path: root/perl/t/keytab.t
diff options
authorRuss Allbery <eagle@eyrie.org>2014-07-11 21:39:23 -0700
committerRuss Allbery <rra@stanford.edu>2014-07-11 22:39:05 -0700
commit1575d5c34a2c6235bbf6a5010f8a8c142fe47079 (patch)
tree29e51ed64f28a37530ec0b21fc24b6d20de1d6ca /perl/t/keytab.t
parentda0aba21779529d98436e42323fc12f702390969 (diff)
Switch to Module::Build for the Perl module
The wallet server now requires Perl 5.8 or later (instead of 5.006 in previous versions) and is now built with Module::Build instead of ExtUtils::MakeMaker. This should be transparent to anyone not working with the source code, since Perl 5.8 was released in 2002, but Module::Build is now required to build the wallet server. It is included in some versions of Perl, or can be installed separately from CPAN, distribution packages, or other sources. Also reorganize the test suite to use subdirectories. Change-Id: Id06120ba2bad1ebbfee3d8a48ca2f25869463165 Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.stanford.edu/1530 Reviewed-by: Russ Allbery <rra@stanford.edu> Tested-by: Russ Allbery <rra@stanford.edu>
Diffstat (limited to 'perl/t/keytab.t')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 771 deletions
diff --git a/perl/t/keytab.t b/perl/t/keytab.t
deleted file mode 100755
index 127762a..0000000
--- a/perl/t/keytab.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,771 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# Tests for the keytab object implementation.
-# Written by Russ Allbery <eagle@eyrie.org>
-# Copyright 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2013, 2014
-# The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University
-# See LICENSE for licensing terms.
-use POSIX qw(strftime);
-use Test::More tests => 141;
-BEGIN { $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_TMP = '.' }
-use DBI;
-use Wallet::Admin;
-use Wallet::Config;
-use Wallet::Kadmin;
-use Wallet::Object::Keytab;
-use lib 't/lib';
-use Util;
-# Mapping of klist -ke encryption type names to the strings that Kerberos uses
-# internally. It's very annoying to have to maintain this, and it probably
-# breaks with Heimdal.
-my %enctype =
- ('triple des cbc mode with hmac/sha1' => 'des3-cbc-sha1',
- 'des cbc mode with crc-32' => 'des-cbc-crc',
- 'des cbc mode with rsa-md5' => 'des-cbc-md5',
- 'aes-256 cts mode with 96-bit sha-1 hmac' => 'aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96',
- 'arcfour with hmac/md5' => 'rc4-hmac');
-# Some global defaults to use.
-my $user = 'admin@EXAMPLE.COM';
-my $host = 'localhost';
-my @trace = ($user, $host, time);
-# Flush all output immediately.
-$| = 1;
-# Run a command and throw away the output, returning the exit status.
-sub system_quiet {
- my ($command, @args) = @_;
- my $pid = fork;
- if (not defined $pid) {
- die "cannot fork: $!\n";
- } elsif ($pid == 0) {
- open (STDIN, '<', '/dev/null') or die "cannot reopen stdin: $!\n";
- open (STDOUT, '>', '/dev/null') or die "cannot reopen stdout: $!\n";
- open (STDERR, '>', '/dev/null') or die "cannot reopen stderr: $!\n";
- exec ($command, @args) or die "cannot exec $command: $!\n";
- } else {
- waitpid ($pid, 0);
- return $?;
- }
-# Create a principal out of Kerberos. Only usable once the configuration has
-# been set up.
-sub create {
- my ($principal) = @_;
- my $kadmin = Wallet::Kadmin->new;
- return $kadmin->create ($principal);
-# Destroy a principal out of Kerberos. Only usable once the configuration has
-# been set up.
-sub destroy {
- my ($principal) = @_;
- my $kadmin = Wallet::Kadmin->new;
- return $kadmin->destroy ($principal);
-# Check whether a principal exists. MIT uses kvno and Heimdal uses kgetcred.
