path: root/perl/lib/Wallet/Policy
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authorRuss Allbery <eagle@eyrie.org>2014-07-16 13:43:17 -0700
committerRuss Allbery <eagle@eyrie.org>2014-07-16 13:43:17 -0700
commit6409733ee3b7b1910dc1c166a392cc628834146c (patch)
treee9460f8f2ca0f3676afeed2a9dcf549acfc39b53 /perl/lib/Wallet/Policy
parent334ed844cbb5c8f7ea82a94c701a3016dd6950b9 (diff)
parentf8963ceb19cd2b503b981f43a3f8c0f45649989f (diff)
Imported Upstream version 1.1
Diffstat (limited to 'perl/lib/Wallet/Policy')
1 files changed, 422 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/perl/lib/Wallet/Policy/Stanford.pm b/perl/lib/Wallet/Policy/Stanford.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ac29e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perl/lib/Wallet/Policy/Stanford.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
+# Wallet::Policy::Stanford -- Stanford's wallet naming and ownership policy.
+# Written by Russ Allbery <eagle@eyrie.org>
+# Copyright 2013
+# The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University
+# See LICENSE for licensing terms.
+# Modules and declarations
+package Wallet::Policy::Stanford;
+use 5.008;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base qw(Exporter);
+# Declare variables that should be set in BEGIN for robustness.
+# Set $VERSION and everything export-related in a BEGIN block for robustness
+# against circular module loading (not that we load any modules, but
+# consistency is good).
+ $VERSION = '1.00';
+ @EXPORT_OK = qw(default_owner verify_name);
+# Configuration
+# These variables are all declared as globals so that they can be overridden
+# from wallet.conf if desirable.
+# The domain to append to hostnames to fully-qualify them.
+our $DOMAIN = 'stanford.edu';
+# Groups for file object naming, each mapped to the ACL to use for
+# non-host-based objects owned by that group. This default is entirely
+# Stanford-specific, even more so than the rest of this file.
+our %ACL_FOR_GROUP = (
+ 'its-apps' => 'group/its-app-support',
+ 'its-crc-sg' => 'group/crcsg',
+ 'its-idg' => 'group/its-idg',
+ 'its-rc' => 'group/its-rc',
+ 'its-sa-core' => 'group/its-sa-core',
+# Legacy group names for older file objects.
+our @GROUPS_LEGACY = qw(apps crcsg gsb idg sysadmin sulair vast);
+# File object types. Each type can have one or more parameters: whether it is
+# host-based (host), whether it takes a qualifier after the host or service
+# (extra), and whether that qualifier is mandatory (need_extra).
+our %FILE_TYPE = (
+ config => { extra => 1, need_extra => 1 },
+ db => { extra => 1, need_extra => 1 },
+ 'gpg-key' => { },
+ htpasswd => { host => 1, extra => 1, need_extra => 1 },
+ password => { extra => 1, need_extra => 1 },
+ 'password-ipmi' => { host => 1 },
+ 'password-root' => { host => 1 },
+ 'password-tivoli' => { host => 1 },
+ properties => { extra => 1 },
+ 'ssh-dsa' => { host => 1 },
+ 'ssh-rsa' => { host => 1 },
+ 'ssl-key' => { host => 1, extra => 1 },
+ 'ssl-keypair' => { host => 1, extra => 1 },
+ 'ssl-keystore' => { extra => 1 },
+ 'ssl-pkcs12' => { extra => 1 },
+ 'tivoli-key' => { host => 1 },
+# Host-based file object types for the legacy file object naming scheme.
+our @FILE_HOST_LEGACY = qw(htpasswd ssh-rsa ssh-dsa ssl-key tivoli-key);
+# File object types for the legacy file object naming scheme.
+our @FILE_TYPES_LEGACY = qw(config db gpg-key htpasswd password properties
+ ssh-rsa ssh-dsa ssl-key ssl-keystore ssl-pkcs12 tivoli-key);
+# Host-based Kerberos principal prefixes.
+our @KEYTAB_HOST = qw(HTTP afpserver cifs ftp host imap ipp ldap lpr nfs pop
+ postgres sieve smtp webauth xmpp);
+# The Kerberos realm, used when forming principals for krb5 ACLs.
+our $REALM = 'stanford.edu';
+# A file listing principal names that should be required to use a root
+# instance to autocreate any objects.
+our $ROOT_REQUIRED = '/etc/remctl/acl/its-idg';
+# Implementation
+# Retrieve an existing ACL and return its members as a list.
+# $name - Name of the ACL to retrieve
+# Returns: Members of the ACL as a list of pairs
+# The empty list on any failure to retrieve the ACL
+sub _acl_members {
+ my ($name) = @_;
+ my $schema = eval { Wallet::Schema->connect };
+ return if (!$schema || $@);
+ my $acl = eval { Wallet::ACL->new ($name, $schema) };
+ return if (!$acl || $@);
+ return $acl->list;
+# Retrieve an existing ACL and check whether it contains a netdb-root member.
