#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# wallet-report -- Wallet server reporting interface.
# Written by Russ Allbery <rra@stanford.edu>
# Copyright 2008, 2009, 2010 Board of Trustees, Leland Stanford Jr. University
# See LICENSE for licensing terms.

# Declarations and site configuration

use strict;
use Wallet::Report;

# Implementation

# Parse and execute a command.  We wrap this in a subroutine call for easier
# testing.
sub command {
    die "Usage: wallet-report <command> [<args> ...]\n" unless @_;
    my $report = Wallet::Report->new;

    # Parse command-line options and dispatch to the appropriate calls.
    my ($command, @args) = @_;
    if ($command eq 'acls') {
        die "too many arguments to acls\n" if @args > 3;
        my @acls = $report->acls (@args);
        if (!@acls and $report->error) {
            die $report->error, "\n";
        for my $acl (sort { $$a[1] cmp $$b[1] } @acls) {
            print "$$acl[1] (ACL ID: $$acl[0])\n";
    } elsif ($command eq 'audit') {
        die "too many arguments to audit\n" if @args > 2;
        die "too few arguments to audit\n" if @args < 2;
        my @objects = $report->audit (@args);
        if (!@objects and $report->error) {
            die $report->error, "\n";
        for my $object (@objects) {
            print join (' ', @$object), "\n";
    } elsif ($command eq 'objects') {
        die "too many arguments to objects\n" if @args > 2;
        my @objects = $report->objects (@args);
        if (!@objects and $report->error) {
            die $report->error, "\n";
        for my $object (@objects) {
            print join (' ', @$object), "\n";
    } elsif ($command eq 'owners') {
        die "too many arguments to owners\n" if @args > 2;
        die "too few arguments to owners\n" if @args < 2;
        my @entries = $report->owners (@args);
        if (!@entries and $report->error) {
            die $report->error, "\n";
        for my $entry (@entries) {
            print join (' ', @$entry), "\n";
    } else {
        die "unknown command $command\n";
command (@ARGV);

# Documentation

=head1 NAME

wallet-report - Wallet server reporting interface

=for stopwords
metadata ACL hostname backend acl acls wildcard SQL Allbery remctl


B<wallet-report> I<type> [I<args> ...]


B<wallet-report> provides a command-line interface for running reports on
the wallet database.  It is intended to be run on the wallet server as a
user with access to the wallet database and configuration, but can also be
made available via remctl to users who should have reporting privileges.

This program is a fairly thin wrapper around Wallet::Report that
translates command strings into method calls and returns the results.

=head1 OPTIONS

B<wallet-report> takes no traditional options.


=over 4

=item acls

=item acls empty

=item acls entry <scheme> <identifier>

Returns a list of ACLs in the database.  ACLs will be listed in the form:

    <name> (ACL ID: <id>)

where <name> is the human-readable name and <id> is the numeric ID.  The
numeric ID is what's used internally by the wallet system.  There will be
one line per ACL.

If no search type is given, all the ACLs in the database will be returned.
If a search type (and possible search arguments) are given, then the ACLs
will be limited to those that match the search.

The currently supported ACL search types are:

=over 4

=item acls empty

Returns all ACLs which have no entries, generally so that abandoned ACLs
can be destroyed.

=item acls entry <scheme> <identifier>

Returns all ACLs containing an entry with given scheme and identifier.
The scheme must be an exact match, but the <identifier> string will match
any identifier containing that string.


=item audit objects name

Returns all objects that violate the current site naming policy.  Objects
will be listed in the form:

    <type> <name>

There will be one line per object.

=item objects

=item objects acl <acl>

=item objects flag <flag>

=item objects owner <owner>

=item objects type <type>

Returns a list of objects in the database.  Objects will be listed in the

    <type> <name>

There will be one line per object.

If no search type is given, all objects in the database will be returned.
If a search type (and possible search arguments) are given, the objects
will be limited to those that match the search.

The currently supported object search types are:

=over 4

=item objects acl <acl>

Returns all objects for which the given ACL name or ID has any
permissions.  This includes those objects owned by the ACL as well as
those where that ACL has any other, more limited permissions.

=item objects flag <flag>

Returns all objects which have the given flag set.

=item objects owner <acl>

Returns all objects owned by the given ACL name or ID.

=item objects type <type>

Returns all objects of the given type.


=item owners <type-pattern> <name-pattern>

Returns a list of all ACL entries in owner ACLs for all objects matching
both <type-pattern> and <name-pattern>.  These can be the type or name of
objects or they can be patterns using C<%> as the wildcard character
following the normal rules of SQL patterns.

The output will be one line per ACL line in the form:

    <scheme> <identifier>

with duplicates suppressed.


=head1 SEE ALSO

Wallet::Config(3), Wallet::Report(3), wallet-backend(8)

This program is part of the wallet system.  The current version is
available from L<http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/software/wallet/>.

=head1 AUTHOR

Russ Allbery <rra@stanford.edu>
