path: root/tests/server/backend-t.in
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/server/backend-t.in')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 498 deletions
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-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# $Id$
-# Tests for the wallet-backend dispatch code.
-# Written by Russ Allbery <rra@stanford.edu>
-# Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008 Board of Trustees, Leland Stanford Jr. University
-# See LICENSE for licensing terms.
-use strict;
-use Test::More tests => 1263;
-# Create a dummy class for Wallet::Server that prints what method was called
-# with its arguments and returns data for testing.
-package Wallet::Server;
-use vars qw($error $okay);
-$error = 0;
-$okay = 0;
-sub error {
- if ($okay) {
- $okay = 0;
- return;
- } else {
- $error++;
- return "error count $error";
- }
-sub new { shift; print "new @_\n"; return bless ({}, 'Wallet::Server') }
-sub create { shift; print "create @_\n"; ($_[0] eq 'error') ? undef : 1 }
-sub destroy { shift; print "destroy @_\n"; ($_[0] eq 'error') ? undef : 1 }
-sub store { shift; print "store @_\n"; ($_[0] eq 'error') ? undef : 1 }
-sub acl_add
- { shift; print "acl_add @_\n"; ($_[0] eq 'error') ? undef : 1 }
-sub acl_create
- { shift; print "acl_create @_\n"; ($_[0] eq 'error') ? undef : 1 }
-sub acl_destroy
- { shift; print "acl_destroy @_\n"; ($_[0] eq 'error') ? undef : 1 }
-sub acl_remove
- { shift; print "acl_remove @_\n"; ($_[0] eq 'error') ? undef : 1 }
-sub acl_rename
- { shift; print "acl_rename @_\n"; ($_[0] eq 'error') ? undef : 1 }
-sub acl_history {
- shift;
- print "acl_history @_\n";
- return if $_[0] eq 'error';
- return 'acl_history';
-sub acl_show {
- shift;
- print "acl_show @_\n";
- return if $_[0] eq 'error';
- return 'acl_show';
-sub flag_clear
- { shift; print "flag_clear @_\n"; ($_[0] eq 'error') ? undef : 1 }
-sub flag_set
- { shift; print "flag_set @_\n"; ($_[0] eq 'error') ? undef : 1 }
-sub acl {
- shift;
- print "acl @_\n";
- if ($_[0] eq 'error') {
- return;
- } elsif ($_[1] eq 'empty') {
- $okay = 1;
- return;
- } else {
- return 'acl';
- }
-sub attr {
- shift;
- print "attr @_\n";
- if ($_[0] eq 'error') {
- return;
- } elsif ($_[1] eq 'empty') {
- $okay = 1;
- return;
- } elsif (@_ == 3) {
- return ('attr1', 'attr2');
- } else {
- return 'attr';
- }
-sub autocreate {
- shift;
- print "autocreate @_\n";
- return ($_[0] eq 'error') ? undef : 1
-sub check {
- shift;
- print "check @_\n";
- if ($_[0] eq 'error') {
- return;
- } elsif ($_[1] eq 'empty') {
- return 0;
- } else {
- return 1;
- }
-sub expires {
- shift;
- print "expires @_\n";
- if ($_[0] eq 'error') {
- return;
- } elsif ($_[1] eq 'empty') {
- $okay = 1;
- return;
- } else {
- return 'expires';
- }
-sub get {
- shift;
- print "get @_\n";
- return if $_[0] eq 'error';
- return 'get';
-sub history {
- shift;
- print "history @_\n";
- return if $_[0] eq 'error';
- return 'history';
-sub owner {
- shift;
- print "owner @_\n";
- if ($_[0] eq 'error') {
- return;
- } elsif ($_[1] eq 'empty') {
- $okay = 1;
- return;
- } else {
- return 'owner';
- }
-sub show {
- shift;
- print "show @_\n";
- return if $_[0] eq 'error';
- return 'show';
-# Back to the main package and the actual test suite. Lie about whether the
-# Wallet::Server package has already been loaded.
