/* * HardInfo - Displays System Information * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Leandro A. F. Pereira <leandro@hardinfo.org> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifndef __USE_XOPEN #define __USE_XOPEN #endif /* __USE_XOPEN */ #ifndef _XOPEN_SOURCE #define _XOPEN_SOURCE #endif /* _XOPEN_SOURCE */ #include <gtk/gtk.h> #include <config.h> #include <string.h> #include <hardinfo.h> #include <shell.h> #include <iconcache.h> #include <syncmanager.h> #include <expr.h> #include <socket.h> #include "devices.h" #include "dt_util.h" gchar *callback_processors(); gchar *callback_memory(); gchar *callback_battery(); gchar *callback_pci(); gchar *callback_sensors(); gchar *callback_printers(); gchar *callback_storage(); gchar *callback_input(); gchar *callback_usb(); #if defined(ARCH_x86) || defined(ARCH_x86_64) gchar *callback_dmi(); gchar *callback_spd(); #endif gchar *callback_dtree(); gchar *callback_device_resources(); void scan_processors(gboolean reload); void scan_memory(gboolean reload); void scan_battery(gboolean reload); void scan_pci(gboolean reload); void scan_sensors(gboolean reload); void scan_printers(gboolean reload); void scan_storage(gboolean reload); void scan_input(gboolean reload); void scan_usb(gboolean reload); #if defined(ARCH_x86) || defined(ARCH_x86_64) void scan_dmi(gboolean reload); void scan_spd(gboolean reload); #endif void scan_dtree(gboolean reload); void scan_device_resources(gboolean reload); gboolean root_required_for_resources(void); gchar *hi_more_info(gchar *entry); enum { ENTRY_DTREE, ENTRY_PROCESSOR, ENTRY_MEMORY, ENTRY_PCI, ENTRY_USB, ENTRY_PRINTERS, ENTRY_BATTERY, ENTRY_SENSORS, ENTRY_INPUT, ENTRY_STORAGE, ENTRY_DMI, ENTRY_SPD, ENTRY_RESOURCES }; static ModuleEntry entries[] = { [ENTRY_PROCESSOR] = {N_("Processor"), "processor.png", callback_processors, scan_processors, MODULE_FLAG_NONE}, [ENTRY_MEMORY] = {N_("Memory"), "memory.png", callback_memory, scan_memory, MODULE_FLAG_NONE}, [ENTRY_PCI] = {N_("PCI Devices"), "devices.png", callback_pci, scan_pci, MODULE_FLAG_NONE}, [ENTRY_USB] = {N_("USB Devices"), "usb.png", callback_usb, scan_usb, MODULE_FLAG_NONE}, [ENTRY_PRINTERS] = {N_("Printers"), "printer.png", callback_printers, scan_printers, MODULE_FLAG_NONE}, [ENTRY_BATTERY] = {N_("Battery"), "battery.png", callback_battery, scan_battery, MODULE_FLAG_NONE}, [ENTRY_SENSORS] = {N_("Sensors"), "therm.png", callback_sensors, scan_sensors, MODULE_FLAG_NONE}, [ENTRY_INPUT] = {N_("Input Devices"), "inputdevices.png", callback_input, scan_input, MODULE_FLAG_NONE}, [ENTRY_STORAGE] = {N_("Storage"), "hdd.png", callback_storage, scan_storage, MODULE_FLAG_NONE}, #if defined(ARCH_x86) || defined(ARCH_x86_64) [ENTRY_DMI] = {N_("DMI"), "computer.png", callback_dmi, scan_dmi, MODULE_FLAG_NONE}, [ENTRY_SPD] = {N_("Memory SPD"), "memory.png", callback_spd, scan_spd, MODULE_FLAG_NONE}, [ENTRY_DTREE] = {"#"}, #else [ENTRY_DMI] = {"#"}, [ENTRY_SPD] = {"#"}, [ENTRY_DTREE] = {N_("Device Tree"), "devices.png", callback_dtree, scan_dtree, MODULE_FLAG_NONE}, #endif /* x86 or x86_64 */ [ENTRY_RESOURCES] = {N_("Resources"), "resources.png", callback_device_resources, scan_device_resources, MODULE_FLAG_NONE}, { NULL } }; static GSList *processors = NULL; gchar *printer_list = NULL; gchar *printer_icons = NULL; gchar *pci_list = NULL; gchar *input_list = NULL; gchar *storage_list = NULL; gchar *battery_list = NULL; gchar *meminfo = NULL; gchar *lginterval = NULL; #include <vendor.h> static gint proc_cmp_model_name(Processor *a, Processor *b) { return g_strcmp0(a->model_name, b->model_name); } static gint proc_cmp_max_freq(Processor *a, Processor *b) { if (a->cpu_mhz == b->cpu_mhz) return 0; if (a->cpu_mhz > b->cpu_mhz) return -1; return 1; } gchar *processor_describe_default(GSList * processors) { int packs, cores, threads; const gchar *packs_fmt, *cores_fmt, *threads_fmt; gchar *ret, *full_fmt; cpu_procs_cores_threads(&packs, &cores, &threads); /* if topology info was available, else fallback to old method */ if (cores > 0) { packs_fmt = ngettext("%d physical processor", "%d physical processors", packs); cores_fmt = ngettext("%d core", "%d cores", cores); threads_fmt = ngettext("%d thread", "%d threads", threads); full_fmt = g_strdup_printf(_(/*/NP procs; NC cores; NT threads*/ "%s; %s; %s"), packs_fmt, cores_fmt, threads_fmt); ret = g_strdup_printf(full_fmt, packs, cores, threads); g_free(full_fmt); return ret; } else { return processor_describe_by_counting_names(processors); } } gchar *processor_name_default(GSList * processors) { gchar *ret = g_strdup(""); GSList *tmp, *l; Processor *p; gchar *cur_str = NULL; gint cur_count = 0; tmp = g_slist_copy(processors); tmp = g_slist_sort(tmp, (GCompareFunc)proc_cmp_model_name); for (l = tmp; l; l = l->next) { p = (Processor*)l->data; if (cur_str == NULL) { cur_str = p->model_name; cur_count = 1; } else { if(g_strcmp0(cur_str, p->model_name)) { ret = h_strdup_cprintf("%s%s", ret, strlen(ret) ? "; " : "", cur_str); cur_str = p->model_name; cur_count = 1; } else { cur_count++; } } } ret = h_strdup_cprintf("%s%s", ret, strlen(ret) ? "; " : "", cur_str); g_slist_free(tmp); return ret; } /* TODO: prefix counts are threads when they should be cores. */ gchar *processor_describe_by_counting_names(GSList * processors) { gchar *ret = g_strdup(""); GSList *tmp, *l; Processor *p; gchar *cur_str = NULL; gint cur_count = 0; tmp = g_slist_copy(processors); tmp = g_slist_sort(tmp, (GCompareFunc)proc_cmp_model_name); for (l = tmp; l; l = l->next) { p = (Processor*)l->data; if (cur_str == NULL) { cur_str = p->model_name; cur_count = 1; } else { if(g_strcmp0(cur_str, p->model_name)) { ret = h_strdup_cprintf("%s%dx %s", ret, strlen(ret) ? " + " : "", cur_count, cur_str); cur_str = p->model_name; cur_count = 1; } else { cur_count++; } } } ret = h_strdup_cprintf("%s%dx %s", ret, strlen(ret) ? " + " : "", cur_count, cur_str); g_slist_free(tmp); return ret; } gchar *get_processor_name(void) { scan_processors(FALSE); return processor_name(processors); } gchar *get_processor_desc(void) { scan_processors(FALSE); return processor_describe(processors); } gchar *get_processor_name_and_desc(void) { scan_processors(FALSE); gchar* name = processor_name(processors); gchar* desc = processor_describe(processors); gchar* nd = g_strdup_printf("%s\n%s", name, desc); g_free(name); g_free(desc); return nd; } gchar *get_storage_devices(void) { scan_storage(FALSE); return storage_list; } gchar *get_printers(void) { scan_printers(FALSE); return printer_list; } gchar *get_input_devices(void) { scan_input(FALSE); return input_list; } gchar *get_processor_count(void) { scan_processors(FALSE); return g_strdup_printf("%d", g_slist_length(processors)); } /* TODO: maybe move into processor.c along with processor_name() etc. * Could mention the big.LITTLE cluster arangement for ARM that kind of thing. * TODO: prefix counts are threads when they should be cores. */ gchar *processor_frequency_desc(GSList * processors) { gchar *ret = g_strdup(""); GSList *tmp, *l; Processor *p; float cur_val = -1; gint cur_count = 0; tmp = g_slist_copy(processors); tmp = g_slist_sort(tmp, (GCompareFunc)proc_cmp_max_freq); for (l = tmp; l; l = l->next) { p = (Processor*)l->data; if (cur_val == -1) { cur_val = p->cpu_mhz; cur_count = 1; } else { if(cur_val != p->cpu_mhz) { ret = h_strdup_cprintf("%s%dx %.2f %s", ret, strlen(ret) ? " + " : "", cur_count, cur_val, _("MHz") ); cur_val = p->cpu_mhz; cur_count = 1; } else { cur_count++; } } } ret = h_strdup_cprintf("%s%dx %0.2f %s", ret, strlen(ret) ? " + " : "", cur_count, cur_val, _("MHz")); g_slist_free(tmp); return ret; } gchar *get_processor_frequency_desc(void) { scan_processors(FALSE); return processor_frequency_desc(processors); } gchar *get_processor_max_frequency(void) { GSList *l; Processor *p; float max_freq = 0; scan_processors(FALSE); for (l = processors; l; l = l->next) { p = (Processor*)l->data; if (p->cpu_mhz > max_freq) max_freq = p->cpu_mhz; } if (max_freq == 0.0f) { return g_strdup(N_("Unknown")); } else { return g_strdup_printf("%.0f %s", max_freq, _("MHz") ); } } gchar *get_pci_device_description(gchar *pci_id) { gchar *description; if (!_pci_devices) { scan_pci(FALSE); } if ((description = g_hash_table_lookup(_pci_devices, pci_id))) { return g_strdup(description); } return NULL; } gchar *get_memory_total(void) { scan_memory(FALSE); return moreinfo_lookup ("DEV:MemTotal"); } gchar *get_motherboard(void) { char *board_name, *board_vendor; #if defined(ARCH_x86) || defined(ARCH_x86_64) scan_dmi(FALSE); board_name = moreinfo_lookup("DEV:DMI:Board:Name"); board_vendor = moreinfo_lookup("DEV:DMI:Board:Vendor"); if (board_name && board_vendor && *board_name && *board_vendor) return g_strconcat(board_vendor, " ", board_name, NULL); else if (board_name && *board_name) return g_strconcat(board_name, _(" (vendor unknown)"), NULL); else if (board_vendor && *board_vendor) return g_strconcat(board_vendor, _(" (model unknown)"), NULL); #endif /* use device tree "model" */ board_vendor = dtr_get_string("/model", 0); if (board_vendor != NULL) return board_vendor; return g_strdup(_("Unknown")); } ShellModuleMethod *hi_exported_methods(void) { static ShellModuleMethod m[] = { {"getProcessorCount", get_processor_count}, {"getProcessorName", get_processor_name}, {"getProcessorDesc", get_processor_desc}, {"getProcessorNameAndDesc", get_processor_name_and_desc}, {"getProcessorFrequency", get_processor_max_frequency}, {"getProcessorFrequencyDesc", get_processor_frequency_desc}, {"getMemoryTotal", get_memory_total}, {"getStorageDevices", get_storage_devices}, {"getPrinters", get_printers}, {"getInputDevices", get_input_devices}, {"getPCIDeviceDescription", get_pci_device_description}, {"getMotherboard", get_motherboard}, {NULL} }; return m; } gchar *hi_more_info(gchar * entry) { gchar *info = moreinfo_lookup_with_prefix("DEV", entry); if (info) return g_strdup(info); return g_strdup("?"); } gchar *hi_get_field(gchar * field) { gchar *info = moreinfo_lookup_with_prefix("DEV", field); if (info) return g_strdup(info); return g_strdup(field); } #if defined(ARCH_x86) || defined(ARCH_x86_64) void scan_dmi(gboolean reload) { SCAN_START(); __scan_dmi(); SCAN_END(); } void scan_spd(gboolean reload) { SCAN_START(); scan_spd_do(); SCAN_END(); } #endif void scan_dtree(gboolean reload) { SCAN_START(); __scan_dtree(); SCAN_END(); } void scan_processors(gboolean reload) { SCAN_START(); if (!processors) processors = processor_scan(); SCAN_END(); } void scan_memory(gboolean reload) { SCAN_START(); scan_memory_do(); SCAN_END(); } void scan_battery(gboolean reload) { SCAN_START(); scan_battery_do(); SCAN_END(); } void scan_pci(gboolean reload) { SCAN_START(); scan_pci_do(); SCAN_END(); } void scan_sensors(gboolean reload) { SCAN_START(); scan_sensors_do(); SCAN_END(); } void scan_printers(gboolean reload) { SCAN_START(); scan_printers_do(); SCAN_END(); } void