#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id$
# Tests for basic kasetkey functionality.
# We only test creation (with a random key), deletion, enable, disable, and
# examine.  That's enough to verify that kasetkey is basically working, and
# since AFS kaservers are becoming scarce, it's probably not worth the effort
# to do anything more comprehensive.
# We do test creation of a principal with a known key given a srvtab from
# inside the wallet server test suite already.
# Written by Russ Allbery <rra@stanford.edu>
# Copyright 2008 Board of Trustees, Leland Stanford Jr. University
# See LICENSE for licensing terms.

BEGIN { our $total = 27 }
use Test::More tests => $total;

use lib '@abs_top_srcdir@/perl/blib/lib';
use lib '@abs_top_srcdir@/perl/t/lib';
use Util;

# Global variables used for the kasetkey configuration.
our $ADMIN;
our $SRVTAB;

# Make a call to the kasetkey client and returns the standard output, the
# standard error, and the exit status as a list.
sub kasetkey {
    my @command = @_;
    my $pid = fork;
    if (not defined $pid) {
        die "cannot fork: $!\n";
    } elsif ($pid == 0) {
        open (STDOUT, '>', 'kasetkey.out')
            or die "cannot create kasetkey.out: $!\n";
        open (STDERR, '>', 'kasetkey.err')
            or die "cannot create kasetkey.err: $!\n";
        exec ('@abs_top_builddir@/kasetkey/kasetkey', '-a', $ADMIN,
              '-k', $SRVTAB, @command)
            or die "cannot run @abs_top_builddir@/kasetkey/kasetky: $!\n";
    } else {
        waitpid ($pid, 0);
    my $status = ($? >> 8);
    local $/;
    open (OUT, '<', 'kasetkey.out') or die "cannot open kasetkey.out: $!\n";
    my $output = <OUT>;
    close OUT;
    open (ERR, '<', 'kasetkey.err') or die "cannot open kasetkey.err: $!\n";
    my $error = <ERR>;
    close ERR;
    unlink ('kasetkey.out', 'kasetkey.err');
    return ($output, $error, $status);

    skip 'no AFS kaserver configuration', $total
        unless -f '@abs_top_builddir@/tests/data/test.srvtab';
    skip 'no AFS kaserver support', $total,
        unless -x '@abs_top_builddir@/kasetkey/kasetkey';

    # Set up the configuration.
    $ADMIN  = contents ('@abs_top_builddir@/tests/data/test.admin');
    $SRVTAB = '@abs_top_builddir@/tests/data/test.srvtab';
    my $realm = $ADMIN;
    $realm =~ s/^[^\@]+\@//;
    my $principal = "wallet.one\@$realm";

    # Now we can start manipulating principals.  Test examine and create.
    my ($out, $err, $status) = kasetkey ('-e', $principal);
    is ($status, 1, 'Examining a non-existent principal fails');
    is ($out, '', ' with no output');
    is ($err, "no such entry in the database\n", ' and the right error');
    ($out, $err, $status) = kasetkey ('-s', $principal, '-r');
    is ($status, 0, 'Creating a principal succeeds');
    is ($out, '', ' with no output');
    is ($err, '', ' and no error');
    ($out, $err, $status) = kasetkey ('-e', $principal);
    is ($status, 0, 'Examining a principal succeeds');
    $out =~ s/: (Sun|Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat).*/: DATE/g;
    my $shortadmin = $ADMIN;
    $shortadmin =~ s/\@.*//;
    my $enabled = <<"EOE";
status: enabled
account expiration: never
password last changed: DATE
modification time: DATE
modified by: $shortadmin
    is ($out, $enabled, ' with the right output');
    is ($err, '', ' and no error');

    # Test enable and disable.
    ($out, $err, $status) = kasetkey ('-s', $principal, '-n');
    is ($status, 0, 'Disabling a principal succeeds');
    is ($out, '', ' with no output');
    is ($err, '', ' and no error');
    ($out, $err, $status) = kasetkey ('-e', $principal);
    is ($status, 0, ' and examining it still succeeds');
    $out =~ s/: (Sun|Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat).*/: DATE/g;
    my $disabled = $enabled;
    $disabled =~ s/enabled/disabled/;
    is ($out, $disabled, ' with the right output');
    is ($err, '', ' and no error');
    ($out, $err, $status) = kasetkey ('-s', $principal, '-t');
    is ($status, 0, 'Enabling a principal succeeds');
    is ($out, '', ' with no output');
    is ($err, '', ' and no error');
    ($out, $err, $status) = kasetkey ('-e', $principal);
    is ($status, 0, ' and examining it still succeeds');
    $out =~ s/: (Sun|Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat).*/: DATE/g;
    is ($out, $enabled, ' with the right output');
    is ($err, '', ' and no error');

    # Test deletion.
    ($out, $err, $status) = kasetkey ('-D', $principal);
    is ($status, 0, 'Deleting the principal succeeds');
    is ($out, '', ' with no output');
    is ($err, '', ' and no error');
    ($out, $err, $status) = kasetkey ('-e', $principal);
    is ($status, 1, ' and now examining it fails');
    is ($out, '', ' with no output');
    is ($err, "no such entry in the database\n", ' and the right error');