-package main;
-$INC{'Wallet/Server.pm'} = 'FAKE';
-my $OUTPUT;
-our $SYSLOG = \$OUTPUT;
-eval { do '@abs_top_srcdir@/server/wallet-backend' };
-# Run the wallet backend. This fun hack takes advantage of the fact that the
-# wallet backend is written in Perl so that we can substitute our own
-# Wallet::Server class.
-sub run_backend {
- my (@args) = @_;
- my $result = '';
- open (OUTPUT, '>', \$result) or die "cannot create output string: $!\n";
- select OUTPUT;
- local $| = 1;
- eval { command (@args) };
- my $error = $@;
- select STDOUT;
- return ($result, $error);
-# Now for the actual tests. First, check for lack of trace information.
-my ($out, $err) = run_backend;
-is ($err, "REMOTE_USER not set\n", 'REMOTE_USER required');
-is ($OUTPUT, "error: REMOTE_USER not set\n", ' and syslog correct');
-$ENV{REMOTE_USER} = 'admin';
-($out, $err) = run_backend;
-is ($err, "neither REMOTE_HOST nor REMOTE_ADDR set\n",
- 'REMOTE_HOST or _ADDR required');
-is ($OUTPUT, "error for admin: neither REMOTE_HOST nor REMOTE_ADDR set\n",
- ' and syslog correct');
-my $new = 'new admin';
-# Check unknown commands.
-($out, $err) = run_backend ('foo');
-is ($err, "unknown command foo\n", 'Unknown command');
-is ($OUTPUT, "error for admin ( unknown command foo\n",
- ' and syslog correct');
-is ($out, "$new\n", ' and nothing ran');
-($out, $err) = run_backend ('acl', 'foo');
-is ($err, "unknown command acl foo\n", 'Unknown ACL command');
-is ($OUTPUT, "error for admin ( unknown command acl foo\n",
- ' and syslog correct');
-is ($out, "$new\n", ' and nothing ran');
-($out, $err) = run_backend ('flag', 'foo', 'service', 'foo', 'foo');
-is ($err, "unknown command flag foo\n", 'Unknown flag command');
-is ($OUTPUT, "error for admin ( unknown command flag foo\n",
- ' and syslog correct');
-is ($out, "$new\n", ' and nothing ran');
-# Check too few, too many, and bad arguments for every command.
-my %commands = (autocreate => [2, 2],
- check => [2, 2],
- create => [2, 2],
- destroy => [2, 2],
- expires => [2, 4],
- get => [2, 2],
- getacl => [3, 3],
- getattr => [3, 3],
- history => [2, 2],
- owner => [2, 3],
- setacl => [4, 4],
- setattr => [4, 9],
- show => [2, 2],
- store => [3, 3]);
-my %acl_commands = (add => [3, 3],
- create => [1, 1],
- destroy => [1, 1],
- history => [1, 1],
- remove => [3, 3],
- rename => [2, 2],
- show => [1, 1]);
-my %flag_commands = (clear => [3, 3],
- set => [3, 3]);
-for my $command (sort keys %commands) {
- my ($min, $max) = @{ $commands{$command} };
- ($out, $err) = run_backend ($command, ('foo') x ($min - 1));
- is ($err, "insufficient arguments\n", "Too few arguments for $command");
- is ($OUTPUT, "error for admin ( insufficient arguments\n",
- ' and syslog correct');
- is ($out, "$new\n", ' and nothing ran');
- unless ($max >= 9) {
- ($out, $err) = run_backend ($command, ('foo') x ($max + 1));
- is ($err, "too many arguments\n", "Too many arguments for $command");
- is ($OUTPUT, "error for admin ( too many arguments\n",
- ' and syslog correct');
