path: root/perl/t/report.t
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Diffstat (limited to 'perl/t/report.t')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 328 deletions
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-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# Tests for the wallet reporting interface.
-# Written by Russ Allbery <>
-# Copyright 2008, 2009, 2010
-# The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University
-# See LICENSE for licensing terms.
-use Test::More tests => 197;
-use Wallet::Admin;
-use Wallet::Report;
-use Wallet::Server;
-use lib 't/lib';
-use Util;
-# Use Wallet::Admin to set up the database.
-my $admin = eval { Wallet::Admin->new };
-is ($@, '', 'Wallet::Admin creation did not die');
-is ($admin->reinitialize ('admin@EXAMPLE.COM'), 1,
- 'Database initialization succeeded');
-$admin->register_object ('base', 'Wallet::Object::Base');
-$admin->register_verifier ('base', 'Wallet::ACL::Base');
-# We have an empty database, so we should see no objects and one ACL.
-my $report = eval { Wallet::Report->new };
-is ($@, '', 'Wallet::Report creation did not die');
-ok ($report->isa ('Wallet::Report'), ' and returned the right class');
-my @objects = $report->objects;
-is (scalar (@objects), 0, 'No objects in the database');
-is ($report->error, undef, ' and no error');
-my @acls = $report->acls;
-is (scalar (@acls), 1, 'One ACL in the database');
-is ($acls[0][0], 1, ' and that is ACL ID 1');
-is ($acls[0][1], 'ADMIN', ' with the right name');
-# Create an object.
-$server = eval { Wallet::Server->new ('admin@EXAMPLE.COM', 'localhost') };
-is ($@, '', 'Creating a server instance did not die');
-is ($server->create ('base', 'service/admin'), 1,
- ' and creating base:service/admin succeeds');
-# Now, we should see one object.
-@objects = $report->objects;
-is (scalar (@objects), 1, ' and now there is one object');
-is ($objects[0][0], 'base', ' with the right type');
-is ($objects[0][1], 'service/admin', ' and the right name');
-# That object should be unused.
-@objects = $report->objects ('unused');
-is (scalar (@objects), 1, ' and that object is unused');
-is ($objects[0][0], 'base', ' with the right type');
-is ($objects[0][1], 'service/admin', ' and the right name');
-# Create another ACL.
-is ($server->acl_create ('first'), 1, 'ACL creation succeeds');
-@acls = $report->acls;
-is (scalar (@acls), 2, ' and now there are two ACLs');
-is ($acls[0][0], 1, ' and the first ID is correct');
-is ($acls[0][1], 'ADMIN', ' and the first name is correct');
-is ($acls[1][0], 2, ' and the second ID is correct');
-is ($acls[1][1], 'first', ' and the second name is correct');
-# Delete that ACL and create another.
-is ($server->acl_create ('second'), 1, 'Second ACL creation succeeds');
-is ($server->acl_destroy ('first'), 1, ' and deletion of the first succeeds');
-@acls = $report->acls;
-is (scalar (@acls), 2, ' and there are still two ACLs');
-is ($acls[0][0], 1, ' and the first ID is still the same');
-is ($acls[0][1], 'ADMIN', ' and the first name is still the same');
-is ($acls[1][0], 3, ' but the second ID has changed');
-is ($acls[1][1], 'second', ' and the second name is correct');
-# Currently, we have no owners, so we should get an empty owner report.
-my @lines = $report->owners ('%', '%');
-is (scalar (@lines), 0, 'Owner report is currently empty');
-is ($report->error, undef, ' and there is no error');
-# Set an owner and make sure we now see something in the report.
-is ($server->owner ('base', 'service/admin', 'ADMIN'), 1,
- 'Setting an owner works');
-@lines = $report->owners ('%', '%');
-is (scalar (@lines), 1, ' and now there is one owner in the report');
-is ($lines[0][0], 'krb5', ' with the right scheme');
-is ($lines[0][1], 'admin@EXAMPLE.COM', ' and the right identifier');
-@lines = $report->owners ('keytab', '%');
-is (scalar (@lines), 0, 'Owners of keytabs is empty');
-is ($report->error, undef, ' with no error');
-@lines = $report->owners ('base', 'foo/%');
-is (scalar (@lines), 0, 'Owners of base foo/* objects is empty');
-is ($report->error, undef, ' with no error');
-# Create a second object with the same owner.
