path: root/perl/t/kadmin.t
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 117 deletions
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-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# Tests for the kadmin object implementation.
-# Written by Jon Robertson <>
-# Copyright 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013
-# The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University
-# See LICENSE for licensing terms.
-use POSIX qw(strftime);
-use Test::More tests => 34;
-BEGIN { $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_TMP = '.' }
-use Wallet::Admin;
-use Wallet::Config;
-use Wallet::Kadmin;
-use Wallet::Kadmin::MIT;
-# Only load Wallet::Kadmin::Heimdal if a required module is found.
-my $heimdal_kadm5 = 0;
-eval 'use Heimdal::Kadm5';
-if (!$@) {
- $heimdal_kadm5 = 1;
- require Wallet::Kadmin::Heimdal;
-use lib 't/lib';
-use Util;
-# Test creating an MIT object and seeing if the callback works.
-$Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_KRBTYPE = 'MIT';
-my $kadmin = Wallet::Kadmin->new;
-ok (defined ($kadmin), 'MIT kadmin object created');
-my $callback = sub { return 1 };
-$kadmin->fork_callback ($callback);
-is ($kadmin->{fork_callback} (), 1, ' and callback works');
-$callback = sub { return 2 };
-$kadmin->fork_callback ($callback);
-is ($kadmin->{fork_callback} (), 2, ' and changing it works');
-# Check principal validation in the Wallet::Kadmin::MIT module. This is
-# specific to that module, since Heimdal doesn't require passing the principal
-# through the kadmin client.
-for my $bad (qw{service\* = host/foo+bar host/foo/bar /bar bar/}) {
- ok (! Wallet::Kadmin::MIT->valid_principal ($bad),
- "Invalid principal name $bad");
-for my $good (qw{service service/foo bar foo/bar host/
- aservice/foo}) {
- ok (Wallet::Kadmin::MIT->valid_principal ($good),
- "Valid principal name $good");
-# Test creating a Heimdal object. We deliberately connect without
-# configuration to get the error. That tests that we can find the Heimdal
-# module and it dies how it should.
-SKIP: {
- skip 'Heimdal::Kadm5 not installed', 2 unless $heimdal_kadm5;
- undef $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_PRINCIPAL;
- undef $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_FILE;
- undef $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_REALM;
- undef $kadmin;
- $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_KRBTYPE = 'Heimdal';
- $kadmin = eval { Wallet::Kadmin->new };
- is ($kadmin, undef, 'Heimdal fails properly');
- is ($@, "keytab object implementation not configured\n",
- ' with the right error');
-# Now, check the generic API. We can run this test no matter which
-# implementation is configured. This retests some things that are also tested
-# by the keytab test, but specifically through the Wallet::Kadmin API.
-SKIP: {
- skip 'no keytab configuration', 16 unless -f 't/data/test.keytab';
- # Set up our configuration.
- $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_FILE = 't/data/test.keytab';
- $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_PRINCIPAL = contents ('t/data/test.principal');
- $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_REALM = contents ('t/data/test.realm');
- $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_KRBTYPE = contents ('t/data/test.krbtype');
- $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_TMP = '.';
- # Don't destroy the user's Kerberos ticket cache.
- $ENV{KRB5CCNAME} = 'krb5cc_test';
- # Create the object and clean up the principal we're going to use.
- $kadmin = eval { Wallet::Kadmin->new };
- ok (defined $kadmin, 'Creating Wallet::Kadmin object succeeds');
- is ($@, '', ' and there is no error');
- is ($kadmin->destroy ('wallet/one'), 1, 'Deleting wallet/one works');
- is ($kadmin->exists ('wallet/one'), 0, ' and it does not exist');
- is ($kadmin->error, undef, ' with no error message');
- # Create the principal and check that keytab returns something. We'll
- # check the details of the return in the keytab check.
- is ($kadmin->create ('wallet/one'), 1, 'Creating wallet/one works');
- is ($kadmin->error, undef, ' with no error message');
- is ($kadmin->exists ('wallet/one'), 1, ' and it now exists');
- my $data = $kadmin->keytab_rekey ('wallet/one');
- ok (defined ($data), ' and retrieving a keytab works');
- is (keytab_valid ($data, 'wallet/one'), 1,
- ' and works for authentication');
- # Delete the principal and confirm behavior.
- is ($kadmin->destroy ('wallet/one'), 1, 'Deleting principal works');
- is ($kadmin->exists ('wallet/one'), 0, ' and now it does not exist');
- is ($kadmin->keytab_rekey ('wallet/one', './tmp.keytab'), undef,
- ' and retrieving the keytab does not work');
- ok (! -f './tmp.keytab', ' and no file was created');
- like ($kadmin->error, qr%^error creating keytab for wallet/one%,
- ' and the right error message is set');
- is ($kadmin->destroy ('wallet/one'), 1, ' and deleting it again works');
- unlink 'krb5cc_test';