+# This is used to check if a default ACL is already present with a netdb-root
+# member so that we can return a default owner that matches. We only ever
+# increase the ACL from netdb to netdb-root, never degrade it, so this doesn't
+# pose a security problem.
+# On any failure, just return an empty ACL to use the default.
+sub _acl_has_netdb_root {
+ my ($name) = @_;
+ for my $line (_acl_members($name)) {
+ return 1 if $line->[0] eq 'netdb-root';
+ }
+ return;
+# Map a file object name to a hostname for the legacy file object naming
+# scheme and return it. Returns undef if this file object name doesn't map to
+# a hostname.
+sub _host_for_file_legacy {
+ my ($name) = @_;
+ my %allowed = map { $_ => 1 } @FILE_HOST_LEGACY;
+ my $allowed_regex = '(?:' . join ('|', sort keys %allowed) . ')';
+ if ($name !~ /^[^-]+-(.*)-$allowed_regex(?:-.*)?$/) {
+ return;
+ }
+ my $host = $1;
+ if ($host !~ /\./) {
+ $host .= q{.} . $DOMAIN;
+ }
+ return $host;
+# Map a file object name to a hostname. Returns undef if this file object
+# name doesn't map to a hostname.
+sub _host_for_file {
+ my ($name) = @_;
+ # If $name doesn't contain /, defer to the legacy naming scheme.
+ if ($name !~ m{ / }xms) {
+ return _host_for_file_legacy($name);
+ }
+ # Parse the name and check whether this is a host-based object.
+ my ($type, $host) = split('/', $name);
+ return if !$FILE_TYPE{$type}{host};
+ return $host;
+# Map a keytab object name to a hostname and return it. Returns undef if this
+# keytab principal name doesn't map to a hostname.
+sub _host_for_keytab {
+ my ($name) = @_;
+ my %allowed = map { $_ => 1 } @KEYTAB_HOST;
+ return unless $name =~ m,/,;
+ my ($service, $host) = split ('/', $name, 2);
+ return unless $allowed{$service};
+ if ($host !~ /\./) {
+ $host .= q{.} . $DOMAIN;
+ }
+ return $host;
+# The default owner of host-based objects should be the host keytab and the
+# NetDB ACL for that host, with one twist. If the creator of a new node is
+# using a root instance, we want to require everyone managing that node be
+# using root instances by default.
+sub default_owner {
+ my ($type, $name) = @_;
+ # How to determine the host for host-based objects.
+ my %host_for = (
+ keytab => \&_host_for_keytab,
+ file => \&_host_for_file,
+ );
+ # If we have a possible host mapping, see if we can use that.
+ if (defined($host_for{$type})) {
+ my $host = $host_for{$type}->($name);
+ if ($host) {
+ my $acl_name = "host/$host";
+ my @acl;
+ if ($ENV{REMOTE_USER} =~ m,/root,
+ || _acl_has_netdb_root ($acl_name)) {
+ @acl = ([ 'netdb-root', $host ],
+ [ 'krb5', "host/$host\@$REALM" ]);
+ } else {
+ @acl = ([ 'netdb', $host ],
+ [ 'krb5', "host/$host\@$REALM" ]);
+ }
+ return ($acl_name, @acl);
+ }
+ }
+ # We have no open if this is not a file object.
+ return if $type ne 'file';
+ # Parse the name of the file object only far enough to get type and group
+ # (if there is a group).
+ my ($file_type, $group) = split('/', $name);
+ # Host-based file objects should be caught by the above. We certainly
+ # can't do anything about them here.
+ return if $FILE_TYPE{$file_type}{host};
+ # If we have a mapping for this group, retrieve the ACL contents. We
+ # would like to just return the ACL name, but wallet currently requires we
+ # return the whole ACL.
+ my $acl = $ACL_FOR_GROUP{$group};
+ return if !defined($acl);
+ my @members = _acl_members($acl);
+ return if @members == 0;
+ return ($acl, @members);
+# Enforce a naming policy. Host-based keytabs must have fully-qualified
+# hostnames, limit the acceptable characters for service/* keytabs, and
+# enforce our naming constraints on */cgi principals.
+# Also use this function to require that IDG staff always do implicit object
+# creation using a */root instance.
+sub verify_name {
+ my ($type, $name, $user) = @_;
+ my %staff;
+ if (open (STAFF, '<', $ROOT_REQUIRED)) {
+ local $_;
+ while (<STAFF>) {
+ s/^\s+//;
+ s/\s+$//;
+ next if m,/root\@,;
+ $staff{$_} = 1;
+ }
+ close STAFF;
+ }
+ # Check for a staff member not using their root instance.
+ if (defined ($user) && $staff{$user}) {
+ return 'use a */root instance for wallet object creation';
+ }
+ # Check keytab naming conventions.
