/* * HardInfo - Displays System Information * Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Leandro A. F. Pereira <leandro@hardinfo.org> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include <string.h> #include "hardinfo.h" #include "devices.h" #include "usb_util.h" gchar *usb_list = NULL; gchar *usb_icons = NULL; #define UNKIFNULL_AC(f) (f != NULL) ? f : _("(Unknown)"); #define IARR_END -2 #define IARR_ANY -1 static struct { int class; char *icon; } usb_class_icons[] = { { 0x1, "audio"}, /* Audio */ { 0x2, "modem"}, /* Communications and CDC Control */ { 0x3, "inputdevices"}, /* HID (Human Interface Device) */ { 0x6, "camera-photo"}, /* Still Imaging */ { 0x7, "printer"}, /* Printer */ { 0x8, "media-removable"}, /* Mass storage */ { 0x9, "usb"}, /* Hub */ { 0xe, "camera-web"}, /* Video */ {IARR_END, NULL} }; static struct { int class, subclass, protocol; char *icon; } usb_type_icons[] = { { 0x2, 0x6, IARR_ANY, "network-interface"}, /* Ethernet Networking Control Model */ { 0x3, 0x1, 0x1, "keyboard"}, /* Keyboard */ { 0x3, 0x1, 0x2, "mouse"}, /* Mouse */ {0xe0, 0x1, 0x1, "bluetooth"}, /* Bluetooth Programming Interface */ {IARR_END, IARR_END, IARR_END, NULL}, }; static const char* get_class_icon(int class){ int i = 0; while (usb_class_icons[i].class != IARR_END) { if (usb_class_icons[i].class == class) { return usb_class_icons[i].icon; } i++; } return NULL; } static const char* get_usbif_icon(const usbi *usbif) { int i = 0; while (usb_type_icons[i].class != IARR_END) { if (usb_type_icons[i].class == usbif->if_class && usb_type_icons[i].subclass == usbif->if_subclass && (usb_type_icons[i].protocol == IARR_ANY || usb_type_icons[i].protocol == usbif->if_protocol)) { return usb_type_icons[i].icon; } i++; } return get_class_icon(usbif->if_class); } static const char* get_usbdev_icon(const usbd *u) { const char * icon = NULL; usbi *curr_if; curr_if = u->if_list; while (icon == NULL && curr_if != NULL){ icon = get_usbif_icon(curr_if); curr_if = curr_if->next; } if (icon == NULL){ icon = get_class_icon(u->dev_class); } return icon; } static void _usb_dev(const usbd *u) { gchar *name, *key, *v_str, *label, *str, *speed; gchar *product, *vendor, *dev_class_str, *dev_subclass_str; /* don't free */ gchar *manufacturer, *device, *if_driver, *if_class_str; /* don't free */ gchar *if_subclass_str, *if_protocol_str; /* don't free */ gchar *interfaces = strdup(""); usbi *i; const char* icon; vendor = UNKIFNULL_AC(u->vendor); product = UNKIFNULL_AC(u->product); manufacturer = UNKIFNULL_AC(u->manufacturer); device = UNKIFNULL_AC(u->device); dev_class_str = UNKIFNULL_AC(u->dev_class_str); dev_subclass_str = UNKIFNULL_AC(u->dev_subclass_str); name = g_strdup_printf("%s %s", u->vendor? vendor: manufacturer, u->product? product: device); key = g_strdup_printf("USB%03d:%03d:%03d", u->bus, u->dev, 0); label = g_strdup_printf("%03d:%03d", u->bus, u->dev); icon = get_usbdev_icon(u); usb_list = h_strdup_cprintf("$%s$%s=%s\n", usb_list, key, label, name); usb_icons = h_strdup_cprintf("Icon$%s$%s=%s.png\n", usb_icons, key, label, icon ? icon: "usb"); v_str = vendor_get_link(vendor); if (u->if_list != NULL) { i = u->if_list; while (i != NULL){ if_class_str = UNKIFNULL_AC(i->if_class_str); if_subclass_str = UNKIFNULL_AC(i->if_subclass_str); if_protocol_str = UNKIFNULL_AC(i->if_protocol_str); if_driver = UNKIFNULL_AC(i->driver); interfaces = h_strdup_cprintf("[%s %d %s]\n" /* Class */ "%s=[%d] %s\n" /* Sub-class */ "%s=[%d] %s\n" /* Protocol */ "%s=[%d] %s\n" /* Driver */ "%s=%s\n", interfaces, _("Interface"), i->if_number, i->if_label? i->if_label: "", _("Class"), i->if_class, if_class_str, _("Sub-class"), i->if_subclass, if_subclass_str, _("Protocol"), i->if_protocol, if_protocol_str, _("Driver"), if_driver ); i = i->next; } } if (u->speed_mbs > 0){ speed = g_strdup_printf("%d %s", u->speed_mbs, _("Mb/s")); } else{ speed = g_strdup(_("Unknown")); } str = g_strdup_printf("[%s]\n" /* Product */ "%s=[0x%04x] %s\n" /* Vendor */ "%s=[0x%04x] %s\n" /* Device */ "%s=%s\n" /* Manufacturer */ "%s=%s\n" /* Max Current */ "%s=%d %s\n" /* USB Version */ "%s=%s\n" /* Speed */ "%s=%s\n" /* Class */ "%s=[%d] %s\n" /* Sub-class */ "%s=[%d] %s\n" /* Dev Version */ "%s=%s\n" "[%s]\n" /* Bus */ "%s=%03d\n" /* Device */ "%s=%03d\n" /* Interfaces */ "%s", _("Device Information"), _("Product"), u->product_id, product, _("Vendor"), u->vendor_id, v_str, _("Device"), device, _("Manufacturer"), manufacturer, _("Max Current"), u->max_curr_ma, _("mA"), _("USB Version"), u->usb_version, _("Speed"), speed, _("Class"), u->dev_class, dev_class_str, _("Sub-class"), u->dev_subclass, dev_subclass_str, _("Device Version"), u->device_version, _("Connection"), _("Bus"), u->bus, _("Device"), u->dev, interfaces ); moreinfo_add_with_prefix("DEV", key, str); /* str now owned by morinfo */ g_free(speed); g_free(v_str); g_free(name); g_free(key); g_free(label); g_free(interfaces); } void __scan_usb(void) { usbd *list = usb_get_device_list(); usbd *curr = list; int c = usbd_list_count(list); if (usb_list) { moreinfo_del_with_prefix("DEV:USB"); g_free(usb_list); } if (usb_icons){ g_free(usb_icons); usb_icons = NULL; } usb_list = g_strdup_printf("[%s]\n", _("USB Devices")); if (c > 0) { while(curr) { _usb_dev(curr); curr=curr->next; } usbd_list_free(list); } else { /* No USB? */ usb_list = g_strconcat(usb_list, _("No USB devices found."), "=\n", NULL); } }