#!/usr/bin/perl # # Fake kadmin.local used to test the keytab backend. # # Written by Russ Allbery <eagle@eyrie.org> # Copyright 2007, 2014 # The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University # # See LICENSE for licensing terms. use strict; use warnings; unless ($ARGV[0] eq '-q' && @ARGV == 2) { die "invalid arguments\n"; } my @command = split (' ', $ARGV[1]); unless ("@command[0,1,3,4]" eq 'ktadd -k -q -norandkey') { die "invalid command @command\n"; } if ($command[5] eq 'error@EXAMPLE.ORG') { warn "Some bad stuff\n"; exit 1; } open (OUT, '>', $command[2]) or die "cannot create $command[2]: $!\n"; print OUT $command[5], "\n"; close OUT; exit 0;