path: root/contrib/wallet-report
diff options
authorRuss Allbery <rra@stanford.edu>2010-02-21 17:45:55 -0800
committerRuss Allbery <rra@stanford.edu>2010-02-21 17:45:55 -0800
commit60210334fa3dbd5dd168199063c6ee850d750d0c (patch)
tree31e832ba6788076075d38e20ffd27ebf09430407 /contrib/wallet-report
parente571a8eb96f42de5a114cf11ff1c3d63e5a8d301 (diff)
Imported Upstream version 0.10
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/wallet-report')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 241 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/wallet-report b/contrib/wallet-report
deleted file mode 100755
index 6f09914..0000000
--- a/contrib/wallet-report
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-$ID = q$Id$;
-# wallet-report -- Report on keytabs in the wallet database.
-# Written by Russ Allbery <rra@stanford.edu>
-# Copyright 2003, 2008 Board of Trustees, Leland Stanford Jr. University
-# See LICENSE for licensing terms.
-# Site configuration
-# Path to the infrastructure reports directory.
-$REPORTS = '/afs/ir/dept/itss/infrastructure/reports';
-# Address to which to mail the report.
-$ADDRESS = 'nobody@example.com';
-# The various classification patterns for srvtabs.
- = ([qr(/cgi\z), '*/cgi', 'CGI users'],
- [qr(^(?i)http/), 'HTTP/*', 'HTTP Negotiate-Auth'],
- [qr(^cifs/), 'cifs/*', 'CIFS'],
- [qr(^host/), 'host/*', 'Host login'],
- [qr(^ident/), 'ident/*', 'S/Ident'],
- [qr(^imap/), 'imap/*', 'IMAP'],
- [qr(^ldap/), 'ldap/*', 'LDAP'],
- [qr(^nfs/), 'nfs/*', 'NFS'],
- [qr(^pop/), 'pop/*', 'Kerberized POP'],
- [qr(^sieve/), 'sieve/*', 'Sieve mail sorting'],
- [qr(^smtp/), 'smtp/*', 'SMTP'],
- [qr(^webauth/), 'webauth/*', 'WebAuth v3'],
- [qr(^service/), 'service/*', 'Service principals']);
-# Modules and declarations
-require 5.005;
-use strict;
-use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
-use File::Path qw(mkpath);
-use POSIX qw(strftime);
-use Wallet::Admin ();
-# Database queries
-# Return a list of keytab objects in the wallet database. Currently, we only
-# report on keytab objects; reports for other objects will be added later.
-sub list_keytabs {
- my $admin = Wallet::Admin->new;
- my @objects = $admin->list_objects;
- if (!@objects and $admin->error) {
- die $admin->error;
- }
- return map { $$_[1] } grep { $$_[0] eq 'keytab' } @objects;
-# Reporting
-# Used to make heredocs look pretty.
-sub unquote { my ($string) = @_; $string =~ s/^:( {0,7}|\t)//gm; $string }
-# Given an array of principal names, classify them into various interesting
-# groups and then report on the total number of principals, broken down by the
-# individual groups.
-sub report_principals {
- my @principals = @_;
- my (%count, $found);
- # Count the principals in each category.
- for (@principals) {
- $found = 0;
- for my $mapping (@PATTERNS) {
- if (/$$mapping[0]/) {
- $count{$$mapping[1]}++;
- $found = 1;
- last;
- }
- }
- $count{OTHER}++ unless $found;
- }
- my $total = scalar @principals;
- # Find the longest label for any principal type.
- my ($taglen, $desclen) = (0, 0);
- for (@PATTERNS) {
- next unless $count{$$_[1]};
- $taglen = length ($$_[1]) if length ($$_[1]) > $taglen;
- $desclen = length ($$_[2]) if length ($$_[2]) > $desclen;
- }
- $taglen = 6 if $taglen < 6;
- # Print the report.
- print unquote (<<"EOM");
-: This is a summary of the current keytab entries in the wallet database,
-: which contain entries for every principal that is managed by our
-: Kerberos keytab management system. Not all of these principals may
-: necessarily be in active use. Principals corresponding to hosts which
-: are no longer registered in NetDB are purged periodically.