-is ($server->create ('base', 'service/foo'), 1,
- 'Creating base:service/foo succeeds');
-is ($server->owner ('base', 'service/foo', 'ADMIN'), 1,
- ' and setting the owner to the same value works');
-@lines = $report->owners ('base', 'service/%');
-is (scalar (@lines), 1, ' and there is still owner in the report');
-is ($lines[0][0], 'krb5', ' with the right scheme');
-is ($lines[0][1], 'admin@EXAMPLE.COM', ' and the right identifier');
-# Both objects should now show as unused.
-@objects = $report->objects ('unused');
-is (scalar (@objects), 2, 'There are now two unused objects');
-is ($objects[0][0], 'base', ' and the first has the right type');
-is ($objects[0][1], 'service/admin', ' and the right name');
-is ($objects[1][0], 'base', ' and the second has the right type');
-is ($objects[1][1], 'service/foo', ' and the right name');
-# Change the owner of the second object to an empty ACL.
-is ($server->owner ('base', 'service/foo', 'second'), 1,
- ' and changing the owner to an empty ACL works');
-@lines = $report->owners ('base', '%');
-is (scalar (@lines), 1, ' and there is still owner in the report');
-is ($lines[0][0], 'krb5', ' with the right scheme');
-is ($lines[0][1], 'admin@EXAMPLE.COM', ' and the right identifier');
-# Add a few things to the second ACL to see what happens.
-is ($server->acl_add ('second', 'base', 'foo'), 1,
- 'Adding an ACL line to the new ACL works');
-is ($server->acl_add ('second', 'base', 'bar'), 1,
- ' and adding another ACL line to the new ACL works');
-@lines = $report->owners ('base', '%');
-is (scalar (@lines), 3, ' and now there are three owners in the report');
-is ($lines[0][0], 'base', ' first has the right scheme');
-is ($lines[0][1], 'bar', ' and the right identifier');
-is ($lines[1][0], 'base', ' second has the right scheme');
-is ($lines[1][1], 'foo', ' and the right identifier');
-is ($lines[2][0], 'krb5', ' third has the right scheme');
-is ($lines[2][1], 'admin@EXAMPLE.COM', ' and the right identifier');
-# Test ownership and other ACL values. Change one keytab to be not owned by
-# ADMIN, but have group permission on it. We'll need a third object neither
-# owned by ADMIN or with any permissions from it.
-is ($server->create ('base', 'service/null'), 1,
- 'Creating base:service/null succeeds');
-is ($server->acl ('base', 'service/foo', 'get', 'ADMIN'), 1,
- 'Changing the get ACL for the search also does');
-@lines = $report->objects ('owner', 'ADMIN');
-is (scalar (@lines), 1, 'Searching for objects owned by ADMIN finds one');
-is ($lines[0][0], 'base', ' and it has the right type');
-is ($lines[0][1], 'service/admin', ' and the right name');
-@lines = $report->objects ('owner', 'null');
-is (scalar (@lines), 1, 'Searching for objects with no set owner finds one');
-is ($lines[0][0], 'base', ' and it has the right type');
-is ($lines[0][1], 'service/null', ' and the right name');
-@lines = $report->objects ('acl', 'ADMIN');
-is (scalar (@lines), 2, 'ADMIN has any rights at all on two objects');
-is ($lines[0][0], 'base', ' and the first has the right type');
-is ($lines[0][1], 'service/admin', ' and the right name');
-is ($lines[1][0], 'base', ' and the second has the right type');
-is ($lines[1][1], 'service/foo', ' and the right name');
-# Listing objects of a specific type.
