#!/usr/bin/perl -w our $ID = q$Id$; # # convert-srvtab-db -- Converts a leland_srvtab database to wallet # # Written by Russ Allbery <rra@stanford.edu> # Copyright 2008 Board of Trustees, Leland Stanford Jr. University # # See LICENSE for licensing terms. ############################################################################## # Modules and site configuration ############################################################################## require 5.006; use strict; use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions); use Wallet::ACL; use Wallet::Server; # The identity of the user who will be creating the wallet database entries, # for logging purposes. our $IDENTITY = 'rra/root@stanford.edu'; # The path to the mappings from CGI principals to home directories, used for # identifying user- and group-based CGI principals that are no longer being # used. our $CGI = '/afs/ir/service/etc/passwd.cgi.lsdb'; our %CGI; # The path to the allow-extract file for the Kerberos KDCs, listing what # principals can be cached. This is used to check for principals marked # cached in the srvtab database that aren't configured to be cachable on the # KDC side. our $CACHED = '/home/eagle/work/puppet/services/s_kdc/files/prod' . '/etc/krb5kdc/allow-extract'; our @CACHED; # The list of principal types that should be treated as host-based. our %HOST_BASED = map { $_ => 1 } qw(HTTP afpserver cifs ftp ident imap ldap lpr nfs pop rcmd sieve smtp uniengd webauth); # Additional allowable principal types. Anything not on this list, not in # %HOST_BASED, and not a CGI principal will not be converted. our %ALLOWED = map { $_ => 1 } qw(service); # The domain to add to form host-based Kerberos v5 principals from Kerberos v4 # principals. our $DOMAIN = 'stanford.edu'; # The realm to add when checking against the KDC whitelist. our $REALM = 'stanford.edu'; # ACL mappings. By default, ACL groups in the srvtab database are mapped to # ACL groups in the wallet with the same name, but the following groups are # exceptions. our %ACL_MAPPING = ('group/cgi' => 'service/www', 'group/leland' => 'ADMIN', 'group/netstaff-sysad' => 'ADMIN', 'group/oss' => 'ADMIN', 'group/ti-ops' => 'ADMIN', 'group/tss-cs' => 'ADMIN'); # Whether to write the output into the wallet database. Set to 1 if -w was # given on the command line. our $WRITE = 0; ############################################################################## # Load data files ############################################################################## # Load the CGI password file into the %CGI hash. The keys are CGI principals # and the values are home directory paths. sub load_cgi { open (CGI, '<', $CGI) or die "$0: cannot open $CGI: $!\n"; local $_; while (<CGI>) { my ($user, $home) = (split ':')[0,5]; $CGI{$user} = $home; } close CGI; } # Load the regexes permitting extraction of existing keys, used to check # cached keytabs. sub load_cached { open (CACHED, '<', $CACHED) or die "$0: cannot open $CACHED: $!"; local $_; while (<CACHED>) { next if /^\s*\#/; next if /^\s*$/; s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; s/\s*\#.*//; push (@CACHED, qr/$_/); } close CACHED; } ############################################################################## # Principal and ACL conversion ############################################################################## # Convert a Kerberos v4 principal to the corresponding Kerberos v5 principal # name. This is somewhat special-cased for the types of principals that we # had in the srvtab database at Stanford. sub convert_principal { my ($principal) = @_; my ($type, $instance) = split (/\./, $principal, 2); $type = 'host' if $type eq 'rcmd'; if (!$instance) { $principal = $type; } elsif ($HOST_BASED{$type}) { $principal = "$type/$instance.$DOMAIN"; } else { $principal = "$type/$instance"; } return $principal; } ############################################################################## # Database dump parsing ############################################################################## # Given a reference to a hash and the file name of a srvtab database dump, # load that dump into the hash. The keys will be Kerberos v4 principal names # and the values will be hashes of key/value pairs from the database. sub load_dump { my ($db, $dump) = @_; open (DUMP, '<', $dump) or die "$0: cannot open $dump: $!\n"; local $_; my $last = ''; while (<DUMP>) { if (/^(\S+)$/) { $last = $1; } elsif (/^\s*(\S+): (\S+)$/) { $db->{$last}{$1} = $2; } } close DUMP; } # Given the hash containing the srvtab database, delete all entries that have # never been downloaded and were created more than a week ago. These can be # re-requested if they're really needed. Also delete all entries that are # hopelessly misnamed and cannot be moved to Kerberos v5, and all entries for # host-based principals, since we're letting the wallet autocreation handle # those. sub clean_database { my ($db) = @_; my @delete; for my $principal (keys %$db) { my $entry = $db->{$principal}; # We were only caching the mail-related keytabs and LDAP keytabs so # that users didn't see Kerberos problems when the kvno changed. # wallet now deals correctly with those, so don't treat any of those # as cached. my ($type, $instance) = split (/\./, $principal, 2); if ($type =~ /^(imap|ldap|pop|sieve|smtp)$/) { delete $entry->{cached}; } # Now check for principals we don't care about. unless ( exists $entry->{'srvkeytab-generated-by'} or exists $entry->{'srvtab-generated-by'} or exists $entry->{'cached'} or ($entry->{'created-on'} > time - (7 * 24 * 3600))) { push (@delete, $principal); next; } next if ($instance eq 'cgi' and $type ne 'rcmd'); if (!