path: root/perl/lib/Wallet/Kadmin/
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Diffstat (limited to 'perl/lib/Wallet/Kadmin/')
1 files changed, 178 insertions, 126 deletions
diff --git a/perl/lib/Wallet/Kadmin/ b/perl/lib/Wallet/Kadmin/
index 0ffd7d9..83912dd 100644
--- a/perl/lib/Wallet/Kadmin/
+++ b/perl/lib/Wallet/Kadmin/
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ use Wallet::Kadmin;
our @ISA = qw(Wallet::Kadmin);
our $VERSION = '1.04';
+my $LDAP;
# kadmin Interaction
@@ -71,17 +73,7 @@ sub ad_cmd_string {
# Note that we do not permit realm information here.
sub valid_principal {
my ($self, $principal) = @_;
- my $valid = 0;
- if ($principal =~ m,^(host|service)(/[\w_.-]+)?\z,) {
- my $k_type = $1;
- my $k_id = $2;
- if ($k_type eq 'host') {
- $valid = 1 if $k_id =~ m/[.]/xms;
- } elsif ($k_type eq 'service') {
- $valid = 1 if length($k_id) < 19;
- }
- }
- return $valid;
+ return scalar ($principal =~ m,^[\w-]+(/[\w_.-]+)?\z,);
# Connect to the Active Directory server using LDAP. The connection is
@@ -90,49 +82,110 @@ sub valid_principal {
sub ldap_connect {
my ($self) = @_;
- if (!-e $Wallet::Config::AD_CACHE) {
- die 'Missing kerberos ticket cache ' . $Wallet::Config::AD_CACHE;
- }
- my $ldap;
- eval {
- local $ENV{KRB5CCNAME} = $Wallet::Config::AD_CACHE;
- my $sasl = Authen::SASL->new(mechanism => 'GSSAPI');
- $ldap = Net::LDAP->new($Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_HOST, onerror => 'die');
- my $mesg = eval { $ldap->bind(undef, sasl => $sasl) };
- };
- if ($@) {
- my $error = $@;
- chomp $error;
- 1 while ($error =~ s/ at \S+ line \d+\.?\z//);
- die "LDAP bind to AD failed: $error\n";
+ if (!$LDAP) {
+ eval {
+ local $ENV{KRB5CCNAME} = $Wallet::Config::AD_CACHE;
+ my $sasl = Authen::SASL->new(mechanism => 'GSSAPI');
+ $LDAP = Net::LDAP->new($Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_HOST,
+ onerror => 'die');
+ my $mesg = eval { $LDAP->bind(undef, sasl => $sasl) };
+ };
+ if ($@) {
+ my $error = $@;
+ chomp $error;
+ 1 while ($error =~ s/ at \S+ line \d+\.?\z//);
+ die "LDAP bind to AD failed: $error\n";
+ }
- return $ldap;
+ return $LDAP;
# Construct a base filter for searching Active Directory.
sub ldap_base_filter {
my ($self, $principal) = @_;
my $base;
my $filter;
- if ($principal =~ m,^host/(\S+),xms) {
- my $fqdn = $1;
- my $host = $fqdn;
- $host =~ s/[.].*//xms;
- $filter = "(samAccountName=${host}\$)";
- $base = $Wallet::Config::AD_COMPUTER_RDN . ','
- . $Wallet::Config::AD_BASE_DN;
- } elsif ($principal =~ m,^service/(\S+),xms) {
- my $id = $1;
- $filter = "(servicePrincipalName=service/${id})";
- $base
- = $Wallet::Config::AD_USER_RDN . ',' . $Wallet::Config::AD_BASE_DN;
+ my $this_type;
+ my $this_id;
+ if ($principal =~ m,^(.*?)/(\S+),xms) {
+ $this_type = $1;
+ $this_id = $2;
+ } else {
+ $this_id = $principal;
+ }
+ # Create a filter to find the objects we create
+ if ($this_id =~ s/@(.*)//xms) {
+ $filter = "(userPrincipalName=${principal})";
+ } elsif ($Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_REALM) {
+ $filter = '(userPrincipalName=' . $principal
+ . '@' . $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_REALM . ')';
+ } else {
+ $filter = "(userPrincipalName=${principal}\@*)";
+ # Set the base distinguished name
+ if ($this_type && $this_type eq 'host') {
+ $base = $Wallet::Config::AD_COMPUTER_RDN;
+ } else {
+ $base = $Wallet::Config::AD_USER_RDN;
+ }
+ $base .= ',' . $Wallet::Config::AD_BASE_DN;
return ($base, $filter);
+# Take in a base and a filter and return the assoicated DN or return
+# null if there is no matching entry.
