/* * Hardware Information, version 0.3.1b * Copyright (C) 2003 Leandro Pereira <leandro@linuxmag.com.br> * * May be modified and/or distributed under the terms of GNU GPL version 2. * */ #include "hardinfo.h" #include "isapnp.h" ISADevice *hi_scan_isapnp(void) { FILE *proc_isapnp; gchar buffer[256], *buf; gint n=0; ISADevice *isa_dev, *isa; struct stat st; isa = NULL; if(stat("/proc/isapnp", &st)) return NULL; proc_isapnp = fopen("/proc/isapnp", "r"); while(fgets(buffer, 256, proc_isapnp)){ buf = g_strstrip(buffer); if(!strncmp(buf, "Card", 4)){ gboolean lock = FALSE; gfloat pnpversion, prodversion; gint card_id; gpointer start = NULL, end = NULL; sscanf(buf, "Card %d", &card_id); for (; buf != NULL; buf++) { if (lock && *buf == '\'') { end = buf; break; } else if (!lock && *buf == ':') { start = buf+1; lock = TRUE; } } buf += 2; sscanf(buf, "PnP version %f Product version %f", &pnpversion, &prodversion); buf = end; *buf=0; buf = start; isa_dev = g_new0(ISADevice, 1); isa_dev->next = isa; isa = isa_dev; isa_dev->pnpversion = pnpversion; isa_dev->prodversion = prodversion; isa_dev->card_id = card_id; isa_dev->card = g_strdup(buf); n++; } } fclose(proc_isapnp); return isa; } void hi_show_isa_info(MainWindow *mainwindow, ISADevice *device) { gchar *buf; if(!device) return; gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(mainwindow->det_window->window), _("ISA Plug and Play Device")); detail_window_set_dev_name(mainwindow->det_window, device->card); detail_window_set_icon(mainwindow->det_window, IMG_PREFIX "pci.png"); detail_window_append_info_int(mainwindow->det_window, _("Card ID"), device->card_id, FALSE); buf = g_strdup_printf("%.2f", device->pnpversion); detail_window_append_info(mainwindow->det_window, _("PnP version"), buf); g_free(buf); buf = g_strdup_printf("%.2f", device->prodversion); detail_window_append_info(mainwindow->det_window, _("Product version"), buf); g_free(buf); }