# HardInfo Documentation

## Introduction

HardInfo can gather information about your system's hardware and operating system, perform benchmarks, and generate printable reports either in HTML or in plain text formats.

## Feature Overview

* Obtains information about basic hardware items;
* Obtains information about basic operating system items;
* Performs CPU and FPU benchmarks;
* Allows [network-updater.hlp synchronization of benchmark results] with other HardInfo users;
* Some tables can be [network-updater.hlp updated] from the Internet;
* Can be used either in local or in [remote.hlp remote] mode;
* Generates repots in HTML or plain text formats;
* Can be used either with a GTK+ GUI or on a terminal.

## Using

* [report-generation.hlp Generating Reports]
* [network-updater.hlp Using the Network Updater]
* [remote.hlp Obtaining Information from a Remote Machine]
* [benchmark.hlp Performing and Understanding Benchmarks]
* [command-line.hlp Using HardInfo from the command line]

## Improving

* [bug-reporting.hlp How to Report Bugs]
* [feature-requests.hlp How to Request a Feature]
* [http://hardinfo.org/developer Developer Documentation]

## Following

* [http://twitter.com/hardinfo Twitter] (for GitHub commits)
* [http://lists.hardinfo.org Mailing Lists]