#!/usr/bin/perl # # keytab-backend -- Extract keytabs from the KDC without changing the key. # # This is a remctl backend that extracts existing keys from a KDC database # using kadmin.local. It requires a patched version of kadmin.local that # supports the -norandkey option. It expects a configuration file in # /etc/krb5kdc/allow-extract that contains a list of regexes, one per line, # matching principals that may be extracted in this fashion. (Generally you # do not want to list user principals here.) It also expects to be able to # write to a directory named /var/lib/keytabs; that's where it puts the # keytabs temporarily before sending them back to via remctl. # # remctl should handle authorization restrictions on this script. It doesn't # do any additional authorization checks itself. # # The keytab for the extracted principal will be printed to standard output. # # Written by Russ Allbery <rra@stanford.edu> # Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008 Board of Trustees, Leland Stanford Jr. University # # See LICENSE for licensing terms. ############################################################################## # Declarations and site configuration ############################################################################## use strict; use Sys::Syslog qw(openlog syslog); # Path to configuration file listing principals that may be extracted. our $CONFIG = '/etc/krb5kdc/allow-extract'; # The full path to a kadmin.local that supports -norandkey. our $KADMIN = '/usr/sbin/kadmin.local'; # A temporary area into which keytabs should be written. our $TMP = '/var/lib/keytabs'; # Set to zero to suppress syslog logging, which is used only for testing. Set # to a reference to a string to append messages to that string instead. our $SYSLOG; $SYSLOG = 1 unless defined $SYSLOG; ############################################################################## # Logging ############################################################################## # Initialize logging. sub log_init { if (ref $SYSLOG) { $$SYSLOG = ''; } elsif ($SYSLOG) { openlog ('keytab-backend', 'pid', 'auth'); } } # Log a failure message to both syslog and to stderr and exit with a non-zero # status. sub error { my $message = join ('', @_); if (ref $SYSLOG) { $$SYSLOG .= $message . "\n"; } elsif ($SYSLOG) { syslog ('err', '%s', $message); } die "keytab-backend: $message\n"; } # Log a regular message, generally for success. sub info { my $message = join ('', @_); if (ref $SYSLOG) { $$SYSLOG .= $message . "\n"; } elsif ($SYSLOG) { syslog ('info', '%s', $message); } } ############################################################################## # Implementation ############################################################################## # Check and download the keytab. This is in a subroutine call for easier # testing. We separately log actions unless $SYSLOG is set to 0. remctld # keeps some logs, but it won't tell us whether the download is successful or # not. sub download { my (@args) = @_; log_init; # Set up a default identity if run from the command line. $ENV{REMOTE_USER} = getpwnam ($<) || 'UNKNOWN' unless $ENV{REMOTE_USER}; # Read the regexes of valid principals into memory. open (CONFIG, '<', $CONFIG) or error "cannot open $CONFIG: $!"; my @valid; while (<CONFIG>) { next if /^\s*\#/; next if /^\s*$/; s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; s/\s*\#.*//; push (@valid, qr/$_/); } close CONFIG; # The first argument will be the remctl service, so skip it. if (@args == 2) { shift @args; } if (@args != 1) { error "invalid arguments: @args"; } my $principal = $args[0]; # Ensure that we're allowed to retrieve this principal. unless ($principal =~ m%^[\w-]+(?:/[\w.-]+)?\@[\w.-]+\z%) { error "bad principal name $principal"; } my $okay; for my $regex (@valid) { if ($principal =~ /$regex/) { $okay = 1; last; } } unless ($okay) { error "permission denied: $ENV{REMOTE_USER} may not retrieve" . " $principal"; } # Do the actual work. my $filename = "$TMP/keytab$$"; my $command = "ktadd -k $filename -q -norandkey $principal"; my $output = `$KADMIN -q '$command' 2>&1`; if ($? != 0) { my $status = ($? >> 8); warn $output; error "retrieve of $principal failed for $ENV{REMOTE_USER}:" . " kadmin.local exited with status $status"; } open (KEYTAB, '<', $filename) or error "cannot open temporary keytab $filename: $!"; print while <KEYTAB>; close KEYTAB; unlink $filename; info ("keytab $principal retrieved by $ENV{REMOTE_USER}"); } download (@ARGV); __END__ ############################################################################## # Documentation ############################################################################## =head1 NAME keytab-backend - Extract keytabs from the KDC without changing the key =head1 SYNOPSIS B<keytab-backend> retrieve I<principal> =head1 DESCRIPTION B<keytab-backend> retrieves a keytab for an existing principal from the KDC database without changing the current key. It allows generation of a keytab for a service without rekeying that service. It requires a B<kadmin.local> patched to support the B<-norandkey> option to B<ktadd>. This script is intended to run under B<remctld>. On success, it prints the keytab to standard output, logs a success message to syslog (facility auth, priority info), and exits with status 0. On failure, it prints out an error message, logs an error to syslog (facility auth, priority err), and exits with a non-zero status. The principal is checked for basic sanity (only accepting alphanumerics, C<_>, and C<-> with an optional instance and then only alphanumerics, C<_>, C<->, and C<.> in the realm) and then checked against a configuration file that lists regexes of principals that can be retrieved. When deploying this software, limit as tightly as possible which principals can be downloaded in this fashion. Generally only shared service principals used on multiple systems should be made available in this way. B<keytab-backend> does not do any authorization checks. Those should be done by B<remctld> before it is called. =head1 FILES =over 4 =item F</etc/krb5kdc/allow-extract> The configuration file that controls which principals can have their keytabs retrieved. Blank lines and lines starting with C<#>, as well as anything after C<#> on a line, are ignored. All other lines should be Perl regular expressions, one per line, that match principals whose keytabs can be retrieved by B<keytab-backend>. Any principal that does not match one of those regular expressions cannot be retrieved. =item F</var/lib/keytabs> The temporary directory used for creating keytabs. B<keytab-backend> will create the keytab in this directory, make sure that was successful, and then delete the temporary file after the results have been sent to standard output. =back =head1 SEE ALSO kadmin.local(8), remctld(8) This program is part of the wallet system. The current version is available from L<http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/software/wallet/>. =head1 AUTHOR Russ Allbery <rra@stanford.edu> =cut