/* * Replacement for a missing reallocarray. * * Provides the same functionality as the OpenBSD library function reallocrray * for those systems that don't have it. This function is the same as * realloc, but takes the size arguments in the same form as calloc and checks * for overflow so that the caller doesn't need to. * * The canonical version of this file is maintained in the rra-c-util package, * which can be found at <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/software/rra-c-util/>. * * Written by Russ Allbery <eagle@eyrie.org> * * The authors hereby relinquish any claim to any copyright that they may have * in this work, whether granted under contract or by operation of law or * international treaty, and hereby commit to the public, at large, that they * shall not, at any time in the future, seek to enforce any copyright in this * work against any person or entity, or prevent any person or entity from * copying, publishing, distributing or creating derivative works of this * work. */ #include <config.h> #include <portable/system.h> #include <errno.h> /* * If we're running the test suite, rename reallocarray to avoid conflicts * with the system version. #undef it first because some systems may define * it to another name. */ #if TESTING # undef reallocarray # define reallocarray test_reallocarray void *test_reallocarray(void *, size_t, size_t); #endif /* * nmemb * size cannot overflow if both are smaller than sqrt(SIZE_MAX). We * can calculate that value statically by using 2^(sizeof(size_t) * 8) as the * value of SIZE_MAX and then taking the square root, which gives * 2^(sizeof(size_t) * 4). Compute the exponentiation with shift. */ #define CHECK_THRESHOLD (1UL << (sizeof(size_t) * 4)) void * reallocarray(void *ptr, size_t nmemb, size_t size) { if (nmemb >= CHECK_THRESHOLD || size >= CHECK_THRESHOLD) if (nmemb > 0 && SIZE_MAX / nmemb <= size) { errno = ENOMEM; return NULL; } return realloc(ptr, nmemb * size); }