#! /bin/sh # $Id$ # # Test suite for the remctl command-line client. # # Written by Russ Allbery <rra@stanford.edu> # Copyright 2006 Board of Trustees, Leland Stanford Jr. University # See README for licensing terms. # The count starts at 1 and is updated each time ok is printed. printcount # takes "ok" or "not ok". count=1 printcount () { echo "$1 $count $2" count=`expr $count + 1` } # Run a program expected to succeed, and print ok if it does and produces # the correct output. runsuccess () { w_output="$1" shift principal=`cat data/test.principal` output=`$wallet -k "$principal" -p 14444 -s localhost "$@" 2>&1` status=$? if [ $status = 0 ] && [ x"$output" = x"$w_output" ] ; then printcount "ok" else printcount "not ok" echo " saw: $output" echo " not: $w_output" fi } # Run a program expected to fail and make sure it fails with the correct # exit status and the correct failure message. Strip the second colon and # everything after it off the error message since it's system-specific. runfailure () { w_status="$1" shift w_output="$1" shift principal=`cat data/test.principal` output=`$wallet -k "$principal" -p 14444 -s localhost "$@" 2>&1` status=$? output=`echo "$output" | sed 's/\(:[^:]*\):.*/\1/'` if [ $status = $w_status ] && [ x"$output" = x"$w_output" ] ; then printcount "ok" else printcount "not ok" echo " saw: ($status) $output" echo " not: ($w_status) $w_output" fi } # Print the number of tests. echo 7 # Find the client program. if [ -f ../data/test.keytab ] ; then cd .. else if [ -f tests/data/test.keytab ] ; then cd tests fi fi if [ ! -f data/test.keytab ] || [ -z "@REMCTLD@" ] ; then for n in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ; do echo ok $n \# skip -- no Kerberos configuration done exit 0 fi wallet=../client/wallet if [ ! -x "$wallet" ] ; then echo 'Cannot locate wallet client binary' >&2 exit 1 fi # Start the remctld daemon and wait for it to start. rm -f data/pid ( @REMCTLD@ -m -p 14444 -s `cat data/test.principal` -P data/pid \ -f data/wallet.conf -S -F -k data/test.keytab &) KRB5CCNAME=data/test.cache; export KRB5CCNAME kinit -k -t data/test.keytab `cat data/test.principal` > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? != 0 ] ; then kinit -t data/test.keytab `cat data/test.principal` > /dev/null 2>&1 fi if [ $? != 0 ] ; then kinit -k -K data/test.keytab `cat data/test.principal` > /dev/null 2>&1 fi if [ $? != 0 ] ; then echo 'Unable to obtain Kerberos tickets' >&2 exit 1 fi [ -f data/pid ] || sleep 1 if [ ! -f data/pid ] ; then echo 'remctld did not start' >&2 exit 1 fi # Now, we can finally run our tests. runsuccess "" -c fake-wallet get keytab -f keytab service/fake-test if cmp keytab data/fake-keytab >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then printcount "ok" rm keytab else printcount "not ok" fi runsuccess "Some stuff about service/fake-test" \ -c fake-wallet show keytab service/fake-test runfailure 1 "wallet: Unknown object type srvtab" \ -c fake-wallet get srvtab service/fake-test runfailure 1 "wallet: Unknown keytab service/unknown" \ -c fake-wallet show keytab service/unknown runfailure 1 "wallet: Unknown keytab service/unknown" \ -c fake-wallet get keytab service/unknown runsuccess "Expiration date of service/fake-test" \ -c fake-wallet expires keytab service/fake-test # Clean up. rm -f data/test.cache if [ -f data/pid ] ; then kill `cat data/pid` rm -f data/pid fi