path: root/perl/Wallet/Object/Base.pm
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-# Wallet::Object::Base -- Parent class for any object stored in the wallet.
-# Written by Russ Allbery <rra@stanford.edu>
-# Copyright 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011
-# The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University
-# See LICENSE for licensing terms.
-# Modules and declarations
-package Wallet::Object::Base;
-require 5.006;
-use strict;
-use vars qw($VERSION);
-use DBI;
-use POSIX qw(strftime);
-use Text::Wrap qw(wrap);
-use Wallet::ACL;
-# This version should be increased on any code change to this module. Always
-# use two digits for the minor version with a leading zero if necessary so
-# that it will sort properly.
-$VERSION = '0.06';
-# Constructors
-# Initialize an object from the database. Verifies that the object already
-# exists with the given type, and if it does, returns a new blessed object of
-# the specified class. Stores the database handle to use, the name, and the
-# type in the object. If the object doesn't exist, returns undef. This will
-# probably be usable as-is by most object types.
-sub new {
- my ($class, $type, $name, $schema) = @_;
- my %search = (ob_type => $type,
- ob_name => $name);
- my $object = $schema->resultset('Object')->find (\%search);
- die "cannot find ${type}:${name}\n"
- unless ($object and $object->ob_name eq $name);
- my $self = {
- schema => $schema,
- name => $name,
- type => $type,
- };
- bless ($self, $class);
- return $self;
-# Create a new object in the database of the specified name and type, setting
-# the ob_created_* fields accordingly, and returns a new blessed object of the
-# specified class. Stores the database handle to use, the name, and the type
-# in the object. Subclasses may need to override this to do additional setup.
-sub create {
- my ($class, $type, $name, $schema, $user, $host, $time) = @_;
- $time ||= time;
- die "invalid object type\n" unless $type;
- die "invalid object name\n" unless $name;
- my $guard = $schema->txn_scope_guard;
- eval {
- my %record = (ob_type => $type,
- ob_name => $name,
- ob_created_by => $user,
- ob_created_from => $host,
- ob_created_on => strftime ('%Y-%m-%d %T',
- localtime $time));
- $schema->resultset('Object')->create (\%record);
- %record = (oh_type => $type,
- oh_name => $name,
- oh_action => 'create',
- oh_by => $user,
- oh_from => $host,
- oh_on => strftime ('%Y-%m-%d %T', localtime $time));
- $schema->resultset('ObjectHistory')->create (\%record);
- $guard->commit;
- };
- if ($@) {
- die "cannot create object ${type}:${name}: $@\n";
- }
- my $self = {
- schema => $schema,
- name => $name,
- type => $type,
- };
- bless ($self, $class);
- return $self;
-# Utility functions
-# Set or return the error stashed in the object.
-sub error {
- my ($self, @error) = @_;
- if (@error) {
- my $error = join ('', @error);
- chomp $error;
- 1 while ($error =~ s/ at \S+ line \d+\.?\z//);
- $self->{error} = $error;
- }
- return $self->{error};
-# Returns the type of the object.
-sub type {
- my ($self) = @_;
- return $self->{type};
-# Returns the name of the object.
-sub name {
- my ($self) = @_;
- return $self->{name};
-# Record a global object action for this object. Takes the action (which must
-# be one of get or store), and the trace information: user, host, and time.
-# Returns true on success and false on failure, setting error appropriately.
-# This function commits its transaction when complete and should not be called
-# inside another transaction.
-sub log_action {
- my ($self, $action, $user, $host, $time) = @_;
- unless ($action =~ /^(get|store)\z/) {
- $self->error ("invalid history action $action");
- return;
- }
- # We have two traces to record, one in the object_history table and one in
- # the object record itself. Commit both changes as a transaction. We
- # assume that AutoCommit is turned off.