-# Note that the Kerberos type may be different than our local userspace, so
-# don't use the Kerberos type to decide here. Instead, check for which
-# program is available on the path.
-sub created {
- my ($principal) = @_;
- $principal .= '@' . $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_REALM;
- local $ENV{KRB5CCNAME} = 'krb5cc_temp';
- getcreds ('t/data/test.keytab', $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_PRINCIPAL);
- if (grep { -x "$_/kvno" } split (':', $ENV{PATH})) {
- return (system_quiet ('kvno', $principal) == 0);
- } elsif (grep { -x "$_/kgetcred" } split (':', $ENV{PATH})) {
- return (system_quiet ('kgetcred', $principal) == 0);
- } else {
- warn "# No kvno or kgetcred found\n";
- return;
- }
-# Given keytab data, write it to a file and try to determine the enctypes of
-# the keys present in that file. Returns the enctypes as a list, with UNKNOWN
-# for encryption types that weren't recognized. This is an ugly way of doing
-# this for MIT. Heimdal is much more straightforward, but MIT ktutil doesn't
-# have the needed abilities.
-sub enctypes {
- my ($keytab) = @_;
- open (KEYTAB, '>', 'keytab') or die "cannot create keytab: $!\n";
- print KEYTAB $keytab;
- close KEYTAB;
- my @enctypes;
- my $pid = open (KLIST, '-|');
- if (not defined $pid) {
- die "cannot fork: $!\n";
- } elsif ($pid == 0) {
- open (STDERR, '>', '/dev/null') or die "cannot reopen stderr: $!\n";
- exec ('klist', '-ke', 'keytab')
- or die "cannot run klist: $!\n";
- }
- local $_;
- while (<KLIST>) {
- next unless /^ *\d+ /;
- my ($string) = /\((.*)\)\s*$/;
- next unless $string;
- $enctype = $enctype{lc $string} || 'UNKNOWN';
- push (@enctypes, $enctype);
- }
- close KLIST;
- # If that failed, we may have a Heimdal user space instead, so try ktutil.
- # If we try this directly, it will just hang with MIT ktutil.
- if ($? != 0 || !@enctypes) {
- @enctypes = ();
- open (KTUTIL, '-|', 'ktutil', '-k', 'keytab', 'list')
- or die "cannot run ktutil: $!\n";
- local $_;
- while (<KTUTIL>) {
- next unless /^ *\d+ /;
- my ($string) = /^\s*\d+\s+(\S+)/;
- next unless $string;
- push (@enctypes, $string);
- }
- close KTUTIL;
- }
- unlink 'keytab';
- return sort @enctypes;
-# Use Wallet::Admin to set up the database.
-unlink ('krb5cc_temp', 'krb5cc_test', 'test-acl', 'test-pid');
-my $admin = eval { Wallet::Admin->new };
-is ($@, '', 'Database connection succeeded');
-is ($admin->reinitialize ($user), 1, 'Database initialization succeeded');
-my $schema = $admin->schema;
-my $dbh = $admin->dbh;
-# Use this to accumulate the history traces so that we can check history.
-my $history = '';
-my $date = strftime ('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', localtime $trace[2]);
-# Basic keytab creation and manipulation tests.
-SKIP: {
- skip 'no keytab configuration', 52 unless -f 't/data/test.keytab';
- # Set up our configuration.
- $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_FILE = 't/data/test.keytab';
- $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_PRINCIPAL = contents ('t/data/test.principal');
- $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_REALM = contents ('t/data/test.realm');
- $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_KRBTYPE = contents ('t/data/test.krbtype');
- my $realm = $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_REALM;
- # Clean up the principals we're going to use.
- destroy ('wallet/one');
- destroy ('wallet/two');
- # Don't destroy the user's Kerberos ticket cache.
- $ENV{KRB5CCNAME} = 'krb5cc_test';
- # Test that object creation without KEYTAB_TMP fails.
