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authorRuss Allbery <>2013-02-03 23:24:40 -0800
committerRuss Allbery <>2013-02-05 20:21:18 -0800
commit0753a60cc0b6f9873c6b9fe70e298bd045306466 (patch)
parentf806961bf9e6be8e07f2e304a3aa9906add2aad6 (diff)
Add current Stanford naming policy and test suite
To make it easier to revise and test revisions to the Stanford wallet naming policy, convert the code to a module and include it in the distribution. Add a test suite for the current policy. Change-Id: I73b888fa8d18401a239144c2e9f810ad4692c44b Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Russ Allbery <> Tested-by: Russ Allbery <>
2 files changed, 430 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/perl/Wallet/Policy/ b/perl/Wallet/Policy/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..906f6ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perl/Wallet/Policy/
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+# Wallet::Policy::Stanford -- Stanford's wallet naming and ownership policy.
+# Written by Russ Allbery <>
+# Copyright 2013
+# The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University
+# See LICENSE for licensing terms.
+# Modules and declarations
+package Wallet::Policy::Stanford;
+use 5.008;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base qw(Exporter);
+# Declare variables that should be set in BEGIN for robustness.
+# Set $VERSION and everything export-related in a BEGIN block for robustness
+# against circular module loading (not that we load any modules, but
+# consistency is good).
+ $VERSION = '1.00';
+ @EXPORT_OK = qw(default_owner verify_name);
+# Implementation
+# Retrieve an existing ACL and check whether it contains a netdb-root member.
+# This is used to check if a default ACL is already present with a netdb-root
+# member so that we can return a default owner that matches. We only ever
+# increase the ACL from netdb to netdb-root, never degrade it, so this doesn't
+# pose a security problem.
+# On any failure, just return an empty ACL to use the default.
+sub acl_has_netdb_root {
+ my ($name) = @_;
+ my $schema = eval { Wallet::Schema->connect };
+ return unless ($schema and not $@);
+ my $acl = eval { Wallet::ACL->new ($name, $schema) };
+ return unless ($acl and not $@);
+ for my $line ($acl->list) {
+ return 1 if $line->[0] eq 'netdb-root';
+ }
+ return;
+# Map a file object name to a hostname and return it. Returns undef if this
+# file object name doesn't map to a hostname.
+sub _host_for_file {
+ my ($name) = @_;
+ my %allowed = map { $_ => 1 }
+ qw(htpasswd ssh-rsa ssh-dsa ssl-key tivoli-key);
+ my $allowed_regex = '(?:' . join ('|', sort keys %allowed) . ')';
+ if ($name !~ /^[^-]+-(.*)-$allowed_regex(?:-.*)?$/) {
+ return;
+ }
+ my $host = $1;
+ if ($host !~ /\./) {
+ $host .= '';
+ }
+ return $host;
+# Map a keytab object name to a hostname and return it. Returns undef if this
+# keytab principal name doesn't map to a hostname.
+sub _host_for_keytab {
+ my ($name) = @_;
+ my %allowed = map { $_ => 1 }
+ qw(HTTP afpserver cifs ftp host imap ipp ldap lpr nfs pop postgres
+ sieve smtp webauth xmpp);
+ return unless $name =~ m,/,;
+ my ($service, $host) = split ('/', $name, 2);
+ return unless $allowed{$service};
+ if ($host !~ /\./) {
+ $host .= '';
+ }
+ return $host;
+# The default owner of host-based objects should be the host keytab and the
+# NetDB ACL for that host, with one twist. If the creator of a new node is
+# using a root instance, we want to require everyone managing that node be
+# using root instances by default.
+sub default_owner {
+ my ($type, $name) = @_;
+ my $realm = '';
+ my %host_for = (
+ keytab => \&_host_for_keytab,
+ file => \&_host_for_file,
+ );
+ return unless defined $host_for{$type};
+ my $host = $host_for{$type}->($name);
+ return unless $host;
+ my $acl_name = "host/$host";
+ my @acl;
+ if ($ENV{REMOTE_USER} =~ m,/root, or acl_has_netdb_root ($acl_name)) {
+ @acl = ([ 'netdb-root', $host ],
+ [ 'krb5', "host/$host\@$realm" ]);
+ } else {
+ @acl = ([ 'netdb', $host ],
+ [ 'krb5', "host/$host\@$realm" ]);
+ }
+ return ($acl_name, @acl);
+# Enforce a naming policy. Host-based keytabs must have fully-qualified
+# hostnames, limit the acceptable characters for service/* keytabs, and
+# enforce our naming constraints on */cgi principals.
+# Also use this function to require that IDG staff always do implicit object
+# creation using a */root instance.
