#!bash echo "Update gettext translation files." DER=`pwd` if [ ! -e "updatepo.sh" ] then echo "Error: Run from po/, the location of hardinfo.pot and XX.po files." exit 1 fi MSGTOTALOLD=`msgattrib --untranslated hardinfo.pot | grep -E "^msgstr \"\"" | wc -l` echo "hardinfo.pot has $MSGTOTALOLD strings" mv hardinfo.pot hardinfo.pot.old echo "" > hardinfo.pot # empty existing file to join (-j) with for d in hardinfo/ shell/ modules/; do # work form hardinfo root to get reasonable file reference comments cd .. echo -n `pwd`; echo "/$d ..." find "$d" -type f -name "*.c" -print | sort | xargs xgettext -j -d hardinfo -o "$DER/hardinfo.pot" -k_ -kN_ -kC_:1c,2 -kNC_:1c,2 -c/ --from-code=UTF-8 cd "$DER" done; MSGTOTAL=`msgattrib --untranslated hardinfo.pot | grep -E "^msgstr \"\"" | wc -l` TDIFF=$(($MSGTOTAL - $MSGTOTALOLD)) CHANGE="$TDIFF" if [ $TDIFF -gt 0 ]; then CHANGE="+$TDIFF"; fi if [ $TDIFF -eq 0 ]; then CHANGE="no change"; fi echo "hardinfo.pot now has $MSGTOTAL strings ($CHANGE)" for f in *.po do cp "$f" "$f.old" msgmerge -q -N "$f" hardinfo.pot > tmp.po && mv tmp.po "$f" UNMSG=`msgattrib --untranslated "$f" | grep -E "^msgstr \"\"" | wc -l` DONE=" " if [ $UNMSG -eq 0 ]; then DONE="x" fi echo "- [$DONE] $f : ($UNMSG / $MSGTOTAL remain untranslated)" done