- printf ("%-${taglen}s Count %-${desclen}s\n", 'Type', 'Description');
- print '-' x $taglen, ' ----- ', '-' x $desclen, "\n";
- for (@PATTERNS) {
- next unless $count{$$_[1]};
- printf ("%-${taglen}s %5d %s\n", $$_[1], $count{$$_[1]}, $$_[2]);
- }
- if ($count{OTHER}) {
- print "\n";
- printf ("%-${taglen}s %5d %s\n", '', $count{OTHER}, 'Other');
- }
- print ' ' x $taglen, ' ', '=====', "\n";
- printf ("%${taglen}s %5d\n", 'Total:', $total);
-# Main routine
-# Read in command-line options.
-my ($help, $mail);
-Getopt::Long::config ('no_ignore_case', 'bundling');
-GetOptions ('help|h' => \$help,
- 'mail|m' => \$mail) or exit 1;
-if ($help) {
- print "Feeding myself to perldoc, please wait....\n";
- exec ('perldoc', '-t', $0);
-# Clean up $0 for error reporting.
-$0 =~ s%.*/%%;
-# If -m was given, save the report into the infrastructure area.
-if ($mail) {
- my $date = strftime ('%Y/%m', localtime);
- mkpath ("$REPORTS/$date/kerberos");
- open (REPORT, "+> $REPORTS/$date/kerberos/wallet")
- or die "$0: cannot create $REPORTS/$date/kerberos/wallet: $!\n";
- select REPORT;
-# Run the report.
-my @principals = read_dump;
-report_principals (@principals);
-# If -m was given, take the saved report and mail it as well.
-if ($mail) {
- seek (REPORT, 0, 0)
- or die "$0: cannot rewind generated report: $!\n";
- my $date = strftime ('%Y-%m-%d', localtime);
- open (MAIL, '| /usr/lib/sendmail -t -oi -oem')
- or die "$0: cannot fork sendmail: $!\n";
- print MAIL "From: root\n";
- print MAIL "To: $ADDRESS\n";
- print MAIL "Subject: wallet keytab report ($date)\n\n";
- print MAIL <REPORT>;
- close MAIL;
- if ($? != 0) {
- warn "$0: sendmail exited with status ", ($? >> 8), "\n";
- }
-close REPORT;
-# Documentation
-=head1 NAME
-wallet-report - Report on keytabs in the wallet database
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-wallet-report [B<-hm>]
-Obtains a list of keytab objects in the wallet database and produces a
-report of the types of principals contained therein and the total number
-of principals registered. This report is sent to standard output by
-default, but see B<-m> below.
-The classifications of srvtabs are determined by a set of patterns at the
-beginning of this script. Modify it to add new classifications.
-=head1 OPTIONS
-=over 4
-=item B<-h>, B<--help>
-Print out this documentation (which is done simply by feeding the script to
-C<perldoc -t>).
-=item B<-m>, B<--mail>
-Rather than printing the report to standard output, send the report via
-e-mail to the address set at the beginning of this script and also archive
-a copy under F</afs/ir/dept/itss/infrastructure/reports>.
-=head1 FILES
-=over 4
-=item F</afs/ir/dept/itss/infrastructure/reports>
-The root directory for archived reports. Archived reports will be saved
-under this directory in a subdirectory for the year, the month, and
-C<kerberos>, under the name C<wallet>. In other words, for a report run
-in March of 2003, the report will be saved in the file:
- /afs/ir/dept/itss/infrastructure/reports/2003/03/kerberos/srvtabs
-=head1 NOTES
-Considerably more information could potentially be reported than is
-currently here. In particular, keytabs that have never been downloaded
-are not distinguished from those that have, the number of keytabs
-downloaded is not separately reported, and there aren't any statistics on
-how recently the keytabs were downloaded. These could be useful areas of
-future development.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Russ Allbery <rra@stanford.edu>