# Wallet::ACL -- Implementation of ACLs in the wallet system. # $Id$ # # Written by Russ Allbery <rra@stanford.edu> # Copyright 2007 Board of Trustees, Leland Stanford Jr. University # # See README for licensing terms. ############################################################################## # Modules and declarations ############################################################################## package Wallet::ACL; require 5.006; use strict; use vars qw(%MAPPING $VERSION); use DBI; use Wallet::ACL::Krb5; # This version should be increased on any code change to this module. Always # use two digits for the minor version with a leading zero if necessary so # that it will sort properly. $VERSION = '0.01'; # This is a mapping of schemes to class names, used to determine which ACL # verifier should be instantiated for a given ACL scheme. Currently, there's # no dynamic way to recognize new ACL verifiers, so if you extend the wallet # system to add new verifiers, you need to modify this list. %MAPPING = (krb5 => 'Wallet::ACL::Krb5'); ############################################################################## # Constructors ############################################################################## # Initialize a new ACL from the database. Verify that the ACL already exists # in the database and, if so, return a new blessed object. Stores the ACL ID # and the database handle to use for future operations. If the object # doesn't exist, throws an exception. sub new { my ($class, $id, $dbh) = @_; $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0; $dbh->{RaiseError} = 1; $dbh->{PrintError} = 0; my ($sql, $data, $name); if ($id =~ /^\d+\z/) { $sql = 'select ac_id, ac_name from acls where ac_id = ?'; } else { $sql = 'select ac_id, ac_name from acls where ac_name = ?'; } ($data, $name) = eval { $dbh->selectrow_array ($sql, undef, $id) }; if ($@) { die "cannot search for ACL $id: $@\n"; } elsif (not defined $data) { die "ACL $id not found\n"; } my $self = { dbh => $dbh, id => $data, name => $name, }; bless ($self, $class); return $self; } # Create a new ACL in the database with the given name and return a new # blessed ACL object for it. Stores the database handle to use and the ID of # the newly created ACL in the object. On failure, throws an exception. sub create { my ($class, $name, $dbh, $user, $host, $time) = @_; if ($name =~ /^\d+\z/) { die "ACL name may not be all numbers\n"; } $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0; $dbh->{RaiseError} = 1; $dbh->{PrintError} = 0; $time ||= time; my $id; eval { my $sql = 'insert into acls (ac_name) values (?)'; $dbh->do ($sql, undef, $name); $id = $dbh->last_insert_id (undef, undef, 'acls', 'ac_id'); die "unable to retrieve new ACL ID" unless defined $id; $sql = "insert into acl_history (ah_acl, ah_action, ah_by, ah_from, ah_on) values (?, 'create', ?, ?, ?)"; $dbh->do ($sql, undef, $id, $user, $host, $time); $dbh->commit; }; if ($@) { $dbh->rollback; die "cannot create ACL $name: $@\n"; } my $self = { dbh => $dbh, id => $id, name => $name, }; bless ($self, $class); return $self; } ############################################################################## # Utility functions ############################################################################## # Set or return the error stashed in the object. sub error { my ($self, @error) = @_; if (@error) { my $error = join ('', @error); chomp $error; 1 while ($error =~ s/ at \S+ line \d+\.?\z//); $self->{error} = $error; } return $self->{error}; } # Returns the ID of an ACL. sub id { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{id}; } # Returns the name of the ACL. sub name { my ($self)= @_; return $self->{name}; } # Record a change to an ACL. Takes the type of change, the scheme and # identifier of the entry, and the trace information (user, host, and time). # This function does not commit and does not catch exceptions. It should # normally be called as part of a larger transaction that implements the # change and should be committed with that change. sub log_acl { my ($self, $action, $scheme, $identifier, $user, $host, $time) = @_; unless ($action =~ /^(add|remove)\z/) { die "invalid