The test suite requires `remctld` be installed and available in the user's
path or in `/usr/local/sbin` or `/usr/sbin`; and that `sqlite3`, `kinit`,
and either `kvno` or `kgetcred` be installed and available on the user's
path.  The test suite will also need to be able to bind to on
ports 11119 and 14373 to test client/server network interactions.

The test suite uses a SQLite database for server-side and end-to-end
testing and therefore requires the DBD::SQLite and
DateTime::Format::SQLite Perl modules.

All of the requirements listed above will be required to run the full test
suite of server functionality, but tests will be selectively skipped if
their requirements aren't found.

The following additional Perl modules will be used if present:

* Test::MinimumVersion
* Test::Pod
* Test::Spelling
* Test::Strict

All are available on CPAN.  Those tests will be skipped if the modules are
not available.