/* * HardInfo - Displays System Information * Copyright (C) 2003-2009 Leandro A. F. Pereira <leandro@hardinfo.org> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include <hardinfo.h> #include <iconcache.h> #include <shell.h> #include <config.h> #include <syncmanager.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/resource.h> enum { BENCHMARK_BLOWFISH, BENCHMARK_CRYPTOHASH, BENCHMARK_FIB, BENCHMARK_NQUEENS, BENCHMARK_FFT, BENCHMARK_RAYTRACE, BENCHMARK_N_ENTRIES } Entries; void scan_fft(gboolean reload); void scan_raytr(gboolean reload); void scan_bfsh(gboolean reload); void scan_cryptohash(gboolean reload); void scan_fib(gboolean reload); void scan_nqueens(gboolean reload); gchar *callback_fft(); gchar *callback_raytr(); gchar *callback_bfsh(); gchar *callback_fib(); gchar *callback_cryptohash(); gchar *callback_nqueens(); static ModuleEntry entries[] = { {"CPU Blowfish", "blowfish.png", callback_bfsh, scan_bfsh}, {"CPU CryptoHash", "cryptohash.png", callback_cryptohash, scan_cryptohash}, {"CPU Fibonacci", "nautilus.png", callback_fib, scan_fib}, {"CPU N-Queens", "nqueens.png", callback_nqueens, scan_nqueens}, {"FPU FFT", "fft.png", callback_fft, scan_fft}, {"FPU Raytracing", "raytrace.png", callback_raytr, scan_raytr}, {NULL} }; typedef struct _ParallelBenchTask ParallelBenchTask; struct _ParallelBenchTask { gint thread_number; guint start, end; gpointer data, callback; }; gpointer benchmark_parallel_for_dispatcher(gpointer data) { ParallelBenchTask *pbt = (ParallelBenchTask *)data; gpointer (*callback)(unsigned int start, unsigned int end, void *data, gint thread_number); gpointer return_value; if ((callback = pbt->callback)) { DEBUG("this is thread %p; items %d -> %d, data %p", g_thread_self(), pbt->start, pbt->end, pbt->data); return_value = callback(pbt->start, pbt->end, pbt->data, pbt->thread_number); DEBUG("this is thread %p; return value is %p", g_thread_self(), return_value); } else { DEBUG("this is thread %p; callback is NULL and it should't be!", g_thread_self()); } g_free(pbt); return return_value; } gdouble benchmark_parallel_for(guint start, guint end, gpointer callback, gpointer callback_data) { gchar *temp; guint n_cores, iter_per_core, iter, thread_number = 0; gdouble elapsed_time; GSList *threads = NULL, *t; GTimer *timer; timer = g_timer_new(); temp = module_call_method("devices::getProcessorCount"); n_cores = temp ? atoi(temp) : 1; g_free(temp); while (1) { iter_per_core = (end - start) / n_cores; if (iter_per_core == 0) { DEBUG("not enough items per core; disabling one"); n_cores--; } else { break; } } DEBUG("processor has %d cores; processing %d elements (%d per core)", n_cores, (end - start), iter_per_core); g_timer_start(timer); for (iter = start; iter < end; iter += iter_per_core) { ParallelBenchTask *pbt = g_new0(ParallelBenchTask, 1); GThread *thread; DEBUG("launching thread %d", 1 + (iter / iter_per_core)); pbt->thread_number = thread_number++; pbt->start = iter == 0 ? 