Wallet System Design


    The wallet system provides a mechanism for storing and retrieving
    security-sensitive data such as system credentials and private keys
    from a secure host, applying ACLs to that data, and automatically
    creating of certain types of security data on demand (such as Kerberos

    The initial implementation of the wallet is targetted at Kerberos
    keytab distribution and the replacement of Stanford University's
    legacy Kerberos-v4-based sysctl system for distributing srvtabs and
    keytabs.  After that initial implementation, additional data types
    will be added.  SSL certificates, ssh private keys, and database
    passwords are likely early candidates.  The implementation of keytabs
    is described in detail below, and similar detailed designs for other
    data types will be added as part of the later phases of the design.

    This design document is not entirely complete in the area of exact
    protocol commands, supported arguments, and the details of the ACL
    manipulation protocol.  These areas of the design are still being


    For the rest of this document, the term "object" will be used for a
    piece of security-sensitive data stored in the wallet.  The object
    "metadata" is the authorization and history information around that
    object.  Be aware that an object "stored" in the wallet may not be
    physically present on the wallet server; instead, the object may be a
    type of object that can be dynamically generated on demand by the
    wallet server or retrieved from elsewhere.  For example, most Kerberos
    keytabs stored in the wallet will exist in the wallet only in the form
    of metadata and will be generated dynamically on demand when

    Wallet uses remctl for its network protocol, which provides Kerberos
    v5 GSS-API authentication and encryption of all data.  The rest of
    this design document will assume the connection from a wallet client
    to the wallet server is handled via the remctl protocol, that the
    wallet server therefore knows the authenticated Kerberos principal of
    the client, and that data passed between the server and the client is
    encrypted.  For more information about the remctl protocol, see:


    remctl requires Kerberos v5 authentication, and therefore all clients
    using the wallet to retrieve data will use Kerberos v5 authentication.

    We assume the wallet server is itself a secure host.  Compromise of
    this host will compromise all stored data it has and will allow an
    attacker to perform any operation possible via the wallet.  In order
    to limit the effectiveness of such an attack, certain keys may be
    excluded from the wallet's management purview (via kadm5.acl rules on
    the KDCs, for example) and require management by Kerberos
    administrators with kadmin.  However, compromise of the wallet system
    would have a significant security impact and the system should be
    managed with the sort of security precautions as one would apply to a
    Kerberos KDC.

Server Design

  Protocol Operations

    The wallet server supports the following protocol operations on an

        autocreate      Create an object with default ACLs
        check           Determine whether an object exists
        create          Create a new wallet entry for an object
        destroy         Delete the wallet entry for a given object
        owner           Set the owner of an object
        acl             Set an ACL on an object
        expires         Set the expiration of an object
        flag            Set or clear flags on an object
        show            Show the metainformation about the object

        get             Retrieve the named object from the wallet
        store           Store the named object in the wallet

    The first nine operations manipulate or display the metadata of the
    object.  The next two operations store or retrieve the object itself.

    The create, owner, acl, and expires operations are only available to
    wallet administrators.  Even if one is the listed owner of an object,
    one may not change the owner, ACL, or expiration date on that object.
    (This may be reconsidered later to permit the owner to set the ACLs on
    an object.  This design mirrors the existing Stanford University
    srvtab distribution system and is maximally conservative.)

    Objects are created with an autocreate or a create command (which
    creates the metadata without storing any data).  Administrators can
    create objects with the create command.  Object creation via
    autocreate.  When someone attempts to get or store an object that
    doesn't already exist, as determined by the check call, the wallet
    client attempts autocreate.  On the server, the type and name of the
    object and the operation is passed to a policy function, which returns
    an ACL.  If the user is authorized by that ACL, the object is created
    and that ACL becomes the object's new owner.


    Each ACL consists of zero or more lines, each of which has a scheme
    and an identifier.  Initially, two schemes will be supported: krb5 and

    An ACL line of scheme krb5 will have a single fully-qualified
    principal name as an identifier; only that principal will be
    authorized by that ACL line.

    An ACL line of scheme netdb will have an identifier naming a specific
    machine.  The user will be authorized if that user has a role of
    "admin" or "team" for that machine.  See netdb-role-api for the
    specific remctl API for performing that query.

    For all ACLs, each ACL line is tried against the user principal.  If
    any ACL line authorizes the user, that user is authorized.  If no ACL
    line authorizes the user, permission to perform the operation is

    For more details and other ACL types that will be supported in the
    future, see design-acl.

    There will be one general system ACL with the special name ADMIN that
    identifies wallet administrators.  Administrators are permitted to
    perform any operation except get and store, and can add themselves to
    ACLs to get and store objects.  (Requiring that they add themselves to
    the ACLs first is not a security measure but a requirement to not be
    sloppy with ACLs when one is an administrator.)


