#!/usr/bin/perl -w # $Id$ # # t/keytab.t -- Tests for the keytab object implementation. # # Written by Russ Allbery <rra@stanford.edu> # Copyright 2007 Board of Trustees, Leland Stanford Jr. University # # See LICENSE for licensing terms. use POSIX qw(strftime); use Test::More tests => 204; use Wallet::Config; use Wallet::Object::Keytab; use Wallet::Server; # Mapping of klist -ke encryption type names to the strings that Kerberos uses # internally. It's very annoying to have to maintain this, and it probably # breaks with Heimdal. my %enctype = ('triple des cbc mode with hmac/sha1' => 'des3-cbc-sha1', 'des cbc mode with crc-32' => 'des-cbc-crc', 'des cbc mode with rsa-md5' => 'des-cbc-md5', 'aes-256 cts mode with 96-bit sha-1 hmac' => 'aes256-cts', 'arcfour with hmac/md5' => 'rc4-hmac'); # Use a local SQLite database for testing. $Wallet::Config::DB_DRIVER = 'SQLite'; $Wallet::Config::DB_INFO = 'wallet-db'; unlink ('wallet-db', 'krb5cc_temp', 'krb5cc_test', 'test-acl', 'test-pid'); # Some global defaults to use. my $user = 'admin@EXAMPLE.COM'; my $host = 'localhost'; my @trace = ($user, $host, time); # Flush all output immediately. $| = 1; # Returns the one-line contents of a file as a string, removing the newline. sub contents { my ($file) = @_; open (FILE, '<', $file) or die "cannot open $file: $!\n"; my $data = <FILE>; close FILE; chomp $data; return $data; } # Run a command and throw away the output, returning the exit status. sub system_quiet { my ($command, @args) = @_; my $pid = fork; if (not defined $pid) { die "cannot fork: $!\n"; } elsif ($pid == 0) { open (STDIN, '<', '/dev/null') or die "cannot reopen stdin: $!\n"; open (STDOUT, '>', '/dev/null') or die "cannot reopen stdout: $!\n"; open (STDERR, '>', '/dev/null') or die "cannot reopen stderr: $!\n"; exec ($command, @args) or die "cannot exec $command: $!\n"; } else { waitpid ($pid, 0); return $?; } } # Create a principal out of Kerberos. Only usable once the configuration has # been set up. sub create { my ($principal) = @_; my @args = ('-p', $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_PRINCIPAL, '-k', '-t', $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_FILE, '-r', $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_REALM, '-q', "addprinc -clearpolicy -randkey $principal"); system_quiet ($Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_KADMIN, @args); } # Destroy a principal out of Kerberos. Only usable once the configuration has # been set up. sub destroy { my ($principal) = @_; my @args = ('-p', $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_PRINCIPAL, '-k', '-t', $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_FILE, '-r', $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_REALM, '-q', "delprinc -force $principal"); system_quiet ($Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_KADMIN, @args); } # Given a keytab file, try authenticating with kinit. sub getcreds { my ($file, $principal) = @_; my @commands = ( "kinit -k -t $file $principal >/dev/null </dev/null", "kinit -t $file $principal >/dev/null </dev/null", "kinit -k -K $file $principal >/dev/null </dev/null", ); for my $command (@commands) { if (system ($command) == 0) { return 1; } } return 0; } # Check whether a principal exists. sub created { my ($principal) = @_; $principal .= '@' . $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_REALM; local $ENV{KRB5CCNAME} = 'krb5cc_temp'; getcreds ('t/data/test.keytab', $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_PRINCIPAL); return (system_quiet ('kvno', $principal) == 0); } # Given keytab data and the principal, write it to a file and try # authenticating using kinit. sub valid { my ($keytab, $principal) = @_; open (KEYTAB, '>', 'keytab') or die "cannot create keytab: $!\n"; print KEYTAB $keytab; close KEYTAB; $principal .= '@' . $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_REALM; my $result = getcreds ('keytab', $principal); if ($result) { unlink 'keytab'; } return $result; } # Given keytab data, write it to a file and try to determine the enctypes of # the keys present in that file. Returns the enctypes as a list, with UNKNOWN # for encryption types that weren't recognized. This is an ugly way of doing # this. sub enctypes { my ($keytab) = @_; open (KEYTAB, '>', 'keytab') or die "cannot create keytab: $!