scan_storage(gboolean reload) { SCAN_START(); g_free(storage_list); storage_list = g_strdup(""); __scan_ide_devices(); __scan_scsi_devices(); SCAN_END(); } void scan_input(gboolean reload) { SCAN_START(); __scan_input_devices(); SCAN_END(); } void scan_usb(gboolean reload) { SCAN_START(); __scan_usb(); SCAN_END(); } gchar *callback_processors() { return processor_get_info(processors); } #if defined(ARCH_x86) || defined(ARCH_x86_64) gchar *callback_dmi() { return g_strdup(dmi_info); } gchar *callback_spd() { return g_strdup(spd_info); } #endif gchar *callback_dtree() { return g_strdup_printf("%s" "[$ShellParam$]\n" "ViewType=1\n", dtree_info); } gchar *callback_memory() { return g_strdup_printf("[Memory]\n" "%s\n" "[$ShellParam$]\n" "ViewType=2\n" "LoadGraphSuffix= kB\n" "RescanInterval=2000\n" "ColumnTitle$TextValue=%s\n" "ColumnTitle$Extra1=%s\n" "ColumnTitle$Value=%s\n" "ShowColumnHeaders=true\n" "%s\n", meminfo, _("Field"), _("Description"), _("Value"), /* column labels */ lginterval); } gchar *callback_battery() { return g_strdup_printf("%s\n" "[$ShellParam$]\n" "ReloadInterval=4000\n", battery_list); } gchar *callback_pci() { return g_strdup_printf("[PCI Devices]\n" "%s" "[$ShellParam$]\n" "ViewType=1\n", pci_list); } gchar *callback_sensors() { return g_strdup_printf("[Sensors]\n" "%s\n" "[$ShellParam$]\n" "ViewType=2\n" "LoadGraphSuffix=\n" "ColumnTitle$TextValue=%s\n" "ColumnTitle$Value=%s\n" "ColumnTitle$Extra1=%s\n" "ShowColumnHeaders=true\n" "RescanInterval=5000\n" "%s", sensors, _("Sensor"), _("Value"), _("Type"), /* column labels */ lginterval); } gchar *callback_printers() { return g_strdup_printf("%s\n" "[$ShellParam$]\n" "ViewType=1\n" "ReloadInterval=5000\n" "%s", printer_list, printer_icons); } gchar *callback_storage() { return g_strdup_printf("%s\n" "[$ShellParam$]\n" "ReloadInterval=5000\n" "ViewType=1\n%s", storage_list, storage_icons); } gchar *callback_input() { return g_strdup_printf("[Input Devices]\n" "%s" "[$ShellParam$]\n" "ViewType=1\n" "ReloadInterval=5000\n%s", input_list, input_icons); } gchar *callback_usb() { return g_strdup_printf("%s" "[$ShellParam$]\n" "ViewType=1\n" "ReloadInterval=5000\n", usb_list); } ModuleEntry *hi_module_get_entries(void) { return entries; } gchar *hi_module_get_name(void) { return g_strdup(_("Devices")); } guchar hi_module_get_weight(void) { return 85; } void hi_module_init(void) { if (!g_file_test("/usr/share/misc/pci.ids", G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { static SyncEntry se = { .fancy_name = N_("Update PCI ID listing"), .name = "GetPCIIds", .save_to = "pci.ids", .get_data = NULL }; sync_manager_add_entry(&se); } #if defined(ARCH_x86) || defined(ARCH_x86_64) { static SyncEntry se = { .fancy_name = N_("Update CPU feature database"), .name = "RecvCPUFlags", .save_to = "cpuflags.conf", .get_data = NULL }; sync_manager_add_entry(&se); } #endif /* defined(ARCH_x86) */ init_memory_labels(); init_cups(); sensors_init(); } void hi_module_deinit(void) { moreinfo_del_with_prefix("DEV"); sensors_shutdown(); g_hash_table_destroy(memlabels); g_module_close(cups); } ModuleAbout *hi_module_get_about(void) { static ModuleAbout ma[] = { { .author = "Leandro A. F. Pereira", .description = N_("Gathers information about hardware devices"), .version = VERSION, .license = "GNU GPL version 2"} }; return ma; } gchar **hi_module_get_dependencies(void) { static gchar *deps[] = { "computer.so", NULL }; return deps; } const gchar *hi_note_func(gint entry) { if (entry == ENTRY_RESOURCES) { if (root_required_for_resources()) { return g_strdup(_("Resource information requires superuser privileges")); } } return NULL; }