#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # Tests for the basic wallet ACL verifiers. # # Written by Russ Allbery <rra@stanford.edu> # Copyright 2007, 2008 Board of Trustees, Leland Stanford Jr. University # # See LICENSE for licensing terms. use Test::More tests => 47; use Wallet::ACL::Base; use Wallet::ACL::Krb5; use Wallet::ACL::NetDB; use Wallet::ACL::NetDB::Root; use Wallet::Config; use lib 't/lib'; use Util; my $verifier = Wallet::ACL::Base->new; ok (defined $verifier, 'Wallet::ACL::Base creation'); ok ($verifier->isa ('Wallet::ACL::Base'), ' and class verification'); is ($verifier->check ('rra@stanford.edu', 'rra@stanford.edu'), 0, 'Default check declines'); is ($verifier->error, undef, 'No error set'); $verifier = Wallet::ACL::Krb5->new; ok (defined $verifier, 'Wallet::ACL::Krb5 creation'); ok ($verifier->isa ('Wallet::ACL::Krb5'), ' and class verification'); is ($verifier->check ('rra@stanford.edu', 'rra@stanford.edu'), 1, 'Simple check'); is ($verifier->check ('rra@stanford.edu', 'thoron@stanford.edu'), 0, 'Simple failure'); is ($verifier->error, undef, 'No error set'); is ($verifier->check (undef, 'rra@stanford.edu'), undef, 'Undefined principal'); is ($verifier->error, 'no principal specified', ' and right error'); is ($verifier->check ('rra@stanford.edu', ''), undef, 'Empty ACL'); is ($verifier->error, 'malformed krb5 ACL', ' and right error'); # Tests for the NetDB verifiers. Skip these if we don't have a keytab or if # we can't find remctld. SKIP: { skip 'no keytab configuration', 34 unless -f 't/data/test.keytab'; my @path = (split (':', $ENV{PATH}), '/usr/local/sbin', '/usr/sbin'); my ($remctld) = grep { -x $_ } map { "$_/remctld" } @path; skip 'remctld not found', 34 unless $remctld; eval { require Net::Remctl }; skip 'Net::Remctl not available', 34 if $@; # Set up our configuration. $Wallet::Config::NETDB_REALM = 'EXAMPLE.COM'; my $principal = contents ('t/data/test.principal'); # Now spawn our remctld server and get a ticket cache. unlink ('krb5cc_test', 'test-acl', 'test-pid'); remctld_spawn ($remctld, $principal, 't/data/test.keytab', 't/data/netdb.conf'); $ENV{KRB5CCNAME} = 'krb5cc_test'; getcreds ('t/data/test.keytab', $principal); # Finally, we can test. my $verifier = eval { Wallet::ACL::NetDB->new }; is ($verifier, undef, 'Constructor fails without configuration'); is ($@, "NetDB ACL support not configured\n", ' with the right exception'); $Wallet::Config::NETDB_REMCTL_CACHE = 'krb5cc_test'; $verifier = eval { Wallet::ACL::NetDB->new }; is ($verifier, undef, ' and still fails without host'); is ($@, "NetDB ACL support not configured\n", ' with the right exception'); $Wallet::Config::NETDB_REMCTL_HOST = 'localhost'; $Wallet::Config::NETDB_REMCTL_PRINCIPAL = $principal; $Wallet::Config::NETDB_REMCTL_PORT = 14373; $verifier = eval { Wallet::ACL::NetDB->new }; ok (defined $verifier, ' and now creation succeeds'); ok ($verifier->isa ('Wallet::ACL::NetDB'), ' and returns the right class'); is ($verifier->check ('test-user', 'all'), undef, ' but verification fails without an ACL'); is ($verifier->error, 'cannot check NetDB ACL: Access denied', ' with the right error'); # Create an ACL so that tests will start working. open (ACL, '>', 'test-acl') or die "cannot create test-acl: $!\n"; print ACL "$principal\n"; close ACL; is ($verifier->check ('test-user', 'all'), 1, ' and now verification works'); # Test the successful verifications. for my $node (qw/admin team user/) { is ($verifier->check ('test-user', $node), 1, "Verification succeeds for $node"); } # Test various failures. is ($verifier->check ('test-user', 'unknown'), 0, 'Verification fails for unknown'); is ($verifier->check ('test-user', 'none'), 0, ' and for none'); is ($verifier->check (undef, 'all'), undef, 'Undefined principal'); is ($verifier->error, 'no principal specified', ' and right error'); is ($verifier->check ('test-user', ''), undef, 'Empty ACL'); is ($verifier->error, 'malformed netdb ACL', ' and right error'); is ($verifier->check ('error', 'normal'), undef, 'Regular error'); is ($verifier->error, 'error checking NetDB ACL: some error', ' and correct error return'); is ($verifier->check ('error', 'status'), undef, 'Status-only error'); is ($verifier->error, 'error checking NetDB ACL', ' and correct error'); is ($verifier->check ('unknown', 'unknown'), undef, 'Unknown node'); is ($verifier->error, 'error checking NetDB ACL: Unknown principal unknown', ' and correct error'); # Test the Wallet::ACL::NetDB::Root subclass. We don't retest shared code # (kind of grey-box of us), just the changed check behavior. $verifier = eval { Wallet::ACL::NetDB::Root->new }; if (defined $verifier) { ok (1, 'Wallet::ACL::NetDB::Root creation succeeds'); } else { is ($@, '', 'Wallet::ACL::NetDB::Root creation succeeds'); } ok ($verifier->isa ('Wallet::ACL::NetDB::Root'), ' and returns the right class'); for my $node (qw/admin team user/) { is ($verifier->check ('test-user', $node), 0, "Verification fails for non-root user for $node"); } for my $node (qw/admin team user/) { is ($verifier->check ('test-user/root', $node), 1, "Verification succeeds for root user for $node"); } is ($verifier->check (undef, 'all'), undef, 'Undefined principal'); is ($verifier->error, 'no principal specified', ' and right error'); remctld_stop; unlink ('krb5cc_test', 'test-acl', 'test-pid'); }