\n"; print KEYTAB $keytab; close KEYTAB; open (KLIST, '-|', 'klist', '-ke', 'keytab') or die "cannot run klist: $!\n"; my @enctypes; local $_; while (<KLIST>) { next unless /^ *\d+ /; my ($string) = /\((.*)\)\s*$/; next unless $string; $enctype = $enctype{lc $string} || 'UNKNOWN'; push (@enctypes, $enctype); } close KLIST; unlink 'keytab'; return sort @enctypes; } # Given a Wallet::Object::Keytab object, the keytab data, the Kerberos v5 # principal, and the Kerberos v4 principal, write the keytab to a file, # generate a srvtab, and try authenticating using k4start. sub valid_srvtab { my ($object, $keytab, $k5, $k4) = @_; open (KEYTAB, '>', 'keytab') or die "cannot create keytab: $!\n"; print KEYTAB $keytab; close KEYTAB; unless ($object->kaserver_srvtab ('keytab', $k5, 'srvtab', $k4)) { warn "cannot write srvtab: ", $object->error, "\n"; return 0; } $ENV{KRBTKFILE} = 'krb4cc_temp'; system ("k4start -f srvtab $k4 2>&1 >/dev/null </dev/null"); unlink 'keytab', 'srvtab', 'krb4cc_temp'; return ($? == 0) ? 1 : 0; } # Start remctld with the appropriate options to run our fake keytab backend. sub spawn_remctld { my ($path, $principal, $keytab) = @_; unlink 'test-pid'; my $pid = fork; if (not defined $pid) { die "cannot fork: $!\n"; } elsif ($pid == 0) { open (STDERR, '>&STDOUT') or die "cannot redirect stderr: $!\n"; exec ($path, '-m', '-p', 14373, '-s', $principal, '-P', 'test-pid', '-f', 't/data/keytab.conf', '-S', '-F', '-k', $keytab) == 0 or die "cannot exec $path: $!\n"; } else { my $tries = 0; while ($tries < 10 && ! -f 'test-pid') { select (undef, undef, undef, 0.25); } } } # Stop the running remctld process. sub stop_remctld { open (PID, '<', 'test-pid') or return; my $pid = <PID>; close PID; chomp $pid; kill 15, $pid; } # Use Wallet::Server to set up the database. my $server = eval { Wallet::Server->initialize ($user) }; is ($@, '', 'Database initialization did not die'); ok ($server->isa ('Wallet::Server'), ' and returned the right class'); my $dbh = $server->dbh; # Use this to accumulate the history traces so that we can check history. my $history = ''; my $date = strftime ('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', localtime $trace[2]); # Basic keytab creation and manipulation tests. SKIP: { skip 'no keytab configuration', 49 unless -f 't/data/test.keytab'; # Set up our configuration. $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_FILE = 't/data/test.keytab'; $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_PRINCIPAL = contents ('t/data/test.principal'); $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_REALM = contents ('t/data/test.realm'); $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_TMP = '.'; my $realm = $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_REALM; # Clean up the principals we're going to use. destroy ('wallet/one'); destroy ('wallet/two'); # Don't destroy the user's Kerberos ticket cache. $ENV{KRB5CCNAME} = 'krb5cc_test'; # Okay, now we can test. First, create. $object = eval { Wallet::Object::Keytab->create ('keytab', "wallet\nf", $dbh, @trace) }; is ($object, undef, 'Creating malformed principal fails'); is ($@, "invalid principal name wallet\nf\n", ' with the right error'); $object = eval { Wallet::Object::Keytab->create ('keytab', '', $dbh, @trace) }; is ($object, undef, 'Creating empty principal fails'); is ($@, "invalid principal name \n", ' with the right error'); $object = eval { Wallet::Object::Keytab->create ('keytab', 'wallet/one', $dbh, @trace) }; if (defined ($object)) { ok (defined ($object), 'Creating good principal succeeds'); } else { is ($@, '', 'Creating good principal succeeds'); } ok ($object->isa ('Wallet::Object::Keytab'), ' and is the right class'); ok (created ('wallet/one'), ' and the principal was created'); create ('wallet/two'); $object = eval { Wallet::Object::Keytab->create ('keytab', 