- undef $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_TMP;
- $object = eval {
- Wallet::Object::Keytab->create ('keytab', 'wallet/one', $schema,
- @trace)
- };
- is ($object, undef, 'Creating keytab without KEYTAB_TMP fails');
- is ($@, "KEYTAB_TMP configuration variable not set\n",
- ' with the right error');
- $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_TMP = '.';
- # Okay, now we can test. First, create.
- $object = eval {
- Wallet::Object::Keytab->create ('keytab', "wallet\nf", $schema,
- @trace)
- };
- is ($object, undef, 'Creating malformed principal fails');
- if ($Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_KRBTYPE eq 'MIT') {
- is ($@, "invalid principal name wallet\nf\n", ' with the right error');
- } elsif ($Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_KRBTYPE eq 'Heimdal') {
- like ($@, qr/^error adding principal wallet\nf/,
- ' with the right error');
- }
- $object = eval {
- Wallet::Object::Keytab->create ('keytab', '', $schema, @trace)
- };
- is ($object, undef, 'Creating empty principal fails');
- if ($Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_KRBTYPE eq 'MIT') {
- is ($@, "invalid principal name \n", ' with the right error');
- } elsif ($Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_KRBTYPE eq 'Heimdal') {
- like ($@, qr/^error adding principal \@/, ' with the right error');
- }
- $object = eval {
- Wallet::Object::Keytab->create ('keytab', 'wallet/one', $schema,
- @trace)
- };
- if (defined ($object)) {
- ok (defined ($object), 'Creating good principal succeeds');
- } else {
- is ($@, '', 'Creating good principal succeeds');
- }
- ok ($object->isa ('Wallet::Object::Keytab'), ' and is the right class');
- ok (created ('wallet/one'), ' and the principal was created');
- create ('wallet/two');
- $object = eval {
- Wallet::Object::Keytab->create ('keytab', 'wallet/two', $schema,
- @trace)
- };
- if (defined ($object)) {
- ok (defined ($object), 'Creating an existing principal succeeds');
- } else {
- is ($@, '', 'Creating an existing principal succeeds');
- }
- ok ($object->isa ('Wallet::Object::Keytab'), ' and is the right class');
- is ($object->destroy (@trace), 1, ' and destroying it succeeds');
- is ($object->error, undef, ' with no error message');
- ok (! created ('wallet/two'), ' and now it does not exist');
- my @name = qw(keytab wallet-test/one);
- $object = eval { Wallet::Object::Keytab->create (@name, $schema, @trace) };
- is ($object, undef, 'Creation without permissions fails');
- like ($@, qr{^error adding principal wallet-test/one\@\Q$realm: },
- ' with the right error');
- # Now, try retrieving the keytab.
- $object = Wallet::Object::Keytab->new ('keytab', 'wallet/one', $schema);
- ok (defined ($object), 'Retrieving the object works');
- ok ($object->isa ('Wallet::Object::Keytab'), ' and is the right type');
- is ($object->flag_set ('locked', @trace), 1, ' and setting locked works');
- is ($object->get (@trace), undef, ' and get fails');
- is ($object->error, "cannot get keytab:wallet/one: object is locked",
- ' because it is locked');
- is ($object->flag_clear ('locked', @trace), 1,
- ' and clearing locked works');
- my $data = $object->get (@trace);
- if (defined ($data)) {
- ok (defined ($data), ' and getting the keytab works');
- } else {
- is ($object->error, '', ' and getting the keytab works');
- }
- ok (! -f "./keytab.$$", ' and the temporary file was cleaned up');
- ok (keytab_valid ($data, 'wallet/one'), ' and the keytab is valid');
- # For right now, this is the only backend type that we have for which we
- # can do a get, so test display of the last download information.
- my $expected = <<"EOO";
- Type: keytab
- Name: wallet/one
- Created by: $user
- Created from: $host
- Created on: $date
- Downloaded by: $user
-Downloaded from: $host
- Downloaded on: $date
- is ($object->show, $expected, 'Show output is correct');
- # Test error handling on keytab retrieval.