+ if ($type eq 'keytab') {
+ my %host = map { $_ => 1 } @KEYTAB_HOST;
+ if ($name !~ m,^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+/[a-z0-9.-]+$,) {
+ return "invalid principal name $name";
+ }
+ my ($principal, $instance)
+ = ($name =~ m,^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)/([a-z0-9.-]+)$,);
+ unless (defined ($principal) && defined ($instance)) {
+ return "invalid principal name $name";
+ }
+ if ($host{$principal} and $principal ne 'http') {
+ if ($instance !~ /^[a-z0-9-]+\.[a-z0-9.-]+$/) {
+ return "host name $instance is not fully qualified";
+ }
+ } elsif ($principal eq 'afs') {
+ if ($instance !~ /^[a-z0-9-]+\.[a-z0-9.-]+$/) {
+ return "AFS cell name $instance is not fully qualified";
+ }
+ } elsif ($principal eq 'service') {
+ if ($instance !~ /^[a-z0-9-]+$/) {
+ return "invalid service principal name $name";
+ }
+ } elsif ($instance eq 'cgi') {
+ if ($principal !~ /^[a-z][a-z0-9]{1,7}$/
+ and $principal !~ /^(class|dept|group)-[a-z0-9_-]+$/) {
+ return "invalid CGI principal name $name";
+ }
+ } elsif ($instance eq 'cron') {
+ if ($principal !~ /^[a-z][a-z0-9]{1,7}$/
+ and $principal !~ /^(class|dept|group)-[a-z0-9_-]+$/) {
+ return "invalid cron principal name $name";
+ }
+ } else {
+ return "unknown principal type $principal";
+ }
+ }
+ # Check file object naming conventions.
+ if ($type eq 'file') {
+ if ($name =~ m{ / }xms) {
+ my @name = split('/', $name);
+ # Names have between two and four components and all must be
+ # non-empty.
+ if (@name > 4) {
+ return "too many components in $name";
+ }
+ if (@name < 2) {
+ return "too few components in $name";
+ }
+ if (grep { $_ eq q{} } @name) {
+ return "empty component in $name";
+ }
+ # All objects start with the type. First check if this is a
+ # host-based type.
+ my $type = shift @name;
+ if ($FILE_TYPE{$type} && $FILE_TYPE{$type}{host}) {
+ my ($host, $extra) = @name;
+ if ($host !~ m{ [.] }xms) {
+ return "host name $host is not fully qualified";
+ }
+ if (defined($extra) && !$FILE_TYPE{$type}{extra}) {
+ return "extraneous component at end of $name";
+ }
+ if (!defined($extra) && $FILE_TYPE{$type}{need_extra}) {
+ return "missing component in $name";
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ # Otherwise, the name is group-based. There be at least two
+ # remaining components.
+ if (@name < 2) {
+ return "too few components in $name";
+ }
+ my ($group, $service, $extra) = @name;
+ # Check the group.
+ if (!$ACL_FOR_GROUP{$group}) {
+ return "unknown group $group";
+ }
+ # Check the type. Be sure it's not host-based.
+ if (!$FILE_TYPE{$type}) {
+ return "unknown type $type";
+ }
+ if ($FILE_TYPE{$type}{host}) {
+ return "bad name for host-based file type $type";
+ }
+ # Check the extra data.
+ if (defined($extra) && !$FILE_TYPE{$type}{extra}) {
+ return "extraneous component at end of $name";
+ }
+ if (!defined($extra) && $FILE_TYPE{$type}{need_extra}) {
+ return "missing component in $name";
+ }
+ return;
+ } else {
+ # Legacy naming scheme.
+ my %groups = map { $_ => 1 } @GROUPS_LEGACY;
+ my %types = map { $_ => 1 } @FILE_TYPES_LEGACY;
+ if ($name !~ m,^[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+$,) {
+ return "invalid file object $name";
+ }
+ my $group_regex = '(?:' . join ('|', sort keys %groups) . ')';
+ my $type_regex = '(?:' . join ('|', sort keys %types) . ')';
+ if ($name !~ /^$group_regex-/) {
+ return "no recognized owning group in $name";
+ } elsif ($name !~ /^$group_regex-.*-$type_regex(-.*)?$/) {
+ return "invalid file object name $name";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Success.
+ return;
+# Documentation
+=for stopwords
+=head1 NAME
+Wallet::Policy::Stanford - Stanford's wallet naming and ownership policy
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Wallet::Policy::Stanford;
+ my ($type, $name, $user) = @_;
+ my $error = valid_name($type, $name, $user);
+ my ($name, @acl) = default_owner($type, $name);
+Wallet::Policy::Stanford implements Stanford's wallet naming and ownership
+policy as described in F<docs/stanford-naming> in the wallet distribution.
+It is primarily intended as an example for other sites, but it is used at
+Stanford to implement that policy.
+This module provides the default_owner() and verify_name() functions that
+are part of the wallet configuration interface (as documented in
+L<Wallet::Config>). They can be imported directly into a wallet
+configuration file from this module or wrapped to apply additional rules.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+The L<Stanford policy|http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/software/wallet/naming.html>
+implemented by this module.
+This module is part of the wallet system. The current version is
+available from L<http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/software/wallet/>.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Russ Allbery <eagle@eyrie.org>