- my $guard = $self->{schema}->txn_scope_guard;
- eval {
- my %record = (oh_type => $self->{type},
- oh_name => $self->{name},
- oh_action => $action,
- oh_by => $user,
- oh_from => $host,
- oh_on => strftime ('%Y-%m-%d %T', localtime $time));
- $self->{schema}->resultset('ObjectHistory')->create (\%record);
- my %search = (ob_type => $self->{type},
- ob_name => $self->{name});
- my $object = $self->{schema}->resultset('Object')->find (\%search);
- if ($action eq 'get') {
- $object->ob_downloaded_by ($user);
- $object->ob_downloaded_from ($host);
- $object->ob_downloaded_on (strftime ('%Y-%m-%d %T',
- localtime $time));
- } elsif ($action eq 'store') {
- $object->ob_stored_by ($user);
- $object->ob_stored_from ($host);
- $object->ob_stored_on (strftime ('%Y-%m-%d %T',
- localtime $time));
- }
- $object->update;
- $guard->commit;
- };
- if ($@) {
- my $id = $self->{type} . ':' . $self->{name};
- $self->error ("cannot update history for $id: $@");
- return;
- }
- return 1;
-# Record a setting change for this object. Takes the field, the old value,
-# the new value, and the trace information (user, host, and time). The field
-# may have the special value "type_data <field>" in which case the value after
-# the whitespace is used as the type_field value.
-# This function does not commit and does not catch exceptions. It should
-# normally be called as part of a larger transaction that implements the
-# setting change and should be committed with that change.
-sub log_set {
- my ($self, $field, $old, $new, $user, $host, $time) = @_;
- my $type_field;
- if ($field =~ /^type_data\s+/) {
- ($field, $type_field) = split (' ', $field, 2);
- }
- my %fields = map { $_ => 1 }
- qw(owner acl_get acl_store acl_show acl_destroy acl_flags expires
- comment flags type_data);
- unless ($fields{$field}) {
- die "invalid history field $field";
- }
- my %record = (oh_type => $self->{type},
- oh_name => $self->{name},
- oh_action => 'set',
- oh_field => $field,
- oh_type_field => $type_field,
- oh_old => $old,
- oh_new => $new,
- oh_by => $user,
- oh_from => $host,
- oh_on => strftime ('%Y-%m-%d %T', localtime $time));
- $self->{schema}->resultset('ObjectHistory')->create (\%record);
-# Get/set values
-# Set a particular attribute. Takes the attribute to set and its new value.
-# Returns undef on failure and true on success.
-sub _set_internal {
- my ($self, $attr, $value, $user, $host, $time) = @_;
- if ($attr !~ /^[a-z_]+\z/) {
- $self->error ("invalid attribute $attr");
- return;
- }
- $time ||= time;
- my $name = $self->{name};
- my $type = $self->{type};
- if ($self->flag_check ('locked')) {
- $self->error ("cannot modify ${type}:${name}: object is locked");
- return;
- }
- my $guard = $self->{schema}->txn_scope_guard;
- eval {
- my %search = (ob_type => $type,
- ob_name => $name);
- my $object = $self->{schema}->resultset('Object')->find (\%search);
- my $old = $object->get_column ("ob_$attr");
- $object->update ({ "ob_$attr" => $value });
- $self->log_set ($attr, $old, $value, $user, $host, $time);
- $guard->commit;
- };
- if ($@) {
- my $id = $self->{type} . ':' . $self->{name};
- $self->error ("cannot set $attr on $id: $@");
- return;
- }
- return 1;
-# Get a particular attribute. Returns the attribute value or undef if the
-# value isn't set or on a database error. The two cases can be distinguished
-# by whether $self->{error} is set.
