# Tests for the LDAP attribute ACL verifier.
# This test can only be run by someone local to Stanford with appropriate
# access to the LDAP server and will be skipped in all other environments.
# Written by Russ Allbery <eagle@eyrie.org>
# Copyright 2012, 2013, 2014
#     The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University
# See LICENSE for licensing terms.

use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More;

use lib 't/lib';
use Util;

# Skip all spelling tests unless the maintainer environment variable is set.
plan skip_all => 'LDAP verifier tests only run for maintainer'

# Declare a plan.
plan tests => 10;

require_ok ('Wallet::ACL::LDAP::Attribute');

my $host   = 'ldap.stanford.edu';
my $base   = 'cn=people,dc=stanford,dc=edu';
my $filter = 'uid';
my $user   = 'rra@stanford.edu';
my $attr   = 'suPrivilegeGroup';
my $value  = 'stanford:stanford';

# Remove the realm from principal names.
package Wallet::Config;
sub ldap_map_principal {
    my ($principal) = @_;
    $principal =~ s/\@.*//;
    return $principal;
package main;

# Determine the local principal.
my $klist = `klist 2>&1` || '';
    skip "tests useful only with Stanford Kerberos tickets", 9
        unless ($klist =~ /[Pp]rincipal: \S+\@stanford\.edu$/m);

    # Set up our configuration.
    $Wallet::Config::LDAP_HOST        = $host;
    $Wallet::Config::LDAP_CACHE       = $ENV{KRB5CCNAME};
    $Wallet::Config::LDAP_BASE        = $base;
    $Wallet::Config::LDAP_FILTER_ATTR = $filter;

    # Finally, we can test.
    my $verifier = eval { Wallet::ACL::LDAP::Attribute->new };
    isa_ok ($verifier, 'Wallet::ACL::LDAP::Attribute');
    is ($verifier->check ($user, "$attr=$value"), 1,
        "Checking $attr=$value succeeds");
    is ($verifier->error, undef, '...with no error');
    is ($verifier->check ($user, "$attr=BOGUS"), 0,
        "Checking $attr=BOGUS fails");
    is ($verifier->error, undef, '...with no error');
    is ($verifier->check ($user, "BOGUS=$value"), undef,
        "Checking BOGUS=$value fails with error");
    is ($verifier->error,
        'cannot check LDAP attribute BOGUS for rra: Undefined attribute type',
        '...with correct error');
    is ($verifier->check ('user-does-not-exist', "$attr=$value"), 0,
        "Checking for nonexistent user fails");
    is ($verifier->error, undef, '...with no error');