path: root/perl/t/verifier
diff options
authorRuss Allbery <eagle@eyrie.org>2018-06-03 17:55:39 -0700
committerRuss Allbery <eagle@eyrie.org>2018-06-03 17:55:39 -0700
commit5d1a13c87c6c8701cc49d68cd95d5e020d535a06 (patch)
tree55233f0aeaac7743c09dfcadf814cc49c5c157d7 /perl/t/verifier
parent9ab7e03e968734819a717354d4bc91295404fafd (diff)
parente37de01137270d9322405a3bf87035d032228fac (diff)
New upstream version 1.4
Diffstat (limited to 'perl/t/verifier')
1 files changed, 25 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/perl/t/verifier/netdb.t b/perl/t/verifier/netdb.t
index 0f3e2d4..c9e63d3 100755
--- a/perl/t/verifier/netdb.t
+++ b/perl/t/verifier/netdb.t
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
use strict;
use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 5;
+use Test::More;
use Wallet::ACL::NetDB;
@@ -26,29 +26,32 @@ use Util;
# This test requires a specific environment setup, so only run it for package
# maintainers.
-skip_unless_author('LDAP verifier tests');
+skip_unless_author('NetDB verifier tests');
+# Check if we have the ticket cache required to run this test.
+my $klist = `klist 2>&1` || '';
+if ($klist !~ /^(Default p|\s+P)rincipal: \S+\@stanford\.edu$/m) {
+ plan skip_all => 'Requires Stanford Kerberos tickets';
+# Set up the test plan.
+plan tests => 5;
+# Parameters for the test.
my $netdb = 'netdb-node-roles-rc.stanford.edu';
my $host = 'windlord.stanford.edu';
my $user = 'jonrober@stanford.edu';
-# Determine the local principal.
-my $klist = `klist 2>&1` || '';
-SKIP: {
- skip "tests useful only with Stanford Kerberos tickets", 5
- unless ($klist =~ /^(Default p|\s+P)rincipal: \S+\@stanford\.edu$/m);
- # Set up our configuration.
- $Wallet::Config::NETDB_REALM = 'stanford.edu';
- $Wallet::Config::NETDB_REMCTL_HOST = $netdb;
- # Finally, we can test.
- my $verifier = eval { Wallet::ACL::NetDB->new };
- ok (defined $verifier, ' and now creation succeeds');
- is ($@, q{}, ' with no errors');
- ok ($verifier->isa ('Wallet::ACL::NetDB'), ' and returns the right class');
- is ($verifier->check ($user, $host), 1, "Checking $host succeeds");
- is ($verifier->check ('test-user@stanford.edu', $host), 0,
- ' but fails with another user');
+# Set up our configuration.
+$Wallet::Config::NETDB_REALM = 'stanford.edu';
+$Wallet::Config::NETDB_REMCTL_HOST = $netdb;
+# Finally, we can test.
+my $verifier = eval { Wallet::ACL::NetDB->new };
+ok (defined $verifier, ' and now creation succeeds');
+is ($@, q{}, ' with no errors');
+ok ($verifier->isa ('Wallet::ACL::NetDB'), ' and returns the right class');
+is ($verifier->check ($user, $host), 1, "Checking $host succeeds");
+is ($verifier->check ('test-user@stanford.edu', $host), 0,
+ ' but fails with another user');