-sub _get_internal {
- my ($self, $attr) = @_;
- undef $self->{error};
- if ($attr !~ /^[a-z_]+\z/) {
- $self->error ("invalid attribute $attr");
- return;
- }
- $attr = 'ob_' . $attr;
- my $name = $self->{name};
- my $type = $self->{type};
- my $value;
- eval {
- my %search = (ob_type => $type,
- ob_name => $name);
- my $object = $self->{schema}->resultset('Object')->find (\%search);
- $value = $object->get_column ($attr);
- };
- if ($@) {
- $self->error ($@);
- return;
- }
- return $value;
-# Get or set an ACL on an object. Takes the type of ACL and, if setting, the
-# new ACL identifier. If setting it, trace information must also be provided.
-sub acl {
- my ($self, $type, $id, $user, $host, $time) = @_;
- if ($type !~ /^(get|store|show|destroy|flags)\z/) {
- $self->error ("invalid ACL type $type");
- return;
- }
- my $attr = "acl_$type";
- if ($id) {
- my $acl;
- eval { $acl = Wallet::ACL->new ($id, $self->{schema}) };
- if ($@) {
- $self->error ($@);
- return;
- }
- return $self->_set_internal ($attr, $acl->id, $user, $host, $time);
- } elsif (defined $id) {
- return $self->_set_internal ($attr, undef, $user, $host, $time);
- } else {
- return $self->_get_internal ($attr);
- }
-# Get or set an attribute on an object. Takes the name of the attribute and,
-# if setting, the values and trace information. The values must be provided
-# as a reference to an array, even if there is only one value.
-# Attributes are used by backends for backend-specific information (such as
-# enctypes for a keytab). The default implementation rejects all attribute
-# names as unknown.
-sub attr {
- my ($self, $attr, $values, $user, $host, $time) = @_;
- $self->error ("unknown attribute $attr");
- return;
-# Format the object attributes for inclusion in show(). The default
-# implementation just returns the empty string.
-sub attr_show {
- my ($self) = @_;
- return '';
-# Get or set the comment value of an object. If setting it, trace information
-# must also be provided.
-sub comment {
- my ($self, $comment, $user, $host, $time) = @_;
- if ($comment) {
- return $self->_set_internal ('comment', $comment, $user, $host, $time);
- } elsif (defined $comment) {
- return $self->_set_internal ('comment', undef, $user, $host, $time);
- } else {
- return $self->_get_internal ('comment');
- }
-# Get or set the expires value of an object. Expects an expiration time in
-# seconds since epoch. If setting the expiration, trace information must also
-# be provided.
-sub expires {
- my ($self, $expires, $user, $host, $time) = @_;
- if ($expires) {
- if ($expires !~ /^\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d( \d\d:\d\d:\d\d)?\z/) {
- $self->error ("malformed expiration time $expires");
- return;
- }
- return $self->_set_internal ('expires', $expires, $user, $host, $time);
- } elsif (defined $expires) {
- return $self->_set_internal ('expires', undef, $user, $host, $time);
- } else {
- return $self->_get_internal ('expires');
- }
-# Get or set the owner of an object. If setting it, trace information must
-# also be provided.
-sub owner {
- my ($self, $owner, $user, $host, $time) = @_;
- if ($owner) {
- my $acl;
- eval { $acl = Wallet::ACL->new ($owner, $self->{schema}) };
- if ($@) {
- $self->error ($@);
- return;
- }
- return $self->_set_internal ('owner', $acl->id, $user, $host, $time);
- } elsif (defined $owner) {
- return $self->_set_internal ('owner', undef, $user, $host, $time);
- } else {
- return $self->_get_internal ('owner');
- }
-# Flags
-# Check whether a flag is set on the object. Returns true if set, 0 if not
-# set, and undef on error.
-sub flag_check {
- my ($self, $flag) = @_;
- my $name = $self->{name};
- my $type = $self->{type};
- my $schema = $self->{schema};
- my $value;
- eval {
- my %search = (fl_type => $type,
- fl_name => $name,
- fl_flag => $flag);
- my $flag = $schema->resultset('Flag')->find (\%search);
- if (not defined $flag) {
- $value = 0;
- } else {
- $value = $flag->fl_flag;
- }
- };
- if ($@) {
- $self->error ("cannot check flag $flag for ${type}:${name}: $@");
- return;
- } else {
- return ($value) ? 1 : 0;
- }
-# Clear a flag on an object. Takes the flag and trace information. Returns
-# true on success and undef on failure.