    Each object stored in the wallet has the following metadata associated
    with it (with examples for a keytab for host/windlord.stanford.edu
    that should be retrievable by the Kerberos principal

    * The type and name of the object.  The name must be unique within
      that type.  For example, the type would be "keytab" and the name
      would be "host/windlord.stanford.edu".

    * The owner of the object.  The owner by default has get, store, and
      show permissions on the object in the lack of more specific ACLs.
      An owner is a reference to an ACL.  In this case, this would be a
      reference to an ACL of one line, that line having scheme "krb5" and
      identifier "rra/root@stanford.edu".

    * Optional ACLs for get, store, show, destroy, and flag operations.
      If there is an ACL for get, store, or show, that overrides the
      normal permissions of the owner.  In the absence of an ACL for
      destroy or flag, only wallet administrators can destroy an object or
      set flags on that object.  This entry would need no special ACLs.

    * Trace fields storing the user, remote host, and timestamp for when
      this object was last created, stored, and downloaded.

  Type-Specific Attributes

    Object types may support additional attributes, which are keys and
    lists of values.  The acceptable keys and values are determined by the
    individual object implementations.  For many object types, no
    attributes are supported.

    Objects of type keytab support two attributes: an optional list of
    enctypes for which keys should be generated for that principal, and an
    optional list of external systems with which the keytab is
    synchronized.  The enctype list list can be used to restrict the
    Kerberos enctypes for a particular keytab to only those supported by
    that application.  In the absence of a list associated with a keytab,
    the default enctype list in the KDC will be used.  The sync attribute
    currently only supports a value of kaserver, which means that the DES
    key in the keytab is set as the key for a corresponding principal in
    an AFS kaserver.


    Each object can have flags set on it.  Currently, the only defined
    flags are:

        locked          Nothing permitted regardless of ACL except show
        unchanging      Use existing data, don't regenerate

    The unchanging flag will only have meaning for those types where the
    backend can support either generating new data or using the existing
    stored data.


    The wallet server will keep a history log of every operation performed
    against an object, keyed by object type and name (for object changes).
    A remctl interface will be provided so that wallet administrators can
    query this log and see the history of a given object.  The wallet
    server will also keep a history log of every operation performed
    against an ACL, keyed by the ACL ID.

    In addition, the wallet server will log to syslog every operation
    performed, not only on objects but on ACLs, Kerberos principal groups,
    keytab enctype metadata, and so forth.

Keytab Server Backend

  Basic Operation

    The keytab backend will not support the store operation, only the get
    operation.  Normally, a get will result in the generation of a new
    keytab (possibly constrained by the list of enctypes for that keytab)
    and hence the invalidation of any existing keytabs for that principal.

    The wallet server will only have kadmin ACLs to manage a specific set
    of principals to prevent the wallet from being used to change core
    Kerberos keys or to change user accounts.

  NetDB Default ACLs

    For Stanford's purposes, if a user attempts to autocreate keytab for
    which no entry had previously been created with create and that keytab
    is one of a specific set of host-bound principals as configured by the
    local wallet server deployment (generally things like host/*), we will
    check the principal against an ACL of scheme netdb and identifier
    equal to the host name for the principal.  If that ACL authorizes the
    user, we will automatically create a wallet entry for this host, owned
    by an ACL of scheme netdb and identifier equal to the fully qualified
    name of the system.  This will allow anyone with NetDB ownership of
    the system to manage the keytabs.

    This is implemented via a Stanford-specific wallet configuration file
    that uses the server autocreate support.  See examples/stanford.conf
    to see how this is implemented.

  Retrieving Existing Keytabs

    The flag unchanging can be set on keytabs to indicate that, rather
    than generating a new key on a get operation on that keytab object,
    the existing key should be extracted from the KDC and returned.  This
    removes some protection around abuse of the wallet system since it
    allows one to get access to an existing key without invalidating the
    system key and then forge authentication to that service.
    Accordingly, this flag may only be set by wallet administrators unless
    a flag ACL is created on that object, and as a matter of policy it
    should only be granted when there's a compelling reason for it.

    When a keytab with the unchanging flag set is retrieved with get,
    rather than generating a new keytab, the wallet server requests the
    current keys in keytab form from the KDC via a separate interface.
    The KDC will return only keys for principals matching a set
    specifically configured on the KDC.  All strongly privileged keytabs
    should be excluded from this (and ideally, only those keytabs known to
    require caching should be listed here).  The keys will be extracted
    from the KDC using kadmin.local with the -norandkey option, added with
    a Stanford-local patch (but expected to be in MIT Kerberos 1.7).