0 : iter; pbt->end = iter + iter_per_core - 1; pbt->data = callback_data; pbt->callback = callback; if (pbt->end > end) pbt->end = end; thread = g_thread_create((GThreadFunc) benchmark_parallel_for_dispatcher, pbt, TRUE, NULL); threads = g_slist_append(threads, thread); DEBUG("thread %d launched as context %p", thread_number, thread); } DEBUG("waiting for all threads to finish"); for (t = threads; t; t = t->next) { DEBUG("waiting for thread with context %p", t->data); g_thread_join((GThread *)t->data); } g_timer_stop(timer); elapsed_time = g_timer_elapsed(timer, NULL); g_slist_free(threads); g_timer_destroy(timer); DEBUG("finishing; all threads took %f seconds to finish", elapsed_time); return elapsed_time; } static gchar *clean_cpuname(gchar *cpuname) { gchar *ret = NULL, *tmp; gchar *remove[] = { "(R)", "(r)", "(TM)", "(tm)", "Processor", "Technology", "processor", "CPU", "cpu", "Genuine", "Authentic", NULL }; gint i; ret = g_strdup(cpuname); for (i = 0; remove[i]; i++) { tmp = strreplace(ret, remove[i], ""); g_free(ret); ret = tmp; } ret = strend(ret, '@'); ret = g_strstrip(ret); tmp = g_strdup(ret); g_free(ret); return tmp; } static gchar *__benchmark_include_results(gdouble result, const gchar * benchmark, ShellOrderType order_type) { GKeyFile *conf; gchar **machines; gchar *path, *results = g_strdup(""), *return_value, *processor_frequency; int i; conf = g_key_file_new(); path = g_build_filename(g_get_home_dir(), ".hardinfo", "benchmark.conf", NULL); if (!g_file_test(path, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { DEBUG("local benchmark.conf not found, trying system-wide"); g_free(path); path = g_build_filename(params.path_data, "benchmark.conf", NULL); } g_key_file_load_from_file(conf, path, 0, NULL); machines = g_key_file_get_keys(conf, benchmark, NULL, NULL); for (i = 0; machines && machines[i]; i++) { gchar *value, *cleaned_machine; value = g_key_file_get_value(conf, benchmark, machines[i], NULL); cleaned_machine = clean_cpuname(machines[i]); results = h_strconcat(results, cleaned_machine, "=", value, "\n", NULL); g_free(value); g_free(cleaned_machine); } g_strfreev(machines); g_free(path); g_key_file_free(conf); processor_frequency = module_call_method("devices::getProcessorFrequency"); return_value = g_strdup_printf("[$ShellParam$]\n" "Zebra=1\n" "OrderType=%d\n" "ViewType=3\n" "ColumnTitle$Extra1=CPU Clock\n" "ColumnTitle$Progress=Results\n" "ColumnTitle$TextValue=CPU\n" "ShowColumnHeaders=true\n" "[%s]\n" "<big><b>This Machine</b></big>=%.3f|%s MHz\n" "%s", order_type, benchmark, result, processor_frequency, results); g_free(processor_frequency); return return_value; } static gchar *benchmark_include_results_reverse(gdouble result, const gchar * benchmark) { return __benchmark_include_results(result, benchmark, SHELL_ORDER_DESCENDING); } static gchar *benchmark_include_results(gdouble result, const gchar * benchmark) { return __benchmark_include_results(result, benchmark, SHELL_ORDER_ASCENDING); } static gdouble bench_results[BENCHMARK_N_ENTRIES]; #include <arch/common/fib.h> #include <arch/common/cryptohash.h> #include <arch/common/blowfish.h> #include <arch/common/raytrace.h> #include <arch/common/nqueens.h> #include <arch/common/fft.h> gchar *callback_fft() { return benchmark_include_results(bench_results[BENCHMARK_FFT], "FPU FFT"); } gchar *callback_nqueens() { return benchmark_include_results(bench_results[BENCHMARK_NQUEENS], "CPU N-Queens"); } gchar *callback_raytr() { return benchmark_include_results(bench_results[BENCHMARK_RAYTRACE], "FPU Raytracing"); } gchar *callback_bfsh() { return benchmark_include_results(bench_results[BENCHMARK_BLOWFISH], "CPU Blowfish"); } gchar *callback_cryptohash() { return benchmark_include_results_reverse(bench_results[BENCHMARK_CRYPTOHASH], "CPU CryptoHash"); } gchar *callback_fib() { return benchmark_include_results(bench_results[BENCHMARK_FIB], "CPU