+sub verify_name {
+ my ($type, $name, $user) = @_;
+ my %host = map { $_ => 1 }
+ qw(HTTP afpserver cifs ftp http host ident imap ipp ldap lpr nfs pop
+ postgres sieve smtp uniengd webauth xmpp);
+ my %staff;
+ if (open (STAFF, '<', '/etc/remctl/acl/its-idg')) {
+ local $_;
+ while (<STAFF>) {
+ s/^\s+//;
+ s/\s+$//;
+ next if m,/root\@,;
+ $staff{$_} = 1;
+ }
+ close STAFF;
+ }
+ # Check for a staff member not using their root instance.
+ if (defined ($user) && $staff{$user}) {
+ return 'use a */root instance for wallet object creation';
+ }
+ # Check keytab naming conventions.
+ if ($type eq 'keytab') {
+ if ($name !~ m,^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+/[a-z0-9.-]+$,) {
+ return "invalid principal name $name";
+ }
+ my ($principal, $instance)
+ = ($name =~ m,^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)/([a-z0-9.-]+)$,);
+ unless (defined ($principal) && defined ($instance)) {
+ return "invalid principal name $name";
+ }
+ if ($host{$principal} and $principal ne 'http') {
+ if ($instance !~ /^[a-z0-9-]+\.[a-z0-9.-]+$/) {
+ return "host name $instance is not fully qualified";
+ }
+ } elsif ($principal eq 'service') {
+ if ($instance !~ /^[a-z0-9-]+$/) {
+ return "invalid service principal name $name";
+ }
+ } elsif ($instance eq 'cgi') {
+ if ($principal !~ /^[a-z][a-z0-9]{1,7}$/
+ and $principal !~ /^(class|dept|group)-[a-z0-9_-]+$/) {
+ return "invalid CGI principal name $name";
+ }
+ } else {
+ return "unknown principal type $principal";
+ }
+ }
+ # Check file object naming conventions.
+ if ($type eq 'file') {
+ my %groups = map { $_ => 1 }
+ qw(apps crcsg gsb idg sysadmin sulair vast);
+ my %types = map { $_ => 1 }
+ qw(config db gpg-key htpasswd password properties ssh-rsa ssh-dsa
+ ssl-key ssl-keystore ssl-pkcs12 tivoli-key);
+ if ($name !~ m,^[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+$,) {
+ return "invalid file object $name";
+ }
+ my $group_regex = '(?:' . join ('|', sort keys %groups) . ')';
+ my $type_regex = '(?:' . join ('|', sort keys %types) . ')';
+ if ($name !~ /^$group_regex-/) {
+ return "no recognized owning group in $name";
+ } elsif ($name !~ /^$group_regex-.*-$type_regex(-.*)?$/) {
+ return "invalid file object name $name";
+ }
+ }
+ # Success.
+ return;
+# Documentation
+=head1 NAME
+Wallet::Policy::Stanford - Stanford's wallet naming and ownership policy
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Wallet::Policy::Stanford;
+ my ($type, $name, $user) = @_;
+ my $error = valid_name($type, $name, $user);
+ my ($name, @acl) = default_owner($type, $name);
+Wallet::Policy::Stanford implements Stanford's wallet naming and ownership
+policy as described in F<docs/stanford-naming> in the wallet distribution.
+It is primarily intended as an example for other sites, but it is used at
+Stanford to implement that policy.
+This module provides the default_owner() and verify_name() functions that
+are part of the wallet configuration interface (as documented in
+L<Wallet::Config>). They can be imported directly into a wallet
+configuration file from this module or wrapped to apply additional rules.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+The L<Stanford policy|>
+implemented by this module.
+This module is part of the wallet system. The current version is
+available from L<>.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Russ Allbery <>
diff --git a/perl/t/stanford-naming.t b/perl/t/stanford-naming.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ec3760a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perl/t/stanford-naming.t
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+# Tests for the Stanford naming policy.
+# The naming policy code is included primarily an example for non-Stanford
+# sites, but it's used at Stanford and this test suite is used to verify
+# behavior at Stanford.
+# Written by Russ Allbery <>
+# Copyright 2013
+# The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University
+# See LICENSE for licensing terms.
+use 5.008;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 57;
+use lib 't/lib';
+use Util;
+# Load the naming policy module.
+ use_ok('Wallet::Admin');
+ use_ok('Wallet::Policy::Stanford', qw(default_owner verify_name));
+ use_ok('Wallet::Server');
+# Various valid keytab names.
+my @VALID_KEYTABS = qw(host/ HTTP/
+ service/example example/cgi class-example01/cgi dept-01example/cgi
+ group-example-01/cgi);
+# Various invalid keytab names.
+my @INVALID_KEYTABS = qw(example host/example service/
+ thisistoolong/cgi not-valid/cgi unknown/;
+# Various valid file names.
