/* * HardInfo - Displays System Information * Copyright (C) 2003-2006 L. A. F. Pereira <l@tia.mat.br> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 2 or later. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include <gdk/gdkx.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <sys/utsname.h> #include "hardinfo.h" #include "computer.h" #include "distro_flavors.h" static gchar * get_libc_version(void) { static const struct { const char *test_cmd; const char *match_str; const char *lib_name; gboolean try_ver_str; gboolean use_stderr; } libs[] = { { "ldd --version", "GLIBC", N_("GNU C Library"), TRUE, FALSE}, { "ldd --version", "GNU libc", N_("GNU C Library"), TRUE, FALSE}, { "ldconfig -V", "GLIBC", N_("GNU C Library"), TRUE, FALSE}, { "ldconfig -V", "GNU libc", N_("GNU C Library"), TRUE, FALSE}, { "ldconfig -v", "uClibc", N_("uClibc or uClibc-ng"), FALSE, FALSE}, { "diet", "diet version", N_("diet libc"), TRUE, TRUE}, { NULL } }; int i; for (i = 0; libs[i].test_cmd; i++) { gboolean spawned; gchar *out, *err, *p; spawned = hardinfo_spawn_command_line_sync(libs[i].test_cmd, &out, &err, NULL, NULL); if (!spawned) continue; if (libs[i].use_stderr) { p = strend(idle_free(err), '\n'); g_free(out); } else { p = strend(idle_free(out), '\n'); g_free(err); } if (!p || !strstr(p, libs[i].match_str)) continue; if (libs[i].try_ver_str) { /* skip the first word, likely "ldconfig" or name of utility */ const gchar *ver_str = strchr(p, ' '); if (ver_str) { return g_strdup_printf("%s / %s", _(libs[i].lib_name), ver_str + 1); } } return g_strdup(_(libs[i].lib_name)); } return g_strdup(_("Unknown")); } static gchar *detect_kde_version(void) { const gchar *cmd; const gchar *tmp = g_getenv("KDE_SESSION_VERSION"); gchar *out; gboolean spawned; if (tmp && tmp[0] == '4') { cmd = "kwin --version"; } else { cmd = "kcontrol --version"; } spawned = hardinfo_spawn_command_line_sync(cmd, &out, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (!spawned) return NULL; tmp = strstr(idle_free(out), "KDE: "); return tmp ? g_strdup(tmp + strlen("KDE: ")) : NULL; } static gchar * detect_gnome_version(void) { gchar *tmp; gchar *out; gboolean spawned; spawned = hardinfo_spawn_command_line_sync( "gnome-shell --version", &out, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (spawned) { tmp = strstr(idle_free(out), _("GNOME Shell ")); if (tmp) { tmp += strlen(_("GNOME Shell ")); return g_strdup_printf("GNOME %s", strend(tmp, '\n')); } } spawned = hardinfo_spawn_command_line_sync( "gnome-about --gnome-version", &out, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (spawned) { tmp = strstr(idle_free(out), _("Version: ")); if (tmp) { tmp += strlen(_("Version: ")); return g_strdup_printf("GNOME %s", strend(tmp, '\n')); } } return NULL; } static gchar * detect_mate_version(void) { gchar *tmp; gchar *out; gboolean spawned; spawned = hardinfo_spawn_command_line_sync( "mate-about --version", &out, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (spawned) { tmp = strstr(idle_free(out), _("MATE Desktop Environment ")); if (tmp) { tmp += strlen(_("MATE Desktop Environment ")); return g_strdup_printf("MATE %s", strend(tmp, '\n')); } } return NULL; } static gchar * detect_window_manager(void) { const gchar *curdesktop; const gchar* windowman; GdkScreen *screen = gdk_screen_get_default(); #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(3,0,0) if (GDK_IS_X11_SCREEN(screen)) { #else if (screen && GDK_IS_SCREEN(screen)) { #endif