'wallet/two', $dbh, @trace) }; ok (defined ($object), 'Creating an existing principal succeeds'); ok ($object->isa ('Wallet::Object::Keytab'), ' and is the right class'); is ($object->destroy (@trace), 1, ' and destroying it succeeds'); ok (! created ('wallet/two'), ' and now it does not exist'); my @name = qw(keytab wallet-test/one); $object = eval { Wallet::Object::Keytab->create (@name, $dbh, @trace) }; is ($object, undef, 'Creation without permissions fails'); like ($@, qr{^error adding principal wallet-test/one\@\Q$realm: }, ' with the right error'); # Now, try retrieving the keytab. $object = Wallet::Object::Keytab->new ('keytab', 'wallet/one', $dbh); ok (defined ($object), 'Retrieving the object works'); ok ($object->isa ('Wallet::Object::Keytab'), ' and is the right type'); is ($object->flag_set ('locked', @trace), 1, ' and setting locked works'); is ($object->get (@trace), undef, ' and get fails'); is ($object->error, "cannot get keytab:wallet/one: object is locked", ' because it is locked'); is ($object->flag_clear ('locked', @trace), 1, ' and clearing locked works'); my $data = $object->get (@trace); if (defined ($data)) { ok (defined ($data), ' and getting the keytab works'); } else { is ($object->error, '', ' and getting the keytab works'); } ok (! -f "./keytab.$$", ' and the temporary file was cleaned up'); ok (valid ($data, 'wallet/one'), ' and the keytab is valid'); # For right now, this is the only backend type that we have for which we # can do a get, so test display of the last download information. my $expected = <<"EOO"; Type: keytab Name: wallet/one Created by: $user Created from: $host Created on: $trace[2] Downloaded by: $user Downloaded from: $host Downloaded on: $trace[2] EOO is ($object->show, $expected, 'Show output is correct'); # Test error handling on keytab retrieval. undef $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_TMP; $data = $object->get (@trace); is ($data, undef, 'Getting a keytab without a tmp directory fails'); is ($object->error, 'KEYTAB_TMP configuration variable not set', ' with the right error'); $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_TMP = '.'; $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_KADMIN = '/some/nonexistent/file'; $data = $object->get (@trace); is ($data, undef, 'Cope with a failure to run kadmin'); like ($object->error, qr{^cannot run /some/nonexistent/file: }, ' with the right error'); $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_KADMIN = 'kadmin'; destroy ('wallet/one'); $data = $object->get (@trace); is ($data, undef, 'Getting a keytab for a nonexistent principal fails'); like ($object->error, qr{^error creating keytab for wallet/one\@\Q$realm\E: }, ' with the right error'); is ($object->destroy (@trace), 1, ' but we can still destroy it'); # Test principal deletion on object destruction. $object = eval { Wallet::Object::Keytab->create ('keytab', 'wallet/one', $dbh, @trace) }; ok (defined ($object), 'Creating good principal succeeds'); ok (created ('wallet/one'), ' and the principal was created'); $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_KADMIN = '/some/nonexistent/file'; is ($object->destroy (@trace), undef, ' and destroying it with bad kadmin fails'); like ($object->error, qr{^cannot run /some/nonexistent/file: }, ' with the right error'); $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_KADMIN = 'kadmin'; is ($object->flag_set ('locked', @trace), 1, ' and setting locked works'); is ($object->destroy (@trace), undef, ' and destroying it fails'); is ($object->error, "cannot destroy keytab:wallet/one: object is locked", ' because it is locked'); is ($object->flag_clear ('locked', @trace), 1, ' and clearing locked works'); is ($object->destroy (@trace), 1, ' and destroying it succeeds'); ok (! created ('wallet/one'), ' and now it does not exist'); # Test history (which should still work after the object is deleted). $history .