+my @VALID_FILES = qw(apps-example-config-file crcsg-example-db-s_example
+ idg-debian-gpg-key idg-devnull-password-root sulair-accounts-properties
+ idg-accounts-ssl-keystore idg-accounts-ssl-pkcs12
+ crcsg-example-htpasswd-web sulair-example-password-ipmi
+ sulair-example-password-root sulair-example-password-tivoli
+ sulair-example-ssh-dsa sulair-example-ssh-rsa idg-mdm-ssl-key
+ idg-openafs-tivoli-key);
+# Various invalid file names.
+my @INVALID_FILES = qw(unknown foo-example-ssh-rsa idg-accounts-foo !!bad);
+# Global variables for the wallet server setup.
+my $ADMIN = 'admin@EXAMPLE.COM';
+my $HOST = 'localhost';
+my @TRACE = ($ADMIN, $HOST);
+# Start by testing lots of straightforward naming validity.
+for my $name (@VALID_KEYTABS) {
+ is(verify_name('keytab', $name), undef, "Valid keytab $name");
+for my $name (@INVALID_KEYTABS) {
+ isnt(verify_name('keytab', $name), undef, "Invalid keytab $name");
+for my $name (@VALID_FILES) {
+ is(verify_name('file', $name), undef, "Valid file $name");
+for my $name (@INVALID_FILES) {
+ isnt(verify_name('file', $name), undef, "Invalid file $name");
+# Now we need an actual database. Use Wallet::Admin to set it up.
+my $setup = eval { Wallet::Admin->new };
+is($@, q{}, 'Database initialization did not die');
+is($setup->reinitialize($ADMIN), 1, 'Database initialization succeeded');
+my $server = eval { Wallet::Server->new(@TRACE) };
+is($@, q{}, 'Server creation did not die');
+# Create a host/ ACL that uses the netdb ACL type.
+is($server->acl_create('host/'), 1, 'Created netdb ACL');
+ $server->acl_add('host/', 'netdb',
+ ''),
+ 1,
+ '...with netdb ACL line'
+ $server->acl_add('host/', 'krb5',
+ 'host/'),
+ 1,
+ '...and krb5 ACL line'
+# Likewise for host/ with the netdb-root ACL type.
+is($server->acl_create('host/'), 1, 'Created netdb-root ACL');
+ $server->acl_add('host/', 'netdb-root',
+ ''),
+ 1,
+ '...with netdb-root ACL line'
+ $server->acl_add('host/', 'krb5',
+ 'host/'),
+ 1,
+ '...and krb5 ACL line'
+# Now we can test default ACLs. First, without a root instance.
+ [default_owner('keytab', 'host/')],
+ [
+ 'host/',
+ ['netdb', ''],
+ ['krb5', 'host/']
+ ],
+ 'Correct default owner for host-based keytab'
+ [default_owner('keytab', 'HTTP/')],
+ [
+ 'host/',
+ ['netdb', ''],
+ ['krb5', 'host/']
+ ],
+ '...and when netdb ACL already exists'
+ [default_owner('keytab', 'webauth/')],
+ [
+ 'host/',
+ ['netdb-root', ''],
+ ['krb5', 'host/']
+ ],
+ '...and when netdb-root ACL already exists'
+# Now with a root instance.
+local $ENV{REMOTE_USER} = 'admin/';
+ [default_owner('keytab', 'host/')],
+ [
+ 'host/',
+ ['netdb-root', ''],
+ ['krb5', 'host/']
+ ],
+ 'Correct default owner for host-based keytab for /root'
+ [default_owner('keytab', 'HTTP/')],
+ [
+ 'host/',
+ ['netdb-root', ''],
+ ['krb5', 'host/']
+ ],
+ '...and when netdb ACL already exists'
+ [default_owner('keytab', 'webauth/')],
+ [
+ 'host/',
+ ['netdb-root', ''],
+ ['krb5', 'host/']
+ ],
+ '...and when netdb-root ACL already exists'
+# Check for a type that isn't host-based.
+is(default_owner('keytab', 'service/foo'), undef,
+ 'No default owner for service/foo');
+# Check for an unknown object type.
+is(default_owner('unknown', 'foo'), undef,
+ 'No default owner for unknown type');
+# Check for legacy autocreation mappings for file objects.
+for my $type (qw(htpasswd ssh-rsa ssh-dsa ssl-key tivoli-key)) {
+ my $name = "idg-example-$type";
+ is_deeply(
+ [default_owner('file', $name)],
+ [
+ 'host/',
+ ['netdb-root', ''],
+ ['krb5', 'host/']
+ ],
+ "Default owner for file $name",
+ );
+# Clean up.
+unlink 'wallet-db';