-sub flag_clear {
- my ($self, $flag, $user, $host, $time) = @_;
- $time ||= time;
- my $name = $self->{name};
- my $type = $self->{type};
- my $schema = $self->{schema};
- my $guard = $schema->txn_scope_guard;
- eval {
- my %search = (fl_type => $type,
- fl_name => $name,
- fl_flag => $flag);
- my $flag = $schema->resultset('Flag')->find (\%search);
- unless (defined $flag) {
- die "flag not set\n";
- }
- $flag->delete;
- $self->log_set ('flags', $flag->fl_flag, undef, $user, $host, $time);
- $guard->commit;
- };
- if ($@) {
- $self->error ("cannot clear flag $flag on ${type}:${name}: $@");
- return;
- }
- return 1;
-# List the flags on an object. Returns a list of flag names, which may be
-# empty. On error, returns the empty list. The caller should call error() in
-# this case to determine if an error occurred.
-sub flag_list {
- my ($self) = @_;
- undef $self->{error};
- my @flags;
- eval {
- my %search = (fl_type => $self->{type},
- fl_name => $self->{name});
- my %attrs = (order_by => 'fl_flag');
- my @flags_rs = $self->{schema}->resultset('Flag')->search (\%search,
- \%attrs);
- for my $flag (@flags_rs) {
- push (@flags, $flag->fl_flag);
- }
- };
- if ($@) {
- my $id = $self->{type} . ':' . $self->{name};
- $self->error ("cannot retrieve flags for $id: $@");
- return;
- } else {
- return @flags;
- }
-# Set a flag on an object. Takes the flag and trace information. Returns
-# true on success and undef on failure.
-sub flag_set {
- my ($self, $flag, $user, $host, $time) = @_;
- $time ||= time;
- my $name = $self->{name};
- my $type = $self->{type};
- my $schema = $self->{schema};
- my $guard = $schema->txn_scope_guard;
- eval {
- my %search = (fl_type => $type,
- fl_name => $name,
- fl_flag => $flag);
- my $flag = $schema->resultset('Flag')->find (\%search);
- if (defined $flag) {
- die "flag already set\n";
- }
- $flag = $schema->resultset('Flag')->create (\%search);
- $self->log_set ('flags', undef, $flag->fl_flag, $user, $host, $time);
- $guard->commit;
- };
- if ($@) {
- $self->error ("cannot set flag $flag on ${type}:${name}: $@");
- return;
- }
- return 1;
-# History
-# Expand a given ACL id to add its name, for readability. Returns the
-# original id alone if there was a problem finding the name.
-sub format_acl_id {
- my ($self, $id) = @_;
- my $name = $id;
- my %search = (ac_id => $id);
- my $acl_rs = $self->{schema}->resultset('Acl')->find (\%search);
- if (defined $acl_rs) {
- $name = $acl_rs->ac_name . " ($id)";
- }
- return $name;
-# Return the formatted history for a given object or undef on error.
-# Currently always returns the complete history, but eventually will need to
-# provide some way of showing only recent entries.