= <<"EOO"; $date create by admin\@EXAMPLE.COM from localhost $date set flag locked by admin\@EXAMPLE.COM from localhost $date clear flag locked by admin\@EXAMPLE.COM from localhost $date get by admin\@EXAMPLE.COM from localhost $date destroy by admin\@EXAMPLE.COM from localhost $date create by admin\@EXAMPLE.COM from localhost $date set flag locked by admin\@EXAMPLE.COM from localhost $date clear flag locked by admin\@EXAMPLE.COM from localhost $date destroy by admin\@EXAMPLE.COM from localhost EOO is ($object->history, $history, 'History is correct to this point'); # Test configuration errors. undef $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_FILE; $object = eval { Wallet::Object::Keytab->create ('keytab', 'wallet/one', $dbh, @trace) }; is ($object, undef, 'Creating with bad configuration fails'); is ($@, "keytab object implementation not configured\n", ' with the right error'); $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_FILE = 't/data/test.keytab'; undef $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_PRINCIPAL; $object = eval { Wallet::Object::Keytab->create ('keytab', 'wallet/one', $dbh, @trace) }; is ($object, undef, ' likewise with another missing variable'); is ($@, "keytab object implementation not configured\n", ' with the right error'); $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_PRINCIPAL = contents ('t/data/test.principal'); undef $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_REALM; $object = eval { Wallet::Object::Keytab->create ('keytab', 'wallet/one', $dbh, @trace) }; is ($object, undef, ' and another'); is ($@, "keytab object implementation not configured\n", ' with the right error'); $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_REALM = contents ('t/data/test.realm'); $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_KADMIN = '/some/nonexistent/file'; $object = eval { Wallet::Object::Keytab->create ('keytab', 'wallet/one', $dbh, @trace) }; is ($object, undef, 'Cope with a failure to run kadmin'); like ($@, qr{^cannot run /some/nonexistent/file: }, ' with the right error'); $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_KADMIN = 'kadmin'; } # Tests for unchanging support. Skip these if we don't have a keytab or if we # can't find remctld. SKIP: { skip 'no keytab configuration', 17 unless -f 't/data/test.keytab'; my @path = (split (':', $ENV{PATH}), '/usr/local/sbin', '/usr/sbin'); my ($remctld) = grep { -x $_ } map { "$_/remctld" } @path; skip 'remctld not found', 17 unless $remctld; eval { require Net::Remctl }; skip 'Net::Remctl not available', 17 if $@; # Set up our configuration. $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_FILE = 't/data/test.keytab'; $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_PRINCIPAL = contents ('t/data/test.principal'); $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_REALM = contents ('t/data/test.realm'); $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_TMP = '.'; my $realm = $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_REALM; my $principal = $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_PRINCIPAL; # Create the objects for testing and set the unchanging flag. my $one = eval { Wallet::Object::Keytab->create ('keytab', 'wallet/one', $dbh, @trace) }; ok (defined ($one), 'Creating wallet/one succeeds'); is ($one->flag_set ('unchanging', @trace), 1, ' and setting unchanging'); my $two = eval { Wallet::Object::Keytab->create ('keytab', 'wallet/two', $dbh, @trace); }; ok (defined ($two), 'Creating wallet/two succeeds'); is ($two->flag_set ('unchanging', @trace), 1, ' and setting unchanging'); # Now spawn our remctld server and get a ticket cache. spawn_remctld ($remctld, $principal, 't/data/test.keytab'); $ENV{KRB5CCNAME} = 'krb5cc_test'; getcreds ('t/data/test.keytab', $principal); $ENV{KRB5CCNAME} = 'krb5cc_good'; # Finally we can test. is ($one->get (@trace), undef, 'Get without configuration fails'); is ($one->error, 'keytab unchanging support not configured', ' with the right error'); $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_REMCTL_CACHE = 'krb5cc_test'; is ($one->get (@trace), undef, ' and still fails without host'); is ($one->error, 'keytab unchanging support not configured', ' with the right error'); $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_REMCTL_HOST = 'localhost'; $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_REMCTL_PRINCIPAL = $principal; $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_REMCTL_PORT = 14373; is ($one->get (@trace), undef, ' and still fails without ACL'); is ($one->error, "cannot retrieve keytab for wallet/one\@$realm: Access denied", ' with the right error'); open (ACL, '>', 'test-acl') or die "cannot create test-acl: $!