-@lines = $report->objects ('type', 'base');
-is (scalar (@lines), 3, 'Searching for all objects of type base finds three');
-is ($lines[0][0], 'base', ' and the first has the right type');
-is ($lines[0][1], 'service/admin', ' and the right name');
-is ($lines[1][0], 'base', ' and the second has the right type');
-is ($lines[1][1], 'service/foo', ' and the right name');
-is ($lines[2][0], 'base', ' and the third has the right type');
-is ($lines[2][1], 'service/null', ' and the right name');
-@lines = $report->objects ('type', 'keytab');
-is (scalar (@lines), 0, 'Searching for all objects of type keytab finds none');
-# Test setting a flag, searching for objects with it, and then clearing it.
-is ($server->flag_set ('base', 'service/admin', 'unchanging'), 1,
- 'Setting a flag works');
-@lines = $report->objects ('flag', 'unchanging');
-is (scalar (@lines), 1, 'Searching for all objects with that flag finds one');
-is ($lines[0][0], 'base', ' and it has the right type');
-is ($lines[0][1], 'service/admin', ' and the right name');
-is ($server->flag_clear ('base', 'service/admin', 'unchanging'), 1,
- 'Clearing the flag works');
-@lines = $report->objects ('flag', 'unchanging');
-is (scalar (@lines), 0, ' and now there are no objects in the report');
-is ($report->error, undef, ' with no error');
-# All of our ACLs should be in use.
-@lines = $report->acls ('unused');
-is (scalar (@lines), 0, 'Searching for unused ACLs returns nothing');
-is ($report->error, undef, ' with no error');
-# Create some unused ACLs that should show up in the report.
-is ($server->acl_create ('third'), 1, 'Creating an empty ACL succeeds');
-is ($server->acl_create ('fourth'), 1, ' and creating another succeeds');
-@lines = $report->acls ('unused');
-is (scalar (@lines), 2, ' and now we see two unused ACLs');
-is ($server->error, undef, ' with no error');
-is ($lines[0][0], 4, ' and the first has the right ID');
-is ($lines[0][1], 'third', ' and the right name');
-is ($lines[1][0], 5, ' and the second has the right ID');
-is ($lines[1][1], 'fourth', ' and the right name');
-# Use one of those ACLs and ensure it drops out of the report. Test that we
-# try all of the possible ACL types.
-for my $type (qw/get store show destroy flags/) {
- is ($server->acl ('base', 'service/admin', $type, 'fourth'), 1,
- "Setting ACL $type to fourth succeeds");
- @lines = $report->acls ('unused');
- is (scalar (@lines), 1, ' and now we see only one unused ACL');
- is ($lines[0][0], 4, ' with the right ID');
- is ($lines[0][1], 'third', ' and the right name');
- is ($server->acl ('base', 'service/admin', $type, ''), 1,
- ' and clearing the ACL succeeds');
- @lines = $report->acls ('unused');
- is (scalar (@lines), 2, ' and now we see two unused ACLs');
- is ($lines[0][0], 4, ' and the first has the right ID');
- is ($lines[0][1], 'third', ' and the right name');
- is ($lines[1][0], 5, ' and the second has the right ID');
- is ($lines[1][1], 'fourth', ' and the right name');
-# The naming audit returns nothing if there's no naming policy.
-@lines = $report->audit ('objects', 'name');
-is (scalar (@lines), 0, 'Searching for naming violations finds none');
-is ($report->error, undef, ' with no error');
-# Set a naming policy and then look for objects that fail that policy. We
-# have to deactivate this policy until now so that it doesn't prevent the
-# creation of that name originally, which is the reason for the variable
-# reference.
-our $naming_active = 1;
-package Wallet::Config;
-sub verify_name {
- my ($type, $name) = @_;
- return unless $naming_active;
- return 'admin not allowed' if $name eq 'service/admin';
- return;
-package main;
-@lines = $report->audit ('objects', 'name');
-is (scalar (@lines), 1, 'Searching for naming violations finds one');
-is ($lines[0][0], 'base', ' and the first has the right type');
-is ($lines[0][1], 'service/admin', ' and the right name');
-# Set an ACL naming policy and then look for objects that fail that policy.
-# Use the same deactivation trick as above.
