# Automake makefile for wallet.
# Written by Russ Allbery <rra@stanford.edu>
# Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2013
#     The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University
# See LICENSE for licensing terms.

# These two lists of files are needed for Perl builds and for the test suite
# and are not generated or touched by configure.  They're listed here to be
# added to EXTRA_DIST and so that they can be copied over properly for
# builddir != srcdir builds.
PERL_FILES = perl/Wallet/ACL.pm perl/Wallet/ACL/Base.pm			   \
	perl/Wallet/ACL/Krb5.pm perl/Wallet/ACL/Krb5/Regex.pm		   \
	perl/Wallet/ACL/NetDB.pm perl/Wallet/ACL/NetDB/Root.pm		   \
	perl/Wallet/Admin.pm perl/Wallet/Config.pm perl/Wallet/Database.pm \
	perl/Wallet/Kadmin.pm perl/Wallet/Kadmin/Heimdal.pm		   \
	perl/Wallet/Kadmin/MIT.pm perl/Wallet/Object/Base.pm		   \
	perl/Wallet/Object/File.pm perl/Wallet/Object/Keytab.pm		   \
	perl/Wallet/Report.pm perl/Wallet/Schema.pm perl/Wallet/Server.pm  \
	perl/t/acl.t perl/t/admin.t perl/t/config.t perl/t/data/README	   \
	perl/t/data/keytab-fake perl/t/data/keytab.conf			   \
	perl/t/data/netdb.conf perl/t/data/netdb-fake perl/t/file.t	   \
	perl/t/init.t perl/t/kadmin.t perl/t/keytab.t perl/t/lib/Util.pm   \
	perl/t/object.t perl/t/pod-spelling.t perl/t/pod.t perl/t/report.t \
	perl/t/schema.t perl/t/server.t perl/t/verifier-netdb.t		   \

EXTRA_DIST = .gitignore LICENSE autogen client/wallet.pod		   \
	client/wallet-rekey.pod config/allow-extract config/keytab	   \
	config/keytab.acl config/wallet config/wallet-report.acl	   \
	docs/design contrib/README contrib/convert-srvtab-db		   \
	contrib/used-principals contrib/wallet-contacts			   \
	contrib/wallet-summary contrib/wallet-summary.8			   \
	contrib/wallet-unknown-hosts docs/design-acl docs/design-api	   \
	docs/netdb-role-api docs/notes docs/objects-and-schemes docs/setup \
	docs/stanford-naming examples/stanford.conf tests/TESTS		   \
	tests/data/README tests/data/allow-extract tests/data/basic.conf   \
	tests/data/cmd-fake tests/data/cmd-wrapper tests/data/fake-data	   \
	tests/data/fake-kadmin tests/data/fake-keytab			   \
	tests/data/fake-keytab-2 tests/data/fake-keytab-foreign		   \
	tests/data/fake-keytab-merge tests/data/fake-keytab-old		   \
	tests/data/fake-keytab-partial					   \
	tests/data/fake-keytab-partial-result tests/data/fake-keytab-rekey \
	tests/data/fake-keytab-unknown tests/data/fake-srvtab		   \
	tests/data/full.conf tests/data/wallet.conf			   \
	tests/docs/pod-spelling-t tests/docs/pod-t tests/server/admin-t	   \
	tests/server/backend-t tests/server/keytab-t tests/server/report-t \
	tests/tap/kerberos.sh tests/tap/libtap.sh tests/tap/remctl.sh	   \
	tests/util/xmalloc-t $(PERL_FILES)

noinst_LIBRARIES = portable/libportable.a util/libutil.a
portable_libportable_a_SOURCES = portable/dummy.c portable/krb5-extra.c	\
	portable/krb5.h portable/macros.h portable/stdbool.h		\
	portable/system.h portable/uio.h
portable_libportable_a_CPPFLAGS = $(KRB5_CPPFLAGS)
portable_libportable_a_LIBADD = $(LIBOBJS)
util_libutil_a_SOURCES = util/concat.c util/concat.h util/macros.h	\
	util/messages-krb5.c util/messages-krb5.h util/messages.c	\
	util/messages.h util/xmalloc.c util/xmalloc.h
util_libutil_a_CPPFLAGS = $(KRB5_CPPFLAGS)