- SKIP: {
- skip 'no kadmin program test for Heimdal', 2
- if $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_KRBTYPE eq 'Heimdal';
- $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_KADMIN = '/some/nonexistent/file';
- $data = $object->get (@trace);
- is ($data, undef, 'Cope with a failure to run kadmin');
- like ($object->error, qr{^cannot run /some/nonexistent/file: },
- ' with the right error');
- $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_KADMIN = 'kadmin';
- }
- destroy ('wallet/one');
- $data = $object->get (@trace);
- is ($data, undef, 'Getting a keytab for a nonexistent principal fails');
- like ($object->error,
- qr{^error creating keytab for wallet/one\@\Q$realm\E: },
- ' with the right error');
- is ($object->destroy (@trace), 1, ' but we can still destroy it');
- # Test principal deletion on object destruction.
- $object = eval {
- Wallet::Object::Keytab->create ('keytab', 'wallet/one', $schema,
- @trace)
- };
- ok (defined ($object), 'Creating good principal succeeds');
- ok (created ('wallet/one'), ' and the principal was created');
- SKIP: {
- skip 'no kadmin program test for Heimdal', 2
- if $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_KRBTYPE eq 'Heimdal';
- $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_KADMIN = '/some/nonexistent/file';
- is ($object->destroy (@trace), undef,
- ' and destroying it with bad kadmin fails');
- like ($object->error, qr{^cannot run /some/nonexistent/file: },
- ' with the right error');
- $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_KADMIN = 'kadmin';
- }
- is ($object->flag_set ('locked', @trace), 1, ' and setting locked works');
- is ($object->destroy (@trace), undef, ' and destroying it fails');
- is ($object->error, "cannot destroy keytab:wallet/one: object is locked",
- ' because it is locked');
- is ($object->flag_clear ('locked', @trace), 1,
- ' and clearing locked works');
- is ($object->destroy (@trace), 1, ' and destroying it succeeds');
- ok (! created ('wallet/one'), ' and now it does not exist');
- # Test history (which should still work after the object is deleted).
- $history .= <<"EOO";
-$date create
- by $user from $host
-$date set flag locked
- by $user from $host
-$date clear flag locked
- by $user from $host
-$date get
- by $user from $host
-$date destroy
- by $user from $host
-$date create
- by $user from $host
-$date set flag locked
- by $user from $host
-$date clear flag locked
- by $user from $host
-$date destroy
- by $user from $host
- is ($object->history, $history, 'History is correct to this point');
- # Test configuration errors.
- undef $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_FILE;
- $object = eval {
- Wallet::Object::Keytab->create ('keytab', 'wallet/one', $schema,
- @trace)
- };
- is ($object, undef, 'Creating with bad configuration fails');
- is ($@, "keytab object implementation not configured\n",
- ' with the right error');
- $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_FILE = 't/data/test.keytab';
- undef $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_PRINCIPAL;
- $object = eval {
- Wallet::Object::Keytab->create ('keytab', 'wallet/one', $schema,
- @trace)
- };
- is ($object, undef, ' likewise with another missing variable');
- is ($@, "keytab object implementation not configured\n",
- ' with the right error');
- $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_PRINCIPAL = contents ('t/data/test.principal');
- undef $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_REALM;
- $object = eval {
- Wallet::Object::Keytab->create ('keytab', 'wallet/one', $schema,
- @trace)
- };
- is ($object, undef, ' and another');
- is ($@, "keytab object implementation not configured\n",
- ' with the right error');
- $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_REALM = contents ('t/data/test.realm');
- undef $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_KRBTYPE;
- $object = eval {
- Wallet::Object::Keytab->create ('keytab', 'wallet/one', $schema,
- @trace)
- };
- is ($object, undef, ' and another');
- is ($@, "keytab object implementation not configured\n",
- ' with the right error');
- $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_KRBTYPE = 'Active Directory';
- $object = eval {
- Wallet::Object::Keytab->create ('keytab', 'wallet/one', $schema,
- @trace)
- };
- is ($object, undef, ' and one set to an invalid value');
- is ($@, "unknown KEYTAB_KRBTYPE setting: Active Directory\n",
- ' with the right error');
- $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_KRBTYPE = contents ('t/data/test.krbtype');
-# Tests for unchanging support. Skip these if we don't have a keytab or if we
-# can't find remctld.