-package Wallet::Config;
-sub verify_acl_name {
- my ($name) = @_;
- return unless $naming_active;
- return 'second not allowed' if $name eq 'second';
- return;
-package main;
-@lines = $report->audit ('acls', 'name');
-is (scalar (@lines), 1, 'Searching for ACL naming violations finds one');
-is ($lines[0][0], 3, ' and the first has the right ID');
-is ($lines[0][1], 'second', ' and the right name');
-# Set up a file bucket so that we can create an object we can retrieve.
-system ('rm -rf test-files') == 0 or die "cannot remove test-files\n";
-mkdir 'test-files' or die "cannot create test-files: $!\n";
-$Wallet::Config::FILE_BUCKET = 'test-files';
-# Create a file object and ensure that it shows up in the unused list.
-is ($server->create ('file', 'test'), 1, 'Creating file:test succeeds');
-is ($server->owner ('file', 'test', 'ADMIN'), 1,
- ' and setting its owner works');
-@objects = $report->objects ('unused');
-is (scalar (@objects), 4, 'There are now four unused objects');
-is ($objects[0][0], 'base', ' and the first has the right type');
-is ($objects[0][1], 'service/admin', ' and the right name');
-is ($objects[1][0], 'base', ' and the second has the right type');
-is ($objects[1][1], 'service/foo', ' and the right name');
-is ($objects[2][0], 'base', ' and the third has the right type');
-is ($objects[2][1], 'service/null', ' and the right name');
-is ($objects[3][0], 'file', ' and the fourth has the right type');
-is ($objects[3][1], 'test', ' and the right name');
-# Store something and retrieve it, and then check that the file object fell
-# off of the list.
-is ($server->store ('file', 'test', 'Some data'), 1,
- 'Storing data in file:test succeeds');
-is ($server->get ('file', 'test'), 'Some data', ' and retrieving it works');
-@objects = $report->objects ('unused');
-is (scalar (@objects), 3, ' and now there are three unused objects');
-is ($objects[0][0], 'base', ' and the first has the right type');
-is ($objects[0][1], 'service/admin', ' and the right name');
-is ($objects[1][0], 'base', ' and the second has the right type');
-is ($objects[1][1], 'service/foo', ' and the right name');
-is ($objects[2][0], 'base', ' and the third has the right type');
-is ($objects[2][1], 'service/null', ' and the right name');
-# The third and fourth ACLs are both empty and should show up as duplicate.
-@acls = $report->acls ('duplicate');
-is (scalar (@acls), 1, 'There is one set of duplicate ACLs');
-is (scalar (@{ $acls[0] }), 2, ' with two members');
-is ($acls[0][0], 'fourth', ' and the first member is correct');
-is ($acls[0][1], 'third', ' and the second member is correct');
-# Add the same line to both ACLs. They should still show up as duplicate.
-is ($server->acl_add ('fourth', 'base', 'bar'), 1,
- 'Adding a line to the fourth ACL works');
-is ($server->acl_add ('third', 'base', 'bar'), 1,
- ' and adding a line to the third ACL works');
-@acls = $report->acls ('duplicate');
-is (scalar (@acls), 1, 'There is one set of duplicate ACLs');
-is (scalar (@{ $acls[0] }), 2, ' with two members');
-is ($acls[0][0], 'fourth', ' and the first member is correct');
-is ($acls[0][1], 'third', ' and the second member is correct');
-# Add another line to the third ACL. Now we match second.
-is ($server->acl_add ('third', 'base', 'foo'), 1,
- 'Adding another line to the third ACL works');
-@acls = $report->acls ('duplicate');
-is (scalar (@acls), 1, 'There is one set of duplicate ACLs');
-is (scalar (@{ $acls[0] }), 2, ' with two members');
-is ($acls[0][0], 'second', ' and the first member is correct');
-is ($acls[0][1], 'third', ' and the second member is correct');
-# Add yet another line to the third ACL. Now all ACLs are distinct.
-is ($server->acl_add ('third', 'base', 'baz'), 1,
- 'Adding another line to the third ACL works');
-@acls = $report->acls ('duplicate');
-is (scalar (@acls), 0, 'There are no duplicate ACLs');
-is ($report->error, undef, ' and no error');
-# Clean up.
-unlink 'wallet-db';
-system ('rm -r test-files') == 0 or die "cannot remove test-files\n";