noinst_LIBRARIES += client/libwallet.a
client_libwallet_a_SOURCES = client/file.c client/internal.h client/keytab.c \
	client/krb5.c client/options.c client/remctl.c client/srvtab.c

bin_PROGRAMS = client/wallet client/wallet-rekey
dist_sbin_SCRIPTS = server/keytab-backend server/wallet-admin \
	server/wallet-backend server/wallet-report
client_wallet_LDADD = client/libwallet.a util/libutil.a \
	portable/libportable.a $(REMCTL_LIBS) $(KRB5_LIBS)
client_wallet_rekey_CPPFLAGS = $(REMCTL_CPPFLAGS) $(KRB5_CPPFLAGS)
client_wallet_rekey_LDFLAGS = $(REMCTL_LDFLAGS) $(KRB5_LDFLAGS)
client_wallet_rekey_LDADD = client/libwallet.a util/libutil.a \
	portable/libportable.a $(REMCTL_LIBS) $(KRB5_LIBS)

dist_man_MANS = client/wallet.1 client/wallet-rekey.1 server/keytab-backend.8 \
	server/wallet-admin.8 server/wallet-backend.8 server/wallet-report.8

# Install the SQL files that are used by the server code to do upgrades.
dist_pkgdata_DATA = perl/sql/Wallet-Schema-0.07-0.08-MySQL.sql	\
	perl/sql/Wallet-Schema-0.07-0.08-SQLite.sql		\
	perl/sql/Wallet-Schema-0.07-MySQL.sql			\
	perl/sql/Wallet-Schema-0.07-SQLite.sql			\
	perl/sql/Wallet-Schema-0.08-MySQL.sql			\
	perl/sql/Wallet-Schema-0.08-PostgreSQL.sql		\

# A set of flags for warnings.  Add -O because gcc won't find some warnings
# without optimization turned on.  Desirable warnings that can't be turned
# on due to other problems:
#     -Wconversion      http://bugs.debian.org/488884 (htons warnings)
# Last checked against gcc 4.6.1 (2011-05-04).  -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 enables
# warn_unused_result attribute markings on glibc functions on Linux, which
# catches a few more issues.
WARNINGS = -g -O -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wall -Wextra -Wendif-labels	    \
	-Wformat=2 -Winit-self -Wswitch-enum -Wdeclaration-after-statement  \
	-Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wbad-function-cast -Wcast-align	    \
	-Wwrite-strings -Wjump-misses-init -Wlogical-op			    \
	-Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wredundant-decls	    \
	-Wnested-externs -Werror


# Remove some additional files.
DISTCLEANFILES = perl/Makefile
MAINTAINERCLEANFILES = Makefile.in aclocal.m4 build-aux/compile		     \
	build-aux/depcomp build-aux/install-sh build-aux/missing	     \
	client/wallet.1 config.h.in config.h.in~ configure		     \
	contrib/wallet-report.8 server/keytab-backend.8			     \
	server/wallet-admin.8 server/wallet-backend.8 server/wallet-report.8

# Take appropriate actions in the Perl directory as well.  We don't want to
# always build the Perl directory in all-local, since otherwise Automake does
# this for every target, which overrides some hacks we have to do for Debian
# packaging.
all-local: perl/blib/lib/Wallet/Config.pm

	set -e; if [ x"$(builddir)" != x"$(srcdir)" ] ; then \
	    mkdir perl/Wallet perl/Wallet/ACL perl/Wallet/ACL/Krb5 \
		perl/Wallet/ACL/NetDB perl/Wallet/Kadmin perl/Wallet/Object \
		perl/t perl/t/data perl/t/lib 2>/dev/null || true ; \
	    for f in $(PERL_FILES) ; do \
		cp "$(srcdir)/$$f" "$(builddir)/$$f" ; \
	    done \
	cd perl && perl Makefile.PL
	cd perl && $(MAKE)

	if [ x"$(DESTDIR)" != x ] ; then \
	    cd perl && $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR)/ ; \
	else \
	    cd perl && $(MAKE) install ; \