-sub history {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $output = '';
- eval {
- my %search = (oh_type => $self->{type},
- oh_name => $self->{name});
- my %attrs = (order_by => 'oh_on');
- my @history = $self->{schema}->resultset('ObjectHistory')
- ->search (\%search, \%attrs);
- for my $history_rs (@history) {
- $output .= sprintf ("%s %s ", $history_rs->oh_on->ymd,
- $history_rs->oh_on->hms);
- my $old = $history_rs->oh_old;
- my $new = $history_rs->oh_new;
- my $action = $history_rs->oh_action;
- my $field = $history_rs->oh_field;
- if ($action eq 'set' and $field eq 'flags') {
- if (defined ($new)) {
- $output .= "set flag $new";
- } elsif (defined ($old)) {
- $output .= "clear flag $old";
- }
- } elsif ($action eq 'set' and $field eq 'type_data') {
- my $attr = $history_rs->oh_type_field;
- if (defined ($old) and defined ($new)) {
- $output .= "set attribute $attr to $new (was $old)";
- } elsif (defined ($old)) {
- $output .= "remove $old from attribute $attr";
- } elsif (defined ($new)) {
- $output .= "add $new to attribute $attr";
- }
- } elsif ($action eq 'set'
- and ($field eq 'owner' or $field =~ /^acl_/)) {
- $old = $self->format_acl_id ($old) if defined ($old);
- $new = $self->format_acl_id ($new) if defined ($new);
- if (defined ($old) and defined ($new)) {
- $output .= "set $field to $new (was $old)";
- } elsif (defined ($new)) {
- $output .= "set $field to $new";
- } elsif (defined ($old)) {
- $output .= "unset $field (was $old)";
- }
- } elsif ($action eq 'set') {
- if (defined ($old) and defined ($new)) {
- $output .= "set $field to $new (was $old)";
- } elsif (defined ($new)) {
- $output .= "set $field to $new";
- } elsif (defined ($old)) {
- $output .= "unset $field (was $old)";
- }
- } else {
- $output .= $action;
- }
- $output .= sprintf ("\n by %s from %s\n", $history_rs->oh_by,
- $history_rs->oh_from);
- }
- };
- if ($@) {
- my $id = $self->{type} . ':' . $self->{name};
- $self->error ("cannot read history for $id: $@");
- return;
- }
- return $output;
-# Object manipulation
-# The get methods must always be overridden by the subclass.
-sub get { die "Do not instantiate Wallet::Object::Base directly\n"; }
-# Provide a default store implementation that returns an immutable object
-# error so that auto-generated types don't have to provide their own.
-sub store {
- my ($self, $data, $user, $host, $time) = @_;
- my $id = $self->{type} . ':' . $self->{name};
- if ($self->flag_check ('locked')) {
- $self->error ("cannot store $id: object is locked");
- return;
- }
- $self->error ("cannot store $id: object type is immutable");
- return;
-# The default show function. This may be adequate for many types; types that
-# have additional data should call this method, grab the results, and then add
-# their data on to the end.
-sub show {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $name = $self->{name};
- my $type = $self->{type};
- my @attrs = ([ ob_type => 'Type' ],
- [ ob_name => 'Name' ],
- [ ob_owner => 'Owner' ],
- [ ob_acl_get => 'Get ACL' ],
- [ ob_acl_store => 'Store ACL' ],
- [ ob_acl_show => 'Show ACL' ],
- [ ob_acl_destroy => 'Destroy ACL' ],
- [ ob_acl_flags => 'Flags ACL' ],
- [ ob_expires => 'Expires' ],
- [ ob_comment => 'Comment' ],
- [ ob_created_by => 'Created by' ],
- [ ob_created_from => 'Created from' ],
- [ ob_created_on => 'Created on' ],
- [ ob_stored_by => 'Stored by' ],
- [ ob_stored_from => 'Stored from' ],
- [ ob_stored_on => 'Stored on' ],
- [ ob_downloaded_by => 'Downloaded by' ],
- [ ob_downloaded_from => 'Downloaded from' ],
- [ ob_downloaded_on => 'Downloaded on' ]);
- my $fields = join (', ', map { $_->[0] } @attrs);
- my @data;
- my $object_rs;
- eval {
- my %search = (ob_type => $type,
- ob_name => $name);
- $object_rs = $self->{schema}->resultset('Object')->find (\%search);
- };
- if ($@) {
- $self->error ("cannot retrieve data for ${type}:${name}: $@");
- return;
- }
- my $output = '';
- my @acls;
- # Format the results. We use a hack to insert the flags before the first
- # trace field since they're not a field in the object in their own right.