+sub ldap_get_dn {
+ my ($self, $base, $filter) = @_;
+ my $dn;
+ if ($Wallet::Config::AD_DEBUG) {
+ $self->ad_debug('debug', "base:$base filter:$filter scope:subtree\n");
+ }
+ $self->ldap_connect();
+ my @attrs = ('objectclass');
+ my $result;
+ eval {
+ $result = $LDAP->search(
+ base => $base,
+ scope => 'subtree',
+ filter => $filter,
+ attrs => \@attrs
+ );
+ };
+ if ($@) {
+ my $error = $@;
+ die "LDAP search error: $error\n";
+ }
+ if ($result->code) {
+ msg("INFO base:$base filter:$filter scope:subtree\n");
+ die $result->error;
+ }
+ if ($Wallet::Config::AD_DEBUG) {
+ $self->ad_debug('debug', 'returned: ' . $result->count);
+ }
+ if ($result->count == 1) {
+ for my $entry ($result->entries) {
+ $dn = $entry->dn;
+ }
+ } elsif ($result->count > 1) {
+ msg('ERROR: too many AD entries for this keytab');
+ for my $entry ($result->entries) {
+ msg('INFO: dn found ' . $entry->dn . "\n");
+ }
+ die("INFO: use show to examine the problem\n");
+ }
+ return $dn;
# TODO: Get a keytab from the keytab bucket.
sub get_ad_keytab {
my ($self, $principal) = @_;
@@ -200,10 +253,53 @@ sub msktutil {
return $out;
+# The unique identifier that Active Directory used to store keytabs
+# has a maximum length of 20 characters. This routine takes a
+# principal name an generates a unique ID based on the principal name.
+sub get_service_id {
+ my ($self, $this_princ) = @_;
+ my $this_id;
+ my ($this_base, $this_filter) = $self->ldap_base_filter($this_princ);
+ my $real_dn = $self->ldap_get_dn($this_base, $this_filter);
+ if ($real_dn) {
+ $this_id = $real_dn;
+ $this_id =~ s/,.*//xms;
+ $this_id =~ s/.*?=//xms;
+ } else {
+ my $this_cn = $this_princ;
+ $this_cn =~ s{.*?/}{}xms;
+ if ($Wallet::Config::AD_SERVICE_PREFIX) {
+ $this_cn = $Wallet::Config::AD_SERVICE_PREFIX . $this_cn;
+ }
+ my $loop_limit = $Wallet::Config::AD_SERVICE_LIMIT;
+ if (length($this_cn)>20) {
+ my $cnt = 0;
+ my $this_dn;
+ my $suffix_size = length("$loop_limit");
+ my $this_prefix = substr($this_cn, 0, 20-$suffix_size);
+ my $this_format = "%0${suffix_size}i";
+ while ($cnt<$loop_limit) {
+ my $this_cn = $this_prefix . sprintf($this_format, $cnt);
+ $this_dn = ldap_get_dn($this_base, "cn=$this_cn");
+ if (!$this_dn) {
+ $this_id = $this_cn;
+ last;
+ }
+ $cnt++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $this_id = $this_cn;
+ }
+ }
+ return $this_id;