\n"; print ACL "$principal\n"; close ACL; is ($one->get (@trace), 'Keytab for wallet/one', 'Now get works'); is ($ENV{KRB5CCNAME}, 'krb5cc_good', ' and we did not nuke the cache name'); is ($two->get (@trace), undef, ' but get for wallet/two does not'); is ($two->error, "cannot retrieve keytab for wallet/two\@$realm: bite me", ' with the right error'); is ($one->destroy (@trace), 1, 'Destroying wallet/one works'); is ($two->destroy (@trace), 1, ' as does destroying wallet/two'); stop_remctld; # Check that history has been updated correctly. $history .= <<"EOO"; $date create by admin\@EXAMPLE.COM from localhost $date set flag unchanging by admin\@EXAMPLE.COM from localhost $date get by admin\@EXAMPLE.COM from localhost $date destroy by admin\@EXAMPLE.COM from localhost EOO is ($one->history, $history, 'History is correct to this point'); } # Tests for kaserver synchronization support. SKIP: { skip 'no keytab configuration', 100 unless -f 't/data/test.keytab'; # Test the principal mapping. We can do this without having a kaserver # configuration. We only need a basic keytab object configuration. Do # this as white-box testing since we don't want to fill the test realm # with a bunch of random principals. my $one = eval { Wallet::Object::Keytab->create ('keytab', 'wallet/one', $dbh, @trace) }; ok (defined ($one), 'Creating wallet/one succeeds'); my %princs = (foo => 'foo', host => 'host', rcmd => 'rcmd', 'rcmd.foo' => 'rcmd.foo', 'host/foo.example.org' => 'rcmd.foo', 'ident/foo.example.org' => 'ident.foo', 'imap/foo.example.org' => 'imap.foo', 'pop/foo.example.org' => 'pop.foo', 'smtp/foo.example.org' => 'smtp.foo', 'service/foo' => 'service.foo', 'foo/bar' => 'foo.bar'); for my $princ (sort keys %princs) { my $result = $princs{$princ}; is ($one->kaserver_name ($princ), $result, "Name mapping: $princ"); is ($one->kaserver_name ("$princ\@EXAMPLE.ORG"), $result, ' with K5 realm'); $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_AFS_REALM = 'AFS.EXAMPLE.ORG'; is ($one->kaserver_name ($princ), "$result\@AFS.EXAMPLE.ORG", ' with K4 realm'); is ($one->kaserver_name ("$princ\@EXAMPLE.ORG"), "$result\@AFS.EXAMPLE.ORG", ' with K5 and K4 realm'); undef $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_AFS_REALM; } for my $princ (qw{service/foo/bar foo/bar/baz}) { is ($one->kaserver_name ($princ), undef, "Name mapping: $princ"); is ($one->kaserver_name ("$princ\@EXAMPLE.ORG"), undef, ' with K5 realm'); $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_AFS_REALM = 'AFS.EXAMPLE.ORG'; is ($one->kaserver_name ($princ), undef, ' with K4 realm'); is ($one->kaserver_name ("$princ\@EXAMPLE.ORG"), undef, ' with K5 and K4 realm'); undef $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_AFS_REALM; } # Test setting synchronization attributes, which can also be done without # configuration. my $expected = <<"EOO"; Type: keytab Name: wallet/one Created by: $user Created from: $host Created on: $trace[2] EOO is ($one->show, $expected, 'Show output displays no attributes'); is ($one->attr ('foo', [ 'bar' ], @trace), undef, 'Setting unknown attribute fails'); is ($one->error, 'unknown attribute foo', ' with the right error'); my @targets = $one->attr ('foo'); is (scalar (@targets), 0, ' and getting an unknown attribute fails'); is ($one->error, 'unknown attribute foo', ' with the right error'); is ($one->attr ('sync', [ 'foo' ], @trace), undef, ' and setting an unknown sync target fails'); is ($one->error, 'unsupported synchronization target foo', ' with the right error'); is ($one->attr ('sync', [ 'kaserver', 'bar' ], @trace), undef, ' and setting two targets fails'); is ($one->error, 'only one synchronization target supported', ' with the right error'); is ($one->attr ('sync', [ 'kaserver' ], @trace), 1, ' but setting only kaserver works'); @targets = $one->attr ('sync'); is (scalar (@targets), 1, ' and now one target is set'); is ($targets[0], 'kaserver', ' and it is correct'); is ($one->error, undef, ' and there is no error'); $expected = <<"EOO"; Type: keytab Name: wallet/one Synced with: kaserver Created by: $user Created from: $host Created on: $trace[2] EOO is ($one->show, $expected, ' and show now displays the attribute'); $history .