#include <gio/gio.h> #include "udisks2_util.h" #include "hardinfo.h" #define UDISKS2_INTERFACE "org.freedesktop.UDisks2" #define UDISKS2_MANAGER_INTERFACE "org.freedesktop.UDisks2.Manager" #define UDISKS2_BLOCK_INTERFACE "org.freedesktop.UDisks2.Block" #define UDISKS2_LOOP_INTERFACE "org.freedesktop.UDisks2.Loop" #define UDISKS2_PARTITION_INTERFACE "org.freedesktop.UDisks2.Partition" #define UDISKS2_DRIVE_INTERFACE "org.freedesktop.UDisks2.Drive" #define UDISKS2_DRIVE_ATA_INTERFACE "org.freedesktop.UDisks2.Drive.Ata" #define DBUS_PROPERTIES_INTERFACE "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties" #define UDISKS2_MANAGER_OBJ_PATH "/org/freedesktop/UDisks2/Manager" #define UDISKS2_BLOCK_DEVICES_PATH "/org/freedesktop/UDisks2/block_devices" GDBusConnection* udisks2_conn = NULL; GVariant* get_dbus_property(GDBusProxy* proxy, const gchar *interface, const gchar *property) { GVariant *result, *v = NULL; GError *error = NULL; result = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync(proxy, "Get", g_variant_new ("(ss)", interface, property), G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, -1, NULL, &error); if (error != NULL) { g_error_free (error); return NULL; } g_variant_get(result, "(v)", &v); g_variant_unref(result); return v; } // this function works with udisks2 version 2.7.2 or newer GSList* get_block_dev_paths_from_udisks2(GDBusConnection* conn){ GDBusProxy *proxy; GVariant *options, *v; GVariantIter *iter; GError *error = NULL; GSList *block_paths = NULL; const gchar *block_path = NULL; proxy = g_dbus_proxy_new_sync(conn, G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_NONE, NULL, UDISKS2_INTERFACE, UDISKS2_MANAGER_OBJ_PATH, UDISKS2_MANAGER_INTERFACE, NULL, &error); options = g_variant_new_parsed("@a{sv} { %s: <true> }", "auth.no_user_interaction"); if (error != NULL){ g_error_free (error); g_object_unref(proxy); return NULL; } v = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync(proxy, "GetBlockDevices", g_variant_new_tuple(&options, 1), G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, -1, NULL, &error); g_object_unref(proxy); if (error != NULL){ g_error_free (error); return NULL; } g_variant_get(v, "(ao)", &iter); while (g_variant_iter_loop (iter, "o", &block_path)){ block_paths = g_slist_append(block_paths, g_strdup(block_path)); } g_variant_iter_free (iter); g_variant_unref(v); return block_paths; } GSList* get_block_dev_paths_from_sysfs(){ GSList *block_paths = NULL; GDir *dir; gchar *path; const gchar *entry; dir = g_dir_open("/sys/class/block", 0, NULL); if (!dir) return NULL; while ((entry = g_dir_read_name(dir))) { path = g_strdup_printf("%s/%s", UDISKS2_BLOCK_DEVICES_PATH, entry); block_paths = g_slist_append(block_paths, path); } g_dir_close(dir); return block_paths; } GSList* udisks2_drives_func_caller(GDBusConnection* conn, gpointer (*func)(const char*, GDBusProxy*)) { GDBusProxy *proxy, *drive_proxy; GVariant *block_v, *v; GSList *result_list = NULL, *block_dev_list, *node; GError *error = NULL; gpointer output; gchar *block_path = NULL; const gchar *block_dev, *drive_path = NULL; if (conn == NULL) return NULL; // get block devices block_dev_list = get_block_dev_paths_from_udisks2(conn); if (block_dev_list == NULL) block_dev_list = get_block_dev_paths_from_sysfs(); for (node = block_dev_list; node != NULL; node = node->next) { block_path = (gchar *)node->data; proxy = g_dbus_proxy_new_sync(conn, G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_NONE, NULL, UDISKS2_INTERFACE, block_path, DBUS_PROPERTIES_INTERFACE, NULL, &error); if (error){ g_error_free(error); error = NULL; continue; } // Skip partitions v = get_dbus_property(proxy, UDISKS2_PARTITION_INTERFACE, "Size"); if (v){ g_variant_unref(v); g_object_unref(proxy); continue; } // Skip loop devices v = get_dbus_property(proxy, UDISKS2_LOOP_INTERFACE, "BackingFile"); if (v){ g_variant_unref(v); g_object_unref(proxy); continue; } block_dev = block_path + strlen(UDISKS2_BLOCK_DEVICES_PATH) + 1; drive_path = NULL; // let's find drive proxy v = get_dbus_property(proxy, UDISKS2_BLOCK_INTERFACE, "Drive"); if (v){ drive_path = g_variant_get_string(v, NULL); if (g_strcmp0(drive_path, "/") != 0){ drive_proxy = g_dbus_proxy_new_sync(conn, G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_NONE, NULL, UDISKS2_INTERFACE, drive_path, DBUS_PROPERTIES_INTERFACE, NULL, &error); if (error == NULL) { // call requested function output = func(block_dev, drive_proxy); if (output != NULL){ result_list = g_slist_append(result_list, output); } g_object_unref(drive_proxy); } else { g_error_free(error); error = NULL; } } g_variant_unref(v); } g_object_unref(proxy); } g_slist_free_full(block_dev_list, g_free); return result_list; } GDBusConnection* get_udisks2_connection(void) { GDBusConnection *conn; GDBusProxy *proxy; GError *error = NULL; GVariant *result = NULL; // connection to system bus conn = g_bus_get_sync(G_BUS_TYPE_SYSTEM, NULL, &error); if (error != NULL) { g_error_free (error); return NULL; } // let's check if udisks2 is responding proxy = g_dbus_proxy_new_sync(conn, G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_NONE, NULL, UDISKS2_INTERFACE, UDISKS2_MANAGER_OBJ_PATH, DBUS_PROPERTIES_INTERFACE, NULL, &error); if (error != NULL) { g_error_free (error); g_object_unref(conn); return NULL; } result = get_dbus_property(proxy, UDISKS2_MANAGER_INTERFACE, "Version"); g_object_unref(proxy); if (error != NULL) { g_error_free (error); return NULL; } // OK, let's return connection to system bus g_variant_unref(result); return conn; } udiskt* udiskt_new() { return g_new0(udiskt, 1); } udiskd* udiskd_new() { return g_new0(udiskd, 1); } void udiskt_free(udiskt *u) { if (u) { g_free(u->drive); g_free(u); } } void udiskd_free(udiskd *u) { if (u) { g_free(u->model); g_free(u->vendor); g_free(u->revision); g_free(u->block_dev); g_free(u->serial); g_free(u->connection_bus); g_free(u->media); g_free(u->media_compatibility); g_free(u); } } gpointer get_udisks2_temp(const char *blockdev, GDBusProxy *drive){ GVariant *v; gboolean smart_enabled = FALSE; udiskt* disk_temp = NULL; v = get_dbus_property(drive, UDISKS2_DRIVE_ATA_INTERFACE, "SmartEnabled"); if (v) { smart_enabled = g_variant_get_boolean(v); g_variant_unref(v); } if (!smart_enabled) { return NULL; } v = get_dbus_property(drive, UDISKS2_DRIVE_ATA_INTERFACE, "SmartTemperature"); if (v) { disk_temp = udiskt_new(); disk_temp->temperature = (gint32) g_variant_get_double(v) - 273.15; g_variant_unref(v); } if (!disk_temp) { return NULL; } v = get_dbus_property(drive, UDISKS2_DRIVE_INTERFACE, "Model"); if (v) { disk_temp->drive = g_variant_dup_string(v, NULL); g_variant_unref(v); } return disk_temp; } gpointer get_udisks2_drive_info(const char *blockdev, GDBusProxy *drive) { GVariant *v; const gchar *str; udiskd *u = NULL; u = udiskd_new(); u->block_dev = g_strdup(blockdev); v = get_dbus_property(drive, UDISKS2_DRIVE_INTERFACE, "Model"); if (v){ u->model = g_variant_dup_string(v, NULL); g_variant_unref(v); } v = get_dbus_property(drive, UDISKS2_DRIVE_INTERFACE, "Vendor"); if (v){ u->vendor = g_variant_dup_string(v, NULL); g_variant_unref(v); } v = get_dbus_property(drive, UDISKS2_DRIVE_INTERFACE, "Revision"); if (v){ u->revision = g_variant_dup_string(v, NULL); g_variant_unref(v); } v = get_dbus_property(drive, UDISKS2_DRIVE_INTERFACE, "Serial"); if (v){ u->serial = g_variant_dup_string(v, NULL); g_variant_unref(v); } v = get_dbus_property(drive, UDISKS2_DRIVE_INTERFACE, "ConnectionBus"); if (v){ u->connection_bus = g_variant_dup_string(v, NULL); g_variant_unref(v); } v = get_dbus_property(drive, UDISKS2_DRIVE_INTERFACE, "RotationRate"); if (v){ u->rotation_rate = g_variant_get_int32(v); g_variant_unref(v); } v = get_dbus_property(drive, UDISKS2_DRIVE_INTERFACE, "Size"); if (v){ u->size = g_variant_get_uint64(v); g_variant_unref(v); } v = get_dbus_property(drive, UDISKS2_DRIVE_INTERFACE, "Media"); if (v){ str = g_variant_get_string(v, NULL); if (strcmp(str, "") != 0) { u->media = g_strdup(str); } g_variant_unref(v); } v = get_dbus_property(drive, UDISKS2_DRIVE_INTERFACE, "MediaCompatibility"); if (v){ GVariantIter *iter; g_variant_get(v, "as", &iter); while (g_variant_iter_loop (iter, "s", &str)){ if (u->media_compatibility == NULL){ u->media_compatibility = g_strdup(str); } else{ u->media_compatibility = h_strdup_cprintf(", %s", u->media_compatibility, str); } } g_variant_iter_free (iter); g_variant_unref(v); } v = get_dbus_property(drive, UDISKS2_DRIVE_INTERFACE, "Ejectable"); if (v){ u->ejectable = g_variant_get_boolean(v); g_variant_unref(v); } v = get_dbus_property(drive, UDISKS2_DRIVE_INTERFACE, "Removable"); if (v){ u->removable = g_variant_get_boolean(v); g_variant_unref(v); } v = get_dbus_property(drive, UDISKS2_DRIVE_ATA_INTERFACE, "SmartEnabled"); if (v){ u->smart_enabled = g_variant_get_boolean(v); g_variant_unref(v); } if (u->smart_enabled){ v = get_dbus_property(drive, UDISKS2_DRIVE_ATA_INTERFACE, "SmartPowerOnSeconds"); if (v){ u->smart_poweron = g_variant_get_uint64(v); g_variant_unref(v); } v = get_dbus_property(drive, UDISKS2_DRIVE_ATA_INTERFACE, "SmartNumBadSectors"); if (v){ u->smart_bad_sectors = g_variant_get_int64(v); g_variant_unref(v); } v = get_dbus_property(drive, UDISKS2_DRIVE_ATA_INTERFACE, "SmartTemperature"); if (v){ u->smart_temperature = (gint) (g_variant_get_double(v) - 273.15); g_variant_unref(v); } v = get_dbus_property(drive, UDISKS2_DRIVE_ATA_INTERFACE, "SmartFailing"); if (v){ u->smart_failing = g_variant_get_boolean(v); g_variant_unref(v); } } return u; } GSList* get_udisks2_temps(void){ return udisks2_drives_func_caller(udisks2_conn, get_udisks2_temp); } GSList* get_udisks2_all_drives_info(void){ return udisks2_drives_func_caller(udisks2_conn, get_udisks2_drive_info); } void udisks2_init(){ if (udisks2_conn == NULL){ udisks2_conn = get_udisks2_connection(); } } void udisks2_shutdown(){ if (udisks2_conn != NULL){ g_object_unref(udisks2_conn); udisks2_conn = NULL; } }