history action $action"; } my $sql = 'insert into acl_history (ah_acl, ah_action, ah_scheme, ah_identifier, ah_by, ah_from, ah_on) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'; $self->{dbh}->do ($sql, undef, $self->{id}, $action, $scheme, $identifier, $user, $host, $time); } ############################################################################## # ACL manipulation ############################################################################## # Changes the human-readable name of the ACL. Note that this operation is not # logged since it isn't a change to any of the data stored in the wallet. # Returns true on success, false on failure. sub rename { my ($self, $name) = @_; if ($name =~ /^\d+\z/) { $self->error ("ACL name may not be all numbers"); return undef; } eval { my $sql = 'update acls set ac_name = ? where ac_id = ?'; $self->{dbh}->do ($sql, undef, $name, $self->{id}); $self->{dbh}->commit; }; if ($@) { $self->error ("cannot rename ACL $self->{id} to $name: $@"); $self->{dbh}->rollback; return undef; } $self->{name} = $name; return 1; } # Destroy the ACL, deleting it out of the database. Returns true on success, # false on failure. sub destroy { my ($self, $user, $host, $time) = @_; $time ||= time; eval { my $sql = 'delete from acl_entries where ae_id = ?'; $self->{dbh}->do ($sql, undef, $self->{id}); $sql = 'delete from acls where ac_id = ?'; $self->{dbh}->do ($sql, undef, $self->{id}); $sql = "insert into acl_history (ah_acl, ah_action, ah_by, ah_from, ah_on) values (?, 'destroy', ?, ?, ?)"; $self->{dbh}->do ($sql, undef, $self->{id}, $user, $host, $time); $self->{dbh}->commit; }; if ($@) { $self->error ("cannot destroy ACL $self->{id}: $@"); $self->{dbh}->rollback; return undef; } return 1; } ############################################################################## # ACL entry manipulation ############################################################################## # Add an ACL entry to this ACL. Returns true on success and false on failure. sub add { my ($self, $scheme, $identifier, $user, $host, $time) = @_; $time ||= time; unless ($MAPPING{$scheme}) { $self->error ("unknown ACL scheme $scheme"); return undef; } eval { my $sql = 'insert into acl_entries (ae_id, ae_scheme, ae_identifier) values (?, ?, ?)'; $self->{dbh}->do ($sql, undef, $self->{id}, $scheme, $identifier); $self->log_acl ('add', $scheme, $identifier, $user, $host, $time); $self->{dbh}->commit; }; if ($@) { $self->error ("cannot add $scheme:$identifier to $self->{id}: $@"); $self->{dbh}->rollback; return undef; } return 1; } # Remove an ACL entry to this ACL. Returns true on success and false on # failure. Detect the case where no such row exists before doing the delete # so that we can provide a good error message. sub remove { my ($self, $scheme, $identifier, $user, $host, $time) = @_; $time ||= time; eval { my $sql = 'select * from acl_entries where ae_id = ? and ae_scheme = ? and ae_identifier = ?'; my ($data) = $self->{dbh}->selectrow_array ($sql, undef, $self->{id}, $scheme, $identifier); unless (defined $data) { die "entry not found in ACL\n"; } $sql = 'delete from acl_entries where ae_id = ? and ae_scheme = ? and ae_identifier = ?'; $self->{dbh}->do ($sql, undef, $self->{id}, $scheme, $identifier); $self->log_acl ('remove', $scheme, $identifier, $user, $host, $time); $self->{dbh}->commit; }; if ($@) { my $entry = "$scheme:$identifier"; $self->error ("cannot remove $entry from $self->{id}: $@"); $self->{dbh}->rollback; return undef; } return 1; } ############################################################################## # ACL checking ############################################################################## # List all of the entries in an ACL. Returns an array of tuples, each of # which contains a scheme and identifier, or an array containing undef on # error. Sets the internal error string on error. sub list { my ($self) = @_; my @entries; eval { my $sql = 'select ae_scheme, ae_identifier from acl_entries where ae_id = ?'; my $sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare ($sql); $sth->execute ($self->{id}); my $entry; while (defined ($entry = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref)) { push (@entries, [ @$entry ]); } }; if ($@) { $self->error ("cannot retrieve ACL $self->{id}: $@"); return (undef); } else { return @entries; } } # Given a principal, check whether it should be granted access according to # this ACL. Returns 1 if access was granted, 0 if access was denied, and # undef on some error. Errors from ACL verifiers do not cause an error # return, but are instead accumulated in the check_errors variable returned by # the check_errors() method. # # This routine is currently rather inefficient when it comes to instantiating # verifier objects. They're created anew for each check. Ideally, we should # globally cache verifiers in some way. sub check { my ($self, $principal) = @_; unless ($principal) { $self->error ('no principal specified'); return undef; } my @entries = $self->list; return undef if (@entries == 1 and not defined $entries[0]); my %verifier; $self->{check_errors} = []; for my $entry (@entries) { my ($scheme, $identifier) = @$entry; unless ($verifier{$scheme}) { unless ($MAPPING{$scheme}) { push (@{ $self->{check_errors} }, "unknown scheme $scheme"); next; } $verifier{$scheme} = ($MAPPING{$scheme})->new; unless (defined $verifier{$scheme}) { push (@{ $self->{check_errors} }, "cannot verify $scheme"); next; } } my $result = ($verifier{$scheme})->check ($principal, $identifier); if (not defined $result) { push (@{ $self->{check_errors} }, ($verifier{$scheme})->error); } elsif ($result == 1) { return 1; } } return 0; } # Returns the errors from the last ACL verification as an array in array # context or as a string with newlines after each error in a scalar context. sub check_errors { my ($self) = @_; my @errors; if ($self->{check_errors}) { @errors = @{ $self->{check_errors} }; } return wantarray ? @errors : join ("\n", @errors, ''); } 1; __END__ ############################################################################## # Documentation ############################################################################## =head1 NAME Wallet::ACL - Implementation of ACLs in the wallet system =head1 SYNOPSIS my $acl = Wallet::ACL->create ('group:sysadmin'); $acl->rename ('group:unix'); $acl->add ('krb5', 'alice@EXAMPLE.COM', $admin, $host); $acl->add ('krb5', 'bob@EXAMPLE.COM', $admin, $host); if ($acl->check ($user)) { print "Permission granted\n"; warn scalar ($acl->check_errors) if $acl->check_errors; } $acl->remove ('krb5', 'bob@EXAMPLE.COM', $admin, $host); my @entries = $acl->list; $acl->destroy ($admin, $host); =head1 DESCRIPTION Wallet::ACL implements the ACL system for the wallet: the methods to create, find, rename, and destroy ACLs; the methods to add and remove entries from an ACL; and the methods to list the contents of an ACL and check a principal against it. An ACL is a list of zero or more ACL entries, each of which consists of a scheme and an identifier. Each scheme is associated with a verifier module that checks Kerberos principals against identifiers for that scheme and returns whether the principal should be permitted access by that identifier. The interpretation of the identifier is entirely left to the scheme. This module maintains the ACLs and dispatches check operations to the appropriate verifier module. Each ACL is identified by a human-readable name and a persistant unique numeric identifier. The numeric identifier (ID) should be used to refer to the ACL so that it can be renamed as needed without breaking external references. =head1 CLASS METHODS =over 4 =item new(ACL, DBH) Instantiate a new ACL object with the given ACL ID or name. Takes the database handle to use for retrieving metadata from the wallet database. Returns a new ACL object if the ACL was found and throws an exception if it wasn't or on any other error. =item create(NAME, DBH, PRINCIPAL, HOSTNAME [, DATETIME]) Similar to new() in that it instantiates a new ACL object, but instead of finding an existing one, creates a new ACL record in the database with the given NAME. NAME must not be all-numeric, since that would conflict with the automatically assigned IDs. Returns the new object on success and throws an exception on failure. PRINCIPAL, HOSTNAME, and