/* * HardInfo - Displays System Information * Copyright (C) 2003-2017 L. A. F. Pereira <l@tia.mat.br> * This file * Copyright (C) 2018 Burt P. <pburt0@gmail.com> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include <string.h> #include "hardinfo.h" #include "devices.h" #include "gpu_util.h" void scan_gpu_do(void); gchar *gpu_list = NULL; gchar *gpu_summary = NULL; void gpu_summary_add(const char *gpu_name) { if (strlen(gpu_summary) == 0) { /* first one */ gpu_summary = h_strdup_cprintf("%s", gpu_summary, gpu_name); } else { /* additional */ gpu_summary = h_strdup_cprintf(" + %s", gpu_summary, gpu_name); } } #define UNKIFNULL_AC(f) (f != NULL) ? f : _("(Unknown)"); static void _gpu_pci_dev(gpud* gpu) { pcid *p = gpu->pci_dev; gchar *str; gchar *vendor, *svendor, *product, *sproduct; gchar *name, *key; gchar *drm_path = NULL; gboolean vendor_is_svendor = (p->vendor_id == p->sub_vendor_id && p->device_id == p->sub_device_id); vendor = UNKIFNULL_AC(p->vendor_id_str); svendor = UNKIFNULL_AC(p->sub_vendor_id_str); product = UNKIFNULL_AC(p->device_id_str); sproduct = UNKIFNULL_AC(p->sub_device_id_str); if (gpu->drm_dev) drm_path = g_strdup_printf("/dev/dri/%s", gpu->drm_dev); else drm_path = g_strdup(_("(Unknown)")); gchar *ven_tag = vendor_match_tag(p->vendor_id_str, params.fmt_opts); gchar *sven_tag = vendor_match_tag(p->sub_vendor_id_str, params.fmt_opts); if (ven_tag) { if (sven_tag && !vendor_is_svendor) { name = g_strdup_printf("%s %s %s", sven_tag, ven_tag, product); } else { name = g_strdup_printf("%s %s", ven_tag, product); } } else { name = g_strdup_printf("%s %s", vendor, product); } g_free(ven_tag); g_free(sven_tag); key = g_strdup_printf("GPU%s", gpu->id); gpu_summary_add((gpu->nice_name) ? gpu->nice_name : name); gpu_list = h_strdup_cprintf("$!%s$%s=%s\n", gpu_list, key, gpu->id, name); gchar *vendor_device_str; if (p->vendor_id == p->sub_vendor_id && p->device_id == p->sub_device_id) { vendor_device_str = g_strdup_printf( /* Vendor */ "$^$%s=[%04x] %s\n" /* Device */ "%s=[%04x] %s\n", _("Vendor"), p->vendor_id, vendor, _("Device"), p->device_id, product); } else { vendor_device_str = g_strdup_printf( /* Vendor */ "$^$%s=[%04x] %s\n" /* Device */ "%s=[%04x] %s\n" /* Sub-device vendor */ "$^$%s=[%04x] %s\n" /* Sub-device */ "%s=[%04x] %s\n", _("Vendor"), p->vendor_id, vendor, _("Device"), p->device_id, product, _("SVendor"), p->sub_vendor_id, svendor, _("SDevice"), p->sub_device_id, sproduct); } gchar *pcie_str; if (p->pcie_width_curr) { pcie_str = g_strdup_printf("[%s]\n" /* Width (max) */ "%s=x%u\n" /* Speed (max) */ "%s=%0.1f %s\n", _("PCI Express"), _("Maximum Link Width"), p->pcie_width_max, _("Maximum Link Speed"), p->pcie_speed_max, _("GT/s") ); } else pcie_str = strdup(""); gchar *nv_str; if (gpu->nv_info) { nv_str = g_strdup_printf("[%s]\n" /* model */ "%s=%s\n" /* bios */ "%s=%s\n" /* uuid */ "%s=%s\n", _("NVIDIA"), _("Model"), gpu->nv_info->model, _("BIOS Version"), gpu->nv_info->bios_version, _("UUID"), gpu->nv_info->uuid ); } else nv_str = strdup(""); gchar *freq = g_strdup(_("(Unknown)")); if (gpu->khz_max > 0) { if (gpu->khz_min > 0 && gpu->khz_min != gpu->khz_max) freq = g_strdup_printf("%0.2f-%0.2f %s", (double) gpu->khz_min / 1000, (double) gpu->khz_max / 1000, _("MHz")); else freq = g_strdup_printf("%0.2f %s", (double) gpu->khz_max / 1000, _("MHz")); } gchar *mem_freq = g_strdup(_("(Unknown)")); if (gpu->mem_khz_max > 0) { if (gpu->mem_khz_min > 0 && gpu->mem_khz_min != gpu->mem_khz_max) mem_freq = g_strdup_printf("%0.2f-%0.2f %s", (double) gpu->mem_khz_min / 1000, (double) gpu->mem_khz_max / 1000, _("MHz")); else mem_freq = g_strdup_printf("%0.2f %s", (double) gpu->mem_khz_max / 