/* * rpiz - https://github.com/bp0/rpiz * Copyright (C) 2017 Burt P. <pburt0@gmail.com> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "arm_data.h" #ifndef C_ #define C_(Ctx, String) String #endif #ifndef NC_ #define NC_(Ctx, String) String #endif /* sources: * https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/43563 * git:linux/arch/arm/kernel/setup.c * git:linux/arch/arm64/kernel/cpuinfo.c */ static struct { char *name, *meaning; } tab_flag_meaning[] = { /* arm/hw_cap */ { "swp", NC_("arm-flag", /*/flag:swp*/ "SWP instruction (atomic read-modify-write)") }, { "half", NC_("arm-flag", /*/flag:half*/ "Half-word loads and stores") }, { "thumb", NC_("arm-flag", /*/flag:thumb*/ "Thumb (16-bit instruction set)") }, { "26bit", NC_("arm-flag", /*/flag:26bit*/ "26-Bit Model (Processor status register folded into program counter)") }, { "fastmult", NC_("arm-flag", /*/flag:fastmult*/ "32x32->64-bit multiplication") }, { "fpa", NC_("arm-flag", /*/flag:fpa*/ "Floating point accelerator") }, { "vfp", NC_("arm-flag", /*/flag:vfp*/ "VFP (early SIMD vector floating point instructions)") }, { "edsp", NC_("arm-flag", /*/flag:edsp*/ "DSP extensions (the 'e' variant of the ARM9 CPUs, and all others above)") }, { "java", NC_("arm-flag", /*/flag:java*/ "Jazelle (Java bytecode accelerator)") }, { "iwmmxt", NC_("arm-flag", /*/flag:iwmmxt*/ "SIMD instructions similar to Intel MMX") }, { "crunch", NC_("arm-flag", /*/flag:crunch*/ "MaverickCrunch coprocessor (if kernel support enabled)") }, { "thumbee", NC_("arm-flag", /*/flag:thumbee*/ "ThumbEE") }, { "neon", NC_("arm-flag", /*/flag:neon*/ "Advanced SIMD/NEON on AArch32") }, { "evtstrm", NC_("arm-flag", /*/flag:evtstrm*/ "Kernel event stream using generic architected timer") }, { "vfpv3", NC_("arm-flag", /*/flag:vfpv3*/ "VFP version 3") }, { "vfpv3d16", NC_("arm-flag", /*/flag:vfpv3d16*/ "VFP version 3 with 16 D-registers") }, { "vfpv4", NC_("arm-flag", /*/flag:vfpv4*/ "VFP version 4 with fast context switching") }, { "vfpd32", NC_("arm-flag", /*/flag:vfpd32*/ "VFP with 32 D-registers") }, { "tls", NC_("arm-flag", /*/flag:tls*/ "TLS register") }, { "idiva", NC_("arm-flag", /*/flag:idiva*/ "SDIV and UDIV hardware division in ARM mode") }, { "idivt", NC_("arm-flag", /*/flag:idivt*/ "SDIV and UDIV hardware division in Thumb mode") }, { "lpae", NC_("arm-flag", /*/flag:lpae*/ "40-bit Large Physical Address Extension") }, /* arm/hw_cap2 */ { "pmull", NC_("arm-flag", /*/flag:pmull*/ "64x64->128-bit F2m multiplication (arch>8)") }, { "aes", NC_("arm-flag", /*/flag:aes*/ "Crypto:AES (arch>8)") }, { "sha1", NC_("arm-flag", /*/flag:sha1*/ "Crypto:SHA1 (arch>8)") }, { "sha2", NC_("arm-flag", /*/flag:sha2*/ "Crypto:SHA2 (arch>8)") }, { "crc32", NC_("arm-flag", /*/flag:crc32*/ "CRC32 checksum instructions (arch>8)") }, /* arm64/hw_cap */ { "fp", NULL }, { "asimd", NC_("arm-flag", /*/flag:asimd*/ "Advanced SIMD/NEON on AArch64 (arch>8)") }, { "atomics", NULL }, { "fphp", NULL }, { "asimdhp", NULL }, { "cpuid", NULL }, { "asimdrdm", NULL }, { "jscvt", NULL }, { "fcma", NULL }, { "lrcpc", NULL }, { NULL, NULL } }; static struct { char *code; char *name; char *more; } tab_arm_arch[] = { { "7", "AArch32", "AArch32 (ARMv7)" }, { "8", "AArch64", "AArch64 (ARMv8)" }, { "AArch32", "AArch32", "AArch32 (ARMv7)" }, { "AArch64", "AArch64", "AArch64 (ARMv8)" }, { NULL, NULL, NULL }, }; static char all_flags[1024] = ""; #define APPEND_FLAG(f) strcat(all_flags, f); strcat(all_flags, " "); const char *arm_flag_list() { int i = 0, built = 0; built = strlen(all_flags); if (!built) { while(tab_flag_meaning[i].name != NULL) { APPEND_FLAG(tab_flag_meaning[i].name); i++; } } return all_flags; } const char *arm_flag_meaning(const char *flag) { int i = 0; if (flag) while(tab_flag_meaning[i].name != NULL) { if (strcmp(tab_flag_meaning[i].name, flag) == 0) { if (tab_flag_meaning[i].meaning != NULL) return C_("arm-flag", tab_flag_meaning[i].meaning); else return NULL; } i++; } return NULL; } #include "util_ids.h" gchar *arm_ids_file = NULL; void find_arm_ids_file() { if (arm_ids_file) return; char *file_search_order[] = { g_build_filename(g_get_user_config_dir(), "hardinfo", "arm.ids", NULL), g_build_filename(params.path_data, "arm.ids", NULL), NULL }; int n; for(n = 0; file_search_order[n]; n++) { if (!arm_ids_file && !access(file_search_order[n], R_OK)) arm_ids_file = (gchar*) auto_free_on_exit( file_search_order[n] ); else g_free(file_search_order[n]); } } void arm_part(const char *imp_code, const char *part_code, char **imp, char **part) { gchar *qpath = NULL; ids_query_result result = {}; unsigned int i,p; if (!arm_ids_file) find_arm_ids_file(); i = strtol(imp_code, NULL, 0); p = strtol(part_code, NULL, 0); qpath = g_strdup_printf("%02x/%03x", i, p); scan_ids_file(arm_ids_file, qpath, &result, -1); g_free(qpath); if (imp) *imp = result.results[0] ? g_strdup(result.results[0]) : NULL; if (part) *part = result.results[1] ? g_strdup(result.results[1]) : NULL; } const char *arm_arch(const char *cpuinfo_arch_str) { int i = 0; if (cpuinfo_arch_str) while(tab_arm_arch[i].code) { if (strcmp(tab_arm_arch[i].code, cpuinfo_arch_str) == 0) return tab_arm_arch[i].name; i++; } return cpuinfo_arch_str; } const char *arm_arch_more(const char *cpuinfo_arch_str) { int i = 0; if (cpuinfo_arch_str) while(tab_arm_arch[i].code) { if (strcmp(tab_arm_arch[i].code, cpuinfo_arch_str) == 0) return tab_arm_arch[i].more; i++; } return cpuinfo_arch_str; } char *arm_decoded_name(const char *imp, const char *part, const char *var, const char *rev, const char *arch, const char *model_name) { char *dnbuff; char *imp_name = NULL, *part_desc = NULL, *arch_name = NULL; int r = 0, p = 0; dnbuff = malloc(256); if (dnbuff) { memset(dnbuff, 0, 256); if (imp && arch && part && rev) { /* http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.dui0395b/CIHCAGHH.html * variant and revision can be rendered r{variant}p{revision} */ r = strtol(var, NULL, 0); p = strtol(rev, NULL, 0); arm_part(imp, part, &imp_name, &part_desc); arch_name = (char*) arm_arch(arch); if (imp_name || part_desc) { if (arch_name != arch) sprintf(dnbuff, "%s %s r%dp%d (%s)", (imp_name) ? imp_name : imp, (part_desc) ? part_desc : part, r, p, arch_name); else sprintf(dnbuff, "%s %s r%dp%d (arch:%s)", (imp_name) ? imp_name : imp, (part_desc) ? part_desc : part, r, p, arch); } else { /* fallback for now */ sprintf(dnbuff, "%s [imp:%s part:%s r%dp%d arch:%s]", model_name, (imp_name) ? imp_name : imp, (part_desc) ? part_desc : part, r, p, arch); } g_free(imp_name); g_free(part_desc); } else { /* prolly not ARM arch at all */ if (model_name) sprintf(dnbuff, "%s", model_name); else { free(dnbuff); return NULL; } } } return dnbuff; }