-SKIP: {
- skip 'no keytab configuration', 31 unless -f 't/data/test.keytab';
- # Set up our configuration.
- $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_FILE = 't/data/test.keytab';
- $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_PRINCIPAL = contents ('t/data/test.principal');
- $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_REALM = contents ('t/data/test.realm');
- $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_KRBTYPE = contents ('t/data/test.krbtype');
- $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_TMP = '.';
- my $realm = $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_REALM;
- my $principal = $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_PRINCIPAL;
- # Create the objects for testing and set the unchanging flag.
- my $one = eval {
- Wallet::Object::Keytab->create ('keytab', 'wallet/one', $schema,
- @trace)
- };
- ok (defined ($one), 'Creating wallet/one succeeds');
- is ($one->flag_set ('unchanging', @trace), 1, ' and setting unchanging');
- my $two = eval {
- Wallet::Object::Keytab->create ('keytab', 'wallet/two', $schema,
- @trace);
- };
- ok (defined ($two), 'Creating wallet/two succeeds');
- is ($two->flag_set ('unchanging', @trace), 1, ' and setting unchanging');
- # Finally we can test. First the MIT Kerberos tests.
- SKIP: {
- skip 'skipping MIT unchanging tests for Heimdal', 16
- if (lc ($Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_KRBTYPE) eq 'heimdal');
- # We need remctld and Net::Remctl.
- my @path = (split (':', $ENV{PATH}), '/usr/local/sbin', '/usr/sbin');
- my ($remctld) = grep { -x $_ } map { "$_/remctld" } @path;
- skip 'remctld not found', 16 unless $remctld;
- eval { require Net::Remctl };
- skip 'Net::Remctl not available', 16 if $@;
- # Now spawn our remctld server and get a ticket cache.
- remctld_spawn ($remctld, $principal, 't/data/test.keytab',
- 't/data/keytab.conf');
- $ENV{KRB5CCNAME} = 'krb5cc_test';
- getcreds ('t/data/test.keytab', $principal);
- $ENV{KRB5CCNAME} = 'krb5cc_good';
- # Do the unchanging tests for MIT Kerberos.
- is ($one->get (@trace), undef, 'Get without configuration fails');
- is ($one->error, 'keytab unchanging support not configured',
- ' with the right error');
- $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_REMCTL_CACHE = 'krb5cc_test';
- is ($one->get (@trace), undef, ' and still fails without host');
- is ($one->error, 'keytab unchanging support not configured',
- ' with the right error');
- $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_REMCTL_HOST = 'localhost';
- $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_REMCTL_PRINCIPAL = $principal;
- $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_REMCTL_PORT = 14373;
- is ($one->get (@trace), undef, ' and still fails without ACL');
- is ($one->error,
- "cannot retrieve keytab for wallet/one\@$realm: Access denied",
- ' with the right error');
- open (ACL, '>', 'test-acl') or die "cannot create test-acl: $!\n";
- print ACL "$principal\n";
- close ACL;
- is ($one->get (@trace), 'Keytab for wallet/one', 'Now get works');
- is ($ENV{KRB5CCNAME}, 'krb5cc_good',
- ' and we did not nuke the cache name');
- is ($one->get (@trace), 'Keytab for wallet/one',
- ' and we get the same thing the second time');
- is ($one->flag_clear ('unchanging', @trace), 1,
- 'Clearing the unchanging flag works');
- my $data = $one->get (@trace);
- ok (defined ($data), ' and getting the keytab works');
- ok (keytab_valid ($data, 'wallet/one'), ' and the keytab is valid');
- is ($two->get (@trace), undef, 'Get for wallet/two does not work');
- is ($two->error,
- "cannot retrieve keytab for wallet/two\@$realm: bite me",
- ' with the right error');
- is ($one->destroy (@trace), 1, 'Destroying wallet/one works');
- is ($two->destroy (@trace), 1, ' as does destroying wallet/two');
- remctld_stop;
- unlink 'krb5cc_good';
- }
- # Now Heimdal. Since the keytab contains timestamps, before testing for
- # equality we have to substitute out the timestamps.