= <<"EOO"; $date create by admin\@EXAMPLE.COM from localhost $date add kaserver to attribute sync by admin\@EXAMPLE.COM from localhost EOO is ($one->history, $history, ' and history is correct for attributes'); # Set up our configuration. skip 'no AFS kaserver configuration', 32 unless -f 't/data/test.srvtab'; $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_FILE = 't/data/test.keytab'; $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_PRINCIPAL = contents ('t/data/test.principal'); $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_REALM = contents ('t/data/test.realm'); $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_TMP = '.'; $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_AFS_KASETKEY = '../kasetkey/kasetkey'; my $realm = $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_REALM; my $k5 = "wallet/one\@$realm"; # Finally, we can test. is ($one->get (@trace), undef, 'Get without configuration fails'); is ($one->error, 'kaserver synchronization not configured', ' with the right error'); $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_AFS_ADMIN = contents ('t/data/test.admin'); my $k4_realm = $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_AFS_ADMIN; $k4_realm =~ s/^[^\@]+\@//; $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_AFS_REALM = $k4_realm; my $k4 = "wallet.one\@$k4_realm"; is ($one->get (@trace), undef, ' and still fails with just admin'); is ($one->error, 'kaserver synchronization not configured', ' with the right error'); $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_AFS_SRVTAB = 't/data/test.srvtab'; my $keytab = $one->get (@trace); if (defined ($keytab)) { ok (1, ' and now get works'); } else { is ($one->error, '', ' and now get works'); } ok (valid_srvtab ($one, $keytab, $k5, $k4), ' and the srvtab is valid'); ok (! -f "./srvtab.$$", ' and the temporary file was cleaned up'); # Now remove the sync attribute and make sure things aren't synced. is ($one->attr ('sync', [], @trace), 1, 'Clearing sync works'); @targets = $one->attr ('sync'); is (scalar (@targets), 0, ' and now there is no attribute'); is ($one->error, undef, ' and no error'); my $new_keytab = $one->get (@trace); ok (defined ($new_keytab), ' and get still works'); ok (! valid_srvtab ($one, $new_keytab, $k5, $k4), ' but the srvtab does not'); ok (valid_srvtab ($one, $keytab, $k5, $k4), ' and the old one does'); is ($one->destroy (@trace), 1, ' and destroying wallet/one works'); ok (valid_srvtab ($one, $keytab, $k5, $k4), ' and the principal is still there'); # Test KEYTAB_AFS_DESTROY. $one = eval { Wallet::Object::Keytab->create ('keytab', 'wallet/one', $dbh, @trace) }; ok (defined ($one), 'Creating wallet/one succeeds'); $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_AFS_DESTROY = 1; $new_keytab = $one->get (@trace); ok (defined ($new_keytab), ' and get works'); ok (! valid_srvtab ($one, $new_keytab, $k5, $k4), ' but the srvtab does not'); ok (! valid_srvtab ($one, $keytab, $k5, $k4), ' and now neither does the old one'); $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_AFS_DESTROY = 0; # Put it back and make sure it works again. is ($one->attr ('sync', [ 'kaserver' ], @trace), 1, 'Setting sync works'); $keytab = $one->get (@trace); ok (defined ($keytab), ' and get works'); ok (valid_srvtab ($one, $keytab, $k5, $k4), ' and the srvtab is valid'); $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_AFS_KASETKEY = '/path/to/nonexistent/file'; $new_keytab = $one->get (@trace); ok (! defined ($new_keytab), ' but it fails if we mess up the kasetkey path'); like ($one->error, qr{^cannot synchronize key with kaserver: }, ' with the right error message'); ok (! -f "keytab.