- # The comment should be word-wrapped at 80 columns.
- for my $i (0 .. $#attrs) {
- my $field = $attrs[$i][0];
- my $fieldtext = $attrs[$i][1];
- next unless my $value = $object_rs->get_column ($field);
- if ($field eq 'ob_comment' && length ($value) > 79 - 17) {
- local $Text::Wrap::columns = 80;
- local $Text::Wrap::unexpand = 0;
- $value = wrap (' ' x 17, ' ' x 17, $value);
- $value =~ s/^ {17}//;
- }
- if ($field eq 'ob_created_by') {
- my @flags = $self->flag_list;
- if (not @flags and $self->error) {
- return;
- }
- if (@flags) {
- $output .= sprintf ("%15s: %s\n", 'Flags', "@flags");
- }
- my $attr_output = $self->attr_show;
- if (not defined $attr_output) {
- return;
- }
- $output .= $attr_output;
- }
- if ($field =~ /^ob_(owner|acl_)/) {
- my $acl = eval { Wallet::ACL->new ($value, $self->{schema}) };
- if ($acl and not $@) {
- $value = $acl->name || $value;
- push (@acls, [ $acl, $value ]);
- }
- }
- $output .= sprintf ("%15s: %s\n", $fieldtext, $value);
- }
- if (@acls) {
- my %seen;
- @acls = grep { !$seen{$_->[1]}++ } @acls;
- for my $acl (@acls) {
- $output .= "\n" . $acl->[0]->show;
- }
- }
- return $output;
-# The default destroy function only destroys the database metadata. Generally
-# subclasses need to override this to destroy whatever additional information
-# is stored about this object.
-sub destroy {
- my ($self, $user, $host, $time) = @_;
- $time ||= time;
- my $name = $self->{name};
- my $type = $self->{type};
- if ($self->flag_check ('locked')) {
- $self->error ("cannot destroy ${type}:${name}: object is locked");
- return;
- }
- my $guard = $self->{schema}->txn_scope_guard;
- eval {
- # Remove any flags that may exist for the record.
- my %search = (fl_type => $type,
- fl_name => $name);
- $self->{schema}->resultset('Flag')->search (\%search)->delete;
- # Remove any object records
- %search = (ob_type => $type,
- ob_name => $name);
- $self->{schema}->resultset('Object')->search (\%search)->delete;
- # And create a new history object for the destroy action.
- my %record = (oh_type => $type,
- oh_name => $name,
- oh_action => 'destroy',
- oh_by => $user,
- oh_from => $host,
- oh_on => strftime ('%Y-%m-%d %T', localtime $time));
- $self->{schema}->resultset('ObjectHistory')->create (\%record);
- $guard->commit;
- };
- if ($@) {
- $self->error ("cannot destroy ${type}:${name}: $@");
- return;
- }
- return 1;
-# Documentation
-=head1 NAME
-Wallet::Object::Base - Generic parent class for wallet objects
-=for stopwords
-DBH HOSTNAME DATETIME ACL backend metadata timestamp Allbery wallet-backend
-backend-specific subclasses
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- package Wallet::Object::Simple;
- @ISA = qw(Wallet::Object::Base);
- sub get {
- my ($self, $user, $host, $time) = @_;
- $self->log_action ('get', $user, $host, $time) or return;
- return "Some secure data";
- }
-Wallet::Object::Base is the generic parent class for wallet objects (data
-types that can be stored in the wallet system). It provides default
-functions and behavior, including handling generic object settings. All
-handlers for objects stored in the wallet should inherit from it. It is
-not used directly.
-The following methods are called by the rest of the wallet system and
-should be implemented by all objects stored in the wallet. They should be
-called with the desired wallet object class as the first argument
-(generally using the Wallet::Object::Type->new syntax).