- SKIP: {
- skip 'skipping Heimdal unchanging tests for MIT', 11
- if (lc ($Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_KRBTYPE) eq 'mit');
- my $data = $one->get (@trace);
- ok (defined $data, 'Get of unchanging keytab works');
- ok (keytab_valid ($data, 'wallet/one'), ' and the keytab is valid');
- my $second = $one->get (@trace);
- ok (defined $second, ' and second retrieval also works');
- $data =~ s/one.{8}/one\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000/g;
- $second =~ s/one.{8}/one\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000/g;
- ok (keytab_valid ($second, 'wallet/one'), ' and the keytab is valid');
- ok (keytab_valid ($data, 'wallet/one'), ' as is the first keytab');
- is ($one->flag_clear ('unchanging', @trace), 1,
- 'Clearing the unchanging flag works');
- $data = $one->get (@trace);
- ok (defined ($data), ' and getting the keytab works');
- ok (keytab_valid ($data, 'wallet/one'), ' and the keytab is valid');
- $data =~ s/one.{8}/one\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000/g;
- ok ($data ne $second, ' and the new keytab is different');
- is ($one->destroy (@trace), 1, 'Destroying wallet/one works');
- is ($two->destroy (@trace), 1, ' as does destroying wallet/two');
- }
- # Check that history has been updated correctly.
- $history .= <<"EOO";
-$date create
- by $user from $host
-$date set flag unchanging
- by $user from $host
-$date get
- by $user from $host
-$date get
- by $user from $host
-$date clear flag unchanging
- by $user from $host
-$date get
- by $user from $host
-$date destroy
- by $user from $host
- is ($one->history, $history, 'History is correct to this point');
-# Tests for synchronization support. This code is deactivated at present
-# since no synchronization targets are supported, but we want to still test
-# the basic stub code.
-SKIP: {
- skip 'no keytab configuration', 18 unless -f 't/data/test.keytab';
- # Test setting synchronization attributes, which can also be done without
- # configuration.
- my $one = eval {
- Wallet::Object::Keytab->create ('keytab', 'wallet/one', $schema,
- @trace)
- };
- ok (defined ($one), 'Creating wallet/one succeeds');
- my $expected = <<"EOO";
- Type: keytab
- Name: wallet/one
- Created by: $user
- Created from: $host
- Created on: $date
- is ($one->show, $expected, 'Show output displays no attributes');
- is ($one->attr ('foo', [ 'bar' ], @trace), undef,
- 'Setting unknown attribute fails');
- is ($one->error, 'unknown attribute foo', ' with the right error');
- my @targets = $one->attr ('foo');
- is (scalar (@targets), 0, ' and getting an unknown attribute fails');
- is ($one->error, 'unknown attribute foo', ' with the right error');
- is ($one->attr ('sync', [ 'kaserver' ], @trace), undef,
- ' and setting an unknown sync target fails');
- is ($one->error, 'unsupported synchronization target kaserver',
- ' with the right error');
- is ($one->attr ('sync', [ 'kaserver', 'bar' ], @trace), undef,
- ' and setting two targets fails');
- is ($one->error, 'only one synchronization target supported',
- ' with the right error');
- # Create a synchronization manually so that we can test the display and
- # removal code.
