#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# wallet-unknown-hosts -- Report host keytabs in wallet for unknown hosts.
# Written by Russ Allbery <rra@stanford.edu>
# Copyright 2010 Board of Trustees, Leland Stanford Jr. University
# See LICENSE for licensing terms.

# Site configuration

# The path to the supplemental database used to store last seen times and
# counts.  Keys are hostnames, and values are the number of times the hostname
# was not seen in DNS, a comma, and the UNIX seconds since epoch of the first
# run during which the host was not found.
# This should probably be in the wallet database, but let's try it here first
# and hammer out the data and then add it there later.
our $HISTORY = '/var/lib/wallet/hosts.db';

# Default thresholds for reporting or purging.  $MIN is the number of times we
# see the keytab in a row eligible for purge, and $THRESHOLD is the newest
# that the first time can be and still be eligible.
our $MIN       = 3;
our $THRESHOLD = time - 30 * 24 * 60 * 60;

# Set up a Net::DNS resolver that will be used by local_check_keytab.
    use Net::DNS;
    our $DNS = Net::DNS::Resolver->new;

# Pre-filter.  This is called for all host-based keytabs and is the place to
# apply local exceptions for keytabs that should be retained even though
# there's no corresponding DNS entry.  The first argument is the full
# principal name and the second argument is the extracted host.
# This function should return 1 if the host is found or if the keytab should
# otherwise not be a candidate for purging, 0 if the keytab should be a
# candidate for purging, and undef if the normal DNS-based check should be
# done.
sub local_check_keytab {
    my ($keytab, $host) = @_;

    # Aliases of proxy.best.stanford.edu and www.best.stanford.edu should not
    # have host-based keytabs of their own.
    my %purge = map { $_ => 1 }
        qw(proxy.best.stanford.edu www.best.stanford.edu);
    my $query = $DNS->search ($host);
    return unless $query;
    for my $rr ($query->answer) {
        next unless $rr->type eq 'CNAME';
        return 0 if $purge{$rr->cname};

    # Do normal processing by default.

# Modules and declarations

require 5.006;

use strict;

use DB_File ();
use Wallet::Report ();
use Wallet::Server ();

# Utility functions

# Return a list of host-based keytab objects in the wallet database.  The
# current heuristic is to look for any keytab object with a principal name
# that includes a slash and at least one period.  This may be refined later.
sub list_keytabs {
    my $report = Wallet::Report->new;
    my @objects = $report->objects ('type', 'keytab');
    if (!@objects and $report->error) {
        die $report->error, "\n";
    return grep { m%/.+\..+% } map { $$_[1] } @objects;

# Given a host, look it up in DNS and see if it exists.  Returns true if the
# host exists and false otherwise.
sub check_host {
    my ($host) = @_;
    my $addr = gethostbyname $host;
    return defined ($addr) ? 1 : 0;

# Main functions

# Do a scan of all host-based keytabs in wallet and record those that are not
# found in DNS or which should not be used according to site configuration.
sub check {
    tie %history, 'DB_File', $HISTORY;
    my @keytabs = list_keytabs;
    for my $keytab (@keytabs) {
        my ($host) = (split '/', $keytab)[1];
        my $result = local_check_keytab ($keytab, $host);
        unless (defined $result) {
            $result = check_host ($host);
        if ($result) {
            delete $history{$keytab};
        } elsif ($history{$keytab}) {
            my ($count, $time) = split (',', $history{$keytab});
            $history{$keytab} = "$count,$time";
        } else {
            $history{$keytab} = '1,' . time;
    untie %history;

# Report on all keytabs that are eligible to be deleted.  Takes two values:
# the threshold for the number of times the keytab had to show up as eligible
# for purge, and the threshold for how long the keytab must have been on that
# list (given as a threshold time in seconds since epoch).
sub report {
    my ($min, $threshold) = @_;
    tie %history, 'DB_File', $HISTORY;
    for my $keytab (sort keys %history) {
        my ($count, $time) = split (',', $history{$keytab});
        if ($count > $min && $time < $threshold) {
            print $keytab, "\n";
    untie %history;

# Purge eligible keytabs.  Takes three values: the user to authenticate as,
# the threshold for the number of times the keytab had to show up as eligible
# for purge, and the threshold for the first date when the keytab was seen
# eligible for purge.  Rather than listing the keytabs, this deletes them
# immediately.
sub purge {
    my ($user, $min, $threshold) = @_;
    my $wallet = Wallet::Server->new ($user, 'localhost');
    tie %history, 'DB_File', $HISTORY;
    for my $keytab (sort keys %history) {
        my ($count, $time) = split (',', $history{$keytab});
        if ($count > $min && $time < $threshold) {
            unless ($wallet->destroy ('keytab', $keytab)) {
                warn "$0: cannot destroy keytab $keytab: ",
                    $wallet->error, "\n";
    untie %history;

# Main routine

my $command = shift or die "Usage: $0 (check | report | purge)\n";
if ($command eq 'check') {
} elsif ($command eq 'report') {
    my ($min, $threshold) = @_;
    $min = $MIN unless defined ($min);
    die "$0: minimum count must be at least 1\n" if $min < 1;
    $threshold = $THRESHOLD unless defined ($threshold);
    report ($min, $threshold);
} elsif ($command eq 'purge') {
    my $user = $ENV{REMOTE_USER} or die "$0: REMOTE_USER must be set\n";
    $min = $MIN unless defined ($min);
    die "$0: minimum count must be at least 1\n" if $min < 1;
    $threshold = $THRESHOLD unless defined ($threshold);
    purge ($min, $threshold);
} else {
    die "$0: unknown command $command\n";