windowman = gdk_x11_screen_get_window_manager_name(screen); } else return g_strdup("Not X11"); if (g_str_equal(windowman, "Xfwm4")) return g_strdup("XFCE 4"); curdesktop = g_getenv("XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP"); if (curdesktop) { const gchar *desksession = g_getenv("DESKTOP_SESSION"); if (desksession && !g_str_equal(curdesktop, desksession)) return g_strdup(desksession); } return g_strdup_printf(_("Unknown (Window Manager: %s)"), windowman); } static gchar * desktop_with_session_type(const gchar *desktop_env) { const char *tmp; tmp = g_getenv("XDG_SESSION_TYPE"); if (tmp) { if (!g_str_equal(tmp, "unspecified")) return g_strdup_printf(_(/*/{desktop environment} on {session type}*/ "%s on %s"), desktop_env, tmp); } return g_strdup(desktop_env); } static gchar * detect_xdg_environment(const gchar *env_var) { const gchar *tmp; tmp = g_getenv(env_var); if (!tmp) return NULL; if (g_str_equal(tmp, "GNOME") || g_str_equal(tmp, "gnome")) { gchar *maybe_gnome = detect_gnome_version(); if (maybe_gnome) return maybe_gnome; } if (g_str_equal(tmp, "KDE") || g_str_equal(tmp, "kde")) { gchar *maybe_kde = detect_kde_version(); if (maybe_kde) return maybe_kde; } if (g_str_equal(tmp, "MATE") || g_str_equal(tmp, "mate")) { gchar *maybe_mate = detect_mate_version(); if (maybe_mate) return maybe_mate; } return g_strdup(tmp); } static gchar * detect_desktop_environment(void) { const gchar *tmp; gchar *windowman; windowman = detect_xdg_environment("XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP"); if (windowman) return windowman; windowman = detect_xdg_environment("XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP"); if (windowman) return windowman; tmp = g_getenv("KDE_FULL_SESSION"); if (tmp) { gchar *maybe_kde = detect_kde_version(); if (maybe_kde) return maybe_kde; } tmp = g_getenv("GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID"); if (tmp) { gchar *maybe_gnome = detect_gnome_version(); if (maybe_gnome) return maybe_gnome; } windowman = detect_window_manager(); if (windowman) return windowman; if (!g_getenv("DISPLAY")) return g_strdup(_("Terminal")); return g_strdup(_("Unknown")); } gchar * computer_get_dmesg_status(void) { gchar *out = NULL, *err = NULL; int ex = 1, result = 0; hardinfo_spawn_command_line_sync("dmesg", &out, &err, &ex, NULL); g_free(out); g_free(err); result += (getuid() == 0) ? 2 : 0; result += ex ? 1 : 0; switch(result) { case 0: /* readable, user */ return g_strdup(_("User access allowed")); case 1: /* unreadable, user */ return g_strdup(_("User access forbidden")); case 2: /* readable, root */ return g_strdup(_("Access allowed (running as superuser)")); case 3: /* unreadable, root */ return g_strdup(_("Access forbidden? (running as superuser)")); } return g_strdup(_("(Unknown)")); } gchar * computer_get_aslr(void) { switch (h_sysfs_read_int("/proc/sys/kernel", "randomize_va_space")) { case 0: return g_strdup(_("Disabled")); case 1: return g_strdup(_("Partially enabled (mmap base+stack+VDSO base)")); case 2: return g_strdup(_("Fully enabled (mmap base+stack+VDSO base+heap)")); default: return g_strdup(_("Unknown")); } } gchar * computer_get_entropy_avail(void) { gchar tab_entropy_fstr[][32] = { N_(/*/bits of entropy for rng (0)*/ "(None or not available)"), N_(/*/bits of entropy for rng (low/poor value)*/ "%d bits (low)"), N_(/*/bits of entropy for rng (medium value)*/ "%d bits (medium)"), N_(/*/bits of entropy for rng (high/good