- my $sql = "insert into keytab_sync (ks_name, ks_target) values
- ('wallet/one', 'kaserver')";
- $dbh->do ($sql);
- @targets = $one->attr ('sync');
- is (scalar (@targets), 1, ' and now one target is set');
- is ($targets[0], 'kaserver', ' and it is correct');
- is ($one->error, undef, ' and there is no error');
- $expected = <<"EOO";
- Type: keytab
- Name: wallet/one
- Synced with: kaserver
- Created by: $user
- Created from: $host
- Created on: $date
- is ($one->show, $expected, ' and show now displays the attribute');
- $history .= <<"EOO";
-$date create
- by $user from $host
- is ($one->history, $history, ' and history is correct for attributes');
- is ($one->attr ('sync', [], @trace), 1,
- 'Removing the kaserver sync attribute works');
- is ($one->destroy (@trace),1, ' and then destroying wallet/one works');
- $history .= <<"EOO";
-$date remove kaserver from attribute sync
- by $user from $host
-$date destroy
- by $user from $host
- is ($one->history, $history, ' and history is correct for removal');
-# Tests for enctype restriction.
-SKIP: {
- skip 'no keytab configuration', 36 unless -f 't/data/test.keytab';
- # Set up our configuration.
- $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_FILE = 't/data/test.keytab';
- $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_PRINCIPAL = contents ('t/data/test.principal');
- $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_REALM = contents ('t/data/test.realm');
- $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_KRBTYPE = contents ('t/data/test.krbtype');
- $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_TMP = '.';
- my $realm = $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_REALM;
- my $principal = $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_PRINCIPAL;
- # Create an object for testing and determine the enctypes we have to work
- # with.
- my $one = eval {
- Wallet::Object::Keytab->create ('keytab', 'wallet/one', $schema,
- @trace)
- };
- if (defined ($one)) {
- ok (1, 'Creating wallet/one succeeds');
- } else {
- is ($@, '', 'Creating wallet/one succeeds');
- }
- my $keytab = $one->get (@trace);
- ok (defined ($keytab), ' and retrieving the keytab works');
- my @enctypes = grep { $_ ne 'UNKNOWN' } enctypes ($keytab);
- $history .= <<"EOO";
-$date create
- by $user from $host
-$date get
- by $user from $host
- is ($one->history, $history, ' and history is still correct');
- # No enctypes we recognize?
- skip 'no recognized enctypes', 34 unless @enctypes;
- # Set those encryption types and make sure we get back a limited keytab.
- is ($one->attr ('enctypes', [ @enctypes ], @trace), 1,
- 'Setting enctypes works');
- is ($one->error, undef, ' with no error');
- for my $enctype (@enctypes) {
- $history .= "$date add $enctype to attribute enctypes\n";
- $history .= " by $user from $host\n";
- }
- my @values = $one->attr ('enctypes');
- is ("@values", "@enctypes", ' and we get back the right enctype list');
- my $eshow = join ("\n" . (' ' x 17), @enctypes);
- $eshow =~ s/\s+\z/\n/;
- $expected = <<"EOO";
- Type: keytab
- Name: wallet/one
- Enctypes: $eshow
- Created by: $user
- Created from: $host
- Created on: $date
- Downloaded by: $user
-Downloaded from: $host
- Downloaded on: $date
- is ($one->show, $expected, ' and show now displays the enctype list');
- $keytab = $one->get (@trace);
- ok (defined ($keytab), ' and retrieving the keytab still works');
- @values = enctypes ($keytab);
- is ("@values", "@enctypes", ' and the keytab has the right keys');
- is ($one->attr ('enctypes', [ 'foo-bar' ], @trace), undef,
- 'Setting an unrecognized enctype fails');
- is ($one->error, 'unknown encryption type foo-bar',
- ' with the right error message');
- is ($one->show, $expected, ' and we did rollback properly');
- $history .= <<"EOO";
-$date get
- by $user from $host
- is ($one->history, $history, 'History is correct to this point');
- # Now, try testing limiting the enctypes to just one.
