path: root/perl/t/acl.t
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authorRuss Allbery <>2014-07-16 13:43:17 -0700
committerRuss Allbery <>2014-07-16 13:43:17 -0700
commit6409733ee3b7b1910dc1c166a392cc628834146c (patch)
treee9460f8f2ca0f3676afeed2a9dcf549acfc39b53 /perl/t/acl.t
parent334ed844cbb5c8f7ea82a94c701a3016dd6950b9 (diff)
parentf8963ceb19cd2b503b981f43a3f8c0f45649989f (diff)
Imported Upstream version 1.1
Diffstat (limited to 'perl/t/acl.t')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 230 deletions
diff --git a/perl/t/acl.t b/perl/t/acl.t
deleted file mode 100755
index 26b4903..0000000
--- a/perl/t/acl.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# Tests for the wallet ACL API.
-# Written by Russ Allbery <>
-# Copyright 2007, 2008
-# The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University
-# See LICENSE for licensing terms.
-use POSIX qw(strftime);
-use Test::More tests => 101;
-use Wallet::ACL;
-use Wallet::Admin;
-use Wallet::Server;
-use lib 't/lib';
-use Util;
-# Some global defaults to use.
-my $admin = 'admin@EXAMPLE.COM';
-my $user1 = 'alice@EXAMPLE.COM';
-my $user2 = 'bob@EXAMPLE.COM';
-my $host = 'localhost';
-my @trace = ($admin, $host, time);
-# Use Wallet::Admin to set up the database.
-my $setup = eval { Wallet::Admin->new };
-is ($@, '', 'Database connection succeeded');
-is ($setup->reinitialize ($setup), 1, 'Database initialization succeeded');
-my $schema = $setup->schema;
-# Test create and new.
-my $acl = eval { Wallet::ACL->create ('test', $schema, @trace) };
-ok (defined ($acl), 'ACL creation');
-is ($@, '', ' with no exceptions');
-ok ($acl->isa ('Wallet::ACL'), ' and the right class');
-is ($acl->name, 'test', ' and the right name');
-is ($acl->id, 2, ' and the right ID');
-$acl = eval { Wallet::ACL->create (3, $schema, @trace) };
-ok (!defined ($acl), 'Creating with a numeric name');
-is ($@, "ACL name may not be all numbers\n", ' with the right error message');
-$acl = eval { Wallet::ACL->create ('test', $schema, @trace) };
-ok (!defined ($acl), 'Creating a duplicate object');
-like ($@, qr/^cannot create ACL test: /, ' with the right error message');
-$acl = eval { Wallet::ACL->new ('test2', $schema) };
-ok (!defined ($acl), 'Searching for a non-existent ACL');
-is ($@, "ACL test2 not found\n", ' with the right error message');
-$acl = eval { Wallet::ACL->new ('test', $schema) };
-ok (defined ($acl), 'Searching for the test ACL by name');
-is ($@, '', ' with no exceptions');
-ok ($acl->isa ('Wallet::ACL'), ' and the right class');
-is ($acl->id, 2, ' and the right ID');
-$acl = eval { Wallet::ACL->new (2, $schema) };
-ok (defined ($acl), 'Searching for the test ACL by ID');
-is ($@, '', ' with no exceptions');
-ok ($acl->isa ('Wallet::ACL'), ' and the right class');
-is ($acl->name, 'test', ' and the right name');
-# Test rename.
-if ($acl->rename ('example')) {
- ok (1, 'Renaming the ACL');
-} else {
- is ($acl->error, '', 'Renaming the ACL');
-is ($acl->name, 'example', ' and the new name is right');
-is ($acl->id, 2, ' and the ID did not change');
-$acl = eval { Wallet::ACL->new ('test', $schema) };
-ok (!defined ($acl), ' and it cannot be found under the old name');
-is ($@, "ACL test not found\n", ' with the right error message');
-$acl = eval { Wallet::ACL->new ('example', $schema) };
-ok (defined ($acl), ' and it can be found with the new name');
-is ($@, '', ' with no exceptions');
-is ($acl->name, 'example', ' and the right name');
-is ($acl->id, 2, ' and the right ID');
-$acl = eval { Wallet::ACL->new (2, $schema) };
-ok (defined ($acl), ' and it can still found by ID');
-is ($@, '', ' with no exceptions');
-is ($acl->name, 'example', ' and the right name');
-is ($acl->id, 2, ' and the right ID');
-ok (! $acl->rename ('ADMIN'), ' but renaming to an existing name fails');
-like ($acl->error, qr/^cannot rename ACL 2 to ADMIN: /,
- ' with the right error');
-# Test add, check, remove, list, and show.