$instance) { push (@delete, $principal); } elsif ($HOST_BASED{$type} and not exists $entry->{'cached'}) { push (@delete, $principal); } elsif (not $HOST_BASED{$type} and not $ALLOWED{$type}) { push (@delete, $principal); } } delete @$db{@delete}; } ############################################################################## # Consistency checking ############################################################################## # Scan the provided database for anomolies. Report all of the srvtab database # objects with anomolies to standard output. sub check_database { my ($db) = @_; load_cgi; load_cached; for my $principal (sort keys %$db) { my ($type, $instance) = split (/\./, $principal, 2); if ($instance eq 'cgi' and $type ne 'rcmd') { if (not $CGI{$type}) { print "$principal does not have CGI service\n"; } } my $entry = $db->{$principal}; my @user_keys = grep { /^srvtab-user-/ } keys %$entry; my @group_keys = grep { /^srvtab-acl-/ } keys %$entry; my @users = map { $entry->{$_} } @user_keys; my @groups = map { $entry->{$_} } @group_keys; if (@users and @groups) { print "$principal has both users and groups\n"; } if (@groups > 1) { print "$principal has multiple groups\n"; } if ($instance eq 'cgi' and (@users || "@groups" ne 'group/cgi')) { print "$principal is CGI principal with weird ACLs\n"; } if ($entry->{cached}) { my $k5 = convert_principal ($principal) . '@' . $REALM; my $okay; for my $regex (@CACHED) { if ($k5 =~ /$regex/) { $okay = 1; last; } } print "$principal is cached but not in the KDC config\n" unless $okay; } } } ############################################################################## # Database conversion ############################################################################## # Iterate through the database and convert every entry that doesn't already # exist in the wallet. sub convert_database { my ($db) = @_; my %acls; my $server = Wallet::Server->new ($IDENTITY, 'localhost'); for my $principal (sort keys %$db) { my $entry = $db->{$principal}; my $k5 = convert_principal ($principal); if ($server->check ('keytab', $k5)) { print "skipping already created principal $k5\n"; next; } my @user_keys = grep { /^srvtab-user-/ } keys %$entry; my @group_keys = grep { /^srvtab-acl-/ } keys %$entry; my @users = sort map { $entry->{$_} } @user_keys; my @groups = sort map { $entry->{$_} } @group_keys; for my $user (@users) { $user =~ s/\.?\@.*//; $user =~ s,\.,/,; } my ($owner, $group); if (@groups) { $owner = $ACL_MAPPING{$groups[0]} || $groups[0]; } elsif (@users) { if ($acls{"@users"}) { $owner = $acls{"@users"}; } elsif (@users == 1) { $group = $users[0]; $group =~ s,/.*,,; $group = "user/$group"; } else { $group = $principal; $group =~ s/^[^.]+\.//; $group = "group/$group"; } } if ($group) { my $create = 1; my $acl = eval { Wallet::ACL->new ($group, $server->dbh) }; if (defined $acl) { my @entries = $acl->list; if (grep { $_->[0] ne 'krb5' } @entries) { die "ACL $group exists with unknown types\n"; } @entries = map { $_->[1] } @entries; for (@entries) { s/\@\Q$DOMAIN// } unless ("@entries" eq "@users") { die "ACL $group exists with different entries\n"; } $create = 0; } elsif ($@ !~ /^ACL \S+ not found/) { die "unknown ACL error on $group: $@\n"; } $owner = $group; $acls{"@users"} = $group; if ($WRITE && $create) { $server->acl_create ($group) or die $server->error, "\n"; for my $user (@users) { $server->acl_add ($group, 'krb5', "$user\@$REALM") or die $server->error, "\n"; } } elsif ($create) { print "wallet create acl $group\n"; for my $user (@users) { print "wallet add acl $group krb5 $user\@$REALM\n"; } } } if ($WRITE) { $server->create ('keytab', $k5) or die $server->error, "\n"; $server->owner ('keytab', $k5, $owner) or die $server->error, "\n"; if ($entry->{cached}) { $server->flag_set ('keytab', $k5, 'unchanging') or die $server->error, "\n"; } } else { print "wallet create keytab $k5\n"; print "wallet owner keytab $k5 $owner\n"; print "wallet flag set keytab $k5 unchanging\n" if $entry->{cached}; } } } ############################################################################## # Main routine ############################################################################## # Read in command-line options. my ($audit, $help); Getopt::Long::config ('no_ignore_case', 'bundling'); GetOptions ('a|audit' => \$audit, 'h|help' => \$help, 'w|write' => \$WRITE) or exit 1; if ($help) { print "Feeding myself to perldoc, please wait....\n"; exec ('perldoc', '-t', $0); } # Clean up $0 for error reporting. $0 =~ s%.*/%%; # Get the dump file. die "$0: no srvtab database dump file specified" unless @ARGV; die "$0: too many arguments" if @ARGV > 1; my ($dump) = @ARGV; my %db; load_dump (\%db, $dump); clean_database (\%db); print 'Saw ', scalar (keys %db), " total principals\n"; # Perform the requested operation. if ($audit) { check_database (\%db); } else { convert_database (\%db); }