# ExtUtils::MakeMaker really likes moving the Makefile aside.
	[ ! -f perl/Makefile ] || ( set -e; cd perl && $(MAKE) clean )
	cd perl && ( [ ! -f Makefile.old ] || mv Makefile.old Makefile )

# Remove the files that we copy over if and only if builddir != srcdir.
	set -e; if [ x"$(builddir)" != x"$(srcdir)" ] ; then \
	    rm -f $(PERL_FILES) ; \

# The bits below are for the test suite, not for the main package.
check_PROGRAMS = tests/runtests tests/portable/asprintf-t		    \
	tests/portable/mkstemp-t tests/portable/setenv-t		    \
	tests/portable/snprintf-t tests/portable/strlcat-t		    \
	tests/portable/strlcpy-t tests/util/concat-t			    \
	tests/util/messages-krb5-t tests/util/messages-t tests/util/xmalloc
tests_runtests_CPPFLAGS = -DSOURCE='"$(abs_top_srcdir)/tests"' \
check_LIBRARIES = tests/tap/libtap.a
tests_tap_libtap_a_CPPFLAGS = -I$(abs_top_srcdir)/tests $(KRB5_CPPFLAGS)
tests_tap_libtap_a_SOURCES = tests/tap/basic.c tests/tap/basic.h	\
	tests/tap/kerberos.c tests/tap/kerberos.h tests/tap/messages.c	\
	tests/tap/messages.h tests/tap/process.c tests/tap/process.h	\
	tests/tap/string.c tests/tap/string.h

# All of the test programs.
tests_portable_asprintf_t_SOURCES = tests/portable/asprintf-t.c \
tests_portable_asprintf_t_LDADD = tests/tap/libtap.a portable/libportable.a
tests_portable_mkstemp_t_SOURCES = tests/portable/mkstemp-t.c \
tests_portable_mkstemp_t_LDADD = tests/tap/libtap.a portable/libportable.a
tests_portable_setenv_t_SOURCES = tests/portable/setenv-t.c \
tests_portable_setenv_t_LDADD = tests/tap/libtap.a portable/libportable.a
tests_portable_snprintf_t_SOURCES = tests/portable/snprintf-t.c \
tests_portable_snprintf_t_LDADD = tests/tap/libtap.a portable/libportable.a
tests_portable_strlcat_t_SOURCES = tests/portable/strlcat-t.c \
tests_portable_strlcat_t_LDADD = tests/tap/libtap.a portable/libportable.a
tests_portable_strlcpy_t_SOURCES = tests/portable/strlcpy-t.c \
tests_portable_strlcpy_t_LDADD = tests/tap/libtap.a portable/libportable.a
tests_util_concat_t_LDADD = tests/tap/libtap.a util/libutil.a \
tests_util_messages_krb5_t_CPPFLAGS = $(KRB5_CPPFLAGS)
tests_util_messages_krb5_t_LDFLAGS = $(KRB5_LDFLAGS)
tests_util_messages_krb5_t_LDADD = tests/tap/libtap.a util/libutil.a \
	portable/libportable.a $(KRB5_LIBS)
tests_util_messages_t_LDADD = tests/tap/libtap.a util/libutil.a \
tests_util_xmalloc_LDADD = util/libutil.a portable/libportable.a

check-local: $(check_PROGRAMS)
	cd tests && ./runtests $(abs_top_srcdir)/tests/TESTS
	@echo ''
	cd perl && $(MAKE) test

# Alas, we have to disable this check because there's no way to do an
# uninstall from Perl.