/* * HardInfo - Displays System Information * Copyright (C) 2017 Leandro A. F. Pereira <leandro@hardinfo.org> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "hardinfo.h" static const gchar *info_column_titles[] = { "TextValue", "Value", "Progress", "Extra1", "Extra2" }; struct Info *info_new(void) { struct Info *info = g_new0(struct Info, 1); info->groups = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(struct InfoGroup)); info->view_type = SHELL_VIEW_NORMAL; info->column_headers_visible = FALSE; info->zebra_visible = FALSE; info->normalize_percentage = TRUE; return info; } void info_group_add_fieldsv(struct InfoGroup *group, va_list ap) { while (1) { struct InfoField field = va_arg(ap, struct InfoField); if (!field.name) break; g_array_append_val(group->fields, field); } } void info_group_add_fields(struct InfoGroup *group, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, group); info_group_add_fieldsv(group, ap); va_end(ap); } struct InfoGroup *info_add_group(struct Info *info, const gchar *group_name, ...) { struct InfoGroup group = { .name = group_name, .fields = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(struct InfoField)) }; va_list ap; va_start(ap, group_name); info_group_add_fieldsv(&group, ap); va_end(ap); g_array_append_val(info->groups, group); return &g_array_index(info->groups, struct InfoGroup, info->groups->len - 1); } struct InfoField info_field(const gchar *name, const gchar *value) { return (struct InfoField) { .name = name, .value = value, }; } struct InfoField info_field_update(const gchar *name, int update_interval) { return (struct InfoField) { .name = name, .value = "...", .update_interval = update_interval, }; } struct InfoField info_field_printf(const gchar *name, const gchar *format, ...) { gchar *value; va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); value = g_strdup_vprintf(format, ap); va_end(ap); return (struct InfoField) { .name = name, .value = value, .free_value_on_flatten = TRUE, }; } struct InfoField info_field_last(void) { return (struct InfoField) {}; } void info_add_computed_group(struct Info *info, const gchar *name, const gchar *value) { /* This is a scaffolding method: HardInfo should move away from pre-computing * the strings in favor of storing InfoGroups instead; while modules are not * fully converted, use this instead. */ struct InfoGroup group = { .name = name, .computed = value, }; g_array_append_val(info->groups, group); } void info_set_column_title(struct Info *info, const gchar *column, const gchar *title) { int i; for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS(info_column_titles); i++) { if (g_str_equal(info_column_titles[i], column)) { info->column_titles[i] = title; return; } } } void info_set_column_headers_visible(struct Info *info, gboolean setting) { info->column_headers_visible = setting; } void info_set_zebra_visible(struct Info *info, gboolean setting) { info->zebra_visible = setting; } void info_set_normalize_percentage(struct Info *info, gboolean setting) { info->normalize_percentage = setting; } void info_set_view_type(struct Info *info, ShellViewType setting) { info->view_type = setting; } void info_set_reload_interval(struct Info *info, int setting) { info->reload_interval = setting; } static void flatten_group(GString *output, const struct InfoGroup *group, guint group_count) { guint i; if (group->name != NULL) g_string_append_printf(output, "[%s]\n", group->name); if (group->fields) { for (i = 0; i < group->fields->len; i++) { struct InfoField field; field = g_array_index(group->fields, struct InfoField, i); if (field.icon) g_string_append_printf(output, "$ITEM%d-%d$", group_count, i); g_string_append_printf(output, "%s=%s\n", field.name, field.value); if (field.free_value_on_flatten) g_free((gchar *)field.value); } } else if (group->computed) { g_string_append_printf(output, "%s\n", group->computed); } } static void flatten_shell_param(GString *output, const struct InfoGroup *group, guint group_count) { guint i; if (!group->fields) return; for (i = 0; i < group->fields->len; i++) { struct InfoField field; field = g_array_index(group->fields, struct InfoField, i); if (field.update_interval) { g_string_append_printf(output, "UpdateInterval$%s=%d\n", field.name, field.update_interval); } if (field.icon) { g_string_append_printf(output, "Icon$ITEM%d-%d$=%s\n", group_count, i, field.icon); } } } static void flatten_shell_param_global(GString *output, const struct Info *info) { int i; g_string_append_printf(output, "ViewType=%d\n", info->view_type); g_string_append_printf(output, "ShowColumnHeaders=%s\n", info->column_headers_visible ? "true" : "false"); if (info->zebra_visible) g_string_append(output, "Zebra=1\n"); if (info->reload_interval) g_string_append_printf(output, "ReloadInterval=%d\n", info->reload_interval); if (!info->normalize_percentage) g_string_append(output, "NormalizePercentage=false\n"); for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS(info_column_titles); i++) { if (!info->column_titles[i]) continue; g_string_append_printf(output, "ColumnTitle$%s=%s\n", info_column_titles[i], info->column_titles[i]); } } gchar *info_flatten(struct Info *info) { /* This is a scaffolding method: eventually the HardInfo shell should * understand a struct Info instead of parsing these strings, which are * brittle and unnecessarily complicates things. Being a temporary * method, no attention is paid to improve the memory allocation * strategy. */ GString *values; GString *shell_param; guint i; values = g_string_new(NULL); shell_param = g_string_new(NULL); if (info->groups) { for (i = 0; i < info->groups->len; i++) { struct InfoGroup group = g_array_index(info->groups, struct InfoGroup, i); flatten_group(values, &group, i); flatten_shell_param(shell_param, &group, i); if (group.fields) g_array_free(group.fields, TRUE); } g_array_free(info->groups, TRUE); } flatten_shell_param_global(shell_param, info); g_string_append_printf(values, "[$ShellParam$]\n%s", shell_param->str); g_string_free(shell_param, TRUE); g_free(info); return g_string_free(values, FALSE); }