# Either create or update a keytab for the principal. Return the
# name of the keytab file created.
sub ad_create_update {
my ($self, $principal, $action) = @_;
+ return unless $self->valid_principal($principal);
my $keytab = $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_TMP . "/keytab.$$";
if (-e $keytab) {
unlink $keytab or die "Problem deleting $keytab\n";
@@ -213,31 +309,41 @@ sub ad_create_update {
push @cmd, '--enctypes', '0x1C';
push @cmd, '--keytab', $keytab;
push @cmd, '--realm', $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_REALM;
- if ($principal =~ m,^host/(\S+),xms) {
- my $fqdn = $1;
- my $host = $fqdn;
- $host =~ s/[.].*//xms;
- push @cmd, '--base', $Wallet::Config::AD_COMPUTER_RDN;
- push @cmd, '--dont-expire-password';
- push @cmd, '--computer-name', $host;
- push @cmd, '--upn', "host/$fqdn";
- push @cmd, '--hostname', $fqdn;
- } elsif ($principal =~ m,^service/(\S+),xms) {
- my $service_id = $1;
- push @cmd, '--base', $Wallet::Config::AD_USER_RDN;
- push @cmd, '--use-service-account';
- push @cmd, '--service', "service/$service_id";
- push @cmd, '--account-name', "srv-${service_id}";
- push @cmd, '--no-pac';
- }
- my $out = $self->msktutil(\@cmd);
- if ($out =~ /Error:\s+\S+\s+failed/xms) {
- $self->ad_delete($principal);
- my $m = "ERROR: problem creating keytab:\n" . $out;
- $m .= 'INFO: the keytab used to by wallet probably has'
- . " insufficient access to AD\n";
- die $m;
+ push @cmd, '--upn', $principal;
+ my $this_type;
+ my $this_id;
+ if ($principal =~ m,^(.*?)/(\S+),xms) {
+ $this_type = $1;
+ $this_id = $2;
+ if ($this_type eq 'host') {
+ my $host = $this_id;
+ $host =~ s/[.].*//xms;
+ push @cmd, '--base', $Wallet::Config::AD_COMPUTER_RDN;
+ push @cmd, '--dont-expire-password';
+ push @cmd, '--computer-name', $host;
+ push @cmd, '--hostname', $this_id;
+ } else {
+ my $service_id = $self->get_service_id($this_id);
+ push @cmd, '--base', $Wallet::Config::AD_USER_RDN;
+ push @cmd, '--use-service-account';
+ push @cmd, '--service', $principal;
+ push @cmd, '--account-name', $service_id;
+ push @cmd, '--no-pac';
+ }
+ my $out = $self->msktutil(\@cmd);
+ if ($out =~ /Error:\s+\S+\s+failed/xms
+ || !$self->exists($principal))
+ {
+ $self->ad_delete($principal);
+ my $m = "ERROR: problem creating keytab for $principal";
+ $self->ad_debug('error', $m);
+ $self->ad_debug('error',
+ 'Problem command:' . ad_cmd_string(\@cmd));
+ die "$m\n";
+ }
+ } else {
+ die "ERROR: Invalid principal format ($principal)\n";
return $keytab;
@@ -260,45 +366,9 @@ sub exists {
my ($self, $principal) = @_;
return unless $self->valid_principal($principal);
- my $ldap = $self->ldap_connect();
my ($base, $filter) = $self->ldap_base_filter($principal);
- my @attrs = ('objectClass', 'msds-KeyVersionNumber');
- my $result;
- eval {
- $result = $ldap->search(
- base => $base,
- scope => 'subtree',
- filter => $filter,
- attrs => \@attrs
- );
- };
- if ($@) {
- my $error = $@;
- die "LDAP search error: $error\n";
- }
- if ($result->code) {
- my $m;
- $m .= "INFO base:$base filter:$filter scope:subtree\n";
- $m .= 'ERROR:' . $result->error . "\n";
- die $m;
- }
- if ($result->count > 1) {
- my $m = "ERROR: too many AD entries for this keytab\n";
- for my $entry ($result->entries) {
- $m .= 'INFO: dn found ' . $entry->dn . "\n";
- }
- die $m;
- }
- if ($result->count) {
- for my $entry ($result->entries) {
- return $entry->get_value('msds-KeyVersionNumber');
- }
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
- return;
+ return $self->ldap_get_dn($base, $filter);
# Call msktutil to Create a principal in Kerberos. Sets the error and
@@ -371,7 +441,7 @@ sub destroy {
my $exists = $self->exists($principal);
if (!defined $exists) {
- return;
+ return 1;
} elsif (not $exists) {
return 1;
@@ -384,29 +454,11 @@ sub destroy {
sub ad_delete {
my ($self, $principal) = @_;
- my $k_type;
- my $k_id;
- my $dn;
- if ($principal =~ m,^(host|service)/(\S+),xms) {
- $k_type = $1;
- $k_id = $2;
- if ($k_type eq 'host') {
- my $host = $k_id;
- $host =~ s/[.].*//;
- $dn
- = "cn=${host},"
- . $Wallet::Config::AD_COMPUTER_RDN . ','
- . $Wallet::Config::AD_BASE_DN;
- } elsif ($k_type eq 'service') {
- $dn
- = "cn=srv-${k_id},"
- . $Wallet::Config::AD_USER_RDN . ','
- . $Wallet::Config::AD_BASE_DN;
- }
- }
+ my ($base, $filter) = $self->ldap_base_filter($principal);
+ my $dn = $self->ldap_get_dn($base, $filter);
- my $ldap = $self->ldap_connect();
- my $msgid = $ldap->delete($dn);
+ $self->ldap_connect();
+ my $msgid = $LDAP->delete($dn);
if ($msgid->code) {
my $m;
$m .= "ERROR: Problem deleting $dn\n";