path: root/perl/Wallet/Schema.pm
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-# Database schema and connector for the wallet system.
-# Written by Jon Robertson <jonrober@stanford.edu>
-# Copyright 2012, 2013
-# The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University
-# See LICENSE for licensing terms.
-package Wallet::Schema;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Wallet::Config;
-use base 'DBIx::Class::Schema';
-# This version should be increased on any code change to this module. Always
-# use two digits for the minor version with a leading zero if necessary so
-# that it will sort properly.
-our $VERSION = '0.08';
-__PACKAGE__->load_components (qw/Schema::Versioned/);
-# Core overrides
-# Override DBI::connect to supply our own connect string, username, and
-# password and to set some standard options. Takes no arguments other than
-# the implicit class argument.
-sub connect {
- my ($class) = @_;
- unless ($Wallet::Config::DB_DRIVER
- and (defined ($Wallet::Config::DB_INFO)
- or defined ($Wallet::Config::DB_NAME))) {
- die "database connection information not configured\n";
- }
- my $dsn = "DBI:$Wallet::Config::DB_DRIVER:";
- if (defined $Wallet::Config::DB_INFO) {
- $dsn .= $Wallet::Config::DB_INFO;
- } else {
- $dsn .= "database=$Wallet::Config::DB_NAME";
- $dsn .= ";host=$Wallet::Config::DB_HOST" if $Wallet::Config::DB_HOST;
- $dsn .= ";port=$Wallet::Config::DB_PORT" if $Wallet::Config::DB_PORT;
- }
- my $user = $Wallet::Config::DB_USER;
- my $pass = $Wallet::Config::DB_PASSWORD;
- my %attrs = (PrintError => 0, RaiseError => 1);
- my $schema = eval { $class->SUPER::connect ($dsn, $user, $pass, \%attrs) };
- if ($@) {
- die "cannot connect to database: $@\n";
- }
- return $schema;
-# Documentation
-=for stopwords
-RaiseError PrintError AutoCommit ACL verifier API APIs enums keytab backend
-enctypes DBI Allbery
-=head1 NAME
-Wallet::Schema - Database schema and connector for the wallet system
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use Wallet::Schema;
- my $schema = Wallet::Schema->connect;
-This class encapsulates the database schema for the wallet system. The
-documentation you're reading explains and comments the schema. The
-class runs using the DBIx::Class module.
-connect() will obtain the database connection information from the wallet
-configuration; see L<Wallet::Config> for more details. It will also
-automatically set the RaiseError attribute to true and the PrintError and
-AutoCommit attributes to false, matching the assumptions made by the
-wallet database code.
-=head1 SCHEMA
-=head2 Normalization Tables
-Holds the supported object types and their corresponding Perl classes:
- create table types
- (ty_name varchar(16) primary key,
- ty_class varchar(64));
- insert into types (ty_name, ty_class)
- values ('file', 'Wallet::Object::File');
- insert into types (ty_name, ty_class)
- values ('keytab', 'Wallet::Object::Keytab');
-Holds the supported ACL schemes and their corresponding Perl classes:
- create table acl_schemes
- (as_name varchar(32) primary key,
- as_class varchar(64));
- insert into acl_schemes (as_name, as_class)
- values ('krb5', 'Wallet::ACL::Krb5');
- insert into acl_schemes (as_name, as_class)
- values ('krb5-regex', 'Wallet::ACL::Krb5::Regex');
- insert into acl_schemes (as_name, as_class)
- values ('ldap-attr', 'Wallet::ACL::LDAP::Attribute');
- insert into acl_schemes (as_name, as_class)
- values ('netdb', 'Wallet::ACL::NetDB');
- insert into acl_schemes (as_name, as_class)
- values ('netdb-root', 'Wallet::ACL::NetDB::Root');
-If you have extended the wallet to support additional object types or
-additional ACL schemes, you will want to add additional rows to these
-tables mapping those types or schemes to Perl classes that implement the
-object or ACL verifier APIs.
-=head2 ACL Tables
-A wallet ACL consists of zero or more ACL entries, each of which is a
-scheme and an identifier. The scheme identifies the check that should be
-performed and the identifier is additional scheme-specific information.
-Each ACL references entries in the following table:
- create table acls
- (ac_id integer auto_increment primary key,
- ac_name varchar(255) not null,
- unique (ac_name));
-This just keeps track of unique ACL identifiers. The data is then stored
- create table acl_entries
- (ae_id integer not null references acls(ac_id),
- ae_scheme varchar(32)
- not null references acl_schemes(as_name),
- ae_identifier varchar(255) not null,
- primary key (ae_id, ae_scheme, ae_identifier));
- create index ae_id on acl_entries (ae_id);
-ACLs may be referred to in the API via either the numeric ID or the
-human-readable name, but internally ACLs are always referenced by numeric
-ID so that they can be renamed without requiring complex data
-Currently, the ACL named C<ADMIN> (case-sensitive) is special-cased in the
-Wallet::Server code and granted global access.
-Every change made to any ACL in the database will be recorded in this
- create table acl_history
- (ah_id integer auto_increment primary key,
- ah_acl integer not null,
- ah_action varchar(16) not null,
- ah_scheme varchar(32) default null,
- ah_identifier varchar(255) default null,
- ah_by varchar(255) not null,
- ah_from varchar(255) not null,
- ah_on datetime not null);
- create index ah_acl on acl_history (ah_acl);
-ah_action must be one of C<create>, C<destroy>, C<add>, or C<remove>
-(enums aren't used for compatibility with databases other than MySQL).