-my @entries = $acl->list;
-is (scalar (@entries), 0, 'ACL starts empty');
-is ($acl->check ($user1), 0, ' so check fails');
-is (scalar ($acl->check_errors), '', ' with no errors');
-ok (! $acl->add ('example', 'foo', @trace), ' and cannot add bad scheme');
-is ($acl->error, 'unknown ACL scheme example', ' with the right error');
-if ($acl->add ('krb5', $user1, @trace)) {
- ok (1, ' and can add a good scheme');
-} else {
- is ($acl->error, '', ' and can add a good scheme');
-@entries = $acl->list;
-is (scalar (@entries), 1, ' and now there is one element');
-is ($entries[0][0], 'krb5', ' with the right scheme');
-is ($entries[0][1], $user1, ' and identifier');
-is ($acl->check ($user1), 1, ' so check succeeds');
-is (scalar ($acl->check_errors), '', ' with no errors');
-is ($acl->check ($user2), 0, ' but the second user still fails');
-is (scalar ($acl->check_errors), '', ' with no errors');
-if ($acl->add ('krb5', $user2, @trace)) {
- ok (1, ' and can add a second entry');
-} else {
- is ($acl->error, '', ' and can add a second entry');
-is ($acl->check ($user2), 1, ' and now the second user checks');
-is (scalar ($acl->check_errors), '', ' with no errors');
-is ($acl->check ($user1), 1, ' and the first one still checks');
-is (scalar ($acl->check_errors), '', ' with no errors');
-@entries = sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] } $acl->list;
-is (scalar (@entries), 2, ' and now there are two entries');
-is ($entries[0][0], 'krb5', ' with the right scheme for 1');
-is ($entries[0][1], $user1, ' and the right identifier for 1');
-is ($entries[1][0], 'krb5', ' and the right scheme for 2');
-is ($entries[1][1], $user2, ' and the right identifier for 2');
-my $expected = <<"EOE";
-Members of ACL example (id: 2) are:
- krb5 $user1
- krb5 $user2
-is ($acl->show, $expected, ' and show returns correctly');
-ok (! $acl->remove ('krb5', $admin, @trace),
- 'Removing a nonexistent entry fails');
-is ($acl->error, "cannot remove krb5:$admin from 2: entry not found in ACL",
- ' with the right error');
-if ($acl->remove ('krb5', $user1, @trace)) {
- ok (1, ' but removing the first user works');
-} else {
- is ($acl->error, '', ' but removing the first user works');
-is ($acl->check ($user1), 0, ' and now they do not check');
-is (scalar ($acl->check_errors), '', ' with no errors');
-@entries = $acl->list;
-is (scalar (@entries), 1, ' and now there is one entry');
-is ($entries[0][0], 'krb5', ' with the right scheme');
-is ($entries[0][1], $user2, ' and the right identifier');
-ok (! $acl->add ('krb5', $user2), 'Adding the same entry again fails');
-like ($acl->error, qr/^cannot add \Qkrb5:$user2\E to 2: /,
- ' with the right error');
-if ($acl->add ('krb5', '', @trace)) {
- ok (1, 'Adding a bad entry works');
-} else {
- is ($acl->error, '', 'Adding a bad entry works');
-@entries = sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] } $acl->list;
-is (scalar (@entries), 2, ' and now there are two entries');
-is ($entries[0][0], 'krb5', ' with the right scheme for 1');
-is ($entries[0][1], '', ' and the right identifier for 1');
-is ($entries[1][0], 'krb5', ' and the right scheme for 2');
-is ($entries[1][1], $user2, ' and the right identifier for 2');
-$expected = <<"EOE";
-Members of ACL example (id: 2) are:
- krb5
- krb5 $user2
-is ($acl->show, $expected, ' and show returns correctly');
-is ($acl->check ($user2), 1, ' and checking the good entry still works');
-is (scalar ($acl->check_errors), "malformed krb5 ACL\n",
- ' but now with the right error');
-my @errors = $acl->check_errors;
-is (scalar (@errors), 1, ' and the error return is right in list context');
-is ($errors[0], 'malformed krb5 ACL', ' with the same text');
-is ($acl->check (''), undef, 'Checking with an empty principal fails');
-is ($acl->error, 'no principal specified', ' with the right error');
-if ($acl->remove ('krb5', $user2, @trace)) {
- ok (1, 'Removing the second user works');
-} else {
- is ($acl->error, '', 'Removing the second user works');
-is ($acl->check ($user2), 0, ' and now the second user check fails');
-is (scalar ($acl->check_errors), "malformed krb5 ACL\n",
- ' with the right error');
-if ($acl->remove ('krb5', '', @trace)) {
- ok (1, 'Removing the bad entry works');
-} else {
- is ($acl->error, '', 'Removing the bad entry works');
-@entries = $acl->list;
-is (scalar (@entries), 0, ' and now there are no entries');
-is ($acl->show, "Members of ACL example (id: 2) are:\n", ' and show concurs');
-is ($acl->check ($user2), 0, ' and the second user check fails');
-is (scalar ($acl->check_errors), '', ' with no error message');
-# Test history.
-my $date = strftime ('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', localtime $trace[2]);
-my $history = <<"EOO";
-$date create
- by $admin from $host
-$date add krb5 $user1
- by $admin from $host
-$date add krb5 $user2
- by $admin from $host
-$date remove krb5 $user1
- by $admin from $host
-$date add krb5
- by $admin from $host
-$date remove krb5 $user2
- by $admin from $host
-$date remove krb5
- by $admin from $host
-is ($acl->history, $history, 'History is correct');
-# Test destroy.
-if ($acl->destroy (@trace)) {
- ok (1, 'Destroying the ACL works');
-} else {
- is ($acl->error, '', 'Destroying the ACL works');
-$acl = eval { Wallet::ACL->new ('example', $schema) };
-ok (!defined ($acl), ' and now cannot be found');
-is ($@, "ACL example not found\n", ' with the right error message');
-$acl = eval { Wallet::ACL->new (2, $schema) };
-ok (!defined ($acl), ' or by ID');
-is ($@, "ACL 2 not found\n", ' with the right error message');
-$acl = eval { Wallet::ACL->create ('example', $schema, @trace) };
-ok (defined ($acl), ' and creating another with the same name works');
-is ($@, '', ' with no exceptions');
-is ($acl->name, 'example', ' and the right name');
-is ($acl->id, 3, ' and a new ID');
-# Clean up.
-unlink 'wallet-db';