-=over 4
-=item new(TYPE, NAME, DBH)
-Creates a new object with the given object type and name, based on data
-already in the database. This method will only succeed if an object of
-the given TYPE and NAME is already present in the wallet database. If no
-such object exits, throws an exception. Otherwise, returns an object
-blessed into the class used for the new() call (so subclasses can leave
-this method alone and not override it).
-Takes a Wallet::Schema object, which is stored in the object and used
-for any further operations.
-Similar to new() but instead creates a new entry in the database. This
-method will throw an exception if an entry for that type and name already
-exists in the database or if creating the database record fails.
-Otherwise, a new database entry will be created with that type and name,
-no owner, no ACLs, no expiration, no flags, and with created by, from, and
-on set to the PRINCIPAL, HOSTNAME, and DATETIME parameters. If DATETIME
-isn't given, the current time is used. The database handle is treated as
-with new().
-The following methods may be called on instantiated wallet objects.
-Normally, the only methods that a subclass will need to override are
-get(), store(), show(), and destroy().
-If the locked flag is set on an object, no actions may be performed on
-that object except for the flag methods and show(). All other actions
-will be rejected with an error saying the object is locked.
-=over 4
-Sets or retrieves a given object ACL as a numeric ACL ID. TYPE must be
-one of C<get>, C<store>, C<show>, C<destroy>, or C<flags>, corresponding
-to the ACLs kept on an object. If no other arguments are given, returns
-the current ACL setting as an ACL ID or undef if that ACL isn't set. If
-other arguments are given, change that ACL to ACL and return true on
-success and false on failure. Pass in the empty string for ACL to clear
-the ACL. The other arguments are used for logging and history and should
-indicate the user and host from which the change is made and the time of
-the change.
-Sets or retrieves a given object attribute. Attributes are used to store
-backend-specific information for a particular object type and ATTRIBUTE
-must be an attribute type known to the underlying object implementation.
-The default implementation of this method rejects all attributes as
-If no other arguments besides ATTRIBUTE are given, returns the values of
-that attribute, if any, as a list. On error, returns the empty list. To
-distinguish between an error and an empty return, call error() afterward.
-It is guaranteed to return undef unless there was an error.
-If other arguments are given, sets the given ATTRIBUTE values to VALUES,
-which must be a reference to an array (even if only one value is being
-set). Pass a reference to an empty array to clear the attribute values.
-The other arguments are used for logging and history and should indicate
-the user and host from which the change is made and the time of the
-change. Returns true on success and false on failure.
-=item attr_show()
-Returns a formatted text description of the type-specific attributes of
-the object, or undef on error. The default implementation of this method
-always returns the empty string. If there are any type-specific
-attributes set, this method should return that metadata, formatted as key:
-value pairs with the keys right-aligned in the first 15 characters,
-followed by a space, a colon, and the value.
-Sets or retrieves the comment associated with an object. If no arguments
-are given, returns the current comment or undef if no comment is set. If
-arguments are given, change the comment to COMMENT and return true on
-success and false on failure. Pass in the empty string for COMMENT to
-clear the comment.
-The other arguments are used for logging and history and should indicate
-the user and host from which the change is made and the time of the
-Destroys the object by removing all record of it from the database. The
-Wallet::Object::Base implementation handles the generic database work, but
-any subclass should override this method to do any deletion of files or
-entries in external databases and any other database entries and then call
-the parent method to handle the generic database cleanup. Returns true on
-success and false on failure. The arguments are used for logging and
-history and should indicate the user and host from which the change is
-made and the time of the change.
-=item error([ERROR ...])
-Returns the error of the last failing operation or undef if no operations
-have failed. Callers should call this function to get the error message
-after an undef return from any other instance method.
-For the convenience of child classes, this method can also be called with
-one or more error strings. If so, those strings are concatenated
-together, trailing newlines are removed, any text of the form S<C< at \S+
-line \d+\.?>> at the end of the message is stripped off, and the result is
-stored as the error. Only child classes should call this method with an
-error string.