value)*/ "%d bits (healthy)") }; gint bits = h_sysfs_read_int("/proc/sys/kernel/random", "entropy_avail"); if (bits > 3000) return g_strdup_printf(_(tab_entropy_fstr[3]), bits); if (bits > 200) return g_strdup_printf(_(tab_entropy_fstr[2]), bits); if (bits > 1) return g_strdup_printf(_(tab_entropy_fstr[1]), bits); return g_strdup_printf(_(tab_entropy_fstr[0]), bits); } gchar * computer_get_language(void) { gchar *tab_lang_env[] = { "LANGUAGE", "LANG", "LC_ALL", "LC_MESSAGES", NULL }; gchar *lc = NULL, *env = NULL, *ret = NULL; gint i = 0; lc = setlocale(LC_ALL, NULL); while (tab_lang_env[i] != NULL) { env = g_strdup( g_getenv(tab_lang_env[i]) ); if (env != NULL) break; i++; } if (env != NULL) if (lc != NULL) ret = g_strdup_printf("%s (%s)", lc, env); else ret = g_strdup_printf("%s", env); else if (lc != NULL) ret = g_strdup_printf("%s", lc); if (ret == NULL) ret = g_strdup( _("(Unknown)") ); return ret; } static Distro parse_os_release(void) { gchar *pretty_name = NULL; gchar *id = NULL; gchar *codename = NULL; gchar **split, *contents, **line; if (!g_file_get_contents("/usr/lib/os-release", &contents, NULL, NULL)) return (Distro) {}; split = g_strsplit(idle_free(contents), "\n", 0); if (!split) return (Distro) {}; for (line = split; *line; line++) { if (!strncmp(*line, "ID=", sizeof("ID=") - 1)) { id = g_strdup(*line + strlen("ID=")); } else if (!strncmp(*line, "CODENAME=", sizeof("CODENAME=") - 1) && codename == NULL) { codename = g_strdup(*line + strlen("CODENAME=")); } else if (!strncmp(*line, "VERSION_CODENAME=", sizeof("VERSION_CODENAME=") - 1) && codename == NULL) { codename = g_strdup(*line + strlen("VERSION_CODENAME=")); } else if (!strncmp(*line, "PRETTY_NAME=", sizeof("PRETTY_NAME=") - 1)) { pretty_name = g_strdup(*line + strlen("PRETTY_NAME=\"")); strend(pretty_name, '"'); } } g_strfreev(split); if (pretty_name) return (Distro) { .distro = pretty_name, .codename = codename, .id = id }; g_free(id); return (Distro) {}; } /*static Distro parse_lsb_release(void) { gchar *pretty_name = NULL; gchar *id = NULL; gchar *codename = NULL; gchar **split, *contents, **line; if (!hardinfo_spawn_command_line_sync("/usr/bin/lsb_release -dic", &contents, NULL, NULL, NULL)) return (Distro) {}; split = g_strsplit(idle_free(contents), "\n", 0); if (!split) return (Distro) {}; for (line = split; *line; line++) { if (!strncmp(*line, "Distributor ID:\t", sizeof("Distributor ID:\t") - 1)) { id = g_utf8_strdown(*line + strlen("Distributor ID:\t"), -1); } else if (!strncmp(*line, "Codename:\t", sizeof("Codename:\t") - 1)) { codename = g_utf8_strdown(*line + strlen("Codename:\t"), -1); } else if (!strncmp(*line, "Description:\t", sizeof("Description:\t") - 1)) { pretty_name = g_strdup(*line + strlen("Description:\t")); } } g_strfreev(split); if (pretty_name) return (Distro) { .distro = pretty_name, .codename = codename, .id = id }; g_free(id); return (Distro) {}; }*/ static Distro detect_distro(void) { static const struct { const gchar *file; const gchar *id; const gchar *override; } distro_db[] = { #define DB_PREFIX "/etc/" { DB_PREFIX "arch-release", "arch", "Arch Linux" }, { DB_PREFIX "fatdog-version", "fatdog" }, { DB_PREFIX "debian_version", "debian" }, { DB_PREFIX "slackware-version", "slk" }, { DB_PREFIX "mandrake-release", "mdk" }, { DB_PREFIX "mandriva-release", "mdv" }, { DB_PREFIX "fedora-release", "fedora" }, { DB_PREFIX "coas", "coas" }, { DB_PREFIX "environment.corel", "corel"}, { DB_PREFIX "gentoo-release", "gnt" }, { DB_PREFIX "conectiva-release", "cnc" }, { DB_PREFIX "versão-conectiva", "cnc" }, { DB_PREFIX "turbolinux-release", "tl" }, { DB_PREFIX "yellowdog-release", "yd" }, { DB_PREFIX "sabayon-release", "sbn" }, { DB_PREFIX "enlisy-release", "enlsy" }, { DB_PREFIX "SuSE-release", "suse" }, { DB_PREFIX "sun-release", "sun" }, { DB_PREFIX "zenwalk-version", "zen" }, { DB_PREFIX "DISTRO_SPECS", "ppy", "Puppy Linux" }, { DB_PREFIX "puppyversion", "ppy", "Puppy Linux" }, { DB_PREFIX "distro-release", "fl" }, { DB_PREFIX "vine-release", "vine" }, { DB_PREFIX "PartedMagic-version", "pmag" }, /* * RedHat must be the *last* one to be checked, since * some distros (like Mandrake) includes a redhat-relase * file too. */ { DB_PREFIX "redhat-release", "rh" }, #undef DB_PREFIX { NULL, NULL } }; Distro distro; gchar *contents; int i; distro = parse_os_release(); if (distro.distro) return distro; /*distro = parse_lsb_release(); if (distro.distro) return distro;*/ for (i = 0; distro_db[i].file; i++) { if (!g_file_get_contents(distro_db[i].file, &contents, NULL, NULL)) continue; if (distro_db[i].override) { g_free(contents); return (Distro) { .distro = g_strdup(distro_db[i].override), .id = g_strdup(distro_db[i].id) }; } if (g_str_equal(distro_db[i].id, "debian")) { /* HACK: Some Debian systems doesn't include the distribuition * name in /etc/debian_release, so add them here. */ if (isdigit(contents[0]) || contents[0] != 'D') return (Distro) { .distro = g_strdup_printf("Debian GNU/Linux %s", (char*)idle_free(contents)), .id = g_strdup(distro_db[i].id) }; } if (g_str_equal(distro_db[i].id, "fatdog")) { return (Distro) { .distro = g_strdup_printf("Fatdog64 [%.10s]", (char*)idle_free(contents)), .id = g_strdup(distro_db[i].id) }; } return (Distro) { .distro = contents, .id = g_strdup(distro_db[i].id) }; } return (Distro) { .distro = g_strdup(_("Unknown")) }; } OperatingSystem * computer_get_os(void) { struct utsname utsbuf; OperatingSystem *os; int i; os = g_new0(OperatingSystem, 1); Distro distro = detect_distro(); os->distro = g_strstrip(distro.distro); os->distroid = distro.id; os->distrocode = distro.codename; /* Kernel and hostname info */ uname(&utsbuf); os->kernel_version = g_strdup(utsbuf.version); os->kernel = g_strdup_printf("%s %s (%s)", utsbuf.sysname, utsbuf.release, utsbuf.machine); os->kcmdline = h_sysfs_read_string("/proc", "cmdline"); os->hostname = g_strdup(utsbuf.nodename); os->language = computer_get_language(); os->homedir = g_strdup(g_get_home_dir()); os->username = g_strdup_printf("%s (%s)", g_get_user_name(), g_get_real_name()); os->libc = get_libc_version(); scan_languages(os); os->desktop = detect_desktop_environment(); if (os->desktop) os->desktop = desktop_with_session_type(idle_free(os->desktop)); os->entropy_avail = computer_get_entropy_avail(); if (g_strcmp0(os->distroid, "ubuntu") == 0) { GSList *flavs = ubuntu_flavors_scan(); if (flavs) { /* just use the first one */ os->distro_flavor = (DistroFlavor*)flavs->data; } g_slist_free(flavs); } return os; } const gchar * computer_get_selinux(void) { int r; gboolean spawned = hardinfo_spawn_command_line_sync("selinuxenabled", NULL, NULL, &r, NULL); if (!spawned) return _("Not installed"); if (r == 0) return _("Enabled"); return _("Disabled"); } gchar * computer_get_lsm(void) { gchar *contents; if (!g_file_get_contents("/sys/kernel/security/lsm", &contents, NULL, NULL)) return g_strdup(_("Unknown")); return contents; }