- is ($out, "$new\n", ' and nothing ran');
- }
- my @base = ('foobar') x $max;
- for my $arg (0 .. ($max - 1)) {
- my @args = @base;
- $args[$arg] = 'foo;bar';
- ($out, $err) = run_backend ($command, @args);
- if ($command eq 'store' and $arg == 2) {
- is ($err, '', 'Store allows any characters');
- is ($OUTPUT, "command $command @args[0,1] from admin ("
- . " succeeded\n", ' and success logged');
- is ($out, "$new\nstore foobar foobar foo;bar\n",
- ' and calls the right method');
- } else {
- is ($err, "invalid characters in argument: foo;bar\n",
- "Invalid arguments for $command $arg");
- is ($OUTPUT, "error for admin ( invalid characters in"
- . " argument: foo;bar\n", ' and syslog correct');
- is ($out, "$new\n", ' and nothing ran');
- }
- }
-for my $command (sort keys %acl_commands) {
- my ($min, $max) = @{ $acl_commands{$command} };
- ($out, $err) = run_backend ('acl', $command, ('foo') x ($min - 1));
- is ($err, "insufficient arguments\n",
- "Too few arguments for acl $command");
- is ($OUTPUT, "error for admin ( insufficient arguments\n",
- ' and syslog correct');
- is ($out, "$new\n", ' and nothing ran');
- ($out, $err) = run_backend ('acl', $command, ('foo') x ($max + 1));
- is ($err, "too many arguments\n", "Too many arguments for acl $command");
- is ($OUTPUT, "error for admin ( too many arguments\n",
- ' and syslog correct');
- is ($out, "$new\n", ' and nothing ran');
- my @base = ('foobar') x $max;
- for my $arg (0 .. ($max - 1)) {
- my @args = @base;
- $args[$arg] = 'foo;bar';
- ($out, $err) = run_backend ('acl', $command, @args);
- is ($err, "invalid characters in argument: foo;bar\n",
- "Invalid arguments for acl $command $arg");
- is ($OUTPUT, "error for admin ( invalid characters in"
- . " argument: foo;bar\n", ' and syslog correct');
- is ($out, "$new\n", ' and nothing ran');
- }
-for my $command (sort keys %flag_commands) {
- my ($min, $max) = @{ $flag_commands{$command} };
- ($out, $err) = run_backend ('flag', $command, ('foo') x ($min - 1));
- is ($err, "insufficient arguments\n",
- "Too few arguments for flag $command");
- is ($OUTPUT, "error for admin ( insufficient arguments\n",
- ' and syslog correct');
- is ($out, "$new\n", ' and nothing ran');
- ($out, $err) = run_backend ('flag', $command, ('foo') x ($max + 1));
- is ($err, "too many arguments\n", "Too many arguments for flag $command");
- is ($OUTPUT, "error for admin ( too many arguments\n",
- ' and syslog correct');
- is ($out, "$new\n", ' and nothing ran');
- my @base = ('foobar') x $max;
- for my $arg (0 .. ($max - 1)) {
- my @args = @base;
- $args[$arg] = 'foo;bar';
- ($out, $err) = run_backend ('flag', $command, @args);
- is ($err, "invalid characters in argument: foo;bar\n",
- "Invalid arguments for flag $command $arg");
- is ($OUTPUT, "error for admin ( invalid characters in"
- . " argument: foo;bar\n", ' and syslog correct');
- is ($out, "$new\n", ' and nothing ran');
- }
-# Now, test that we ran the right functions and passed the correct arguments.