1000, _("MHz")); } str = g_strdup_printf("[%s]\n" /* Location */ "%s=%s\n" /* DRM Dev */ "%s=%s\n" /* Class */ "%s=[%04x] %s\n" "%s" /* Revision */ "%s=%02x\n" "[%s]\n" /* Core freq */ "%s=%s\n" /* Mem freq */ "%s=%s\n" /* NV */ "%s" /* PCIe */ "%s" "[%s]\n" /* Driver */ "%s=%s\n" /* Modules */ "%s=%s\n", _("Device Information"), _("Location"), gpu->location, _("DRM Device"), drm_path, _("Class"), p->class, p->class_str, vendor_device_str, _("Revision"), p->revision, _("Clocks"), _("Core"), freq, _("Memory"), mem_freq, nv_str, pcie_str, _("Driver"), _("In Use"), (p->driver) ? p->driver : _("(Unknown)"), _("Kernel Modules"), (p->driver_list) ? p->driver_list : _("(Unknown)") ); moreinfo_add_with_prefix("DEV", key, str); /* str now owned by morinfo */ g_free(drm_path); g_free(pcie_str); g_free(nv_str); g_free(vendor_device_str); g_free(name); g_free(key); } int _dt_soc_gpu(gpud *gpu) { static char UNKSOC[] = "(Unknown)"; /* don't translate this */ gchar *vendor = gpu->vendor_str; gchar *device = gpu->device_str; if (vendor == NULL) vendor = UNKSOC; if (device == NULL) device = UNKSOC; gchar *freq = g_strdup(_("(Unknown)")); if (gpu->khz_max > 0) { if (gpu->khz_min > 0) freq = g_strdup_printf("%0.2f-%0.2f %s", (double) gpu->khz_min / 1000, (double) gpu->khz_max / 1000, _("MHz")); else freq = g_strdup_printf("%0.2f %s", (double) gpu->khz_max / 1000, _("MHz")); } gchar *key = g_strdup(gpu->id); gchar *name = NULL; gchar *vtag = vendor_match_tag(gpu->vendor_str, params.fmt_opts); if (vtag) { name = g_strdup_printf("%s %s", vtag, device); } else { name = (vendor == UNKSOC && device == UNKSOC) ? g_strdup(_("Unknown integrated GPU")) : g_strdup_printf("%s %s", vendor, device); } g_free(vtag); gchar *opp_str; if (gpu->dt_opp) { static const char *freq_src[] = { N_("clock-frequency property"), N_("Operating Points (OPPv1)"), N_("Operating Points (OPPv2)"), }; opp_str = g_strdup_printf("[%s]\n" /* MinFreq */ "%s=%d %s\n" /* MaxFreq */ "%s=%d %s\n" /* Latency */ "%s=%d %s\n" /* Source */ "%s=%s\n", _("Frequency Scaling"), _("Minimum"), gpu->dt_opp->khz_min, _("kHz"), _("Maximum"), gpu->dt_opp->khz_max, _("kHz"), _("Transition Latency"), gpu->dt_opp->clock_latency_ns, _("ns"), _("Source"), _(freq_src[gpu->dt_opp->version]) ); } else opp_str = strdup(""); gpu_summary_add((gpu->nice_name) ? gpu->nice_name : name); gpu_list = h_strdup_cprintf("$!%s$%s=%s\n", gpu_list, key, key, name); gchar *str = g_strdup_printf("[%s]\n" /* Location */ "%s=%s\n" /* Vendor */ "$^$%s=%s\n" /* Device */ "%s=%s\n" "[%s]\n" /* Freq */ "%s=%s\n" /* opp-v2 */ "%s" "[%s]\n" /* Path */ "%s=%s\n" /* Compat */ "%s=%s\n" /* Status */ "%s=%s\n" /* Name */ "%s=%s\n", _("Device Information"), _("Location"), gpu->location, _("Vendor"), vendor, _("Device"), device, _("Clocks"), _("Core"), freq, opp_str, _("Device Tree Node"), _("Path"), gpu->dt_path, _("Compatible"), gpu->dt_compat, _("Status"), gpu->dt_status, _("Name"), gpu->dt_name ); moreinfo_add_with_prefix("DEV", key, str); /* str now owned by morinfo */ g_free(freq); g_free(opp_str); return 1; } void scan_gpu_do(void) { if (gpu_summary) g_free(gpu_summary); if (gpu_list) { moreinfo_del_with_prefix("DEV:GPU"); g_free(gpu_list); } gpu_summary = strdup(""); gpu_list = g_strdup_printf("[%s]\n", _("GPUs")); gpud *gpus = gpu_get_device_list(); gpud *curr = gpus; int c = gpud_list_count(gpus); if (c > 0) { while(curr) { if (curr->pci_dev) { _gpu_pci_dev(curr); } if (curr->dt_compat) { _dt_soc_gpu(curr); } curr=curr->next; } } gpud_list_free(gpus); if (c) gpu_list = g_strconcat(gpu_list, "[$ShellParam$]\n", "ViewType=1\n", NULL); else { /* NO GPU? */ gpu_list = g_strconcat(gpu_list, _("No GPU devices found"), "=\n", NULL); } }