- SKIP: {
- skip 'insufficient recognized enctypes', 14 unless @enctypes > 1;
- is ($one->attr ('enctypes', [ $enctypes[0] ], @trace), 1,
- 'Setting a single enctype works');
- for my $enctype (@enctypes) {
- next if $enctype eq $enctypes[0];
- $history .= "$date remove $enctype from attribute enctypes\n";
- $history .= " by $user from $host\n";
- }
- @values = $one->attr ('enctypes');
- is ("@values", $enctypes[0], ' and we get back the right value');
- $keytab = $one->get (@trace);
- ok (defined ($keytab), ' and retrieving the keytab still works');
- if (defined ($keytab)) {
- @values = enctypes ($keytab);
- is ("@values", $enctypes[0], ' and it has the right enctype');
- } else {
- ok (0, ' and it has the right keytab');
- }
- is ($one->attr ('enctypes', [ $enctypes[1] ], @trace), 1,
- 'Setting a different single enctype works');
- @values = $one->attr ('enctypes');
- is ("@values", $enctypes[1], ' and we get back the right value');
- $keytab = $one->get (@trace);
- ok (defined ($keytab), ' and retrieving the keytab still works');
- @values = enctypes ($keytab);
- is ("@values", $enctypes[1], ' and it has the right enctype');
- is ($one->attr ('enctypes', [ @enctypes[0..1] ], @trace), 1,
- 'Setting two enctypes works');
- @values = $one->attr ('enctypes');
- is ("@values", "@enctypes[0..1]", ' and we get back the right values');
- $keytab = $one->get (@trace);
- ok (defined ($keytab), ' and retrieving the keytab still works');
- @values = enctypes ($keytab);
- is ("@values", "@enctypes[0..1]", ' and it has the right enctypes');
- # Check the history trace. Put back all the enctypes for consistent
- # status whether or not we skipped this section.
- $history .= <<"EOO";
-$date get
- by $user from $host
-$date remove $enctypes[0] from attribute enctypes
- by $user from $host
-$date add $enctypes[1] to attribute enctypes
- by $user from $host
-$date get
- by $user from $host
-$date add $enctypes[0] to attribute enctypes
- by $user from $host
-$date get
- by $user from $host
- is ($one->attr ('enctypes', [ @enctypes ], @trace), 1,
- 'Restoring all enctypes works');
- for my $enctype (@enctypes) {
- next if $enctype eq $enctypes[0];
- next if $enctype eq $enctypes[1];
- $history .= "$date add $enctype to attribute enctypes\n";
- $history .= " by $user from $host\n";
- }
- is ($one->history, $history, 'History is correct to this point');
- }
- # Test clearing enctypes.
- is ($one->attr ('enctypes', [], @trace), 1, 'Clearing enctypes works');
- for my $enctype (@enctypes) {
- $history .= "$date remove $enctype from attribute enctypes\n";
- $history .= " by $user from $host\n";
- }
- @values = $one->attr ('enctypes');
- ok (@values == 0, ' and now there are no enctypes');
- is ($one->error, undef, ' and no error');
- # Test deleting enctypes on object destruction.
- is ($one->attr ('enctypes', [ $enctypes[0] ], @trace), 1,
- 'Setting a single enctype works');
- is ($one->destroy (@trace), 1, ' and destroying the object works');
- $one = eval {
- Wallet::Object::Keytab->create ('keytab', 'wallet/one', $schema,
- @trace)
- };
- ok (defined ($one), ' as does recreating it');
- @values = $one->attr ('enctypes');
- ok (@values == 0, ' and now there are no enctypes');
- is ($one->error, undef, ' and no error');
- # All done. Clean up and check history.
- is ($one->destroy (@trace), 1, 'Destroying wallet/one works');
- $history .= <<"EOO";
-$date add $enctypes[0] to attribute enctypes
- by $user from $host
-$date destroy
- by $user from $host
-$date create
- by $user from $host
-$date destroy
- by $user from $host
- is ($one->history, $history, 'History is correct to this point');
-# Clean up.
-END {
- unlink ('wallet-db', 'krb5cc_temp', 'krb5cc_test', 'test-acl', 'test-pid');