-Sets or retrieves the expiration date of an object. If no arguments are
-given, returns the current expiration or undef if no expiration is set.
-If arguments are given, change the expiration to EXPIRES and return true
-on success and false on failure. EXPIRES must be in the format
-C<YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS>, although the time portion may be omitted. Pass in
-the empty string for EXPIRES to clear the expiration date.
-The other arguments are used for logging and history and should indicate
-the user and host from which the change is made and the time of the
-=item flag_check(FLAG)
-Check whether the given flag is set on an object. Returns true if set,
-C<0> if not set, and undef on error.
-Clears FLAG on an object. Returns true on success and false on failure.
-The other arguments are used for logging and history and should indicate
-the user and host from which the change is made and the time of the
-=item flag_list()
-List the flags set on an object. If no flags are set, returns the empty
-list. On failure, returns an empty list. To distinguish between the
-empty response and an error, the caller should call error() after an empty
-return. It is guaranteed to return undef if there was no error.
-Sets FLAG on an object. Returns true on success and false on failure.
-The other arguments are used for logging and history and should indicate
-the user and host from which the change is made and the time of the
-An object implementation must override this method with one that returns
-either the data of the object or undef on some error, using the provided
-arguments to update history information. The Wallet::Object::Base
-implementation just throws an exception.
-=item history()
-Returns the formatted history for the object. There will be two lines for
-each action on the object. The first line has the timestamp of the action
-and the action, and the second line gives the user who performed the
-action and the host from which they performed it (based on the trace
-information passed into the other object methods).
-=item name()
-Returns the object's name.
-Sets or retrieves the owner of an object as a numeric ACL ID. If no
-arguments are given, returns the current owner ACL ID or undef if none is
-set. If arguments are given, change the owner to OWNER and return true on
-success and false on failure. Pass in the empty string for OWNER to clear
-the owner. The other arguments are used for logging and history and
-should indicate the user and host from which the change is made and the
-time of the change.
-=item show()
-Returns a formatted text description of the object suitable for human
-display, or undef on error. All of the base metadata about the object,
-formatted as key: value pairs with the keys aligned in the first 15
-characters followed by a space, a colon, and the value. The attr_show()
-method of the object is also called and any formatted output it returns
-will be included. If any ACLs or an owner are set, after this data there
-is a blank line and then the information for each unique ACL, separated by
-blank lines.
-Store user-supplied data into the given object. This may not be supported
-by all backends (for instance, backends that automatically generate the
-data will not support this). The default implementation rejects all
-store() calls with an error message saying that the object is immutable.
-=item type()
-Returns the object's type.
-The following instance methods should not be called externally but are
-provided for subclasses to call to implement some generic actions.
-=over 4
-Updates the history tables and trace information appropriately for ACTION,
-which should be either C<get> or C<store>. No other changes are made to
-the database, just updates of the history table and trace fields with the
-provided data about who performed the action and when.
-This function commits its transaction when complete and therefore should
-not be called inside another transaction. Normally it's called as a
-separate transaction after the data is successfully stored or retrieved.
-Updates the history tables for the change in a setting value for an
-object. FIELD should be one of C<owner>, C<acl_get>, C<acl_store>,
-C<acl_show>, C<acl_destroy>, C<acl_flags>, C<expires>, C<flags>, or a
-value starting with C<type_data> followed by a space and a type-specific
-field name. The last form is the most common form used by a subclass.
-OLD is the previous value of the field or undef if the field was unset,
-and NEW is the new value of the field or undef if the field should be
-This function does not commit and does not catch database exceptions. It
-should normally be called as part of a larger transaction that implements
-the change in the setting.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-This module is part of the wallet system. The current version is
-available from L<http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/software/wallet/>.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Russ Allbery <rra@stanford.edu>