Before setting up the wallet server, review the Wallet::Config documentation (with man Wallet::Config or perldoc Wallet::Config). There are many customization options, some of which must be set. You may also need to create a Kerberos keytab for the keytab object backend and give it appropriate ACLs, and set up `keytab-backend` and its `remctld` configuration on your KDC if you want unchanging flag support. For the basic setup and configuration of the wallet server, see the file `docs/setup` in the source distribution. You will need to set up a database on the server (unless you're using SQLite), initialize the database, install `remctld` and the wallet Perl modules, and set up `remctld` to run the `wallet-backend` program. The wallet client supports reading configuration settings from the system `krb5.conf` file. For more information, see the CONFIGURATION section of the wallet client man page (`man wallet`).