Client Design

  Basic Operation

    The client will use the remctl libraries for all communication with
    the wallet server.  The wallet server name will be determined by a
    compile-time default, overridden by configuration in krb5.conf or by a
    command-line option.  It should support the get, store, and show
    operations (although we will skip store for the initial implementation
    since it's not required for keytabs), and in general should pass any
    command on to the server so that we can add new commands later without
    modifying the client code.  When called with a get or store command,
    it should check whether the object already exists with the check
    command and, if not, attempt autocreation with the autocreate command.

    When retrieving a keytab, the client should support either creating a
    new keytab file or adding the keys from the downloaded keytab to an
    existing keytab so that multiple keys can be merged into the same
    keytab.  This is useful for services that expect all their keys to be
    in krb5.keytab, or for adding keys for all a host's aliases to its

  Srvtab Generation

    For backward compatibility with a Kerberos v4 realm, the wallet
    client, when downloading a keytab, should also be able to optionally
    create a srvtab with the DES key extracted from that keytab (if any).
    In order to get the Kerberos v4 kvno for the key (which may differ
    from the Kerberos v5 kvno), it will obtain a Kerberos v4 service
    ticket for that principal and extract the kvno from that service

    Similarly, whenever a keytab is created or changed, the server needs
    to synchronize the key with Kerberos v4 (using the sync attribute on
    keytab objects).

Security Considerations

  System Compromise

    By its nature, the wallet is an obvious attack target target.  It has
    access to generate arbitrary keytabs for many different service
    principals, it will eventually store a variety of high-value
    privileged data, and it has to be accessible over the wallet protocol
    to clients.

    This risk can be reduced by running minimal accessible services on
    this system, co-located this service only with other high-security
    applications if anything, and closely monitored for security issues.
    In addition, the wallet should only have access on the KDC to those
    principal classes that are managed by the wallet, specifically not
    including any core Kerberos administrative principals, any user
    accounts, and any administrator accounts.

    The system should use iptables and similar firewall mechanisms to
    limit all access only to those ports providing known public services,
    and there to as few IP addresses as possible.

    The wallet database should be stored locally on the system running the
    wallet server and not be accessible from any other system.

    Administration of the wallet should be done over protocol.  Logging on
    to the wallet system should be done only in the case of emergency,
    upgrade, or system maintenance and should not be done for any routine

  Protocol Compromise

    The security of the wallet is dependent on the security of the
    underlying remctl protocol.  The remctl code has been carefully
    audited for security issues and is already in widespread use and
    should be treated as a core security component.

    Most communications between the wallet and the KDC are done over the
    kadmin protocol, which is Kerberos-authenticated and encrypts the
    network communications.  The other communication with the KDC is done
    via remctl.  Extracting existing keys from the KDC can only be done on
    the KDC using kadmin.local and access can therefore be tightly
    controlled by the KDC remctl interface.

  Retrieving Existing Keytabs

    One key security concern is the wallet's ability to retrieve existing
    keytabs.  The normal Kerberos key management system has some built-in
    defense against an attacker obtaining a keytab for a service
    principal: since that invalidates the existing keytab, the attacker
    will still not be able to authenticate to a service that uses that
    service principal, and any authentication done by the service
    principal will start failing.  Compromise attacks are therefore often
    converted to denial of service attacks, and it's very difficult to
    launch a silent attack.

    This changes when access is granted to existing keys.  An attacker who
    obtains the existing keys can silently forge authentication to a
    service protected by that service principal, or can silently
    impersonate that service principal to other services without
    interfering with normal operations.

    The unchanging flag should therefore only be set when there is a clear
    need, and the backend on the KDC that allows the wallet system to
    retrieve existing keys should be as restrictive as possible about
    which keys can be retrieved.  Using this system is, however, better
    from a security standpoint than saving a copy of a keytab and
    installing it as part of a build process or copying it between
    multiple systems since the wallet at least maintains an audit trail of
    downloads and doesn't keep a local copy of the keytab, only the means
    for retrieving it.  So, for example, a compromise that makes available
    only the backup image of the wallet server and not its credentials
    cannot obtain existing keytabs since they're not stored on its disk.


    The wallet server audits operations in three ways.  First, an
    authenticated principal, hostname, and timestamp is kept up to date
    for each object for the last creation, modification, and retrieval
    date for that object.  Second, an audit trail is kept for all
    operations on an object to allow retrieval of the complete history of
    an object.  Third, all wallet operations are logged to syslog and
    therefore suitable for archiving, analysis, and forensics.