-For a change of type create or destroy, only the action and the trace
-records (by, from, and on) are stored. For a change to the lines of an
-ACL, the scheme and identifier of the line that was added or removed is
-included. Note that changes to the ACL name are not recorded; ACLs are
-always tracked by system-generated ID, so name changes are purely
-ah_by stores the authenticated identity that made the change, ah_from
-stores the host from which they made the change, and ah_on stores the time
-the change was made.
-=head2 Object Tables
-Each object stored in the wallet is represented by an entry in the objects
- create table objects
- (ob_type varchar(16)
- not null references types(ty_name),
- ob_name varchar(255) not null,
- ob_owner integer default null references acls(ac_id),
- ob_acl_get integer default null references acls(ac_id),
- ob_acl_store integer default null references acls(ac_id),
- ob_acl_show integer default null references acls(ac_id),
- ob_acl_destroy integer default null references acls(ac_id),
- ob_acl_flags integer default null references acls(ac_id),
- ob_expires datetime default null,
- ob_created_by varchar(255) not null,
- ob_created_from varchar(255) not null,
- ob_created_on datetime not null,
- ob_stored_by varchar(255) default null,
- ob_stored_from varchar(255) default null,
- ob_stored_on datetime default null,
- ob_downloaded_by varchar(255) default null,
- ob_downloaded_from varchar(255) default null,
- ob_downloaded_on datetime default null,
- ob_comment varchar(255) default null,
- primary key (ob_name, ob_type));
- create index ob_owner on objects (ob_owner);
- create index ob_expires on objects (ob_expires);
-Object names are not globally unique but only unique within their type, so
-the table has a joint primary key. Each object has an owner and then up
-to five more specific ACLs. The owner provides permission for get, store,
-and show operations if no more specific ACL is set. It does not provide
-permission for destroy or flags.
-The ob_acl_flags ACL controls who can set flags on this object. Each
-object may have zero or more flags associated with it:
- create table flags
- (fl_type varchar(16)
- not null references objects(ob_type),
- fl_name varchar(255)
- not null references objects(ob_name),
- fl_flag enum('locked', 'unchanging')
- not null,
- primary key (fl_type, fl_name, fl_flag));
- create index fl_object on flags (fl_type, fl_name);
-Every change made to any object in the wallet database will be recorded in
-this table:
- create table object_history
- (oh_id integer auto_increment primary key,
- oh_type varchar(16)
- not null references objects(ob_type),
- oh_name varchar(255)
- not null references objects(ob_name),
- oh_action varchar(16) not null,
- oh_field varchar(16) default null,
- oh_type_field varchar(255) default null,
- oh_old varchar(255) default null,
- oh_new varchar(255) default null,
- oh_by varchar(255) not null,
- oh_from varchar(255) not null,
- oh_on datetime not null);
- create index oh_object on object_history (oh_type, oh_name);
-oh_action must be one of C<create>, C<destroy>, C<get>, C<store>, or
-C<set>. oh_field must be one of C<owner>, C<acl_get>, C<acl_store>,
-C<acl_show>, C<acl_destroy>, C<acl_flags>, C<expires>, C<flags>, or
-C<type_data>. Enums aren't used for compatibility with databases other
-than MySQL.
-For a change of type create, get, store, or destroy, only the action and
-the trace records (by, from, and on) are stored. For changes to columns
-or to the flags table, oh_field takes what attribute is changed, oh_from
-takes the previous value converted to a string and oh_to takes the next
-value similarly converted to a string. The special field value
-"type_data" is used when type-specific data is changed, and in that case
-(and only that case) some type-specific name for the data being changed is
-stored in oh_type_field.
-When clearing a flag, oh_old will have the name of the flag and oh_new
-will be null. When setting a flag, oh_old will be null and oh_new will
-have the name of the flag.
-oh_by stores the authenticated identity that made the change, oh_from
-stores the host from which they made the change, and oh_on stores the time
-the change was made.
-=head2 Keytab Backend Data
-The keytab backend has stub support for synchronizing keys with an
-external system, although no external systems are currently supported.
-The permitted external systems are listed in a normalization table:
- create table sync_targets
- (st_name varchar(255) primary key);
-and then the synchronization targets for a given keytab are stored in this
- create table keytab_sync
- (ks_name varchar(255)
- not null references objects(ob_name),
- ks_target varchar(255)
- not null references sync_targets(st_name),
- primary key (ks_name, ks_target));
- create index ks_name on keytab_sync (ks_name);
-The keytab backend supports restricting the allowable enctypes for a given
-keytab. The permitted enctypes are listed in a normalization table:
- create table enctypes
- (en_name varchar(255) primary key);
-and then the restrictions for a given keytab are stored in this table:
- create table keytab_enctypes
- (ke_name varchar(255)
- not null references objects(ob_name),
- ke_enctype varchar(255)
- not null references enctypes(en_name),
- primary key (ke_name, ke_enctype));
- create index ke_name on keytab_enctypes (ke_name);
-To use this functionality, you will need to populate the enctypes table
-with the enctypes that a keytab may be restricted to. Currently, there is
-no automated mechanism to do this.
-=over 4
-=item connect()
-Opens a new database connection and returns the database object. On any
-failure, throws an exception. Unlike the DBI method, connect() takes no
-arguments; all database connection information is derived from the wallet
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-wallet-backend(8), Wallet::Config(3)
-This module is part of the wallet system. The current version is
-available from L<http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/software/wallet/>.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Russ Allbery <rra@stanford.edu>