$$", ' and the temporary file was cleaned up'); $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_AFS_KASETKEY = '../kasetkey/kasetkey'; # Destroy the principal and recreate it and make sure we cleaned up. is ($one->destroy (@trace), 1, 'Destroying wallet/one works'); ok (! valid_srvtab ($one, $keytab, $k5, $k4), ' and the principal is gone'); $one = eval { Wallet::Object::Keytab->create ('keytab', 'wallet/one', $dbh, @trace) }; ok (defined ($one), ' and recreating it succeeds'); @targets = $one->attr ('sync'); is (scalar (@targets), 0, ' and now there is no attribute'); is ($one->error, undef, ' and no error'); # Now destroy it for good. is ($one->destroy (@trace), 1, 'Destroying wallet/one works'); # Check that history is still correct. $history .= <<"EOO"; $date get by admin\@EXAMPLE.COM from localhost $date remove kaserver from attribute sync by admin\@EXAMPLE.COM from localhost $date get by admin\@EXAMPLE.COM from localhost $date destroy by admin\@EXAMPLE.COM from localhost $date create by admin\@EXAMPLE.COM from localhost $date get by admin\@EXAMPLE.COM from localhost $date add kaserver to attribute sync by admin\@EXAMPLE.COM from localhost $date get by admin\@EXAMPLE.COM from localhost $date destroy by admin\@EXAMPLE.COM from localhost $date create by admin\@EXAMPLE.COM from localhost $date destroy by admin\@EXAMPLE.COM from localhost EOO is ($one->history, $history, 'History is correct to this point'); } # Tests for enctype restriction. SKIP: { skip 'no keytab configuration', 38 unless -f 't/data/test.keytab'; # Set up our configuration. $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_FILE = 't/data/test.keytab'; $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_PRINCIPAL = contents ('t/data/test.principal'); $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_REALM = contents ('t/data/test.realm'); $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_TMP = '.'; my $realm = $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_REALM; my $principal = $Wallet::Config::KEYTAB_PRINCIPAL; # Create an object for testing and determine the enctypes we have to work # with. my $one = eval { Wallet::Object::Keytab->create ('keytab', 'wallet/one', $dbh, @trace) }; ok (defined ($one), 'Creating wallet/one succeeds'); my $keytab = $one->get (@trace); ok (defined ($keytab), ' and retrieving the keytab works'); my @enctypes = grep { $_ ne 'UNKNOWN' } enctypes ($keytab); $history .= <<"EOO"; $date create by admin\@EXAMPLE.COM from localhost $date get by admin\@EXAMPLE.COM from localhost EOO is ($one->history, $history, ' and history is still correct'); # No enctypes we recognize? skip 'no recognized enctypes', 33 unless @enctypes; # We can test. Add the enctypes we recognized to the enctypes table so # that we'll be allowed to use them. for my $enctype (@enctypes) { my $sql = 'insert into enctypes (en_name) values (?)'; $dbh->do ($sql, undef, $enctype); } # Set those encryption types and make sure we get back a limited keytab. is ($one->attr ('enctypes', [ @enctypes ], @trace), 1, 'Setting enctypes works'); for my $enctype (@enctypes) { $history .= "$date add $enctype to attribute enctypes\n"; $history .= " by admin\@EXAMPLE.COM from localhost\n"; } my @values = $one->attr ('enctypes'); is ("@values", "@enctypes", ' and we get back the right enctype list'); my $eshow = join ("\n" . (' ' x 17), @enctypes); $eshow =~ s/\s+\z/\n/; $expected = <<"EOO"; Type: keytab Name: wallet/one Enctypes: $eshow Created by: $user Created from: $host Created on: $trace[2] Downloaded by: $user Downloaded from: $host Downloaded on: $trace[2] EOO is ($one->show, $expected, ' and show now displays the enctype list'); $keytab = $one->get (@trace); ok (defined ($keytab), ' and retrieving the keytab still works'); @values = enctypes ($keytab); is ("@values", "@enctypes", ' and the keytab has the right keys'); is ($one->attr ('enctypes', [ 'foo-bar' ], @trace), undef, 'Setting an unrecognized enctype fails'); is ($one->error, 'unknown encryption type foo-bar', ' with the right error message'); @values = enctypes ($keytab); is ("@values", "@enctypes", ' and we did rollback properly'); $history .