-my $error = 1;
-for my $command (qw/autocreate create destroy setacl setattr store/) {
- my $method = { setacl => 'acl', setattr => 'attr' }->{$command};
- $method ||= $command;
- my @extra = ('foo') x ($commands{$command}[0] - 2);
- my $extra = @extra ? join (' ', '', @extra) : '';
- ($out, $err) = run_backend ($command, 'type', 'name', @extra);
- my $ran;
- if ($command eq 'store') {
- $ran = "$command type name";
- } else {
- $ran = "$command type name" . (@extra ? " @extra" : '');
- }
- is ($err, '', "Command $command ran with no errors");
- is ($OUTPUT, "command $ran from admin ( succeeded\n",
- ' and success logged');
- is ($out, "$new\n$method type name$extra\n",
- ' and ran the right method');
- ($out, $err) = run_backend ($command, 'error', 'name', @extra);
- $ran = "$command error name" . (@extra ? " @extra" : '');
- is ($err, "error count $error\n", "Command $command ran with errors");
- is ($OUTPUT, "command $ran from admin ( failed: error count"
- . " $error\n", ' and syslog correct');
- is ($out, "$new\n$method error name$extra\n",
- ' and ran the right method');
- $error++;
-for my $command (qw/check expires get getacl getattr history owner show/) {
- my $method = { getacl => 'acl', getattr => 'attr' }->{$command};
- $method ||= $command;
- my @extra = ('foo') x ($commands{$command}[0] - 2);
- my $extra = @extra ? join (' ', '', @extra) : '';
- ($out, $err) = run_backend ($command, 'type', 'name', @extra);
- my $ran = "$command type name" . (@extra ? " @extra" : '');
- is ($err, '', "Command $command ran with no errors");
- is ($OUTPUT, "command $ran from admin ( succeeded\n",
- ' and success logged');
- if ($command eq 'getattr') {
- is ($out, "$new\n$method type name$extra\nattr1\nattr2\n",
- ' and ran the right method with output');
- } elsif ($command eq 'check') {
- is ($out, "$new\n$method type name$extra\nyes\n",
- ' and ran the right method with output');
- } else {
- my $newline = ($command =~ /^(get|history|show)\z/) ? '' : "\n";
- is ($out, "$new\n$method type name$extra\n$method$newline",
- ' and ran the right method with output');
- }
- if ($command eq 'expires' or $command eq 'owner') {
- ($out, $err) = run_backend ($command, 'type', 'name', @extra, 'foo');
- my $ran = "$command type name" . (@extra ? " @extra" : '') . ' foo';
- is ($err, '', "Command $command ran with no errors (setting)");
- is ($OUTPUT, "command $ran from admin ( succeeded\n",
- ' and success logged');
- is ($out, "$new\n$method type name$extra foo\n",
- ' and ran the right method');
- }
- if ($command eq 'expires' or $command eq 'getacl' or $command eq 'owner') {
- ($out, $err) = run_backend ($command, 'type', 'empty', @extra);
- my $ran = "$command type empty" . (@extra ? " @extra" : '');
- is ($err, '', "Command $command ran with no errors (empty)");
- is ($OUTPUT, "command $ran from admin ( succeeded\n",
- ' and success logged');
- my $desc;
- if ($command eq 'expires') { $desc = 'expiration' }
- elsif ($command eq 'getacl') { $desc = 'ACL' }
- elsif ($command eq 'owner') { $desc = 'owner' }
- is ($out, "$new\n$method type empty$extra\nNo $desc set\n",
- ' and ran the right method with output');
- $error++;
- } elsif ($command eq 'getattr') {
- ($out, $err) = run_backend ($command, 'type', 'empty', @extra);
- my $ran = "$command type empty" . (@extra ? " @extra" : '');
- is ($err, '', "Command $command ran with no errors (empty)");
- is ($OUTPUT, "command $ran from admin ( succeeded\n",
- ' and success logged');
- is ($out, "$new\n$method type empty$extra\n",
- ' and ran the right method with output');
- $error++;
- } elsif ($command eq 'check') {
- ($out, $err) = run_backend ($command, 'type', 'empty', @extra);
- my $ran = "$command type empty" . (@extra ? " @extra" : '');
- is ($err, '', "Command $command ran with no errors (empty)");
- is ($OUTPUT, "command $ran from admin ( succeeded\n",
- ' and success logged');
