
Before starting translation of the words/texts, that we have in the program, the po files
needs to be updated
 - cd po            (Always be in the po folder)
 - ./    (Updates po from source code and shows status)

When done the .po files are ready to be changed, thanx for helping with translation.

This is an example of status of the different languages including your own after
editing - use the ./

hardinfo.pot now has 1228 strings (no change), with 69 c-format strings
- [ ] de.po : (705 / 1228 remain untranslated, needs work/fuzzy: 2)
- [ ] es.po : (293 / 1228 remain untranslated, needs work/fuzzy: 18)
- [ ] fr.po : (722 / 1228 remain untranslated, needs work/fuzzy: 0)
- [ ] ko.po : (62 / 1228 remain untranslated, needs work/fuzzy: 1)
- [ ] pt_BR.po : (197 / 1228 remain untranslated, needs work/fuzzy: 0)
- [ ] pt.po : (53 / 1228 remain untranslated, needs work/fuzzy: 0)
- [ ] ru.po : (323 / 1228 remain untranslated, needs work/fuzzy: 0)
- [ ] tr.po : (4 / 1228 remain untranslated, needs work/fuzzy: 0)
- [ ] zh_CN.po : (859 / 1228 remain untranslated, needs work/fuzzy: 0)

Needs work/fuzzy typically has to do with spaces/periods at begin/end of translation.

Use the poedit program installed by:
 - apt install poedit  (Debian flavours)
 - yum install poedit  (Redhat flabours)

Start the program:
 - poedit ./xx.po   (xx=LANGUAGE-2LETTER-SMALL-CAPS)

NOTE: In poedit please only do translation and use find, validate and save.

New Language
 - emacs ./xx.po    (edit the empty po and change all CHANGE-* accordingly)
 - ./    (updates the po with all the words/text we have in the program and shows status)
 - ready to edit - see above

Backup and Commit to GitHub
 - git add xx.po    (If you have made a new language translation)
 - git commit xx.po (Just commit your changed translation file to local repo)
 - git push         (Push it to github)

It is better to make a git push too much than loose all your great work.