Fibonacci"); } #define RUN_WITH_HIGH_PRIORITY(fn) \ do { \ int old_priority = getpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0); \ setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, -20); \ fn(); \ setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, old_priority); \ } while (0); void scan_fft(gboolean reload) { SCAN_START(); RUN_WITH_HIGH_PRIORITY(benchmark_fft); SCAN_END(); } void scan_nqueens(gboolean reload) { SCAN_START(); RUN_WITH_HIGH_PRIORITY(benchmark_nqueens); SCAN_END(); } void scan_raytr(gboolean reload) { SCAN_START(); RUN_WITH_HIGH_PRIORITY(benchmark_raytrace); SCAN_END(); } void scan_bfsh(gboolean reload) { SCAN_START(); RUN_WITH_HIGH_PRIORITY(benchmark_fish); SCAN_END(); } void scan_cryptohash(gboolean reload) { SCAN_START(); RUN_WITH_HIGH_PRIORITY(benchmark_cryptohash); SCAN_END(); } void scan_fib(gboolean reload) { SCAN_START(); RUN_WITH_HIGH_PRIORITY(benchmark_fib); SCAN_END(); } const gchar *hi_note_func(gint entry) { switch (entry) { case BENCHMARK_CRYPTOHASH: return "Results in MiB/second. Higher is better."; case BENCHMARK_FFT: case BENCHMARK_RAYTRACE: case BENCHMARK_BLOWFISH: case BENCHMARK_FIB: case BENCHMARK_NQUEENS: return "Results in seconds. Lower is better."; } return NULL; } gchar *hi_module_get_name(void) { return g_strdup("Benchmarks"); } guchar hi_module_get_weight(void) { return 240; } ModuleEntry *hi_module_get_entries(void) { return entries; } ModuleAbout *hi_module_get_about(void) { static ModuleAbout ma[] = { { .author = "Leandro A. F. Pereira", .description = "Perform tasks and compare with other systems", .version = VERSION, .license = "GNU GPL version 2"} }; return ma; } static gchar *get_benchmark_results() { void (*scan_callback) (gboolean rescan); gint i = G_N_ELEMENTS(entries) - 1; gchar *machine = module_call_method("devices::getProcessorName"); gchar *machineclock = module_call_method("devices::getProcessorFrequency"); gchar *machineram = module_call_method("devices::getMemoryTotal"); gchar *result = g_strdup_printf("[param]\n" "machine=%s\n" "machineclock=%s\n" "machineram=%s\n" "nbenchmarks=%d\n", machine, machineclock, machineram, i); for (; i >= 0; i--) { if ((scan_callback = entries[i].scan_callback)) { scan_callback(FALSE); result = h_strdup_cprintf("[bench%d]\n" "name=%s\n" "value=%f\n", result, i, entries[i].name, bench_results[i]); } } g_free(machine); g_free(machineclock); g_free(machineram); return result; } static gchar *run_benchmark(gchar *name) { int i; DEBUG("name = %s", name); for (i = 0; entries[i].name; i++) { if (g_str_equal(entries[i].name, name)) { void (*scan_callback)(gboolean rescan); if ((scan_callback = entries[i].scan_callback)) { scan_callback(FALSE); return g_strdup_printf("%f", bench_results[i]); } } } return NULL; } ShellModuleMethod *hi_exported_methods(void) { static ShellModuleMethod m[] = { {"runBenchmark", run_benchmark}, {NULL} }; return m; } void hi_module_init(void) { static SyncEntry se[] = { { .fancy_name = "Send benchmark results", .name = "SendBenchmarkResults", .save_to = NULL, .get_data = get_benchmark_results}, { .fancy_name = "Receive benchmark results", .name = "RecvBenchmarkResults", .save_to = "benchmark.conf", .get_data = NULL} }; sync_manager_add_entry(&se[0]); sync_manager_add_entry(&se[1]); } gchar **hi_module_get_dependencies(void) { static gchar *deps[] = { "devices.so", NULL }; return deps; }