 0) { /* * Just move to the right position on first entry. */ cairo_move_to(cr, x, y); goto next; } else { /* * Draw curve to data point using the last X/Y positions as * control points. */ cairo_curve_to(cr, last_x - (each / 2.), last_y, last_x - (each / 2.), y, x, y); } next: last_y = y; last_x = x; } /* * Stroke the line content. */ cairo_stroke(cr); } /** * uber_line_graph_render: * @graph: A #UberGraph. * * Render the entire contents of the graph. * * Returns: None. * Side effects: None. */ static void uber_line_graph_render (UberGraph *graph, /* IN */ cairo_t *cr, /* IN */ GdkRectangle *rect, /* IN */ guint epoch, /* IN */ gfloat each) /* IN */ { UberLineGraphPrivate *priv; LineInfo *line; gint i; g_return_if_fail(UBER_IS_LINE_GRAPH(graph)); priv = UBER_LINE_GRAPH(graph)->priv; /* * Render each line to the graph. */ for (i = 0; i < priv->lines->len; i++) { line = &g_array_index(priv->lines, LineInfo, i); uber_line_graph_render_line(UBER_LINE_GRAPH(graph), cr, rect, line, epoch, each); } } /** * uber_line_graph_render_fast: * @graph: A #UberGraph. * * XXX * * Returns: None. * Side effects: None. */ static void uber_line_graph_render_fast (UberGraph *graph, /* IN */ cairo_t *cr, /* IN */ GdkRectangle *rect, /* IN */ guint epoch, /* IN */ gfloat each) /* IN */ { UberLineGraphPrivate *priv; UberRange pixel_range; LineInfo *line; gdouble last_y; gdouble y; gint i; g_return_if_fail(UBER_IS_LINE_GRAPH(graph)); g_return_if_fail(cr != NULL); g_return_if_fail(rect != NULL); priv = UBER_LINE_GRAPH(graph)->priv; pixel_range.begin = rect->y + 1; pixel_range.end = rect->y + rect->height; pixel_range.range = pixel_range.end - pixel_range.begin; /* * Render most recent data point for each line. */ for (i = 0; i < priv->lines->len; i++) { line = &g_array_index(priv->lines, LineInfo, i); uber_line_graph_stylize_line(UBER_LINE_GRAPH(graph), line, cr); /* * Calculate positions. */ y = g_ring_get_index(line->raw_data, gdouble, 0); last_y = g_ring_get_index(line->raw_data, gdouble, 1); /* * Don't try to draw before we have real values. */ if ((isnan(y) || isinf(y)) || (isnan(last_y) || isinf(last_y))) { continue; } /* * Translate to coordinate scale. */ if (!priv->scale(&priv->range, &pixel_range, &y, priv->scale_data) || !priv->scale(&priv->range, &pixel_range, &last_y, priv->scale_data)) { continue; } /* * Translate position from bottom right corner. */ y = (gint)(RECT_BOTTOM(*rect) - y) - .5; last_y = (gint)(RECT_BOTTOM(*rect) - last_y) - .5; /* * Convert relative position to fixed from bottom pixel. */ cairo_new_path(cr); cairo_move_to(cr, epoch, y); cairo_curve_to(cr, epoch - (each / 2.), y, epoch - (each / 2.), last_y, epoch - each, last_y); cairo_stroke(cr); } } /** * uber_line_graph_set_stride: * @graph: A #UberGraph. * @stride: The number of data points within the graph. * * XXX * * Returns: None. * Side effects: None. */ static void uber_line_graph_set_stride (UberGraph *graph, /* IN */ guint stride) /* IN */ { UberLineGraphPrivate *priv; LineInfo *line; gint i; g_return_if_fail(UBER_IS_LINE_GRAPH(graph)); priv = UBER_LINE_GRAPH(graph)->priv; priv->stride = stride; /* * TODO: Support changing stride after lines have been added. */ if (priv->lines->len) { for (i = 0; i < priv->lines->len; i++) { line = &g_array_index(priv->lines, LineInfo, i); g_ring_unref(line->raw_data); line->raw_data = g_ring_sized_new(sizeof(gdouble), priv->stride, NULL); uber_line_graph_init_ring(line->raw_data); } return; } } /** * uber_line_graph_get_range: * @graph: (in): A #UberLineGraph. * * XXX * * Returns: An #UberRange which should not be modified or freed. * Side effects: None. */ const UberRange* uber_line_graph_get_range (UberLineGraph *graph) /* IN */ { g_return_val_if_fail(UBER_IS_LINE_GRAPH(graph), NULL); return &graph->priv->range; } /** * uber_line_graph_set_range: * @graph: A #UberLineGraph. * * XXX * * Returns: None. * Side effects: None. */ void uber_line_graph_set_range (UberLineGraph *graph, /* IN */ const UberRange *range) /* IN */ { UberLineGraphPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail(UBER_IS_LINE_GRAPH(graph)); g_return_if_fail(range != NULL); priv = graph->priv; priv->range = *range; } /** * uber_line_graph_get_yrange: * @graph: A #UberGraph. * * XXX * * Returns: None. * Side effects: None. */ static void uber_line_graph_get_yrange (UberGraph *graph, /* IN */ UberRange *range) /* OUT */ { UberLineGraphPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail(UBER_IS_LINE_GRAPH(graph)); g_return_if_fail(range != NULL); priv = UBER_LINE_GRAPH(graph)->priv; *range = priv->range; } /** * uber_line_graph_set_line_dash: * @graph: A #UberLineGraph. * * XXX * * Returns: None. * Side effects: None. */ void uber_line_graph_set_line_dash (UberLineGraph *graph, /* IN */ guint line, /* IN */ const gdouble *dashes, /* IN */ gint num_dashes, /* IN */ gdouble offset) /* IN */ { UberLineGraphPrivate *priv; LineInfo *info; g_return_if_fail(UBER_IS_LINE_GRAPH(graph)); g_return_if_fail(dashes != NULL); g_return_if_fail(num_dashes > 0); g_return_if_fail(line > 0); g_return_if_fail(line <= graph->priv->lines->len); priv = graph->priv; info = &g_array_index(priv->lines, LineInfo, line - 1); if (info->dashes) { g_free(info->dashes); info->dashes = NULL; info->num_dashes = 0; info->dash_offset = 0; } if (dashes) { info->dashes = g_new0(gdouble, num_dashes); memcpy(info->dashes, dashes, sizeof(gdouble) * num_dashes); info->num_dashes = num_dashes; info->dash_offset = offset; } } /** * uber_line_graph_set_line_width: * @graph: A #UberLineGraph. * * XXX * * Returns: None. * Side effects: None. */ void uber_line_graph_set_line_width (UberLineGraph *graph, /* IN */ gint line, /* IN */ gdouble width) /* IN */ { LineInfo *info; g_return_if_fail(UBER_IS_LINE_GRAPH(graph)); g_return_if_fail(line > 0); g_return_if_fail(line <= graph->priv->lines->len); info = &g_array_index(graph->priv->lines, LineInfo, line - 1); info->width = width; uber_graph_redraw(UBER_GRAPH(graph)); } /** * uber_line_graph_downscale: * @graph: A #UberGraph. * * XXX * * Returns: None. * Side effects: None. */ static gboolean uber_line_graph_downscale (UberGraph *graph) /* IN */ { UberLineGraphPrivate *priv; gboolean ret = FALSE; gdouble val = 0; gdouble cur; LineInfo *line; gint i; gint j; g_return_val_if_fail(UBER_IS_LINE_GRAPH(graph), FALSE); priv = UBER_LINE_GRAPH(graph)->priv; /* * If we are set to autoscale, ignore request. */ if (!priv->autoscale) { return FALSE; } /* * Determine the largest value available. */ for (i = 0; i < priv->lines->len; i++) { line = &g_array_index(priv->lines, LineInfo, i); for (j = 0; j < line->raw_data->len; j++) { cur = g_ring_get_index(line->raw_data, gdouble, j); val = (cur > val) ? cur : val; } } /* * Downscale if we can. */ if (val != priv->range.begin) { if ((val * (1. + SCALE_FACTOR)) < priv->range.end) { priv->range.end = val * (1. + SCALE_FACTOR); priv->range.range = priv->range.end - priv->range.begin; ret = TRUE; } } return ret; } /** * uber_line_graph_finalize: * @object: A #UberLineGraph. * * Finalizer for a #UberLineGraph instance. Frees any resources held by * the instance. * * Returns: None. * Side effects: None. */ static void uber_line_graph_finalize (GObject *object) /* IN */ { UberLineGraphPrivate *priv; LineInfo *line; gint i; priv = UBER_LINE_GRAPH(object)->priv; /* * Clean up after cached values. */ for (i = 0; i < priv->lines->len; i++) { line = &g_array_index(priv->lines, LineInfo, i); g_ring_unref(line->raw_data); g_free(line->dashes); } G_OBJECT_CLASS(uber_line_graph_parent_class)->finalize(object); } /** * uber_line_graph_set_property: * @object: (in): A #GObject. * @prop_id: (in): The property identifier. * @value: (out): The given property. * @pspec: (in): A #ParamSpec. * * Get a given #GObject property. */ static void uber_line_graph_get_property (GObject *object, /* IN */ guint prop_id, /* IN */ GValue *value, /* OUT */ GParamSpec *pspec) /* IN */ { UberLineGraph *graph = UBER_LINE_GRAPH(object); switch (prop_id) { case PROP_AUTOSCALE: g_value_set_boolean(value, uber_line_graph_get_autoscale(graph)); break; case PROP_RANGE: g_value_set_boxed(value, uber_line_graph_get_range(graph)); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID(object, prop_id, pspec); } } /** * uber_line_graph_set_property: * @object: (in): A #GObject. * @prop_id: (in): The property identifier. * @value: (in): The given property. * @pspec: (in): A #ParamSpec. * * Set a given #GObject property. */ static void uber_line_graph_set_property (GObject *object, /* IN */ guint prop_id, /* IN */ const GValue *value, /* IN */ GParamSpec *pspec) /* IN */ { UberLineGraph *graph = UBER_LINE_GRAPH(object); switch (prop_id) { case PROP_AUTOSCALE: uber_line_graph_set_autoscale(graph, g_value_get_boolean(value)); break; case PROP_RANGE: uber_line_graph_set_range(graph, g_value_get_boxed(value)); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID(object, prop_id, pspec); } } /** * uber_line_graph_class_init: * @klass: A #UberLineGraphClass. * * Initializes the #UberLineGraphClass and prepares the vtable. * * Returns: None. * Side effects: None. */ static void uber_line_graph_class_init (UberLineGraphClass *klass) /* IN */ { GObjectClass *object_class; UberGraphClass *graph_class; object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass); object_class->finalize = uber_line_graph_finalize; object_class->get_property = uber_line_graph_get_property; object_class->set_property = uber_line_graph_set_property; g_type_class_add_private(object_class, sizeof(UberLineGraphPrivate)); graph_class = UBER_GRAPH_CLASS(klass); graph_class->downscale = uber_line_graph_downscale; graph_class->get_next_data = uber_line_graph_get_next_data; graph_class->get_yrange = uber_line_graph_get_yrange; graph_class->render = uber_line_graph_render; graph_class->render_fast = uber_line_graph_render_fast; graph_class->set_stride = uber_line_graph_set_stride; g_object_class_install_property(object_class, PROP_AUTOSCALE, g_param_spec_boolean("autoscale", "autoscale", "autoscale", FALSE, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); g_object_class_install_property(object_class, PROP_RANGE, g_param_spec_boxed("range", "range", "range", UBER_TYPE_RANGE, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); } /** * uber_line_graph_init: * @graph: A #UberLineGraph. * * Initializes the newly created #UberLineGraph instance. * * Returns: None. * Side effects: None. */ static void uber_line_graph_init (UberLineGraph *graph) /* IN */ { UberLineGraphPrivate *priv; /* * Keep pointer to private data. */ graph->priv = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE(graph, UBER_TYPE_LINE_GRAPH, UberLineGraphPrivate); priv = graph->priv; /* * Initialize defaults. */ priv->stride = 60; priv->antialias = CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_DEFAULT; priv->lines = g_array_sized_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(LineInfo), 2); priv->scale = uber_scale_linear; priv->autoscale = TRUE; } void uber_line_graph_clear (UberLineGraph *graph) /* IN */ { UberLineGraphPrivate *priv = graph->priv; LineInfo *line; gint i; for (i = 0; i < priv->lines->len; i++) { line = &g_array_index(priv->lines, LineInfo, i); uber_line_graph_init_ring(line->raw_data); } }