#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# wallet-admin -- Wallet server administrative commands.
# Written by Russ Allbery <rra@stanford.edu>
# Copyright 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013
#     The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University
# See LICENSE for licensing terms.

# Declarations and site configuration

use strict;
use Wallet::Admin;

# Implementation

# Parse and execute a command.  We wrap this in a subroutine call for easier
# testing.
sub command {
    die "Usage: wallet-admin <command> [<args> ...]\n" unless @_;
    my $admin = Wallet::Admin->new;

    # Parse command-line options and dispatch to the appropriate calls.
    my ($command, @args) = @_;
    if ($command eq 'destroy') {
        die "too many arguments to destroy\n" if @args;
        print 'This will delete all data in the wallet database.  Are you'
            . ' sure (N/y)? ';
        my $response = <STDIN>;
        unless ($response and $response =~ /^y/i) {
            die "Aborted\n";
        $admin->destroy or die $admin->error, "\n";
    } elsif ($command eq 'initialize') {
        die "too many arguments to initialize\n" if @args > 1;
        die "too few arguments to initialize\n" if @args < 1;
        die "invalid admin principal $args[0]\n"
            unless $args[0] =~ /^[^\@\s]+\@\S+$/;
        $admin->initialize (@args) or die $admin->error, "\n";
    } elsif ($command eq 'register') {
        die "too many arguments to register\n" if @args > 3;
        die "too few arguments to register\n" if @args < 3;
        my ($object, $type, $class) = @args;
        if ($object eq 'object') {
            unless ($admin->register_object ($type, $class)) {
                die $admin->error, "\n";
        } elsif ($object eq 'verifier') {
            unless ($admin->register_verifier ($type, $class)) {
                die $admin->error, "\n";
        } else {
            die "only object or verifier is supported for register\n";
    } elsif ($command eq 'upgrade') {
        die "too many arguments to upgrade\n" if @args;
        $admin->upgrade or die $admin->error, "\n";
    } else {
        die "unknown command $command\n";
command (@ARGV);

# Documentation

=head1 NAME

wallet-admin - Wallet server administrative commands

=for stopwords
metadata ACL hostname backend acl acls wildcard SQL Allbery verifier


B<wallet-admin> I<command> [I<args> ...]


B<wallet-admin> provides a command-line interface for performing
administrative actions for the wallet system, such as setting up a new
database or running reports.  It is intended to be run on the wallet
server as a user with access to the wallet database and configuration.

This program is a fairly thin wrapper around Wallet::Admin that translates
command strings into method calls and returns the results.

=head1 OPTIONS

B<wallet-admin> takes no traditional options.


=over 4

=item destroy

Deletes all data in the wallet database and drops all of the
wallet-created tables, restoring the database to its state prior to an
C<initialize> command.  Since this command is destructive and cannot be
easily recovered from, B<wallet-admin> will prompt first to be sure the
user intends to do this.

=item initialize <principal>

Given an empty database, initializes it for use with the wallet server by
creating the necessary tables and initial metadata.  Also creates an ACL
with the name ADMIN, used for administrative privileges to the wallet
system, and adds an ACL entry to it with a scheme of C<krb5> and an
instance of <principal>.  This bootstraps the authentication system and
allows that user to make further changes to the ADMIN ACL and the rest of
the wallet database.  C<initialize> uses C<localhost> as the hostname and
<principal> as the user when logging the history of the ADMIN ACL creation
and for any subsequent actions required to initialize the database.

Before running C<initialize>, the wallet system has to be configured.  See
Wallet::Config(3) for more details.  Depending on the database backend
used, the database may also have to be created in advance.

=item register (object | verifier) <type> <class>

Registers an implementation of a wallet object or ACL verifier in the
wallet database.  The Perl class <class> is registered as the
implementation of an object of type <type> or an ACL verifier of scheme
<type>, allowing creation of objects with that type or ACL lines with that

All object and ACL implementations that come with wallet are registered by
default as part of database initialization, so this command is used
primarily to register local implementations of additional object types or
ACL schemes.

=item upgrade

Upgrades the database to the latest schema version, preserving data as
much as possible.


=head1 SEE ALSO

Wallet::Admin(3), Wallet::Config(3), wallet-backend(8)

This program is part of the wallet system.  The current version is
available from L<http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/software/wallet/>.

=head1 AUTHOR

Russ Allbery <rra@stanford.edu>