DATETIME are stored as history information. PRINCIPAL should be the user who is creating the ACL. If DATETIME isn't given, the current time is used. =back =head1 INSTANCE METHODS =over 4 =item add(SCHEME, INSTANCE, PRINCIPAL, HOSTNAME [, DATETIME]) Add the given ACL entry (given by SCHEME and INSTANCE) to this ACL. Returns true on success and false on failure. On failure, the caller should call error() to get the error message. PRINCIPAL, HOSTNAME, and DATETIME are stored as history information. PRINCIPAL should be the user who is adding the ACL entry. If DATETIME isn't given, the current time is used. =item check(PRINCIPAL) Checks whether the given PRINCIPAL should be allowed access given ACL. Returns 1 if access was granted, 0 if access is declined, and undef on error. On error, the caller should call error() to get the error text. Any errors found by the individual ACL verifiers can be retrieved by calling check_errors(). Errors from individual ACL verifiers will not result in an error return from check(); instead, the check will continue with the next entry in the ACL. check() returns success as soon as an entry in the ACL grants access to PRINCIPAL. There is no provision for negative ACLs or exceptions. =item check_errors() Return (as a list in array context and a string with newlines between errors and at the end of the last error in scalar context) the errors, if any, returned by ACL verifiers for the last check operation. If there were no errors from the last check() operation, returns the empty list in array context and undef in scalar context. =item destroy(PRINCIPAL, HOSTNAME [, DATETIME]) Destroys this ACL from the database. Note that this will fail due to integrity constraint errors if the ACL is still referenced by any object; the ACL must be removed from all objects first. Returns true on success and false on failure. On failure, the caller should call error() to get the error message. PRINCIPAL, HOSTNAME, and DATETIME are stored as history information. PRINCIPAL should be the user who is destroying the ACL. If DATETIME isn't given, the current time is used. =item error() Returns the error of the last failing operation or undef if no operations have failed. Callers should call this function to get the error message after an undef return from any other instance method. =item id() Returns the numeric system-generated ID of this ACL. =item list() Returns all the entries of this ACL. The return value will be a list of references to pairs of scheme and identifier. For example, for an ACL containing two entries, both of scheme C<krb5> and with values C<alice@EXAMPLE.COM> and C<bob@EXAMPLE.COM>, list() would return: ([ 'krb5', 'alice@EXAMPLE.COM' ], [ 'krb5', 'bob@EXAMPLE.COM' ]) Returns C<(undef)> (the list containing the single element undef) on failure, so that it can be distinguished from the empty list, which indicates the ACL contains no entries. On failure, the caller should call error() to get the error message. =item name() Returns the human-readable name of this ACL. =item remove(SCHEME, INSTANCE, PRINCIPAL, HOSTNAME [, DATETIME]) Remove the given ACL line (given by SCHEME and INSTANCE) from this ACL. Returns true on success and false on failure. On failure, the caller should call error() to get the error message. PRINCIPAL, HOSTNAME, and DATETIME are stored as history information. PRINCIPAL should be the user who is removing the ACL entry. If DATETIME isn't given, the current time is used. =item rename(NAME) Rename this ACL. This changes the name used for human convenience but not the system-generated ACL ID that is used to reference this ACL. The new NAME must not be all-numeric, since that would conflict with system-generated ACL IDs. Returns true on success and false on failure. On failure, the caller should call error() to get the error message. Note that rename() operations are not logged in the ACL history. =back =head1 SEE ALSO Wallet::ACL::Base(3), wallet-backend(8) This module is part of the wallet system. The current version is available from L<http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/software/wallet/>. =head1 AUTHOR Russ Allbery <rra@stanford.edu> =cut