- is ($out, "$new\n$method type empty$extra\nno\n",
- ' and ran the right method with output');
- }
- ($out, $err) = run_backend ($command, 'error', 'name', @extra);
- my $ran = "$command error name" . (@extra ? " @extra" : '');
- is ($err, "error count $error\n", "Command $command ran with errors");
- is ($OUTPUT, "command $ran from admin ( failed: error count"
- . " $error\n", ' and syslog correct');
- is ($out, "$new\n$method error name$extra\n",
- ' and ran the right method');
- $error++;
-for my $command (sort keys %acl_commands) {
- my @extra = ('foo') x ($acl_commands{$command}[0] - 1);
- my $extra = @extra ? join (' ', '', @extra) : '';
- ($out, $err) = run_backend ('acl', $command, 'name', @extra);
- my $ran = "acl $command name" . (@extra ? " @extra" : '');
- is ($err, '', "Command acl $command ran with no errors");
- is ($OUTPUT, "command $ran from admin ( succeeded\n",
- ' and success logged');
- my $expected;
- if ($command eq 'show') {
- $expected = "$new\nacl_$command name$extra\nacl_show";
- } elsif ($command eq 'history') {
- $expected = "$new\nacl_$command name$extra\nacl_history";
- } else {
- $expected = "$new\nacl_$command name$extra\n";
- }
- is ($out, $expected, ' and ran the right method');
- ($out, $err) = run_backend ('acl', $command, 'error', @extra);
- $ran = "acl $command error" . (@extra ? " @extra" : '');
- is ($err, "error count $error\n", "Command acl $command ran with errors");
- is ($OUTPUT, "command $ran from admin ( failed: error count"
- . " $error\n", ' and syslog correct');
- is ($out, "$new\nacl_$command error$extra\n",
- ' and ran the right method');
- $error++;
-for my $command (sort keys %flag_commands) {
- my @extra = ('foo') x ($flag_commands{$command}[0] - 2);
- my $extra = @extra ? join (' ', '', @extra) : '';
- ($out, $err) = run_backend ('flag', $command, 'type', 'name', @extra);
- my $ran = "flag $command type name" . (@extra ? " @extra" : '');
- is ($err, '', "Command flag $command ran with no errors");
- is ($OUTPUT, "command $ran from admin ( succeeded\n",
- ' and success logged');
- is ($out, "$new\nflag_$command type name$extra\n",
- ' and ran the right method');
- ($out, $err) = run_backend ('flag', $command, 'error', 'name', @extra);
- $ran = "flag $command error name" . (@extra ? " @extra" : '');
- is ($err, "error count $error\n",
- "Command flag $command ran with errors");
- is ($OUTPUT, "command $ran from admin ( failed: error count"
- . " $error\n", ' and syslog correct');
- is ($out, "$new\nflag_$command error name$extra\n",
- ' and ran the right method');
- $error++;
-# Almost done. All that remains is to test the robustness of the bad
-# character checks against every possible character and test permitting the
-# empty argument.
-($out, $err) = run_backend ('show', 'type', '');
-is ($err, '', 'Allowed the empty argument');
-is ($OUTPUT, "command show type from admin ( succeeded\n",
- ' and success logged');
-my $ok = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_/.@-';
-($out, $err) = run_backend ('show', 'type', $ok);
-is ($err, '', 'Allowed all valid characters');
-is ($OUTPUT, "command show type $ok from admin ( succeeded\n",
- ' and success logged');
-is ($out, "$new\nshow type $ok\nshow", ' and returned the right output');
-for my $n (0 .. 255) {
- my $c = chr ($n);
- my $name = $ok . $c;
- ($out, $err) = run_backend ('show', 'type', $name);
- if (index ($ok, $c) == -1) {
- is ($err, "invalid characters in argument: $name\n",
- "Rejected invalid character $n");
- my $stripped = $name;
- $stripped =~ s/[^\x20-\x7e]/_/g;
- is ($OUTPUT, "error for admin ( invalid characters in"
- . " argument: $stripped\n", ' and syslog correct');
- is ($out, "$new\n", ' and did nothing');
- } else {
- is ($err, '', "Accepted valid character $n");
- is ($OUTPUT, "command show type $name from admin ("
- . " succeeded\n", ' and success logged');
- is ($out, "$new\nshow type $name\nshow", ' and ran the method');
- }