= <<"EOO"; $date get by admin\@EXAMPLE.COM from localhost EOO is ($one->history, $history, 'History is correct to this point'); # Now, try testing limiting the enctypes to just one. SKIP: { skip 'insufficient recognized enctypes', 14 unless @enctypes > 1; is ($one->attr ('enctypes', [ $enctypes[0] ], @trace), 1, 'Setting a single enctype works'); for my $enctype (@enctypes) { next if $enctype eq $enctypes[0]; $history .= "$date remove $enctype from attribute enctypes\n"; $history .= " by admin\@EXAMPLE.COM from localhost\n"; } @values = $one->attr ('enctypes'); is ("@values", $enctypes[0], ' and we get back the right value'); $keytab = $one->get (@trace); ok (defined ($keytab), ' and retrieving the keytab still works'); @values = enctypes ($keytab); is ("@values", $enctypes[0], ' and it has the right enctype'); is ($one->attr ('enctypes', [ $enctypes[1] ], @trace), 1, 'Setting a different single enctype works'); @values = $one->attr ('enctypes'); is ("@values", $enctypes[1], ' and we get back the right value'); $keytab = $one->get (@trace); ok (defined ($keytab), ' and retrieving the keytab still works'); @values = enctypes ($keytab); is ("@values", $enctypes[1], ' and it has the right enctype'); is ($one->attr ('enctypes', [ @enctypes[0..1] ], @trace), 1, 'Setting two enctypes works'); @values = $one->attr ('enctypes'); is ("@values", "@enctypes[0..1]", ' and we get back the right values'); $keytab = $one->get (@trace); ok (defined ($keytab), ' and retrieving the keytab still works'); @values = enctypes ($keytab); is ("@values", "@enctypes[0..1]", ' and it has the right enctypes'); # Check the history trace. Put back all the enctypes for consistent # status whether or not we skipped this section. $history .= <<"EOO"; $date get by admin\@EXAMPLE.COM from localhost $date remove $enctypes[0] from attribute enctypes by admin\@EXAMPLE.COM from localhost $date add $enctypes[1] to attribute enctypes by admin\@EXAMPLE.COM from localhost $date get by admin\@EXAMPLE.COM from localhost $date add $enctypes[0] to attribute enctypes by admin\@EXAMPLE.COM from localhost $date get by admin\@EXAMPLE.COM from localhost EOO is ($one->attr ('enctypes', [ @enctypes ], @trace), 1, 'Restoring all enctypes works'); for my $enctype (@enctypes) { next if $enctype eq $enctypes[0]; next if $enctype eq $enctypes[1]; $history .= "$date add $enctype to attribute enctypes\n"; $history .= " by admin\@EXAMPLE.COM from localhost\n"; } is ($one->history, $history, 'History is correct to this point'); } # Test clearing enctypes. is ($one->attr ('enctypes', [], @trace), 1, 'Clearing enctypes works'); for my $enctype (@enctypes) { $history .= "$date remove $enctype from attribute enctypes\n"; $history .= " by admin\@EXAMPLE.COM from localhost\n"; } @values = $one->attr ('enctypes'); ok (@values == 0, ' and now there are no enctypes'); is ($one->error, undef, ' and no error'); # Test deleting enctypes on object destruction. is ($one->attr ('enctypes', [ $enctypes[0] ], @trace), 1, 'Setting a single enctype works'); is ($one->destroy (@trace), 1, ' and destroying the object works'); $one = eval { Wallet::Object::Keytab->create ('keytab', 'wallet/one', $dbh, @trace) }; ok (defined ($one), ' as does recreating it'); @values = $one->attr ('enctypes'); ok (@values == 0, ' and now there are no enctypes'); is ($one->error, undef, ' and no error'); # All done. Clean up and check history. is ($one->destroy (@trace), 1, 'Destroying wallet/one works'); $history .= <<"EOO"; $date add $enctypes[0] to attribute enctypes by admin\@EXAMPLE.COM from localhost $date destroy by admin\@EXAMPLE.COM from localhost $date create by admin\@EXAMPLE.COM from localhost $date destroy by admin\@EXAMPLE.COM from localhost EOO is ($one->history, $history, 'History is correct to this point'); } # Clean up. unlink ('wallet-db', 'krb5cc_temp', 'krb5cc_test', 'test-acl', 'test-pid');